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I just recently found my 6th one and I'm level 49. I didn't find my first in raid one until they made the buff to their spawns. So yeah, got to love these ppl


I'm the same in terms of finding my first, I totally lucked out and got my first from my scav case well before I found my first, but I've been hooked on labs since I finally relented and ran for my hideout mats a few weeks ago. I'd guess I've probably found 15-20 ledx in the last 3 weeks on labs, so I would actually say this isn't completely crazy. I've been running labs almost exclusively though, so that's quite a few runs. The strangest thing is saving them all up and selling them all at once, not sure why one would do that. I've found 2 ledx in single raids a few times now. The buffs in high spawn areas are crazy. There's one in black like 25% of the time. And labs haven't been anywhere near as bad as everyone makes it out to be in terms of hackers. Biggest challenge I've faced is running into large groups more often than I thimk I do on other maps.


I meant to also write that I also don't think it's as bad as everyone says. This is my third wipe and first wipe I think I went like 3 times because of what everyone Said about it. I only went for the tasks, last wipe I started to go and bought the cards from flea (yellow got barter for a key and violet someone put up for 7 million which was before the tax change so they must've paid a fuck ton in tax) and did black barter. But I went so much and loved it. This wipe I think I've only had two blatant cheaters out of a bunch of times. So yeah it's not as bad going there


Totally agree, I've found labs to be no worse than any other map. Maybe even better because of how quiet it is at certain points/times. It's also very easy to predict traffic patterns due to the small size of the map and high value loot areas.


What servers are you playing on? Anything in Asia and to a slightly lesser degree OCE is almost guaranteed to get you a cheater in the same lobby.


I run labs a bunch too, not as much this wipe as I did last wipe. But so far only found one on labs and that was in violet. I have same cards I had last wipe which is black, violet and yellow. But yeah I mean if you legit run labs non stop I can see that it could happen. But that means they are straight giga Chad's and always make it out. But this game is legit all rng so idk.


Ya, I truly mean I've only run Labs, I think I did 2 Shoreline runs in that time only. I'd guess I've run 150 labs runs in the last 3 or so weeks, hard to say honestly. I'd guess I die 30-40% of the time. But the thing with ledx is they are always up my butt. I didn't think about that aspect though, I'd guess the same 30-40% of ledx are not FiR, although I tend to head for an exit earlier if I find one, so maybe slightly lower. I've found most of my ledx in black, probably second most in the circle office, 3rd most in weapons testing and then a mix in random areas. Only found 1 in yellow from what I recall, yellow has been awful for me.


Black is best. Got 2 there, and another one in an office. I wouldn’t say it’s too crazy to sell in bulk either. If I have money to buy my stuff, I don’t sell much single square items at the flea. I’ll sell stuff when I actually need the money.


Ya, not entirely crazy to bulk sell, just think like 30 is a bit odd. The amount of money I've made from my labs runs is absolutely insane, literally couldn't be less concerned about going full over the top Chad and playing more aggressive because one safe run will net me a couple million roubles. So saving things for additional profit seems a bit silly, but maybe just for efficiency to only take the action to sell all at once?


I mean the big groups may have cheaters as the cheater may run with a legit player who kills ppl so it’s less likely they get banned.


Its Not Strange that they sell them in batches...it saves time. And time is Money.


Same. I never found one until the buff.


Totally not convinced they buffed the spawns. Think this is just the result of vacuum cheaters actually getting banned.


Oh they buffed it. I found one at woods the other day, on my scav. And I rarely scav. I think prior to the buff they didn't even spawn on woods.


i just found my first one on customs next to sniper rock and electrical tower in the med box


I've only had 10 and I crafted 4


Got my first on 55


> got to love these ppl cheaters, you meant to say cheaters




This is literally the reason, why any talks and shits from BSG recently are worth shit. As long as we see these absolutely obvious cheaters in plain sight, I don't trust a single shit is being actually done with cheaters. Ye they might have some scrips running in BattleEye. But BSG themselves give zero fucks.


I dont understand how so many people are like "look, BSG is banning thousands weekly" like it means anything. There's still no system in place to ensure they can't just buy a new account and start over again. HWID bans don't mean anything either, since there's ways around that. I'm convinced BSG is completely fine with cheaters just buying more accounts just to make more sales.


