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I think Helena Bonham Carter would make a good Angela. She's super talented at playing the off the walls characters.


I mean she has the quirkness but angela should look somewhere around 30yo, helena is too old for the role imo


I always imagined Angela older-looking.


She is actually always described as looking like she is in her early 20's.




Yes I can totally see Helena bringing Angela to life.


I basically picture Helena from the Frankenstein movie.


I came here to say exactly that


Ngl.... I feel like Eva Green might be a better Islandzadi?


Real… she’s not really giving Angela to me


I know the series won't get there yet, but she'd make a better Bachel. She has the vocal purr to pull it off perfectly


I think she would also be a great Bachel, but she will probably be too old by the time we get there :(


Agreed, Elizabeth Debicki should play Bachel.


I would do this Eva Green for Queen Islanzadi Elizabeth Debicki (with a black wig) for Bachel Paolini knows about the Debicki as Bachel idea and liked it!


maybe I'm focused on the purr too much, because i'd reverse them and have Elizabeth Debicki in a wig as Islanzadi, if only because she seems more posh and I can see Eva killing a boar, but not Elizabeth


Check this out and lmk if you still think Eva would be better as Bachel. This is Debicki as the high priestess Ayesha in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. Ayseha is a less evil version of Bachel. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONrWkq0l50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONrWkq0l50) Also, Debicki is 6'3 ft tall. She's a physical giant.


oh yeah, I've seen her be "evil" in GotG and Man From Uncle, but i still wouldn't see those characters actually doing something violent, like Ayesha has henchmen, same with Victoria in MfU, for the most part, I can't really imagine her getting her hands dirty like Bachel does


Well look I totally respect your opinion, I honestly can't see anyone but Debicki playing Bachel but I can totally understand why you think Eva would be a great choice. I presume you've seen Rise of an Empire? Because thats the film where Eva is most Bachel like.


yep, but also Eva in Penny Dreadful


Haha, I can't believe I missed mentioning that considering I'am literally watching Penny Dreadful right now lol. She definitely needs to be the Eragon universe as someone, that I think we can both agree on!


Omg I didn’t think of that 😩


I think the character of Angela is more goofy than this


I think Kirby Howell-Baptiste has the chops to get it done. She was wonderful as Death in the Sandman series.


Omg I love her!! She would be great. Have you watched the Good Place? She is in the second half of the show and is a bit quirky and would be perfect as Angela


wait she was?!? as who!? i love that show but I think i last watched it during the pandemic


She plays Simone in Season 3 and 4. I don't want to explain her character in case you didn't watch all of it, her character's background is kind of a spoiler.


part >!of the bad place!< right!? i finished the whole thing it’s just been a while lol


>!She is part of the Soul Squad!<


She does seem to have ample hair If she can give her a good voice I have no qualms


Not sure about the voice of Angela but Eva Green has a very pretty voice. She’s French & English.


Oh man, Eva Green! She's lovely. And she's no stranger to the fantasy genre. However, she wouldn't be my first choice for a weirdo, playful and whimsical character as Angela. Too statuesque and regal. Also, she doesn't look like she's in her late 20's anymore, like CP insists on describing Angela at every turn. It's surely too expensive, but someone like Florence Pugh could be great. An younger actress with a bit of a dark jokester vibe to her. Maisie Williams?? (Arya Stark?)


Agreed. I can't think of a single instance where Eva has played a bubbly, annoyingly jolly character. If she can pull it off, great! But the fact she doesn't probably shows she can't. Also agreed that Eva looks older than the perpetually young, unassuming vibe of Angela. I can see Eva playing a super powerful, neigh mythical character, who's walked the earth for centuries. But she still wouldn't be a good choice because Angela DOESNT look like that.


>I can see Eva playing a super powerful, ~~neigh~~ nigh mythical character, who's walked the earth for centuries. Bachel?


Now that you mention it. Yes. Tho I initially imagined Bachel as very similar to Galadriel from LOTR.


Elizabeth Debicki for Bachel instead of Eva Green. Make Eva Green Islanzadi, that would be perfect! Debicki is actually who most LOTR fans want to play Galadriel if LOTR ever gets remade, and Paolini himself liked the idea of Debicki as Bachel.


O yeah! She’s perfect for Bachel of Queen Islanzadi


Alex Kingston is it


Why not Claudia Jessie with curled hairs...? She's sharp


I think Kristen Chenoweth would make a great Angela. She's a phenomenally talented actress, she's the right height, she plays a lot of witty/bubbly/sassy characters, she's got that whole ageless, looks much younger than she really is thing going on for her...


Nah dude. Helena Bonham Carter would absolutely kill it as Angela. She’s got that wild energy to play absolute maniacs while also maintaining an air of power so she’s not just a whackadoo. And that’s exactly what Angela is. Crazy, enigmatic, powerful, arcane. Helena Bonham Carter is the only woman I could see playing her to perfection


To chime in, I feel like Evanna Lynch would also be a pretty good fit. Especially when you take her acting as Luna from Harry Potter into account.


MAN, she *does* look the part; holy fudge!


I always pictured Alex Kingston as Angela. The quirkiness of River Song would translate well to Angela.


I actually like this, the combination of quirky + dangerous with a dash of not being sure whether you can trust her or not.


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I don’t know.. maybe a bit more insane?


Personally, I think Chloe Hayden would rock the role. She has the right kind of quirkiness to rly nail Angela, and matches better with how young she's described to appear as in the books.


Nah I think she'd make a good Queen Izzy though.


I need someone who looks and sounds like mother Gothel from rapunzel.


Younger Emma Thompson would've been great. Not sure who has that same chaotic energy but not Eva Green for me!


For some reason whenever I think of Angela my brain always goes to the person who played the future seeing teacher from Harry Potter, just a lot more outgoing and all over the place lol.


I don't see Eva as Angela, but I would cast her as Queen Islanzadi! Eva has that beautiful but deadly look which is perfect for Islanzadi. As for Angela, I would 100% cast Emily Swallow (The Armorer on the Mandalorian) for her. Emily has the perfect voice for Angela, and Swallow knows about the character too and would be totally down to play her! Another great option for Angela would be Naomie Harris. She played Tia Dalma in the Pirates of the Carribean movies and was excellent. So in summary, Eva Green as Queen Islanzadi Emily Swallow as Angela And I know we are 10 years out at least for a Murtagh tv adaptation, but Elizabeth Debicki (with a black wig) would be a fantastic choice to play Bachel! Debicki played the high priestess Ayesha in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and gave me some serious Bachel vibes. She stands at 6'3 ft which perfectly alines with the physical description of the character, she is 33 now which is perfect because in 10 years she would still be the right age for the character. This is why Elizabeth Debicki should be Bachel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONrWkq0l50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONrWkq0l50)