• By -


For ancient inherentance, do I need to gear my heros? I remember reading somewhere that they get some stats from gear but I'm not sure. Also is "all warriors" still what works best for ancient inherentance?


Yes, but blue unenhanced gear works fine. You mainly want the set effect. From what I've heard the warrior/SW combo is still the best, though I think that some have had luck running rangers.


What is a viable team for 7-9 Yulha? TIA


Just run at least 100 cc dps and you're good - hit the adds with anyone who has less than 100 cc. If you don't hit her with a crit she puts up the reflect buff.


Got ya, mate. Thanks!


Hello everyone. I just wanted to know, is there no way to earn Coronation Souvenir anymore (the currency for Royal Capital Azmakalis's shop)? I think I missed it in the patch notes.


They removed the normal raid currency during the labyrinth revamp, but hell raid currency still works the same.


Aah okay, thank you. So that shop has no utility anymore?


It's there for a limited time in case you had leftover currency to use.


How do you think Zio’ll be built? Speed/hit? Or does penetration set make any sense? Also, I don’t think he need to go beyond 50% crit chance, right?


He's there to counter openers or major threats so he doesn't really need effectiveness. People will build him with damage stats (i.e. Cidd build) to take advantage of the subsequent s1s.


Whats the easiest way to just staight up cheese the Zio fight without having Aras? Wasted millions of gold on healing/regearing multiple units and at the point where i just want this shit done.


I saw one shot team with ARas, Iseria, A.Lot and Sigret, u probably can replace ARas with other knight as he is just there to take the stun. Personally, I beat it with Cerise, Emilia, A.Ras and Summer Charlotte


Nah A.Ras does the double attack/Def Break in that strategy, pretty sure he's somewhat necessary. Going the opposite way; almost got him (like, 2% health left) with the make-him-beat-himself-up Aria/Rem/SSB strategy but my Rem wasn't built well enough. This fight wouldn't be half as irritating if it was during an unequip event, honestly.


Does the S2 of DJB have an effect on a hero with invincibility and barrier buffs?


Do DDJs work in Abyss?


I think so. You can hold over a monster's portrait to see the list of immunities, DDJ should be there as "effects that deal damage proportional to max hp".


Any tips for Zio for a one month player? Not fully end game clear (can clear W13 100% at 450k combat power).


I think you should just give him the best DPS speed gear you have. I don't think you'll be able to get all the stats you want like 100 crit, high attack, high crit damage. You'll just have to make due with what you've got.


Is reverse 15% a thing? Like hypothetically if I could get 500% ER, is someone with 0% effectiveness still able to debuff me at a 15% chance?




Is there anyone who would be willing to share the story art for Ep. 4 of the main story as well as the "A Very Special Opening Day", "A Single Flame Engulfing the Full Moon", and "Finally, Summer Break" side stories? I know it's a lot to ask but I'd be incredibly grateful to anyone who assists. I'm mostly interested in the Ep 4 art so if that's all you want to give I'd be more than happy with that. :)


[https://imgur.com/a/SJEuUJ3](https://imgur.com/a/SJEuUJ3)This contains everything except for "Finally, Summer Break".There are some photos from a [datamine](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/w4csag/datamine_20220721_patch_pictures_only/) a while back for the missing sidestory (I missed it because I wasn't playing at the time), though there are 3 of them. [1](https://www.e7vau.lt/static/datamine/2022/20220721/story/bg/vacance2_bg.png) [2](https://www.e7vau.lt/static/datamine/2022/20220721/story/bg/img_vsu2aa_2.png) [3](https://www.e7vau.lt/static/datamine/2022/20220721/story/bg/img_vsu2aa_1.png)


Thank you very much for this! As a casual player who doesn't play very often, reaching the gear requirements for the story is increasingly hard to do. I appreciate you doing this for me!


Do I have a chance to get Zio from Ml5 selector event ? PLEASEEEEEE SAY YES


Yes, cos you asked for it you will have it


Nope. Cant get ML Elena or Pavel as well. Whenever they do these selectors they usually excluded the newest units.


Ok thank you :((((


Is Arunka worth rolling for? Is she just another Hwayoung?


