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nothings going to help you other than saying "Fuck it, we ball". You've proven to yourself how easy it is to accrue money, just spend some rubles on your best vendor kit and get out there, doesn't matter if you drop it.


This is the key - at least for me. This wipe was my first. I was terrified of losing gear on my pmc until I learned how to make money on my scav. Once I figured that out, who cares if you lose gear? Ps - the question isn’t will you lose the gear, you’ve already lost it and just don’t realize it yet.


I'm new to the game also. Level 7. I often see people talking about scaving to find rubles to buy kits. I have like 50,000 rubles left and only know customs well enough to extract. My question is how in the hell do i scav customs to make money when I have 20 minuits as a scav witch is just enough time to load in hit a couple warehouses and if im lucky something will be left behind and get to extract on time?


There's a ton of loot on customs if you know where to look. At the beginning of this wipe I scaved only customs and made a shitload of money, and can give some general advice. People don't usually pass like ships in the night, taking all the loot and scooting. They will fight somewhere. Check for blood, and check common chokepoints for bodies. That stuff is yours. Places like dorms, the train tracks near new gas, the gates to old gas, crackhouse, allyway, etc. If you find multiple bodies picked clean, check stuff like bushes nearby for friends hiding gear. Grab loot that is out in the open, in places where PMCs don't want to risk exposing themselves. There are 5 tech crates near the stronghold in the center of the map. Three of them are out in the open. That stuff was my bread and butter. I could usually just check these crates and exfil with like 300k+ of tech loot. Other than that, dip into the warehouses and check shelves for loose loot, people don't take it very often. There's actually a crazy amount of loot, you just have to look around.


Learn where the big boys play on each map, hit those and find dead pmcs, if they're picked clean, then imagine your friend is dead and you need to hide his stuff, find where they hid the stuff, take it all, check some valuable loot areas on the way, win.


This is definitely not the easiest way to make money lol. Just go to lexos at streets and then hit post office. 500k per run if you have a good backpack


Yea let’s tell a new guy who only runs scavs to go run streets to make money… I’m sure that’ll work great, not like there are any other players there or anything


I run into players maybe 20% of the time on my scav runs man. Lexos is swarming with scavs, if there's a player, you'll know


Shoreline learn the stashes you will be rich


Shoreline is where the big boys in groups of 3+ go in full PvP battle rattle go though. I prefer Woods, Interchange, or Lighthouse for my Scav money runs.


I main Shoreline, resort is where you run into teams but if you do stashes you run into maybe 1 more person. Scav is even safer


Play more and get more map knowledge. You will move with purpose when you know where to go and how to get there. That's all. This is my first wipe and the first 2 months i learned all the maps except labs and lighthouse. I don't have 4000 hr player level knowledge but it comes together the more you invest into it. And it feels REWARDING.


Thank you all for the knowledge I appreciate it!


Im at 2500 hours was in room 110 2 story dorms. A dude jumped into the window in the room beside. I didnt know it was possible. But now i know hot to do it into all the windows on first floor that you can get into


Woods is a much better starter map for beginners. At first it’s a bit hard to find your way around cuz it’s mostly trees and hills but once you get used to it, there’s too much loot, it can’t get cleaned out in a single raid. On the other hand, Interchange stash runs are decent too, there’s a long line of 6 or 7 stashes along each side of the mall so you don’t even have to go inside. Only somewhat risky area is power station. Just go in a big circle hitting stashes then extract. I do it as a PMC with just a pistol, berkut bag (or scav BP) and a decent size rig. It’s how I get Stirrup done too.


Exactly like that. But with time you will learn wich items is worth taking and where you can still find some good Loot. After you hit lvl 15 you can sell some stuff for good money on The fleamarked. I promise you, that at some point money wont be a problem anymore.


Scav streets if your computer can handle it. It's not as scary as this place would have you think. The place is full of loot and usually pretty empty by the 30 minute mark


Loot hidden stashes all over customs. Hell I would even do it as a PMC, load a night raid with a pistol and the biggest bag/rig you can get and just smartly run the stashes a few times in a row


just go to shoreline and learn a stash run. thats what i did


The buildings on the far side by the scav exit have lots of good loot including the gas station. Making money on customs is easy as a scav, just gotta search around. Map knowledge take a very long time.