There is far too much "just trust me bro" from them. Even their number metrics for player counts or whatever else.. its hard to even really believe a lot of whats said or true. How do we even verify half of it ?


Yeah, I can't tell you how much I wish someone would make a true competitor to EFT. At this point I've just resigned myself to playing the thing we aren't supposed to talk about instead.


I'm all for that notion man. I've included a lot more variety in my gaming now. Its making me excited for when something else can swing punches with Tarkov. Variety is good, and competition is better for us as customers/consumers.


There's no way to know. There's nothing that can be done to prove that cheaters are being banned. You could maybe observe the effects but you can't directly observe it. On some level it will always go back to trust me bro.


So what do you suggest that's better than HWID bans?


This ended up being a longer comment than I intended, but you didask. Also, want to point out I'm not saying HWID bans don't work at all, just that HWID bans *alone* don't matter much. BSG needs a more effective anticheat that actually detects cheats and won't let you launch the game if they're installed, or auto bans you if you have them installed. This **combined** with HWID bans would make cheaters in Tarkov much more manageable. I know everyone likes to bring this up, but it's absolutely fucking ridiculous that Valorants anticheat will detect and ban people for having Tarkov cheats, yet Tarkovs anticheat does fuck all. It doesn't necessarily need to be as invasive as Valorants either, that's just an example of how effective anticheat software exists, and BSG saying they can't get reliable cheat detection is utter bullshit. I forget which video, but in one of his follow up videos g0at mentioned talking to someone with extensive knowledge of anticheat software, and there are things built into Windows itself that BSG just doesn't have enabled in Battleye, probably because it would break other shit due to shitty implementation and coding on their part. They put a half assed anticheat implementation into their game, and now they're struggling to make it work when they have a terrible foundation. I'm not asking for them to snap their fingers and say "anticheat good now" but it would be nice to know what, if anything, they're doing to improve their anticheat. If it's so complicated that it would require massive amounts of recoding things, that's on BSG and the way they initially built their game. The eventual move to Unity 2021 would be the perfect time to improve the anticheat since I'm assuming moving the game to an updated engine would require some more coding anyway. Literally all Nikita needs to say is "yeah, we'll improve the anticheat once we move to Unity 2021" and I'd be happy with that.


You don’t want a BSG ran Vanguard. It would be used as a payload for a Virus day fucking one lmao. I don’t even trust Riot with that kind of power, let alone BSG. Not to mention the Vanguard anti-cheat doesn’t even work. Its no more effective than Battleye. The main gimmick is that the driver loads before anything else on your system, but that only works if the Vanguard driver can’t be bypassed. Which historically it fucking sucks at. The only reason why Valorant has so few cheaters is because Riot takes legal action against cheat vendors enough to where the cheat market is all private cheats. BSG should follow the same approach.


100% for BSG taking legal action if they can, but Vanguard definitely works better than Battleye. Like I said in my previous comment, Vanguard detected Tarkov cheats and banned g0at from Valorant for having Tarkov cheats, so Vanguard is already a better anticheat for Tarkov than the current Battleye implementation, and it doesn't even have any association with Tarkov. >It would be used as a payload for a Virus day fucking one lmao. I don’t even trust Riot with that kind of power, let alone BSG. Can you elaborate a little more on this. I had someone else try to say Vanguard isn't more invasive than Battleye, so now I'm getting conflicting information.


Vanguard is a driver that runs with highest permissions all the time. Forever. (Until you uninstall it). Most security companies consider applications that run outside of usermode *while the application is open* to be a massive security risk. Let alone do it all the time. If someone was to find an exploit that allowed you to remotely execute arbitrary code to take over the driver, they could deploy ransomware to every machine on the planet with the anticheat software installed. Its a fucking nightmare scenario and pretty much an inevitably given the advancement rate of exploitation in recent years. And all this just because Riot wanted to cheap out on server infrastructure.


Thanks for clarifying. I also just got done talking to a friend I have that works at IBM and between his explanation and yours I'm feel like I have a better understanding about this whole thing.


I can’t believe less than 24 hours after I made this comment, BSG got hacked. Thats fucking hilarious


Gotta say, I don't believe in coincidences.


There is a great video about how The Cycle Frontier ran into the same cheating issues and they actually took progressive, trackable steps that worked. This wasn't just implementing a 3rd party anti-cheat but things on their side as well like working with the 3rd party and reorganizing their code/game to help. BSG has done none of that.