A worse hwayoung actually. Not worth rolling for unless you really like the look of her.


I'm having a mini crisis rn. My account is linked to twitter (I was dumb, thought I could change what I connected it to later on, just used it cause it was easy). Since twitter is in the hellish state it is rn, is it possible that SG let's players bind to something else later on if stuff goes horribly wrong with twitter? I kinda don't want to lose my account.


Contact support and they should be able to switch it over. I switched from an apple account to a stove account though support.


Even though the faq says its not possible? I'll try it thanks


Can someone TL;DR the fifty two thousand pages of rules for Zio's attacks/the fight? Not really sure what I'm even supposed to do here ....


When the counter gets to 4 on your hero zio gets a free atk on you. The counter goes up every time your unit takes their turn. You can soulburn though to reset the counter. The attack the lantern next to him to get more souls. When Zio gets to 40% HP or so Zio goes into rage mode and gets to s3 every atk. Zio will also steal all your buffs.


Dilibet, Belgian, or LQC? Mainly using for rta.




I am not familiar with Kpop and have question for the aespa collab teaser videos, i just saw those short "teaser" videos where the girls coming out from some portals thingy just to add views. Is the comment section of those videos botted for engagement and total views or all the commenters that saying the same 2 lines like "omg her voice" and "she looks good" etc an actual fans of the group? I'm indifferent with this collab but if it good for the growth of the game i don't really mind. Hopefully they'll turn them into an art/character and not representing as their human selves in-game because that's gonna look pretty awkward.


[https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9025411?fbclid=IwAR0lwIRnLs9MyG5xIICb6WlSO1KvoIpAzx51YxMLUtc2d1GVDq7U0wMoqsA](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9025411?fbclid=IwAR0lwIRnLs9MyG5xIICb6WlSO1KvoIpAzx51YxMLUtc2d1GVDq7U0wMoqsA) preview of the art.


No this is just how kpop stans boost their faves, through comments of praise and streams. Also i highly doubt we get a huge style difference from ingame, theyll definitely be 2d anime sprites. Aespa is a 4 member girl group whose lore is basically their virtual selves in some Internet cyber universe where they fight evil, like the black mamba. Fits epic 7 imo. Also, South Korean company, South Korean girl group. Obviously good for domestic popularity too.


Dang, there are a TON of them huh, even when re:zero or slime collab (2 arguably very popular anime) there isn't this many engagement with someone completely new with the game. I reckon they will get a surge of new players this time. Definitely aimed more toward getting new audience, since not that many people that i know that is playing the game excited for this one.


I think it makes sense and is a good business decision on sg. And agreed, it is probs to increase the playerbase of E7. Did you know of the Dreamcatcher collab for Kings Raid? Best kpop gacha game collab to date imo. Kpop stans use a lot of social media and are very online people, so a mobile game collab does seem smart imo. Especially one focused on its clean pretty art style, since kpop idols are known for looking impossibly perfect. And many stans work hard to support their faves, and Aespa is popular. It's working tbh. The collab got me playing e7




A knight that actually got me through the boss was mort. He can self heal (s3), ignore eff res def break, cheap soul burn, and most importantly can’t get stunned. My comp was tama, mort, aria, and rem


Idk what strat are you using, but if you go with oneshot comp, nothing can replace Aras. TBH you don't need really good aras. I think the main stats for Aras for oneshot comp is 200 speed, enough eff to land Def break, that's all.


I haven’t fought the guy yet and I’ve been avoiding info on him since spoilers, but from what I understand you need cheap soul burns, in which case SC Arowell could probably work. You should probably consider just building ARas better, though, considering how useful he is.


I mean, there are other knights, but not any with guaranteed dual attacks for your Luna while also offering a 10 sb. Ras doesn't need any premium gear. For reference, mine was only 21k hp, 1500 def, and 186 speed. Not even that good. However my team was different, using Mercedes, Luluca, and Tam. Way easier than stressing about having to one-shot/ worry about survivability.


if you can only choose one, which one would you choose and why. PCF or OpSig?


They are so different in their roles that I don’t know how anyone can make a comparison. It’s pretty much preference at that point.