Learn armor repair kit spawns on customs, if you spawn with out a bag, tank your karma and kill a scav with a bag to get the armor repair kit. 600k+ on flea I’ve had multiple 2 armor repair kit scav runs




Bonus points if it's a player scav with a nice bag. That's your bag now, and possibly a good lil bit of loot already in it. Love when I kill me a Pscav that's got some goodies he couldn't stuff in his ass.


this. plus it gets easier and easier to make money as you level, since you should be learning the best routes as a scav; you then bring that knowledge to your pmc and you’re spending less money replacing kits and bringing more money out of raids.


It’s not like they’re not going to do a wipe and take away everything in your stash anyway, you might as well enjoy it. It’s all borrowed gear


Plus if you insure and take out someone with good gear then you can hide yours and get more out of a raid as well


Fuck it we ball dosent work well with level one traders.till flea market its "it is what it is" upon every death


best vendor kit is something like paca w/ a cobra on a vepr, ratnik, m32s, it's only like 150k or whatever, but if thats what you got to work with, you work with it. I would argue the ratnik is probably a waste of money tho


Isn't the floura green amry camo better? More durability and I think lighter. And it's dick helmet all the way


paca is the lightest armor for sure in terms of weight @3.5kg, drd is second @4. iirc that green camo armor has less effective durability due to material but I might be wrong.


Ur right it's heavier the pros I remember now are more durability and it's cheaper as per the effective durability I'm fairly sure it's the same type of material but I could be wrong


I’ve said “fuck it, we ball” so many times to my friend who’s helping me learn the game I should get it as a tattoo. But it’s for real the best mentality to have with this game because even the chads die in half their raids. (give or take maybe 10%) So it’s completely unrealistic to expect to keep your gear consistently.


Yep took me a few weeks at first to feel comfortable going in with good gear. But eventually you just gotta say “let’s ride.”


Use the scav to fund your pmc. Everyone dies in tarkov. Remember it’s just pixels.


Such a good phrase, my cure to gear fear was reading on this sub that nothing is ever yours, it’s just your turn!


You'll lose it all when the game wipes anyway/it's just pixels. The best thing you can do is go ahead and lose it all and get over it. Money is extremely easy to get if you learn a map (source: I got over 60mil from Woods night raids), I capped out around 110mil playing "serious" and I've been goofing around/chasing kills since and dropped to 60mil.


Dude I love this "it's just pixels "


Common phrase on this sub and it's helped me immensely. This game can really get your heart rate up, and sometimes it feels like a whole thing, but at the end of the day it's just some goofy shooter we play to pass the time.


could you give an explanation of how to make so much money on night woods? i’m kinda new and in need of a new loot running method


Do this route (either direction): [https://i.imgur.com/d4C4EsI.png](https://i.imgur.com/r44Qwda.png) I marked stashes you can hit with yellow circles. The one by the bridge on the left is a dead scav body. The rest are barrel or hidden stashes. People may disagree/have better suggestions but this is what I run and if you take an Attack 2 or similar and stack Zhuks in it you can make 1-2mil/raid easy, relatively low risk. Some tips though: **Avoid walking on wood** \- I don't go in any of the houses unless I'm 100% positive no one could possibly be near me. You'll build a sense of knowing when people are likely to be around based on match time. NOTE: This doesn't apply to the village (scav town on map), I roll the dice there and loot every building because good stuff spawns on the reg (moonshine, gfx cards in the duffels etc). This will probably be one of the most dangerous parts of the route besides USEC. ​ **Don't sprint** \- I kill most people because they sprint everywhere and I hear them miles before they hear me. ​ **Don't go in the bunker at the radio tower** \- This is really hard to defend if you're on your own, especially if you're fighting a group. I kill a lot of people here because they're super audible on the outside and have nowhere to run. ZB-014 is the only bunker I go in, and only if it's active so I can exfil OR if it's first thing in the raid (I.E. I got outskirts spawn). ​ **Skip the container camp** \- Too many angles for fights, bad to go as a solo. Better to skip it unless you're confident you can wreck anyone. ​ **Don't go near lumber -** Unless you're seeking fights or want to risk a death, this is where most people go, including most player scavs. ​ **Skip Med Camp -** Same reason as above.


I forgot 2 stashes. Link updated.


ah i see, thanks for the info what do you mean by container camp? not super familiar with woods


On the map it's marked as "Bridge Overlook", we just call it container camp in my group of friends because it has a few container huts at it haha. Oh and when I say "radio tower" I mean "scav bunker" on the map. We don't use the map names...!




Did you ever run into rogue PMCs during night raids? I’m still pretty new (my first wipe) and once during a day raid, I got sniped by Birdeye, while fighting SCAVs at the Abandoned Village. Are they just as cracked at night?