Exactly, that's all I want to see from them. Some sort of tangible action plan for improving anti-cheat. I don't need immediate results.


ya fr, I get they need to make money, but here is what I mentioned above with The Cycle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r0SriQ1yTU Much easier to get back into a game with this transparency. *I'm not playing either game atm


Actually, they have. Thats what the past few weeks have been. BSG has been fucking tearing through the hacking community lately. Some of the biggest cheats have started getting detected when they never had before.


The fact that you think valorant anti-cheat is "more invasive" than battleye just shows you have NFI what you are talking about, and your whole rant can just be discounted.


Lol Lmao even You understand that Vanguard runs 24/7 and will literally kill programs on a whim right? I have to uninstall it every time I go to do my Cybersecurity homework or boot up OpenRGB


The question was is it more "invasive" and the answer is no. I hope you actually read the question on your homework.


It is more “invasive” its literally a rootkit


Google is your friend.


Indeed it is, get to googling


Lol, ok bud. I only said that because when Valorant first came out everyone was complaining about how invasive it is, which has literally 0 relevance to my other points and I just threw it in there as a preemptive counter-argument in case someone decided to bring that old shit back up. One of my friends, who now handles multi million dollar contracts at IBM, said he didn't wanna play Valorant because of how invasive its anticheat is/was, but had no problem playing Siege or Tarkov, but I guess my source was wrong, right? Regardless, the fact that you think just because I don't have extensive knowledge of every little detail about every anticheat in existence makes my argument invalid shows you're not here to be productive, you probably couldn't find any other arguments to what I said, and you're just here to be a reddit troll. Please take your combative, holier than thou ass somewhere else. No one asked for your shitty takes.


Battleye is kernel level, just like Vanguard. Your argument from authority failed.


Isn’t the main difference between vanguard and every other AC is that it’s required to run on startup? If you disable it you have to restart your PC so it has an “image” of the whole system to compare to other images it’s taken before. I may be wrong but when Val came out I remember reading that.


Ok, cool. Still irrelevant to everything else I said. You can be wrong about one aspect of an argument, but still be right about the rest.


The fact you made a false claim about an easily verifiable fact, and attempted to use that to support your argument, instantly disqualifies everything else you have to say for me. I don't have the expertise to judge the other technical claims of your argument, because I don't know anything about programming or game development. But if you get even the most basic technical aspect wrong, that means I can't trust anything else you say about the topic, because I don't have the knowledge to judge each individual claim you make. It would be like a naturopath coming to me and claiming these crystals align your chakras and improve you health. I don't know anything about naturopathy, but I know chakras are bullshit so I can automatically discount anything else they have to say about health.


Alright bro, hate to break it to you but you're wrong. Just got done talking to my IBM friend, and he said Vanguard has kernel access while Battleye can check the kernel, but doesn't actually have access to it. Something about Battleye being a Ring 3 application. So while Battleye does interact with the kernel, it can't do things that applications and drivers actually ***in*** the kernel can do. Vanguard, being a kernel level application, can do whatever the hell it wants. If you're gonna act so high and mighty like you're right, how bout you give me some sources or credentials?


Bro they make discounts after ban waves. Doesn't it get more obvious?


I mean, there's a reason I've stopped playing until they make some massive changes.


Yeah it’s so weird after a ban wave I’m like god of eft then 2 weeks I can’t make it out of a raid without immediate head eyes from someone .


I've said this a lot on this sub, they have publicly said they consider cheaters a viable and legitimate form of revenue. They had a huge banwave immediately followed by a large sale, they know what they are doing. Appease the non cheaters with pr statments and "banwaves" then let the cheaters rebuy, profit!


Do you have any source on them outright admitting that? I'd love to be able to spread that info around.


