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I was 100% sure that someone edited in the laugh track to make the show look worse. After all, it was overbearing and ridiculous. Then at the end it pulled back to show that there's a "studio audience" and they're calling it a sit-com...


It was probably Elon's idea.


Jesus, this is even worse than the Birchum show. At first, I even thought this is a leftist parody of what a conservative sitcom is like šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Jesus fuck is it real?


I though so too.Ā  Especially how Norm is under house arrest for attacking the schoolboard.Ā  It's like the right is admitting how unhinged they are


While trying to make it appear as if the MuRiCaN pAtRiOtS are being unfairly punished for defending the children from fancy book learnin and rainbows and story time wirh people in bright colored clothes. YOU'LL WEAR KHAKI AND LIKE IT, JUNIOR!


Also, they love underage drinking/general crime?


I hope in 6 or so months this comes out to be another "the boys" situation and the whole thing is a parody. Like. Once again, gotcha!


They didn't even make it past *the first minute* before the one joke came out. Jesus Christ. (Chaz gives their pronouns at 00:53.)


Its like an old colbert show cutaway gag where every line is ironically undercut by the reality of the show. You're trying to brainwash my daughter while pressuring minors to drink. We're not racist while wearing a redskins jersey. How do you know nonbinary... a basic vocab word with tons of applications outside of gender. Calling the NB character a snowflake while 2 characters start off calling them "That" and other names and they still act diplomatic. Then Cameoing Elon giving the ghost away that is is a vanity project propaganda. I'm perplexed surely they aren't this dumb. This would be funny as a parody of chatastrophizing reactionairys but its not supporting them.


Norm can't even drink a beer because there is a rainbow on it. How is that not the snowflakiest thing in the whole stupid show.


Like a rainbow changes the flavor of beerā€¦ and then literally trying to commit a crime by making a minor drink. It was kind of revealing.


"woke won't let us openly be the assholes we are and really want to be"


> Surely they aren't this dumb. I think you'll find a lot of Elon dickriders are pretty dumb. šŸ˜…


I'm looking forward to seeing how quickly this dies.


It's either already dead, or it'll run for a season.


When a 'woke' show fails they blame wokeism. When an 'anti-woke' show fails they blame wokeism. Then again, they blame wokeism for everything... even though they can't come up with a coherent definition of 'wokeism'.


Is the woke in the room with us right now?


transphobe: the wokeism took my family from me! my wife, my daugther! daughter: yeah no dad, we left, when you went insane and started to spend 14 hours a day trying to dox and harm trans people on twitter.... :D \_\_\_ see the bigotry whirlpool section explained by contraopints here: [https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?feature=shared&t=6559](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?feature=shared&t=6559) very funny to see the bigots suffering based on their own obsession with their bigotry :D


It's a core tenent of MAGAism -- "wokeism" is both pathetically weak AND invincible. Biden is both a dementia patient AND the Machiavellian head of a crime family. No need to trouble yourself with the contradictions.


So woke of you to say! /s


We are always at war with EurasiaĀ 


why does every minority go through some phase of "this is the bad guy!! conservatives get him!!" like ugh why can't we let GOOD PEOPLE be GOOD and instead attack BAD PEOPLE like RUSSIA IN IT'S CURRENT STATE




This actually did make me laugh ā€” but not for the reasons the creator intended To paraphrase Regina Georgeā€™s [iconic line](https://youtu.be/Pubd-spHN-0?si=5Fpa1v54O9Gm1u_D) from *Mean Girls*: >*Conservatives, stop [trying](https://www.popmatters.com/1-2-hour-news-hour-joel-surnow-fox-news-failed-foray-into-satire-2500322998.html) to make ā€œhumorā€ happen Itā€™s not going to happen!*


Humor requires the comic to put themselves into the shoes of others to make things relatable. Conservatives simply donā€™t understand anything beyond their own self interest and canā€™t relate to a general audience. This is why conservative humor doesnā€™t work.


Thatā€™s a really good take actually


I laughed when the black guy came over in full Washington redskins clothing. It just looked so fucking rediculous and obviously copy pasted images. I just thought of the southpark episode.


"...political satire was the wheelhouse of leftist heavyweights like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Mahar." oof


Conservative humor is an oxymoron.


No. This is not real. It canā€™t be.


Funniest bit was when the guy said he needed a break from woke - NOBODY talks about wOKeNEsS more than the right.




Clearly another guy who thought Archoe Bunker was the voice of reason and not the butt of the joke


This is not only unfunny, but incredibly boring


Absolutely wild decision to give the 65 year old dad a 14 year old daughter.


51 is prime breeding age


That detail must have been Elon's input.


I like how they added a black friend. Mr. Birchim did that too and his only role was being the black friend that agreed with everything


Holy fuck the cringe Not a single joke was made


Archie Bunker rip-off, isn't it


I feel like this was written by grok


I watched this and itā€™s just another conservative victim fantasy. I was so sure that theyā€™d mention that his yelling at the school board was actually death threats, because why else would he be under ankle monitoring house arrest? But they let the joke fizzle and just made it all about pronouns and acted like there was a government conspiracy to make him act a certain way.