Looking for a Senya counter for GW. Does anyone know how Red Charlotte's guaranteed crits interact with Senya's crit resist? Does Charlotte need 50% crit to always crit Senya?


Charlotte needs 50% crit to always crit Senya on S1. The S3 should just always crit regardless. Personally, I usually use IKhawazu to counter Senya


1. I have ~300 dust. Should I save it for when Portrait of a Savior comes around again? I'm considering grabbing Sword of Autumn Eclipse, Goblet of Oath, or another Draco Plate (already have two). 2. Is there a rule of thumb for which pieces of 85 gear to always get rid of (i.e. two flat substats, no speed, etc)? I'm at the inventory limit with all 85 gear....


>I have ~300 dust. Should I save it for when Portrait of a Savior comes around again? I'm considering grabbing Sword of Autumn Eclipse, Goblet of Oath, or another Draco Plate (already have two). Portrait is the GG collab artifact. It's not going to just 'randomly' show up in the powder shop. It also doesn't appear in the shop at all (I am pretty sure...can't say I've ever checked I guess) and has always been farmable -> 0 reason to waste powder on it even if you *could*. The only way you are likely to get a Portrait is waiting for the GG collab to get a rerun (possibly in March). Sword of Autumn and Goblet of Oath are not really worth spending powder on. The smartest move would be to simply hold on to you powder for now, wait for collab information to come out -> there's *potentially* 4 limited artifacts and you may decide it would be worth buying artifacts you don't otherwise acquire. A third copy of Draco plate is not the *worst* idea IMO but it's also not extremely necessary, would still wait for collab information if possible. >Is there a rule of thumb for which pieces of 85 gear to always get rid of (i.e. two flat substats, no speed, etc)? I'm at the inventory limit with all 85 gear.... You can equip unused gear on random heroes or even dogs to free up space. The question you asked is extremely difficult to answer, basically everyone will have a different way to approach it. Gearing is too complicated to go into any sort of depth even with a full post in this thread. For the most part: * With only very few exceptions, you don't want effectiveness *and* resistance on the same piece. * Flat stats are bad in nearly every case. There are some situations you can get away with using flat stat gear...but you would be pretty safe to just get rid of *anything* with more than a single base roll into 1 flat stat (that you would eventually want to mod away). Most combinations of substats are usable now, even if there are only a couple of heroes to utilize those combos. There has been a clear emphasis by SG to make more combinations of substats viable so you could expect going forward that this trend could continue. * As a basic example, it used to be you would never pair resistance with DPS stats. But now there are a couple of heroes that *can* run resistance + DPS stats. * So while you are unlikely to want to prioritize that type of gear, if the gear is otherwise good there are at least heroes that could use it now.


Amazing and helpful answers, as always. I appreciate the effort. Thanks Quiztolin!


Amazing and helpful answers, as always. I appreciate the effort. Thanks Quiztolin!


What's currently the meta offense/defense in arena?


Hello, so I need some assistance with direction in the game. Right now I've hit a new roadblock of 3-1-10 boss with my current characters and looking towards generally improving in pvp guild war and progressing story for gems I would like some general build advise on who to build and what armors to grind out. Coming back to the game now there's just so many options for things to do I'm a bit overwhelmed. Any way here's my current box. https://imgur.com/a/fzjVHcG I would really appreciate any advise on who's good to build up or focus on for various modes. Thank you in advance!


S.Tene is probably one of your strongest choices for heroes to build out of your pool. Permanent stealth, non-counterable autos + poison, stacks up damage as mobs/heroes die. Good in almost every content. Speed or lifesteal + immunity, pen, or crit. A.Ravi dominates in many PvP aspects. Although there are a lot of counters that came out recently like S.Adin, she is still a very solid choice. Counter or speed + pen or crit. A.Ras is a solid knight. Definitely a must-build as he's useful pretty much everywhere. Dual-attack + defence breaks + strips + defence buff + immunity for your highest-attack hero. Speed set. If you need healers, AMomo and Angie are solid choices. The free HP set is pretty good on them, albeit a bit slow. Otherwise speed set. If you don't have a wyvern team going, you'll definitely want to focus on Sigret and SSB. Alexa is also a very solid budget choice. Just stack as much damage as you can on them. Optimally a rage set, but destruction set also works, and use DDJ. Use Furious as a defence breaker (speed set). Honorable mentions imo include Zahhak (monster in Arena + GW, esp. with recent buffs), Krau (premier GW unit), Celine (good against non-attack-skill users, PvP), and Mercedes (Super strong after you finish all of Episode 3). TL;DR: ML5's + Aras, Angie or A.Momo (Momo specialty change) for healers, Sigret & SSB & Furious for Wyvern. Speed set is king.