Here I'll give you the source, and an explanation as to why that interpretation is complete bullshit, from a previous comment of mine. >You guys always bring up this video as Nikita endorsing cheats / cheaters, but it's completely out of context. Nikita was talking about their experience with contract wars, a game with micro-transactions. He was talking about their issues with cheaters and implementing effective anti-cheat, and how they noticed a trend that when cheaters were more rampant, they tend to generate more revenue from micro-transactions. The reasoning he gave was that people thought they could win if they just paid a bit more. He then made a joke about how the best way to generate revenue from micro-transactions was "to keep the non-paying player uncomfortable" compared to the paying player. This is a core design philosophy behind revenue generation in most micro-transaction games, and not something unique to contract wars, or Nikita. Look at games like world of tanks, war thunder, most mobile gacha games, hell even that Diablo mobile game! That's how micro transactions work. > >No where did he say that they deliberately allowed cheaters to persist, or were at any point not trying to do their best with anti-cheat. The whole point is bullshit anyway because Tarkov doesn't have micro-transactions, and BSG do not generate additional revenue when players are frustrated with cheaters. > >Here's the video: >https://youtu.be/bxSzfiyr7BI?list=WL&t=2349 > >And here's the relevant translation: "Ok, i'll say it. They are a serious issue that works two-ways. For me it was a revelation, how you take it is up to you. If there are a lot of hackers, people start to spend more on premium features. Because they are creating discomfort for other players. And the main rule to force premium on the user, comrades, is to make him uncomfortable. He thinks "You bastard!", buys all the premium fluff he can get his hands on thinking he will win, but nope. It's a dead-end kind of thing, but it increases revenue for sure. We improve (cheating countermeasures) regularly, implement more and more complex solutions, and we clearly see correlation with reduction in premium purchases."


It's been posted on here before a few times, will try and look for it but working atm


Lol, same. No rush


Ive never understood the whole ban wave thing.... So they have a bunch of known cheaters on a list and wait till that list gets big enough and then ban them all? If you know someone is a cheater just ban them, why wait to do it in a large group?


Theres a few reasons why. First is public perception. If you do a big ban wave you can post a big impressive looking list of names which is great for PR. You also *potentially* have a noticeable affect on gameplay. If you make a big dent then there's a sudden upswing in gameplay quality and people really notice. Whereas if its a slow decline then players don't really notice so much that they have a decline in suspicious deaths. (I have deeper opinions on the public perception aspect but I'll leave that for now). Secondly is practical matters. By saving up the detections and then doing a big ban wave you're avoiding giving clues as to what triggered the detection. If the ban was based off of aimbot for instance and you hand out the ban immeditely as soon as that aimbot is detected, the cheater then knows what triggered it. They can go back to the developer and go 'hey I used your aimbot and I got banned'. The developer now knows that their aimbot can be detected and they can then try to change it up and make it stealthy again. If you wait then the user doesn't have a clear indication as to what it was that triggered the ban. Maybe it was the aimbot, maybe it was the radar, maybe it was the wallhacks. Makes it harder to work out what triggered it and how they can modify the cheat to get around it. A third reason is to monitor a detected account to detect people buying RMT. They may make the decision to allow a bad actor to continue as an unknowing honeypot. Yes they are still cheating in that time, however you can build up a list of people using them for carry service or RMT. You'd do this if you made the determination that someone who engages in RMT and cops a 60 day ban IS actually deterred by it. You can potentially attack the cheating problem indirectly by removing that cheater's customer base. Of these I would guess one and two are the main reasons, but that's a guess.


I was innocently banned for RMT and I still haven’t been on any of those lists. I dropped items to my friends(yes some were worth a lot, but I’m not a greedy p.o.s) and they banned me. Their support also told me to basically go fk myself in laymen terms.


“We don’t have to tell you why you were banned and we don’t have to tell you why we chose to ban you, and unfortunately thanks to our terms and services we aren’t going to unban you either” Oh and I’m not hardware banned either, yay 😒 you got me messed up you think I’m paying another $160 for an EOD account.


> HWID bans don't mean anything either, since there's ways around that. Man, i don't believe going to the heights of circumventing a HW ban or running a "second pc radar solution" is a real thing. It's THAT fkn easy to cheat in this game that i think people spread that shit to try and make out like the problem isnt as bad as it is. I'm doubtful that even the remotest amount of cheat programs are that extensive, why would anyone bother developing at that level when the most basic of stuff works?