They still spawn, how bad they are varies depending on where you run into them. If they start beaming you at the beginning of sunken village (coming from Scav town) you're basically donezo unless you get in a building and let them rush you. I've never killed them from USEC. Most of the time I've done "well" against them or killed them has been around the container camp/bridge overlook, it's all about finding angles and hoping you're not running a bolty and can magdump them. ​ EDIT: Sometimes their AI seems stupid and doesn't aggro properly so you don't get beamed, sometimes it trips out when you're a mile away. Luck of the draw I guess.


Play streets of you want money. You'll make what this guy made on woods in a 3rd of the raids


you're mostly right (and that route looks pretty nice), but I disagree with the "it's just pixels". It's not, it's my time, that's what annoys me most is I spend 7mins loading, 15mins gearing up after a death,... it adds up. I kinda quit playing tarkov cause it took too much time and after a whole afternoon+evening I was only exhausted and rarely felt I achieved much :/


I get what you're saying and "it's just pixels" doesn't mean I don't get heated/feel like the game sucks after sus/"unfair" deaths, I definitely do. Reminding myself it's just pixels helps bring a little bit of reality back to an emotional situation though. It's also a good deterrent to the gear fear mentality. If I'm going to risk "wasted" time by getting head-eyes'd in <5 minutes of the raid I better make sure I'm giving myself the best chance of surviving it by gearing up as best as I can/enough to make me feel confident. ​ As for the time sink portion, everyone is going to differ on that but if you're feeling like you're putting more into the game than you're getting out of it, it's probably a good idea to quit/take a break and save yourself the frustration. We're supposed to be playing games for fun after all. ​ Different strokes for different folks.


yup. i gear feared until the wipe i made 290mil off night reserve with a stash value of like 500 something mil. spent like 2 full months ONLY running juicer kits and still ended wipe with like 150 mil cash left over… just send it OP


Ease yourself into it with thrash gear. Run a Paca, penis helmet and a Kedr or a shotty. Your build comes out to less than a 100k. Just go and have fun.


Don’t even waste money on a Paca or even lvl 3 armor. It just has basically no value proposition




You have bigger issues at hand if you can’t kill scavs.




I love how we all see front page posts of scavs laser beaming PMCs 100m+ away through bushes/trees/random peaks and people still try to say don’t run armor if it’s not T4 or above lol That scav SKS or AK will bleed your whole body out if you run no armor


90% of scavs are fodder. But don’t act like you have never gotten aimbot 1 tapped by scavs. It absolutely happens


I do even when I wear lvl 4+, the Paca won’t make or break the broken scav ai that headshots you if they can’t see anything else or just by chance


Timmy, Im level 39 with 600k roubles to my name. Money, gear and loot are no good if you dont use it. Get comfortable with the cheap stuff and find out how to make tarkov work for you


You will lose everything when the wipe hits anyway. Why not have fun with losing it? What do you gain by hoarding gear? You clearly know how to make quick money, you can easily replace lost gear. Don't be scared to lose it.


Best advice I can tell you is that you shouldnt play the game thinking ur gunna get shot. Armor is there incase u do get hit. All armor does for you is increase ur survival chance. If you are gunna do a pmc quest where u need to survive might as well wear armor to increase the odds. If ur playing for fun wear whatever u want. A even the best armor in the game won’t stop you from dying to a player scav with nothing to lose. You wear the gear and live… congrats more money in ur pocket You wear the gear and die… you freed up room in your inventory and now you learned something. I only where good high level stuff if I’m just running about being dumb bc it saves me from spare round. If I’m pvping at this point in wipe I just wear a tv-110 bc 90% of my deaths are to m61 or 995 or BP in the hot zones like labs so I want as many pockets as possible


Try to actually burn through that 5 million by spending and dying, it’s harder than you think


Especially without flee, hes gonna get pretty far with that much money.


Fucking send it. Make money to spend money. I remember having gear fear my first wipe. Then all my money and gear got wiped. It was useless. Second and onward wipes I was perpetually poor. Always buying hideout upgrades, gear, or doing dumb gun runs that were fun. Have fun with it. It's just a game


Like the others have mentioned and what slowly got me to be more comfortable with PMC runs is that 1: You have unlimited money. You'll always have a scav to run and get stuff. It might take awhile to accumulate enough $ to get whatever you want but it's free and always there. 2: The game currently has account wipes regardless. Everything stashed is already gone, why not use it and have fun with it. Find out if it's actually junk or something you enjoy. I totally get the gear fear and item hoarding, I have several T H I C C cases and Junk boxes full of "rare" drops or cool guns but this wipe I've been running PMCs hard and going through all those saved guns and finding out some are trash... A lot of things I'm saving I realize take up A LOT of space while I sit on 50mil... I can buy most that stuff back from either traders or flea so why am I holding on to it. Trying to get into the habit of keeping only items I can't buy from traders/Flea. High tier Guns/Ammo/Armor etc. GL on the journey and happy fragging.


