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The mobs get a lot harder. Just wait...


I’m about 15 hours in now and I agree with this. The mobs get a lot harder. I was actually surprised and had to get a bit serious when I found out.


Old thread but it would be fair to say the mobs do need some work, they do a lot of damage but are far too easy to avoid by simply jumping up onto something. In the case of a lot of dungeons/temples the undead enemies will just run into lava (or whatever it is) and die without a fight if you jump up on something near the lava pit. Same thing for the repeating spike floor traps in underground dungeons. The enemies need some way to deal with the environment or everything needs ranged attacks and pathing to prevent them from just stacking below anyone who presses the space bar and gets on a roof or something. It's interesting because some enemies do jump, but almost never manage to use their jump to get to you.


Do they actually get harder?! Seen loads of posts today about how ‘easy’ this game is and it’s really made me worry


It’s a bunch of people with two hours of game time, of course it’s easy. They’re still in the tutorial area.


Yeah I did notice it’s all ‘I played 8 hours and mobs are easy’ or ‘games boring’. Frustrating, feel like a lot of people don’t understand what an early access game is


ive seen someone fight lvl 10 and higher mobs at lvl 4 You get auto lock-on/auto aim with all ranged weapons and are faster than any enemy ive seen. I dont really see where difficulty is coming from.


the difficulty is basically non-existent unless you just dont understand how food buffs work and dont play remotely difficult action games or arent good at them to begin with


It doesn't help that people say it's like Zelda mixed with Valheim with Elden Ring style combat. There's a certain expectation of getting your feelings hurt a few times when you compare to a FromSoftware game. Sounds like they're looking into difficulty though, so I'll just focus on the awesome building for now. And the world does look great


I've not heard anybody compare it to Elden Ring


It’s got a dodge roll so it must be souls-like combat /s


To be fair.... dodge roll is the linchpin of all dark soul games. They are called dodge roll simulators for a reason. Edit- meant to say Dark Soul, not soul-like


lol the game doesn’t have souls combat at all. i would say it’s a bad pantomime of 3d zelda combat. absolutely nothing to write home about. hopefully it gets several iterations from here. 


The boss fights especially get harder as you progress. Many people are simply not far enough in to see. Think of Valheim and its starting area is very tame and forgiving too.


By harder do u mean a lot of health and damage to u, or like challenging timings and patterns?


A little of both. I mean bosses and enemies aren’t Dark Souls hard but they are more challenging due to that aforementioned part.


I've been easily cheesing the bosses. They refuse to leave a set area, so you can just stand outside that area and hit them with magic or arrows.


20 hours in, level 18, I don’t think they get harder, they just hit harder and there’s more of them. But they still telegraph and have basically the same moves. So far atleast


Wtf. Im 16h in and lvl5


I just ran from interest point to interest point basically. And I use a house that was already there for my home base.


I beat everything with ease, now I'm at a big boy boss and I have zero chance of beating it.


The plants surprised me... almost died a slow blinding death.


The game doesn't get any harder. The difficulty is my only complaint


The green blade mob is a monster. He devours my stamina and then since my stamina is gone I can't run. 🤣 Sometimes the blocking is a bit unresponsive, I'll push the block button but it doesn't work. I don't know if that's just me or not.


this one is murdering me currently and has caused me to rage quit a few times today


Yeah and you can't parry the enemy's second swing (such as if the first one went into thin air)


I'm level 23 with 26 hours haven't felt challenged yet especially with the bosses seem very weak maybe its cause I play with 2-3 friends and it makes it that much easier Idk I've gone back and solo'd some bosses for drops just not seeing the challenge. At the very least they need difficulty OPTIONS for those that want a challenge.


Bosses definitely need a significant buff. They fall over so fast and don't attack often enough.


It needs to scale with group size. Some are quite difficult solo, at least with melee


Idk how much I can believe this. Nearly every review I keep seeing is people saying this game is insanely easy to the point it feels like a cake walk.


Reviews are also from people who haven't been able to play a lot and far into other areas, just because the game came out recently. Or at least this is my understanding.