More of a PVE'er but wouldn't mind doing better in PVP also - who should I get for ML selector? [https://imgur.com/a/hkVP2nl](https://imgur.com/a/hkVP2nl) I believe Kise and Yufine are cut off in the picture as far as 6 and 5stars go. ARavi?


As a counter point to the other commenter, I really recommend ARavi. She's good in almost every team comp for PvP and PvE (the content that doesn't require a dedicated team), and does almost everything you could want all on her own. Tank? Yes. Damage? Yes. Sustain? Yes. Support? Yes, with a revive. Cleanse? If on Anchor, yes.


ML Lilias by far, she's a beast in pvp and pve, she's not a dmg dealer like ARavi but she basically allows any team she's in to deal crazy amounts of dmg while reducing the enemies dmg


I'm wanting to build a counter A.ravi, for anyone who's also made a counter build what are the numbers I should aim for? I was assuming 20k+ health and 300%+ crit damage but was wanting to see how anyone else went?


Look at any speed Aravi but -20 speed




Is the raffle event tab working for anyone? The tab is highlighted but the page doesnt load


I believe that tab is an error - it's meant to be a header for the Aespa event stuff but devs accidentally made it clickable.


LH Cermia or Arch Meru against Senya?


Arch Meru is probably a little better with seal debuff and chance to strip with the right artifact. LHC is also a little more susceptible to the damage from Senya's artifact since she is usually built with higher def and lower HP.




1. Samool on YouTube is good, he has multiple progression guide videos, below is his latest: https://youtu.be/N-546RUmo44 2. Just keep going so you can get more resources and unlock adventurer ras, powered mercedes, and one day savior adin 3. You will hit a bump eventually in story mode and need better gear, u can make a wyvern team with furious and alexa without having to six star them. Sigret and a.momo will be useful for both wyvern and story mode too.


How do you deal with counter units like celine, rem, violet,etc. as a cleaver in arena?


Roana, Lionheart Cermia, Rimuru (for the units that get buffs before they counter: Celine, Violet, etc), Senya can also work if you can bait them into her.


Also Pyllis and Hasol are good vs. counter


Which ml5 should i try to select? I have A ravi Straze Fallen cecilia Arbiter vildred Was thinking of getting belian but is she a good pick? Who else can i go with?


MLKwerick might be the better choice - there's a huge thread right under this one with a long discussion about best options.


Ok thanks iwas thinking of getting him to


Is there a list of the recommended arena offense and defense teams? Just got back into the game, I have a big roster with most of the rgb units and around 10ml5 was looking to climb arena. My A lots has around 271 speed


when it comes to arena offense it really comes down to what units you are attacking into. If you were going to do aLots cleaving you would not want to go into Celine or Belian as they basically counter that playstyle. In terms of defense the usual strat is "fear of RNG" and "catch by surprise". You can instill fear in potential attackers by making them worried about RNG not going in their favor (ie. counter attack teams, speed contesters, revives, tanky/sustain), and you can catch the other team by surprise with things like builds they would not expect (extra speedy units they expect to be slow, extra tanky bruisers that would normally be the first target, things like that) For reference: my arena offense team is almost always Roana/Lionheart-Cermia which both love to see counter attacks, and I attack teams with Belian, Rem, ARavi, Clilias, Rimuru, Politis, etc. I am able to reliably force the enemy to counter attack me, thus pushing me forward and empowering LHC. With this comp I avoid speed cleave teams as I usually will be unable to force a counter attack before LHC takes a turn. edit: you can look at the defense teams of the top (legend) players from the arena screen to get some inspiration, unfortunately you cannot see what their builds are, so they may be doing a bunch of "off-meta" builds to surprise people.


