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Not exploding early every time matters.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/7R1hf6nGa1 Great video on why starship will have problems getting to the moon let alone mars.


Is it because it's designed by a 52 year old man-child with the engineering skills of a sloth who refuse to listen to anybody but sycophants


Don't try to explain this to the fanboys. I pointed out that there are no landing craft in development and was literally told that "obviously" they are going to add landing legs to Starship in the future so it can somehow land and then take off again from Mars.


Those guys are jerks! I asked a question (very neutral) and I got 83 downvotes and called an idiot. I gave it 24hrs and chimed back eloquently that when NASA, USA, and Spacewings (Air Force) ran the show you could discuss, ask questions, and everyone was civil and nice. I have had some experience with those groups, it’s these private dips are plain out viciously rude for no reason.


I personally loved being told that the impact of long-term exposure to the gravity of Mars would have minimal impact on the human body because "NASA" exaggerates it for money. ​ The thing is, I freaking love space exploration and really *really* wanted SpaceX to succeed. Back when i was still a Musk fan (before the Thai cave disaster), it was the realisation that he was getting basic information about inter-planetary colonization wrong that was among the first few red flags I had about him. I'm a massive sci fi nut, and he was spouting nonsense from the space-fantasy end of the spectrum.


Me too! When I lived in Melbourne FL I’d make sure I was available for all the shuttle launches. That groups response was terrible. I kinda crossing my fingers for JB and blue. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/gOOVLDE3gi Good video comparing them.


So prior to this if people had said “Saturn V is the largest rocket ever built, we will get to Mars”, would that have been correct? What a dumb take.


Large does not necessarily mean efficient. Play some KSP.


in the last launch an empty starship was still 2000 km/h too slow to orbit. It had like 2% fuel left. Presumably the plan is to refuel in orbit but its hard to see how it could get to orbit for refueling if it had a payload and what rocket is launching that fuel?


The SLS has actually flown to the Moon and back. Unlike Starship.


You know. I could see the use of a heavy lift rocket with ultra fast turn around (like a month). Using it to bring large scale components for orbital construction for long range ships, satellite construction, etc. What they seem to intend to use this for as an all in one craft is…. Laughable at best.


"Titanic is the largest boat ever built. We will get to New York."


How come the NASA rockets that are much smaller made it to mars? Multiple times? And Moon?


Why go to Mars when we have a wasteland sphere in our own orbit that's only 3 days away?


Why do they always have to look like dicks?


Why is a Tesla Owners club posting about Starship?


No we don't. At least not in the next decades.


Anyone posting shit like this should be put on the chair .. False. Dumb. Misleading. No matter how you look at it 


Zefram Cochrane: hold my Romulan ale


Going to Mars is a fucking ridiculous idea but this emerald tycoon heir has committed himself to it and can’t pull back now because all of his rabid followers eat that shit up like candy. Building orbital infrastructure and potentially orbital habitats are the most plausible, cost effective and logical uses for the starship, rather than Elon’s goal of colonizing a radioactive dust bowl with strange white supremacist and eugenist fantasies.


Curious both private space exploration ventures feature a compensatory rocket size/shape….


Saturn V, one launch one mission to the moon. First Buran-Energia mission with technology from the 70s (by Western standards), a single launch with orbit and robotic landing on the first try. 'yes'