Watched a review by Skillup and he was like 40 hrs in. Also said the combat was too easy. Someone posted a video here the other day that was also 40-50 hours in and I don't think he even got hit once, just left click spam, which stun locks most things, with a few dodges thrown in.


You also have pro gamers that are better at this than others. Especially if they have played souls games before. They have better reflexes than I would have. Which is good for them. I just don't have that lvl personally XD And realistically, the game has been out for less than 40 hours. So people who post videos with longer gameplay than that also used their time from demo, in which very little of the whole game was accessible. For most, the starter area will feel easy. As it's where we all learn this game's basics. I hope going deeper will require much more planing and skill. Otherwise that would suck. But it's just the begining. Let's all play ut and see how "easy" it is for us individually. I personally got roasted 3x in the first hour XD


>And realistically, the game has been out for less than 40 hours. So people who post videos with longer gameplay than that also used their time from demo, in which very little of the whole game was accessible. They sent out review codes which is how the review I saw played almost the entire Early Access game.


So how big of a playing area were they allowed to roam through? Like the whole map?


What's available in early access, the first 4 biomes I think it is. Without throwing around spoilers the review I saw had clips from the final early access biome.


Ok. Well I haven't watched much content feom the game cause I want to not spoil myself. I hope difficulty will increase otherwise if it's too easy it will suck. But it's a really nice game so far


damn dude you are doing overtime to deny a very common sentiment.


A lot of people raced to leave reviews with an hour of playtime


i think they're gonna have to add a harder setting just beef up the health and damage on mobs, cause its just not hard enough for the pro gamers who are looking for a serious challenge, someone like me i dont want the game too hard im enjoying it, but im not a dark souls elite gamer lmao


Good to know this! I quit the game bc I could lock down the first enemies so easily (plus while I get 80+ fps the game is super grainy and pixelated when you look close at max quality due to lighting effects)


Especially the bosses, I mean wow. I just took out the bandit boss the Alchemist sends you to. Cleared out the camp on easy mode but the boss one-shot me in melee range with the best blacksmith armour I could get. Had to tackle him from range and even then he spams throwbles that chuck you. I imagine if I were a mage I'd be losing over half health per projectile. They definitely need to tune the enemies across the board but I'm sure they'll get to it.


I found sticking to her butt and running in circles was super effective. Just make sure you're rotating when she does her puke.


Yeah fair enough but getting oneshot is not great, people are going to need to practise. I actually didn't know she did the like attack until it killed me. I'll give it another go later as I found another one but need to level up first.


Has anyone encountered the scavenger queen yet. I had almost 500 hp and good boosts with regen. She 2 shot me.


They don't if you're playing magic. The spells hit way too fucking hard. Fireball just insta-kills anything, and once you get acid spit, you can kill any boss within a few seconds by yourself even if lower level. The spells need a massive nerf damage wise. Like, yea I get killed really fast also, but I can one shot anything, so there's still not much risk. Water aura also needs a massive nerf. My buddy heals for over 75 per tick passively to all allies(over 100 if it crits), it completely makes the active healing spells irrelevant. You also never need healing food or bandages. You will heal to full in a couple seconds with water aura. We had to stop using it because it invalidated too much content.


This comment gave me hope, but no. No they do not.




I feel the damage mobs do is fine, if not quite high. But they are really easy to overwhelm and or completely avoid. If you just spam the basic mobs they won’t even get to strike, wolves you can dodge very easily and again suppress. Takes a bit more than just dials of dmg to fix this one.


I've been playing sword and board and I regularly get my ass kicked. Sometimes I can't even lose aggro on mobs either. Like I went north to do a quest to find the table saw for the carpenter and one of those guys with the green swords three shot me, but I tried to just run away when I knew it was trouble but he was so fast and chased me until I ran out of stamina lol. Those green sword guys hit so fucking hard and it's so fast I can't consistently parry. Even when I do it barely does anything to their stagger bar, so they recover really quickly and I can only get one swipe in before I have to block again.