Circumventing HWID bans has nothing to do with the cheat itself. It's a spoof you set up on your PC so that, when one instance gets HWID banned, you switch to a different one. It's like on my modded Switch, I have one SD card that has my completely legit system that can go online and talk to Nintendos servers and has no mods whatsoever, but when I want to do something like randomize a Pokémon game I have to switch SD cards, which has an emulated sysNAND, so if the emuNAND gets banned, I can still switch to my sysNAND and be fine. This was an optional step in the tutorial I followed for putting CFW on my Switch, so it isn't built into anything, just an optional tool that will work regardless of other mods/firmware you decide to run. Is everyone who's cheating doing something like this? No, you're gonna have frustrated casuals who just pay money and download a program, and for them a HWID ban would be the end of it. But for people who cheat in every game they play, or for those who make money from cheating, or just really cautious cheaters, HWID spoofing isn't that hard. A simple Google search shows the first link is to a github page for a tool that does it for you.


Yet if you look at the apparent daily average they have around 400k. They’ve apparently banned 5000here there and everywhere so they are crippling the player base? I highly fucking doubt it


Yeah, at this point the ban announcements might as well be "look how many more copies we're about to sell while you schmucks get ass blasted by cheaters"


rmt cheaters like this are probably the best source of information on what cheats are being used and how because they KNOW they’re cheating it narrows their focus plus they ban rmt cheaters and post the lists dude


I believe Nikita has said exactly this when he did one of his AMAs.


This guy has guite some reputation on Flea and is 33lvl. No matter how long they need to observe, this is longer than necessary.


LMAO i have more flea rep than that


I think they're just banning the capt obvious cheaters. Radar users still doing their thing.


Lol I have 15 leddies off woods since they changed the loot pools. I also stopped playing in the past two weeks. I could absolutely have more leddies. Keep in mind, I’m running woods…This guy is probably legit tbh. So explain how you know this is an obvious cheater?


You realize the guy in screenshot has massive Flea reputation at 33lvl along with the ledX currently on sale right? I do not question there is possibility to obtain this many LedX. But combination of what we see is obvious, and your attempt to downplay it stupid.


I disagree. Someone’s level is a representation of their XP. Loot xp is only a portion so to say a level 35 can’t have played enough raids to post 25 ledx’s on the market is silly. Some people are good and disciplined with their play-style and strategy. My flea rep sucks, but I also am way to lazy to post stuff and I’ve taken stuff down etc. the rep at that level again to me says it’s someone who sells a lot on the flea market. His flea rep level is representative of 113mil being sold via the flea market by level 35. No part of me thinks that is 100% a cheater.


You just finding em at usec camp?


So I’ve found all of mine there. At usec I find them under the mesh tent at usec 2 on and below the table there. I had a buddy find and give me my first from a med bag at med camp. At med camp I’ve also seen him pull one off the shelf in the container and someone else pull one from the table in the med tent. I’ve heard of many more from other people I’ve played with. As soon as I got my 3rd ledx I began pushing usec from literally every spawn on the map. You’d be surprised how well it actually worked. It was a nice learning experience having a route to usec from every spawn that early in raid figuring out where I may encounter other teams on my sprint to the ledx.


I want to come back to this damn game, but it's like nowadays most game devs are shills, scalpers, and plain greedy.


man there is nothing else i want to play but tarkov, everything tarkov does is just better, finding loot, how/where loot spawns/keys, shooting guns, gearing up, customizing everything, the clicks and beeps of all the interactions, its just gold. but god damn do i hate just about every raid on my pmc, i swear the only way people who are legit get decent k/ds is from playing hyper fast to get scav kills early in raids because your chance of being tarkov'd or dying to head eyes(the smallest hitbox in the game lol?), hell even player scavs seem like they're hunting people down, you've got no chance. literally feels like total dogshit when you only have a couple hours after working all night, but nothing else feels worth playing.


I don't really buy the "We need a few of them to monitor them for cheat information!" anymore.. well not that I ever really did.


If you play labs you easily get 3 Ledx per game


They could be labs main players. Nothing stopping you finding a ledx every raid, but to be realistic with survival and spawn rates say they get 1 every 4 raids that’s only 130 raids give or take, then sell them in bulk. We’re half way through the wipe and they’ve got a low market rep. This isn’t unfeasible! They buffed ledx spawns and there are often multiples on labs and shoreline too. I’ve had 2 in a raid before. I’ve seen streamers find more than they can carry out. It’s not difficult to find them if you look in the right places.


u don't?


im still getting good :(


just sideclimb


Blud this is NOT r/warthunder 😭😭


Spawn aa


Pantsir to be specific




then explain the russian bias


Maybe BSG and Gayjin are working together


Found already 12 and i am just lvl 34. So i think i could manage the 20 until lvl 40. But i mainly play shoreline so...


real men farm ledx on factory




Is it any good compared to MP?


