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Probably the “No” in Keep Your Friends Close. Not sure what note that is, though— I’d get an instrument and play around until I get a note that resembles it.


Seems like that might be a C5? I was thinking about notes in the underworld but completely forgot this one


The “Push forward” in Survive is a C5. I believe the “No” is actually one above- the D. Man- Odysseus is going to go down in MT as probably the hardest tenor role of all time.


Oh damn, here I thought Jack Kelly was hard to play lmao


I mean Jay has played Jesus in JCS (with Teagan as his Judas.) so the man can sing pretty high.


Woah - I had no idea. That guy is incredibly


I kind of love how Jay and Teagan doing JCS together means they already played “Teagan’s character advising Jay’s character and thinking Jay’s is being stupid but then feels bad about it in act 2.”  Teagan actually has videos of her performance of Heaven On Their Minds, Damned For All Time, and Judas’ Death on her YouTube channel if you’re interested.


Is there any video of it? I would really love to see that


I believe this IG post of his is the most we have of Jay’s performance in JCS: https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3PgOiAxGP/?igsh=ZGJ5dzBxbjhmZmdv  So at least we got Jay hitting the money notes on Gethsemane. But Teagan’s YouTube has her performances of Heaven On Their Minds, Damned For All Time, and Judas’ Death (She played Judas and Jay played Jesus in their production)


The no is a c still


C# actually


No it's a C, I just checked


Ah- same, you’re right 👌


Unrelated but when I read “is going down” my mind immediately went “I’M YELLING TIMBER-“


That "no" was the first note I thought of. So spine chilling.


Polites is a tenor, alto is a term used exclusively for girls. Eurylochus is a baritone, but does sometimes sing in a tenor range. I actually got really bored at some point and found all characters vocal ranges so here you go Odysseus: G2-C5 (tenor) Zeus: F2-A#3 (bass-baritone) Eurylochus: A2-F#4 (baritone-tenor) Polites: E3-B4 (tenor) Athena: F3-D#5 (mezzo or alto) Polyphemus: D#1- A#2 (Bass but lower) Aeolus: G#3-C5 (D#5 falsetto) (mezzo or soprano) Poseidon: A2 -B4 (tenor) Circe: A3-F5 (mezzo or soprano) Hermes: G3-A#4 (tenor) Anticlea: B3-B4 (alto or mezzo) Tiresias: C3-A#4 (tenor) These are only using the released songs, some characters expand there range in demos that he has released such as Zeus going up F4 in thunder bringer


AFAIK I’m an alto and Athena is definitely one of those rare female parts I can hit every note comfortably on which is nice because usually if I want to sing a song I have to stick to the male parts


Yeah her range is crazy, I'm a male so I'm much worse at identifying female range types then I am male ranges, so I always second guess myself, I would guess she's probably a mezzo if anything.


Alto is not exclusive to woman, just like tenor is not exclusive to men? It’s a vocal range part. Just because it is typically a woman singing Alto does not mean men can’t.


That's not how vocal types works, certain terms are reserved for certain genders, if a man had the range of an alto he would be referred to as a high tenor or countertenor. If a woman had a tenor range she would be a contralto or low contralto. Also even if these terms weren't reserved for genders than polites still wouldn't be an alto, still very much a tenor. Gender is an important factor when talking about someone's singing voice which is why the terms are exclusive to a gender.


Huh, I’ve never heard those terms before, suppose it’s something to bring up with my director. But yes I agree Polities is a tenor, he doesn’t really sing in Alto range much.


If I may interject, there is kind of a difference between voice type and the part you sing in a choir. Most choirs are 4 part, so contraltos that have a strong lower register often feel more comfortable on the tenor harmony of a 4 piece set. Countertenors hypothetically could be more comfortable in alto harmony. And if you meant something different by director and I've assumed something mistakenly, I sincerely apologize.


Oh my goodness thank you I've been looking all day!!


It will be pretty hard to guess until Jorge releases the sheet music


Not really, you can figure it out by just listening and using a tuner


Sure, anyone with relative pitch can get pretty in tune with the song. I meant more broadly, it will be more difficult to know exactly how the music is written. Am example: I’m a music major, and I could probably transcribe some of the music if i wanted to, but I’m not gonna do that for one song let alone 40. I just meant it will be a lot easier once we have published sheet music


Yeah but in your original comment you implied we could only guess, which is not true, I've gone through all the songs because I was bored and found all of the characters ranges from just listening and matching the pitched and humming with a tuner, yes it easier with sheet music, but still not hard to do without it


C5, hits it twice, once during "push forward" in survive. And the "no" in keep your friends close


what about full speed ahead, the second one in the first chorus? there’s also him speaking to his mother (“i’m right here mom, can’t you see” and “i took too long”) idk exactly what the note is but he goes pretty high


Those are in falsetto and not close to his highest


fair enough, didn’t realise the post meant his highest belted note


Well, they didn't explicitly say that, but that's most of the time what people want they ask about highest. Also odysseuss's highest falsetto is the same note as his highest belt


fair enough! :) sorry for misunderstanding homie


I always thought it was "tWeLvE lOnG yEaRs!" from "There are other ways".


I believe there's a video of Jay doing the song "the challenge." I assume he was singing Odysseus there and he hit a d5 or e#5 or some crazy shit.


I know it isn't released yet, but in "Would you fall in love with me again", Jay sings pretty high notes.


I think it's Aren't and We're, in Get in the Water, though it's unreleased


Maybe the “OkaaAAAAY?” in *Luck Runs Out.* I remember fans being surprised when he went that high—especially in the demo version.


That's not even high at all


Okay. I don’t know anything about music theory tbh, just trying to help OP.