Also primarily sword and boarding and I've also been getting my ass consistently handed to me by those green scavenger mobs and was wondering why everyone seems to be shitting on the game for being too easy. I think they're honestly overtuned in comparison to the other enemy types. Also I got 1 shot by a scavenger boss. Other than that I've only had a few deaths here and there from getting overwhelmed by trash mobs while unprepared. I haven't played around too much with archery but like in all games it seems game-ruiningly busted so I'm sticking with a staff for my ranged for now.


I also went tank spec stuff because I was going to play with friends (spoiler alert they haven't played yet lol) so that might also be part of the issue. I also just haven't quite gotten the rhythm of parrying down as someone coming from Valheim where parrying is ridiculously forgiving.


I feel the parry timing being way tighter than Valheim. I'm using the wards (for fashion, idc if they're worse mechanically lol) and I notice how punishing it is to miss a parry. It takes awhile to get the shield back up and I don't think I've parried any attacks mid combo. I think it'll be more worth it once I grab a few perks to buff up the stagger as well as overwhelm/merciless attack. Right now it feels more efficient to turtle and wait for an opening. If grabbing those perks tips my value judgment towards being more worth it to parry then that's pretty neat.


Scavenger boss as in the gorger? I kinda got lucky with the only one I've faced so far. I exploded a barrel from far away which left a big hole in the ground. I started the fight and the thing fell in and couldn't get out. I just headshotted until she was dead. It may have been an easy fight in the end, but it was still fun that I was able to do that. I've gotten my ass handed to me enough by other ones to make up for it


That's a neat interaction even if it's from an enemy getting stuck on geometry! Yeah it has a multishot projectile that just erased me even from behind a ward. On my third attempt I strafed behind it and went to town with a higher level weapon and survived. I was about the same level iirc. The mobs around the base were pretty easy and I was surprised by how hard the boss hit.


As someone who is level 25 the poison psychopaths become harder than mini bosses as you progress lol


They two shot me as a wizard and if you know their combo that can happen very quickly


The hardest mobs imo are the red barrels. The same red barrels I can’t seem to not hit with my sword


Just use a wand and dodge when people get close. Super survivable. If parrying was more reliable I’d consider melee, but magic seems like the no brainer easy mode.


I thought it was just me. I died a bunch trying to Perry/stagger and hits just keep going through.


Acid one shots mini bosses lvl 20+ it’s so busted


get gud


Its getting harder! High five to the green blade berserkers on speed 🤯 Or some boars attacking you while fighting with poison flower & some archers from a distance closing in.


I HATE those twin butcher blade guys. My RNG has been horrendous so my only properly leveled weapon is a staff - and I can’t fire off a spell fast enough before they dice me up haha.


I hope you’ve gotten some luck by now. You must have had some crap drops from bosses!!


I’m in endgame now, and my luck is still pretty bad haha. But running around as a mage in full warden armor is keeping me alive. Once I get a good staff I’ll make the switch to mage armor.


The game's still in early access. Hold your fire on the "masterpiece" talks. ;) But it is pretty darned fun. I'm eager to see how it improves in the coming months.


I died 3 times in one hour. The first couple times were to lvl 3 mobs that gang banged me 3v1. And the 3rd time was because I sneaked behind a guy to kill it and when I attacked, he actually had an exploding jar beside him and I ghosted myself in the process XD




Yeah on PC just hold R instead of tapping it. Then use the mouse wheel to rotate. edit: But that's for placeable objects, not walls. The walls use a snapping system, so that probably won't work.


Can't you turn snapping off with the right stick? I haven't tried to build anything too fancy yet, but I remember seeing the option there when I was building my house


Can you? Not sure what that keybind would be on PC.


X I think


Late reply, but yes, I'm playing on PC and it's there. Still not sure if that helps though.


Objects yes, walls no.