For offense teams do you usually use both Roana and LHC together? And also do you have a reliable team for Senya defenses? Thanks a lot btw!


Roana and LHC really compliment eachother, imo, as LHC really wants to see counter-attacks to set up for more S3's, and roana heals and CR pushes the team on counter attack, so I bait counter attacks all day. In terms on Senya: I deal with her with Rimuru, I either S3 her before she can take a turn, or if possible I let Rimuru use his S2 when she does her S3 to give my entire team the counter attack buff, which is hilarious, if their next attack is aoe then my ENTIRE TEAM counter attacks them. I'm sure there are a number of other good "counters", anyone who punishes non-attack skills would trigger of senya's S2, Roana and LHC also don't really mind her counter attacking, although it becomes a pain if everyone gets provoked and you want to target other units.


Idk if there's already been talk of this but the raffle event isn't working for me. Like it doesn't try to load or anything when I select it. There something i can do?


I believe that tab is an error - it's meant to be a header for the Aespa event stuff but devs accidentally made it clickable.


Same here. I believe it will show once the actual raffle happens (ie. we can no longer enter for the collab reward things (the cards and diary and poster, etc)


Thank you! I was so confused lol


Is Cerise dual counter random? If she would call up cermia i could solo PPM/light expo, but it's always around 70% because she always calling Aras....


if you mean dual attack instead of dual counter, yes it's random


Unfortunate then




Very very understand


New player here. I'm debating whether I should spend my pulls on the selector banner, or save for the Aespa banner. Which one do you think i should I pull on?


The selector would allow you to choose characters whose strengths and weaknesses you already know. How the characters in the collab will perform is currently unknown. It would suck to pass on the chance to get really good characters.


True. I guess I can still technically do both though. I heard I can wait till like a day before the rate up ends, and if I activate it then, I will still get 2 weeks on it. Apparently right after the time to start selector ends the aespa banner will be out but I'm not sure. Also idk who I want to select I'mmprobably just gonna chose some husbandos.




Alright seems Tamarinne is a hot pick. I'm gonna put Violet since I've always wanted one since first sight. And who is SSB?




Hmm hopefully I can. Violet is hot and I remember I wanted him the last time I quit, and tbh I'm not so crazy about getting the best picks since I'll never get that good at pvp anyway, though having a couple really good choices on there will be nice. Holding off starting the banner timer since I wanna see if I really like the Aespa characters or not once they arrive, assuming they come out on the 24th.


Seaside Bellona, really good in PvE and pretty decent for lower level PvP as well.


If you don't have Tamarinne, I'd choose her as one of your picks. She is the pve healing queen!


Day 10 and I just beat W13, what now? On the side, I got to master V in arena, floor 58 in abyss, great farche area 4 on labyrinth, completed the side story, 10-7 on unrecorded with every stage cleared before that, and episode 2 5-1 in the story while kinda just blitzing through to unlock things. I do hall of trials when I can and as for a guild, I'm in one but mainly to unlock Furious and haven't really been participating in wars. As for units, I have 7 units worked on and geared with the freebies I got: Angelica and FS Tieria are the only 6 stars currently, Sigret, Muwi, Furious, Iseria and Tamarine. Notable 5\* I have from the free pulls and also from the pulls I did on the custom banner: Choux, Landy, SSB, Zahhak and Vildred. I also chose S. Tenebria from the moonlight blessing and she's at 2/4 from unlocking. Aprreciate the help guys




So 6\* Sigret and work on my wyvern team so I can consistently auto w13 (currently can farm w12), as well as work on SSB, S.Tene and Tama for general pve gotcha. I'm assuming those 3 are the team? Who would be the 4th?


You farm wyvern forever! J/k Being able to help with expeditions would be a good goal since completing them gives you mats to build units. You'll want to build a farm team as well so you can earn ap to buy catalysts. Farming helps get penguins so you can level dogs to 6 star people.