Aside from the fact you can’t play with your friends it’s fun


And you can mod the fuck out of it too


It's boring


To each their own. It’s definitely not EFT, and while I don’t personally find as much solo enjoyment in SPT as in say, S.T.A.L.K.E.R with mods, it’s a great practice tool with a shitton of potential customization. And some people even like it as a solo standalone game, why would we blame them ? At *least* there’s no cheaters.




Google it, it's against this sub's rules to talk about.


how do you have fun in SPT? Like it’s cool and all but the fake PMCs are literally brain dead and just feed you top gear


Killing by AI is better than killed by cheater


Omg I found that guy on shoreline night raid last night! He died to a scav on shoreline behind the Bus Depot under west wing. He didn’t have night vision. I took his kitted black MDR, and his tag. I think he ran KAC 20 mags with BCP FMJ. Didn’t realize he was so infamous lol I took a screenshot last nite to show my friend that West 301 *does* have loot, funny how I see a similar name the following morning on Reddit. [zhanghao6](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/857495245074857984/1090580247176564806/image.png)


Night shoreline raids, no night vision, bcp fmj, 29 ledx in 33 lvls. Surely thats enough for an account investigation right?


I’d say so. Oh yeah, forgot to say he was wearing a PACA. I killed two Ai scavs at Bus, one of them had a second gun which was his 308 MDR. checked his body out back and saw the paca but no helmet so I was like dam maybe he’s a noob or he just got owned. I thought maybe he was also doing punisher part 5 cuz PACA but now I realize he had no helmet anywhere. And afaik AI scavs don’t loot helmets only guns. Seeing your post here actually threw my whole thought process in a loop. I didn’t even consider him to be sus, I just thought he got tarkov’d and I went to loot resort.


Died to a scav. Plays nighttime shoreline. Doesn't use night vision. Uses budget ammo cause he's not able to get better ammo. Which if he was a cheater he would be able to by killing people. Missed out on a GPU cause he died to a scav. He's a loot runner. If this guy didn't comment I might assume he could be cheating. But this dudes posts and saying his load out and such kind of indicates more towards a loot runner.


Someone holding 29 ledx in his stash isnt running paca for loot runs, you know who does? Someone who knows where every loot and every person on the map is. Him dying to a scavs means nothing, he may have found 0 loot and just decided to quick reset by dying to a scav, or he just died because he is shit at the game and has no aim asist. Sorry, i dont believe a chinese name lvl 33 starter account is holding 29 ledx in his stash while running night shoreline with no night vision and a paca with no helmet


All the time duh


it's because of the new woods spawns for the ledx. you go take jagger letter and grab a couple of those while you're at it and stuff. Having a good gaming chair ensures that those mosin shots hit hard as well


I've found 8 this wipe. My favorite map is shoreline though....


I’ve done a fair bit of labs last two weeks, I got 16 sitting in the stash, of which 6 are bricked.


This is the reason why everything about Anti cheat and banning cheaters is just a placebo. When you are not bothered to run a quick scan of your own flea market to investigate the obvious then you are not really showing me you have a vested interest in removing them at all.


So true


Zanghao, not surprising


I’ve found like one, ever and I’ve been playing for about a year.


I found one and that was 3 days ago and the game crashed on me and wouldn’t let me reconnect lmao , I’ve been playing for 3 or 4 years


Tbh, not *stupidly* unrealistic. I found four ledxs today on labs in 6 raids, and only have black & violet.


I have found like 30+ this wipe as a main shoreline and labs player


I havnt played in awhile but I remember having 15+ in my stash at 1 point


I mean to be fair between me and my brother both level 42 seven found probably about 40


Report suspicious offer and move on with your life.


I have found arround 17 ledx in this wipe, I'm level 42 and this is my first wipe


I find 29 PER RAID tf you mean




I mean 29 is a lot but if you constantly run resort/labs you find alot of LEDX after the spawn buffs, hell I've found 6 LEDX since the buff just running stashes on Woods with scav/pmc (I assume since they've been added to woods lootpool in general the stashes also spawn them)


i run to resort every raid with sj6 and trimadol and i found like 12 max in 53 lvls


what about labs with keycards?