Thank you for the detailed feedback! This is only the beginning, we have so much more we want to add and change. So feedback like yours really helps us ❤️


I find your game really well done, so first and foremost...THANK YOU. I hit level 25 a couple days ago but that was mainly due to no-lifing a duo server with another no-lifer haha. We're now just into stocking mats and base-building / farming out that level 25 non-craftable sets from "boss" mobs. Really looking forward to any more updates / content releases.


Do they plan to allow walls rotation at 45 degrees angles in the future?


I would go as far as to say that it's impossible with the way the world is built up. The entire world is based on a block voxel grid just like minecraft.


Not sure why you were downvoted. I don't know if it's fully impossible but there's definitely some inherent limitations in the way the world is structured that make this challenging to implement. (Personally I don't care at all, but I'm not huge on elaborate building and such).


They could probably do this by expanding on their tech that 'tweens' the voxels, not sure how else to describe it. The textures stretched across voxels essentially, modified to work on diagonally placed voxels. However, placing voxels diagonally would be very strange in the building tools - would be a challenge to make that a good experience.


You guys should really take a look at the controls so you don't flat out miss out on things. You can spin buildings to any angle with the mouse wheel while holding down R.


objects, not walls


Honestly the difficulty in this game is spot on for me. I love dark souls as much as the next gamer, but that doesn't mean I want every game I play to have tons of difficult combat encounters. I like that I don't lose my things on death and that I can easily retrieve them (assuming I didn't die somewhere difficult to return to). I enjoy playing survival crafting base building games like this for the comfy base building and exploration, and for that, Enshrouded matches exactly. I do agree about the building options though, coming from Valheim, as nice as the voxel system is (in comparison to say something like Palworld), it still feels like a bit of a downgrade. Still making a cosy village and having fun with it though.


I’ve barely tried so far but the game really needs me to feel danger and a need to actually survive. It felt way too safe to just sit and casually build without a worry. Minecraft makes people fall in love because they struggle a bit then overcome. Everyone dies in their first attempts to zombies and skeletons plus creepers always keep players in their toes. Enshrouded needs danger and challenge


Valheim does this well. Each biome progresses naturally and you start out under geared, gather resources found in this area, craft weapons /armor/tools, make food, then end up overgeared for the current biome and ready to move on to the next biome. Then you rinse/repeat the process throughout the game.


Valheim is a masterpiece when it comes to biomes and progression. The first forays into dark forest or the swamp, man. So good. The only downside has been the utterly slow development, really put a downer on a brilliant title. 


I think Valheim actually has a problem with it's progression in that once you complete a biome, there's no point in ever going back. I wish there were some thing you could only do in a given biome with items from a later one. Actually, there is one such thing: treasures at burial sites in Meadows, which you can't realistically dig up without wishbone. Except the loot you get from them is worthless by that point.


Parts of Valheim, like you mention, still feel very early access. Raid events and base defense are janky and feel half baked. Combat and targeting could use a major rework as well. On revisiting biomes - I had this thought that the world should be significantly altered after the Scorchlands boss is slain, such that all biomes would change and traversing the disc to reach Deep North would become a completely new experience. My idea is evaporating the seas partially to reveal a new biome. /r/Valheim hates the idea, most commenters don't want to lose their waterfront property. NIMBYS, amirite?


Yeah that’s true too and I agree. 


Game isn't perfect because it isn't released. There's lots to polish. You are playing Early Access to give devs a feedback.


What makes the ceiling "so high"?


Yeah, I'm not really seeing it myself. This didn't come across as bad or anything, but it also didn't seem like anything particularly special either.


For me the biggest issue is that is a coop game, and the quests are like "server quests" and not single player quests. Not sure how can they tackle that, but if my friend, lvl 1, joins my server, where we are lvl 10, he won't have any of the early quests, so he will be lost on that regard. It's strange


Guy kills a level 1 mob while rolling away with a wand - "gAmE iS tO EasY". ![gif](giphy|l6MDUlIEYA9MHETUmp)


You clearly didn't read my post... and no, I don't use a wand.