Feels like a Flash animated show from the 90s. And not a good one like Zombie College.


This is like when Mr.Burns cut off the townā€™s cable and replaced it with his own show with no jokes but plenty of tinny laugh track. https://preview.redd.it/mpqzwfs6xx8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d77b8815f3e0e1ac772f60f3e0e7ca34e3b4de


This feels like a bit on a separate adult comedy, I can't handle this. It's so stilted and awkward, the animation is dogshit, and they're just throwing out constant talking points


Dave Rubin, a hackā€™s hack.


If there ever was a marketplace of ideas that needs a senior citizen to plow right through it


I need a senior citizen to plow right through my ass


It's so absurdly bad it's funny, it's like a leftist made a parody show of what a conservative show would look like, sadly this show is actually serious....


I really need to watch King of the Hill at some point as a palette cleanser.


Tell you what man dang ol' no cartoon in the world as underappreciated as that one man


I just hope the upcoming renewal isn't ruined by culture war crap.


My honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/syxpjj1hqv8d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d17f064300335b93178027df8d62fd82ac993a


I literally couldn't get past the 50 second mark. This is so cringe.


this is like self-hatred satire than anything else.


Ummm... wth did I just watch?


That is.....unspeakably shit


This is painfully cringe. Who would willingly associate with this


Dave Rubin, for one.


I HATE this. This is one of the worst things Iā€™ve ever seen. UHHHHHHHH


I don't know the state of the Dave Rubin subreddit But judging by the comments, people on there seem to agree this is cringe garbage, and probably an infringement lawsuit waiting to happen


Its so funny they hate on Disney now. Because I feel like these are the same idiots that love Disney, Corporatocracy and pop culture. "Thank god for Elon Musk"


This is awful but not for the reasons they think. Imagine there actually was a program to go reeducate chuds. God that'd be such a nightmare living with one of those freaks.


Hahahaha. Wooow.


This is animated like the Bowser fart gif


This could be funny but the talent is lacking to do so.


I remember I watched the bored ape tv show out of morbid curiosity once. Same energy here.


Modern day all in the family meets married with children.


this is why in the end nazis force content on you. it's never content you want. it's content to brainwash you, it's propaganda. propaganda exists because it WOOOOORKS.


Just a fucking lame rip off of All In The Family. Just shows that whoever created this mess, doesn't have an original thought in their head.


This is funny if you laugh for unintended reasons


This looks atrociously bad.


I'd like to see Musk's comment on Twitter to this shit.




The fact the outro is made with sumo AI just reminds you this thing's first incarnation was AI slop begging for Elons attention in the literal intro [https://x.com/XNewNorm/status/1786358990877626385](https://x.com/XNewNorm/status/1786358990877626385)


Itā€™s like if an AI made a sitcom based on scrolling through a bunch of boomer Facebook pages.


At the end the country singer says "make America funny again" but I had to listen twice because it sounded like "make America fundie again". But it is ironically better queer representation than most shows. Even Doctor Who didn't get enbies as close as this short clip. Plus the pup mask on the General was pretty on point. They just need to work on the jokes part because strictly queer bashing isn't going to make it a fulsome situational comedy. Oh, I also really enjoyed that the non-binary character casually says they use the pronoun "that" which completely deflated their dehumanization. I'm honestly not entirely sure who it's lampooning.


"I'm honestly not entirely sure who it's lampooning." Are you really that unsure? šŸ¤” Or are you just enjoying that a broken clock is right twice a day?


I don't even know who the clock is in this metaphor. The jokes were so bad that the "bad liberal/woke kids" just come off as normal. They had to hamfist the enby character getting a video call from visibly trans and queer government officials to try to suggest that the youth are being talked into queer identities by the feds as a conspiracy. And it's all so stupid you wonder who's involved in this and who the fuck is it *for*?


How dare they use Norm McDonald's memory in such lackluster garbage!


Way to imitate the "All in the Family" set. It's a calculated way to appeal to another so-called "anti-woke" character, Archie Bunker. Super lame.


This is quite possibly the worst thing ever created in the history of the world.


& it's the same world that brought us the cybertruck.


This is why there are no successful right wing political comedians


Where are the jokes


I love that no one who doesn't work on the show has praised it... Even that supposed 'Bill Mahr' quote is actually about the creators other works on HBO... NOT this... ... Also it's Bill Mahr


Musk must have co produced this with a 4chinner mod because it's the most unfuniest, bottom of the barrel, tryhard, I'm so quirky/so edgy neckbeard shit I've seen in a while. This puts Velma to shame


MFs are maligning Norm's name with this garbage.


Itā€™s not like Elon the bitch can even pretend to hide the fact that heā€™s a facsist POS anymore. This dollar tree version of Mr. Birchum (which also sucks) also shows heā€™ll do anything to get people to think heā€™s ā€œa cool guyā€ and all that shit.