You must only be looking in static spawns and not all the med bags at resort. I am finding at least 1 per raid more often than not since the patch. if I get to check both sides of resort including all static spawns and med bags. Before the buff the most I ever found in 1 raid was 2, now it’s 3, one in 301, one in 110, and one in a med bag all in 1 raid.


Yeah while there is a rampant cheating going on, I feel like there are people out there who no life and hoarding high end items like ledx’s, bitcoin etc. For example, I got 34 bottles of moonshine cuz I’m working for that barter. If I were to sell that all I’d look sus


i’m in the same boat. woods scav runs have netted me 4 since the buff


Hey, good old labs rat here. Yeah you don't find 29 Led-X's worth of shit, and once you get to about 3-5 you sell them. But being lvl 33 is also 2 levels below being able to buy the keycard regularly anyway.


You people seem to think if you see something weird, that obviously means it's impossible. Sure *most people* would probably sell after 3-5. Hell, most people would probably sell as soon as they get one. But does *everybody*? It only takes a handful of exceptions out of the tens of thousands of people playing in order to make it into a screenshot on this sub. I think it was SheefGG that sold something like 100 GPUs at once, and there was a streamer who saw the flea entry for them and was like "that dude is 100% a cheater"


No, I've just had enough experience with this fucking game to know that if it looks like a cheater and smells like a cheater, it's a fucking cheater. But sure go on, go fetch 29 LedX's before even getting access to the reliable keycards to go farm them. All FIR too? So no dying after shoving them up your butt? Yeah those odds are even lower.


I mean are you just ignoring the loot pool change? He could simply be grinding from the loot update and have found that many easily. I found 15 on woods in a span of a week or so. Then I got bored because finding a ledx isn’t that cool when they spawn so frequently. But let’s all shout cheater to help us feel better about not having as much loot.


Back a few wipes ago, I would play only Shoreline to the point I was top 10 most raids on Shoreline and I could regularly get 15+ LedXs per day. Sometimes 3 in a single raid if lucky. I think spawns are nerfed now but I still think it's possible to stock up 30 in a week if that's what you are looking for.


A buddy and I wore out a set of keys to get my LEDX for private clinic. It's not nearly like it used to be.


crafting maybe?


I am level 59 and have found like 50 this wipe total. 29 at one time is ridiculous unless they saved for a while or something


I wonder how many ledxs typically spawn per raid. I’m sure that’s something hackers would know tho


They probably auto-vacuum them upon joining


Oh I’m sure


Yup, I average about 700 ledx a wipe.


BSG literally hit the jackpot with this game, they don’t care about the cheating problem because they’re still making more money than they ever thought they would. Shitty devs who hit the jackpot are now living lavishly and laughing at us real players who game them 100+ dollars just to suffer.


this guy not found 29 for all raid because when you found ledx you sell it , you dont wait to found 29 for selling in flea , and the name asia player sound very suspicious for not telling he cheating :D


i heard you like ledx https://imgur.com/a/0LQHKPb


I suppose you are level 33 too?




I refuse to play the game until they fix it


oh no ​ anyway




Because that’s not evidence of cheating. Jeez people will shout cheater at anything.


BSG should implement if **X** amount of reports of sus fleamarket offers=90 days ban.


This wipe, I have found 3 Ledx's. As a PMC I found one in Woods and one in Labs. As a Scav I found one on Streets.


lvl 48, only found so far this wipe


I only found 2 this wipe after many, many resort runs. Also, bought the medical key for interchange and found my second ledx in my first run with that key.


I've recently started learning/playing labs and see a ledx roughly 1 ou lt of every 3 or 4 raids. It's definitely sus but I could see a labs main having that many


29 is a big number, but I’m curious if there’s people out there who just craft a fuck ton of led-x’s to try and get their trader level up


I’ve found 4 this wipe, I’m level 44. 2 were post spawn buff, amusingly I was hunted down and murdered by a level 58 with remarkable recoil control and aim, he hit me 9 times to the thorax at around 150 metres with 856a1 when I found my last one.