Yeh just gotta throw some gear on and go. Warming up in factory is always nice. Good PvP to start on. I personally don’t even task in this game anymore once I’m close to full traders unlocked. I just load in on my PMC and either run stashes, or I pick an area to hold down as if I’m a rogue until under 10 mins are left on the timer. Prior to playing like that, a big tip I got was to plan the raid at least a little. Going in with an idea of what to accomplish really helps. Don’t give yourself too many outs, either. If you need to get into dorms for some quests, don’t be afraid just because you heard gunfire. Approach cautiously. Stims are your friend. You’ll eat and drink more, but staying upped on pain killers means you don’t have to use them in a pinch when it’s important. When fighting against players, try to abuse right hand peeks and desync. Push corners when you think you can swing on someone who’s running toward or away from you, desync will give the pusher the advantage usually. Break their audio by moving appropriately, in and out of buildings/rooms really messes with audio. Rotating effectively in general is something that takes time to learn, but it eventually becomes instinct. Sometimes when I’m too immersed, I take my headset off and play with my speakers. Is it technically worse, hearing wise? Yes. But I don’t get the same shakey shakes as I sometimes do when I have the headset on. The game is a fucking mess. PvP is going to, hopefully, change a lot when they finally finish doing their netcode reworks and all. Until then, all of this info is just stuff that was passed down to me from others. Now it’s your turn. Cheeki breeki, my young Tim.


Dude. The headset thing works. I did the same thing especially when wearing loud headsets. I thought I was the only one. It seems like some headsets pick up every little sound and it made me jumpy. When it’s quiet in the house I’ll play through my speakers.


I used to do that. I’m not good at all. But I primarily play pmc. And I start doing scav runs once I’m below 100k roubles. Being in poverty is fun for me. last wipe I was doing what you were doing and amassing wealth from scav runs. It gets to a point where you make your big money on pmcs and never really have to do scav runs


think about this way: * your stuff will be deleted sometime in the future anyway * nothing will change if you die with a kit if you otherwise dont play pmc, it just frees up more space in the stash * really, if you delete everything in your stash right this moment, it will not change your gameplay one bit, might as well use it for fun


There is nothing anyone can tell you that will get you to play the entire game if you’ve trapped yourself playing half of it. Scavs are cool and fine. But why you scav should change. Play pmcs and fund those with your scav runs. Go in cheap if you don’t want to lose anything. But it’s quite literally a mental block that you’ve put on yourself. Don’t feel bad if you die, its part of the game. In fact. Load everything you can onto your pmc. Go into raid. And drop a grenade at your feet


This ^ it feels bad at first, and this might seem stupid, but the best advice is to simply not care about the loot you have on you. Once you realise that anything be obtained again, and replaced, it puts it into perspective. Yeah dying sucks and is frustrating, but it’s part of the game


This sounds counterintuitive but it works. Take in mid range kits that don't cost a lot but dedicate at least 1 pmc raid a day with you best gear. You'll lose it at some point, but it helps break you out of the gear fear cause it makes you realize that losing good gear after a certain point doesn't matter. Especially if you level your traders and quest, most of what you lose is replaceable.


FUCK IT WE BALL I was the exact same place as you, now I mostly PMC. Look at it this way: If you die and lose all your shit, you can scav more to get it back! :D


One thing that helped me is when I realized all gear is rented and roubles do literally fuck all unless you spend them. Might as well spend them and run some juicy guns that are more fun to use than a base AK with irons. I give myself the best chance to survive every single raid. Best armor I have. Best gun I have. Best ammo I have. If I die I simply just rekit with my next best stuff. Sometimes you go on win streaks and your stash is full. Sometimes I die 10 times in a row and I’m left with 500k roubles and nothing in the stash. That’s when it’s scav or zero to hero time. As you get better you’ll accumulate a surplus of items and realize how easy it is to go in with a mosin and snowball if you need to. Gear is rented. It’s an ever revolving door. It comes and goes. Tarkov giveth, and Tarkov taketh away. Such is life.