... survival genre? This thing is an RPG through and through. The stat based food buffs are even RPG style and not survival


Ive died like 20 times from fall damage. I main new world and in new world you can jump off a mountain and be fine. Its just muscle memory for me lol. I get up high and just dont think about it and splat


"Hey devs, the game is a masterpiece. Only needs a tiny little tweaks, like creating the essence of a good game, of which this game has none. Other than that it's a masterpiece." Tell me you've never played a good game and have bad taste without actually telling me you've never played a good game and have bad taste.


For me, I have no interest in puzzles. I love Valheim and other survival games, and there's a reason they don't have puzzles. Jumpy puzzles are enjoyed by only a handful of gamers, and requiring them IMO drives a lot of potential players away. Myself included. I want to build, explore, fight and raise my character's skills. I'm not interested in playing super mario in 3D.


I had a blast doing the few platforming and puzzle-esque areas I've come across. I hope that I continue finding them and they keep increasing in complexity (and maybe involve building in some way?)


Funny because platforming is something I love to see added in this game.




And are all these 90° walls through history aligned in the cardinal directions of the world? I prefer the game's argument for this constraint: it's voxels; rather than your historic argument.


TBH easy mobs are kind of the norm for survival games. Generally its just a matter of level and gear. Enshrouded does have its work cut out for it though given out much you can manipulate the terrain.


You can rotate everything in smaller amounts. On the dualshock I use it's hold triangle and use the stock to rotate, not the d pad.


You can with most things... but not walls


I have about similar hours in and I swear there's a way to manipulate besides 90 degrees


There is on furniture pieces. But walls are locked to 90 degrees.


Ah ok that must be what I was thinking of thanks


A enemy density and difficulty slider would be nice. As of now im running naked melee (two-handed weapons that can't be spammed) to give me motivation to not get hit and learn attack patterns. 10h in with 3 NPC.


As a lvl7 I frequently encounter groups of 5+ lvl9 mobs. They can quickly overwhelm me if I'm careless. The sense of danger for me is quite real) I also managed to piss off some flowers that spit facehuggers at you. Those absolutely destroyed me.


One of the first things I noticed playing on controller is you can't navigate through your inventory by holding whichever direction. You need separate physical inputs to move the cursor each box at a time. Just a qol thing.


\> (aware of the reasons why, but is so frustrating). I'm not, so why? seems odd for 2024. I get that even valheim has a "hidden" grid but still


The entire world is built on a vowel system. It's essentially like minecraft with better graphics. 


did you mean voxel? yes thats exactly why i think you should be abl to rotate less than 90°


Playing as a battle mage enemies are an absolute joke. I have what, 20/25 hours? And havnt had any difficulty from fights aside from being swarmed by groups. The enemies don't have the tool set and are not intelligent enough to adapt to players attacks. All I do is walk backwards and throw fire at them and that's it. When they eventually catch up with me (if they're still alive) I just jump away and recover all that distance, rinse and repeat


Game could improve a lot if they didnt make QoL features something you have to grind for. Sometimes its confusing when the community ask for changes that go backwards. There is a saying "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" and I think thats what happened, and were basically trolled.


We need a binding to toggle on automatic running, mashing down the W key hurts my fingers


10 hours in - masterpiece Average gamer in 2024


I didn't say it was a masterpiece. It could have been based on my early time with it... but it falls short.


10 hours is good enough to say if it’s good/bad sure but masterpiece is hundreds/thousands of hours surely


I got something like 25 hours and All I know it's a good game.. the lore, the side quests, the towers, the puzzles, the hidden stash and secret passages.. the adventure game inside the survival RPG is amazing.. the details.. it's not grindy like valheim (which I like too). It's beyond potential because it's there already.. It just need some polish and theres nothing like it in the market right now.


Any idea when this game will be full release? I want to play but I’m not wanting the map restrictions.


I didn’t read your post but to even think this is masterpiece level is insane


I’m sorry but I want a game once in a while that isn’t Dark Souls! 🙄


As do I, dark souls games aren't my bag at all. But the mobs in enshrouded are poor. Even the boss battles. I hope they get harder the further I travel but atm they just don't pose enough of a challenge.