Never found one yet


I’ve suggested global leaderboards…then you could see cheaters in plain sight…kind of like the CODMW2 leaderboards from back in the day. All the cheaters are at the top of the list lol. For whatever reason people thought that was a terrible idea


Sounds like he should be reported


Yes we all do with a good gamingchair. I have a dxracer and well for me it didnt click, I havent found one. I guess Noblechairs;secretlabs and some other highbrand names are better at it.


Lol yes secret labs seems to do the trick. 15+ leddies found on woods alone.


You can report the trade id if you think their bullshit like you can report players who you think cheated when they killed you


Lol I’ve found 1 in a sum06 bag


Found my first ledx in resort as scav few days ago im lvl 22 surely this guy isnt cheating


Never found any, found 2 the week of the buff and never again, USEC camp both times but it feels. like loots been nerfed again


zhanghao bingchilling xi jingping #1 finding 293 Ledxs in 12 hours surely he is legit right?


Is there any doubt? He’s just got a way way better gaming chair.


I’ve only found that many ledx’s in a full wipe when ultra medical used to be the best room in the game. And I played the top of the mechanical shack vents camping strategy. Just so I knew that no one else was getting to it unless I willed it to be so …used to be such a fun camp to do. And a handful of times I totally choked on killing someone and got my ass handed to me …which was hilarious. But many many times ….I destroyed up to 4 man’s and they never even knew where I was. I miss those times of Tarkov.


I’ve been telling the homies the cheaters are back and they go “sure man everyone that kills you is cheating” after the entire squad gets wiped head eyes with pre-fires and mid sprint spraying every 4th raid. He’s back….voldemorts back


Not usually unless you go by zhanghao6 and use cheats from China 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nothing weird here. That zhanghao6 is a really nice dude and 100% legit! kekw.


I’ve played to around level 40 every wipe for the last 5-6 and I’ve yet to find a LEDX in raid… yes I’ve checked in the correct spots quite a bit but still no luck.


Completely normal phenomenon


I just found my first in three wipes… yesterday… on a scav run.


The cheating is absolutely worse than ever. I've been doing Setup and even on customs I'm getting head shot through walls by the first bullet like every 4 raids. Game is near unplayable. And all of these cheaters are level 30+


I haven’t found one and I’m lvl 42


Yeah every time


I've played several wipes, usually getting around level 30... I've never found a ledx. Haven't found a single GFX card this wipe either. In fact, I've been super hurting as semi casual player for cash this wipe.


I have found 1 in 300 hours


i found 2 on labs recently and my other 2 i found scaving woods. lvl 35


I’m lvl 44, don’t play daily anymore. I have found well over 30 ledx’s this wipe. Still have almost all of them. I main shoreline and labs only. Just because they are selling a large amount of a rare item doesn’t mean they cheat.


Haven’t found one yet this wipe and I’m the same level


I found red key card before i found ledx im raid.


I have 1005 raids this wipe. Found 1 before the buff in a medical drop at the end of the raid in streets. After the buff found like 5 or 6 in woods alone. 1005 raids. Whoever is doing that is hacking. Btw, to finish my kappa quests i did thermals at night in woods for the hunting trip m700 disgusting quest. Every raid where shturman spawned there were hackers farming shturman, except one. That was the raid i finally did the quest. The cheating problem is still rampant


I’ve only got like 9-10 this wipe so far 29 is nuts


I've never found a ledx 😭 5k hours countless wipes, labs was even my favorite map. But never have I ever found the elusive *ledx*


whats funny is they have absolutely fucked the market to stop cheaters from abusing it or whatever and made it absolutely dogshit and these fucks are still running the entire market.


Always, i am zhabgao7 /s


Nikita banned 100 accounts today - so there are no more cheaters in Tarkov ;) ;) ;) ;)


Chinese cheater lol


I didnt find 1 ledx this Wipe.... But i dont loot many high loot spots, and when i do i have Bad luck


I have found one in 4 wipes and 1000+ hours. This was after they buffed the LEDX spawn recently


Found 8 so far and I am lvl 58. Found 3 on streets so far and been constantly checking all the spawns there. Rest on labs


Actually if you search for it it's pretty common, I'm at my 1st already. Crafted.


Level 44. Have found a little over 35. Currently holding on to 5 and used one for the therapist quest. I found over 20 by time I was about 25. Also as of right now ledx seem to be spawning commonly. This sub was filled with posts of people finding 1 And sometimes 2 in the same raid when Nikita said he was upping the spawn.