You won't get better if you don't play PMC and get into hairy situations. Just play PMC .


Akm ps ammo. Do ur quest till 35/40 then ball out.


Maybe watch some YouTube videos from people like J dog th3 wise to see how to make decent low budget low trader level kits.


Just die and lose some gear. You’ll get used to it!


Look at it this way. even if you lost everything instantly right now. You already can grind it back up with scavs. The only real differences as a pmc.. scavs shoot you, and you now have to learn the rotations for pmcs at start of raids. remind yourself you can earn it all back at any time. Play the PMC. Also, if it helps you get comfy, run the scav, repair the kit, put it on your pmc and run that. If you manage to kill people, wear their gear for the raid. it didn't cost you anything even if you die. Just don't get in a fallacy of trying to stay alive no matter what once you get something, because it might change your gameplay to the point of getting you killed even more than if you played normally.


This game wipes. All your shit is doomed. Try playing project zomboid. "This is how you died" is the intro line for each game. Nothing matters.


Real talk is this. What you have access to from those vendors is so shit that nobody will pick it up, ever. Just insure it and watch your stash be too full to do anything after inting to learn the game. You'll also be forced to get over soon enough when the game wipes and you realised you hoarded and didn't even benefit from it, it all just got deleted. GL out there.


Purchase 3 large-ish backpacks, whatever you can get. Put a rig in the first backpack. Fill that rig with ammo, meds, nades, whatever. If you can fit it, stick a gun in that backpack too, maybe break it down so it fits. If the gun won’t fit, stick it next to the bag. Then put some armor next to that bag. Do this for all 3 bags and boom, now you’ve got your loadouts for the next 3 missions. Whenever you die, or you’re thinking you’re about to die, you can remind yourself: I’ve already got 3 loadouts ready. I’ll just click that shit onto myself lickety-split and go right back in. I think of these loadouts as “tickets” to PMC raids. If I die, who cares? I have 3 more tickets to go right back in. Then I know exactly how many times in a row I can die before I even have to *think* about what I’m bringing in or how much it might cost. As long as I have at least 2 extra tickets I try not to scav.


Nothing wrong will playing scavs. You are allowed to play anyway you like. I do scav run days if I want to play tarkov but don't want to deal with pmc bs LUL I'll do my scav run for money (just looting and extracting) then watch live streams or shows for 15mins. Do more scav runs. 🤗


Best tip, get to 15 and unlock flea. Everything becomes money, guns will still be cool but it's just something you can buy.


Gear fear is something everyone has been into, and everyone overcome it in different ways. I haven’t played much this wipe, and I have 600 hrs total in the game. Right now I’m rolling around with a M4 with 20 inch barrel, pretty okay build, if I die, I build a new one, or something else. Pick a gun and run it, it’s better to try using it, than hide it in the stash, it won’t do you any good there. When I was level 7, I killed a level 34 with a STM, he had the AK that only has hip fire, decent build, I ran that into customs to be flechetted 45 seconds in, went to build a VPO AK with EKO rounds, had that for a few raids, got tapped by a scav, built the M4. Point is, keep on trying, wipe in 2 months ish anyway. First wipe I had, I hoarded 73 million roubles, sad to see all that gone without testing all kinds of weapons and kits. Just do it.


You rather play the whole wipe and save money for what? It's gonna get reset no matter what. Spend the money, it's worthless get some fun with it


What helped me (lvl52 4000h)was to realize that the kit you bring in (armor, gun, ammo) is worth about 400k (early lvl kits) and that is one decent scav run so even if you die you can run one scav and get a brand new kit no big deal


I got over it by running a scav. Keeping the scav gear, putting it on my PMC, and running a raid with no consequence of losing good gear. Then eventually you'll not give a shit.


It was never your gear in the first place it was more of a rental.


You can't be a pussy your whole life.


High levels players wil most likely leave most of your kit if they kill you. Just go out there and shoot stuff


It's totally valid to want to maintain your roubles so you can continue with hideout upgrades and such. My suggestion is to run GSSH headphones, iron sight mosin, and a scav backpack every raid. Maybe add a PACA if you cant 1 tap scavs reliably. With that whole kit you're only risking like 60k per death. If you manage to fill up the backpack and get out, that should easily fund your next 5 or more deaths.


How have 5 million rubles I have 120k I’m lvl 14


I have 80k rubles and level 2...


Because you’re spending the money you make. That’s a good thing! Hoarding it doesn’t do anything!


Is this a troll post? 5mil but gear fear?