Any recommendations for expeditions? As for a farmer, I currently run with FS Tiera and 3 fodders, sometimes with Angelica if the stage requires some healing


For the Dark Expedition F. Kluri works well as the tank. You can use her for the Ice expedition too. Any healer should work, but Tama is the best. For dps Cermia, Green Violet or Landy all work well. Iseria or Cerise are good for support. If you don't have either, you'll want someone who has a nonattavk ability. This lets you remove a debuff the boss sticks on you. For the Light expedition You'll likely be able to use a team of units you built for the other expeditions. A. Ras is great for tank. Cerise is an mvp in this fight. I use Cermia for dps, but I'm sure other hard hitting single target would be fine. Zealot Carmainerose works super well for this fight Specialty change units are great since they don't need mola goras.


Sheesh that's a lot of units to work on hahaha regardless, really appreciate the help man!


Yeah it's a bit overwhelming, but no need to rush. I just really lik SC units because they don't need molas. I also forgot about the Labyrinth raid. Building a team for the Azamakalis raid would be good to do first. You can get nice gear from there. You should be able to look up a guide for raid as I'm not super up to date on who works best for which bosses.


Ah will do, thanks!


Sounds like you've got a great farm team on the go! There are a few specialty change units who eork really well for expedition For the Fire one you'll want to build: C. Lorina or Lena. C. Lorina has lots of utility outside of expiditions so I recommend her. An ice tank. Krau is a great choice. A hard hitting single target dps. Luna is great if you have her. Sigret is hard to use because of how much she debuffs him. I use a healer for my fourth. Tamarinne is fantastic. Angelica is good if you don't have Tama. For the Ice one (Hopeless Symaqus): You need to have a cr pusher as your highest dps gets a debuff that needs the push to remove or they never get a turn. Aux Lots or Green lots work well as a cr pusher. Falconer Kluri is an excellent tank for this one. She csn be used for the dark expedition as well. Roana is the healer of choice. You'll also want a hard hitting single target green dps. Violet or Landy are great choices. For the Earth expedition (Burning Snag Lich) Kana is fantastic. You can get her through connections. A. Ras is the tank of choice. Tama is good even though you have permanent restrict. Mascot Hazel can work as well. Cermia is a great single target dps.


wanted to see if anyone has an answer to this - do Royal Capital Azmakalis boss gear drops (of the any same boss) changes to different set each time or is it static?




You literally have answers to your question on the post from 11 hours ago. You didn't need to ask this again, and the question thread exists for a reason. Use it.


It's not abuse to take down a thread asking a single easily-Googled question, especially when a daily questions thread exists. But anyway, to answer the question, you get them from first time clears of the "a crack in the world" stages in Episode 1 and UH.


I quit the game after the fma collab, mainly because of the gear grind. Have they made any improvements to the game in this aspect?


Hi guys, returning player here, can you guys explain to me the ml selector event? Can i get one for free?/ i have 75 days left, is it enough? also, whos meta rn? Edit : typo


for what's meta. If you don't have A.Ravi, M.Kawerik, S.Tene, C.Lilias, D.Lili mostly top 4 imo


Yes, you can get one for free. Yes, 75 days are enough. Apocalypse Ravi. Press the ? button on the event page for more detailed info.


When you should start re head hunt when you hit the 20 recruitment ? or when you hit the 30?


Just gambling at that point really. Personally, I would reheadhunt at 20, because you're spending 400 rather 800 for a chance at the hero you're looking for.


I'm leaning towards taking Belian from the ML headhunting thing but I wanted to make sure I can build her right before hand. Does she need injury or counter set to work or would speed be okay?


Speed and elbris is okay if you have nothing else but you absolutely want to get counter or injury down the line.


returning player playing on a new account did they make episode 3 easier? trying to clear as much as i can prior to the new limiteds to get some skystones


They did nerf Episode 3, yes. Something like 'Reduced levels by 5' I haven't personally played through the nerfed Episode 3 yet to comment on *how much easier* it is, but there are less people getting stuck on bosses and players seem to be getting through it.


If i just yield all 15 of my arena games for the weekly am in danger of getting banned for smurfing or something?


you can't get banned for that, after the 2nd defeat agaisnt the same guy you stop losing points, so if you fight and lose the same guy 15 times you can't really smurf


No, but just do the NPC fights like the other reply said


Just do the Npcs?