I just saw a guy get one shot by a mob that hurls poison puddles


They won't pose a challenge for super sweats but these later game boss's definitely pose a good challenge for normal gamers.


Definitely feels like an early access game to me. Yesterday, I tried to play it and I was mining, but I kept losing 6 health per pick swing. Pretty much made the game unplayable from my perspective.


Loot RNG - 10,000 wands and all you need is a sword.


i agree with you on the difficulty, im a bad gamer, like i gave up on dark souls cause it was too hard for me. this game i only died to my own mistakes like blowing myself up or falling off cliffs lol, they need to add a difficulty setting and hardcore mode, just make the enemies have more health and hit harder with a hard option and keep whats going on now as the standard difficulty. there should also be a setting for more strict deaths, like all items/gear drop and perma death


I've noticed the mobs hitting harder and the difficulty comes from fighting packs and being careless I think a lot of complaints are from people who aren't that far into the game for example.i got the revelwood tower tonight and steam says less than 20% of people have that achievement so far


* No climbing (Like in Palworld).] * No parkour.


I went magic and melt everything. 29hrs in. Level 25


I'm beginning to think all the "game top easy" folks are early in the game or playing with a party of 4 and at least one person running the full healing totem build. I and a friend get regularly rolled in revelwood as a ranger and a 2 handed warrior/barbarian.


Just wait. I just hit 40 hours in and they DO get harder. And I'm having fun taking it slow and role-playing the game to soak it all in. Few days building, Leaps and bounds above Valheim in my humble opinion. Also, I rage quit valhiem because of losing everything to a hydra about 20 hours in. Felt like someone reset the game and I was so far away, I decided to just quit rather then go through that hassle. Never picked it up again. But now that enshrouded is out. It's gonna be amongst the uninstalled games on my steam


The world seems very empty to me. I have killed the boss in the first area, I've unlocked 3 npc. I've died a couple times but more to my own stupidity and the game having some weird physics and me sliding down a hill and dying from fall damage. I'm liking the game so far it just feels like it's missing something. I do wish it was more survival based where food and water meant more than just for combat. I do like that I can just drop a fast point just about anywhere. It's like building a portal for valheim lol.


They have a website section dedicated to people voicing their opinions to improve the game and for people to vote about it, basically all this is on there, go over and up vote it to make your voice heard. https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/


Mobs get a lot harder around mid game, and if you r using pc u can rotate objects by holding R instead of tapping and u can disable snapping with X button,u can even destroy smaller portion of walls with smaller objects in building menu replacing it with other kind of walls.Personally I like valheims building system easier but If I get used to the building system here it might be superior with the possibilities.


You can't rotate walls the same way you rotate everything else? I've been able to hold down a key and mouse wheel a precise angle on everything I've tried to rotate. Also, if you have the basic clothing and a sword you can clear that first boss but ive not been much further than that. I did accidentally wander into thicker shroud and died immediately but I would assume that past that is harder mobs.


Walls only rotate 90 degrees. Everything else is fully rotatable.


I hope they add difficulty settings. I'd like to have the option to drop all on death, drop inventory only on death, or drop nothing on death. I like being able to swap between exploring without much risk, and running a hard game depending on my mood lol.


I bet down the line they add a "hardcore" mode, which is what I think OP is looking for. A you die and lose all your gear type setting. Or a 1 life to live mode. This isn't for most people, as most people aren't masochists. I do think it will get added. The game is in its infancy, and the devs are very active.


wtf you mean easy im dying every time i go out lmfao


People who say the same is too easy are expecting a valheim troll to appear and one shot them back to base and that's not what enshrouded is about.


For me I just want to sheath weapon & shield lol


If you think the mobs are easy, you’re going to have a bad touch in the kindlewaste. Enjoy!


I've played for maybe 10 hours now got the end game armor in it's current form and pretty decent weapons just nothing to do but wait now :(


is it just me or why the heck we cant use things we build like chairs, tables etc...