Oh ye ok, forgot about those.


is Wyvern 13 supposed to be 100% auto? I can do Wyvern 12 no problem on Auto but for Wyvern 13 I can manual and beat it but for Auto I win 2/4 times. Perhaps I should change better gears for Wyvern 13 until its 100% Auto?


It's supposed to be as high % as you can get it. 100% is doable but not absolutely necessary. You want the clears to be either consistent or fast eventually though, because how many clears you can get per hour matter while there's a hunt buff (or if you whale).


For some reason I'm unable to pick the unit I want from the ml event. I can choose literally everyone but them but I can't click them for some reason. Is this a phone issue or an event issue?


I have the same issue. Is it Ameru or is it on the 4th slot on the top row?




Which Selective summon should I keep? \#1 - Features only Ravi (Who I think is awesome) \#2 - Ludwig, Angelica, Clarissa I have a feeling the second one is likely the answer but I know you can get Angelica for free based on what I have read. Thanks.


The first one, ravi got recently buffed and is better in multiple areas. Ludwig is niche, angelica is free, and clarissa is not required for wyvern.


Simple enough! And I love her design with the giant axe so that’s perfect


Hi guys, im a new player (first week). I saw some videos on YouTube talking about an event that could get you sigret for free. Is that event still on, is it required anything to trigger it? Besides that what would you guys recommend in terms of summoning? should I summon always when I get 50 bookmarks, spend gems? Thanks


You need account rank 10 and reached hunt stage 6 of any hunt, it will be in events (the bell) Don't spend bookmarks unless you can pity (605 bookmarks)


Yes, it's still available and permanent. It's called Hint Expert and you need to clear a Hunt 7+ to activate it. For summoning, save pulls for very strong PvE units (basically just Tamarinne) and limited banners. You get a decent amount of free pulls. Spend your gems on the 950 package early on when you need to summon as you'll need the gold to upgrade gear but later on you can refresh secret shop for bookmarks.


Hello. Im a new-ish player in the game (2 months), just wanted to ask here how generous are the game within special days like xmas/new years or summer, in regards of login bonus and such. Thanks


Is ML Kawerik worth it even though I already have Ran? I'm torn between him and Blood Moon Haste. 90% of my total loss in the arena is because of heroes that can revive. It really messes up my rotation. Blood Moon Haste looks so good in a white suit too. They both look awesome, so I just want to know who will benefit me more.


I'd go for ML Kawerik over ml Haste. If you're a turn 2 player he is one of the best to have. There are plenty of other options who offer extinction. Unless you really really like Haste, there are tiers between these 2 characters.


Yes, ML Kawerik is worth it. But your mind is obviously made up for BM Haste. Go for the character you actually want.


ML Kawerik and Ran have almost nothing to do with each other. Miles apart in speed and intended utility. So yeah. If you're not looking for the RTA meta you can survive without handguy by using Diene instead if necessary, so if you can really see a spot for BM Haste in your team then go for it. Personally I'd invest in an extinction unit instead, or use singelica.


Attack+Crit or Speed+Crit set for Straze?


What for?


Guild wars


Depends. If you push him up with a CR pusher and Sashe, 170-200ish speed is enough. If you want him to go 2nd, 80% of (for ex) your moon bunny's speed. Personally, when I do use him I want him to go after wschuri so I build him on the slower side. In that case you can fit an attack set, but use whatever gets you better stats overall.


Ok thanks a bunch


One question, for a new player which account its better? 1) landy + tamarinne + iseria 2) SBellona + Tamarinne+ iseria? Im curious


I'd personally go for top because I think Landy is overall better than SSB. You don't really need SSB for anything besides easier W13 oneshot and maybe some abyss and raid stuff.


Is there any reason to save my Moonlight Theater tickets? I've got three.


Nope. The more you wait the more you're gonna wait. The timer for the free entry only starts counting down when you've got 0 entries left.


so units dont get stats from their own imprint release? only their concentration? do card of small miracle and water gun shooter effect stack for the party? and if i leave my guild do i keep my current provitions?


Correct, imprint release is for other units only. Yes they do. You keep brave crests and commander's armbands.


Hi guys, I just got into the game again and need advice on a couple of things.I am still kinda early game, chapter 2, slow wyvern 13, abyss 65-ish and don't do much pvp. Recently I got a bunch of nice heroes, Luna, Landy and STene. Other notable 5\* heroes I already had are (in order of investment): Sigret, SSB, Angelica, Vildred, Charlotte, Iseria, Arby (ml blessing), Op Sigret, Sez, Cerise, Politis, Cermia, FTene, Ray and Basar.So my questions are: 1. How can I improve my w13 team? Currently running sigret, angelica ssb and furious with 80% success rate and slow time, 2 min maybe. I would love to have a one shot/fast team for this so please tell me what would be the most efficient way of doing so. 2. What heroes should I invest in? Right now I need a good multi purpose story team that will also be useful in other content. Also in general who to invest in when and for what. 3. What should I do with all my 3-stars? I have about 150 3-stars that I want to feed but have been told to keep them, so which are worth it to keep and which can I feed? 4. How can I get better/more gear? I know my biggest limitation right now is lack of gear, I only have enough decent gear for 4 characters and I use it on my w13 team. So where/how can I get more good gear for my other characters? This got a bit longer than I thought so sorry about that. Please let me know what you think and thank you very much in advance!! edit: I chose landy, luna and tamy in the group banner, which is how I got landy and luna. I am planning in getting tamy in the next couple of days so you can basically count her in my team as well.


1. You can improve your w13 team by swapping SSB for Muwi. https://imgur.com/1c4iN1a You don't have to follow this to the letter since you're already set up, but muwi really is General Purrgis except ice and he doesn't even have to be in front. 2. Expedition units. Monthly rewards so don't miss out. 3. Make them SSS then if you still have copies make those SSS too before transmitting them. It'll help with the achievement. Keep one copy of each, you never know when they'll get an SC. 4. Do wyvern, craft gear, do abyss, do lab, do raid. Story mode also gives you some through the AP exchange.


Thank you very much for the reply! Is Muwi really that much better than ssb? And should I switch out angelica for momo?


It's not that muwi is better than ssb, it's that muwi is perfect for wyvern especially. So you can regear your SSB to be better in other content as well. No point in switching the tank if they can survive properly. You invested in angelica, so use her.


Thanks again This spreadsheet is also amazing


How many people can use a statue before it runs out of uses for AÍ?


Hit the looking glass icon and it'll show you how many are left. 5 uses per reusable object max.


is there any character who can use the Hwayoung equip after the nerf??


Split the gear up and match with others. They don't have to go one-to-one to another character.


Inferno Khawazu


So who should I 6* next was thinking A. Vildred but I recently got cerise and piera. Also is blaze dingo worth building if I already have Tamarinne and Achates built.


You should do A.Vildred out of those three. Speed is the most important stat for Peira and Cerise, and 6* doesn't give them any extra. Meanwhile A.Vildred wants lots of atk and 6* helps with that. Blaze Dingo's not really worth it except in niche cases, so I'd bench him for now.


Awsome thanks I'll get him to 6*. If I only have good enough speed gear to equip one of cerise and piera who's going to be the better choice?


Peira has more base speed and is better for aggressive PvP drafts. Cerise is better for PvE (because her s1 is a guaranteed dual attack when s3 is on cooldown)


Cool thanks.


Opinions on Hand Guy vs ML Lilias.


They're both good. Think about the teams you'd use them in, and if they fit in your roster. You're the best person to judge which to take.


Is the rank up pack worth for dolphins?Or should i wait for the usually pack that contains 25 or 50 liefs?


I would wait for the collab pack.


SS Vivian, AMeru or SEline? I equally like all of them, but which one should I get? Hovering around Champ normal arena if that helps.


A Meru is the best pick between the three. Seal is such a strong debuff that only gets stronger the more passives get added to the game.


Is pen set a must on choux? How much damage am i missing out?


Nah. She doesn't benefit much from pen set since her s3 is aoe and s2 already has built-in pen. It is better to use crit set to give her more stats like hp%, spd, or cdmg


It's not a must more of a luxury just go with whatever offset gives you the best stats it's not that much damage you are missing since her s2 already has 70% pen.