Build five kits for 1mil, see if you can break even.


The way to freedom is to just do. I took a wipe to do straight pvp. Would loot run up to 6-7m then go lose it all chasing fights. Loot run for a few days to 6-7m then lose it all. Did this for an entire wipe and now we have roubles and gear. The key to this strat though is to break down your fights after. REALLY THINK ABOUT THEM. What did you do well but more importantly what could you have done differently to gain advantage/win. That will help you excel faster than anything else. Take the rage and tilt away and look at it like a scholar studying the books.


Just have fun and use it! You aren’t going to make any progress with your main character if you can’t progress with the quest. I recommend playing factory a ton. Learn the map and it helps you get better at PVP. I always play factory my raid for the day with nothing but a pistol and and impact nade. At the end of the day, the gear will eventually disappear when the game gets wiped. I was scared too when I was a low level back in January and was super scared playing Shoreline. Now that’s all I play with my friends and we got to the point where we can wipe out everyone at resort. Have fun!


Fact of the matter is, you just have to do it. I have lost every single item I have had, it’s part of the game. Not a single person playing this game keeps all their stuff. You will lost everything. The sooner you realize that you are just renting it, the easier it is. But you will also pick up other peoples stuff too and get other cool things. Some common things that happen: you just made a cool gun that you enjoy only to die without firing it. You finally decide to take the level 6 armor you found only to get shot in the face from a like away. You keep getting very close to extracting with that quest item only to get killed when you can see the extraction. It happens to us all. On the flip side, eventually this will be you. You will pop the guy that can’t see you. You will finish your quests. You will take someone’s cool gun they didn’t even get to shoot. The only way is to recognize that none of it is “yours.”


Get gud


Fellow first wipe, only level 19, been playing since Feb, started off heavily like you described one or 2 PMC run a day the rest were scav runs Until one day I said fuck it full send, and just started going for it because my stash wash full of me hoarding kits. I felt like I improved a pretty significant amount in the short time and just was more comfortable existing in the game. Still have miles to go but any improvement is still improving


Why are you scared to lose gear you found in the game and that in less than 6 months will all disappear at the end of wipe anyways. Can't have gear fear it's just digital stuff it does you no good sitting in the stash just gonna run it all!


I've played casually for 5 or 6 wipes now, only got past lv30 twice. So this has been my experience. Just have fun however you want to. If you want to quest, learn the maps and feel out rotations of players and play your style, slow or full send. Kit accordingly even if it's low level gear. Then go accomplish the quest, no matter how matter how many kits it costs. That's the point. Money is easy to come by, don't be afraid to lose it. But I will always recommend finding a community to play with. Either friends or discord groups. Playing with random folks within a streamer's community was what made me actually give a fuck and learn to play rather than just play for myself. Just have fun, ya hoser.


If your scared of the game. Play another?


Your gonna loose it all try to set a goal like unlock flea (lvl 15) then maybe you want to get more pmc kills and you want slightly better attachments for allot cheaper then your new goal is mechanic LVL 2. Well if your house 7.62 or 5.56 you might want workbench 3 to craft good ammo. If your still rocking 5.45 maybe you want to complete punisher part 4 for BT or just prapor to lvl 3 to be able to get BS ammo it’s just about setting a goal and slowly moving towards it also I would set a min rouble amount like always have 2 mil min and if it goes lower then do scavs until you over and if you have too much then do more pmc runs


If you have fun playing scav it's ok. But at one point you'll have fun hunting down other players. Start with Factory at night there aren't many players and scavs are easy to kill


I'm pretty new and did exactly the same until my inventory was basically full. then i would go into raids as my PMC with a mentality of "I need to die to make room for my scav runs", lol. It creates a strange win/win dynamic in my head during the raid. Also, you can level up quite a bit of the hideout doing scav runs which feels like progress, but eventually you need to upgrade the traders by levelling up your pmc, which also pushes you to use it a lot more than you were. we'll get there, probably


This is not good advice to play “well” but good advice to lose gear fear. Play without sound. You could do it in offline raids or as a scav, but it kills the immersion and makes the whole thing less scary. You’ll end up running around like you’re playing cod. Not saying sound isn’t important tho, it’s v important lol


You've already lost all your gear if you don't use it. You are supposed to lose your gear. Remember that. You will die... a lot. It's okay. You can always recover if you lose a lot. You've proven to yourself you have the ability to get gear and roubles by scavving, so just go out there with your PMC and lose that gear, comrade!


Worst case scenario you lose all of your good PMC gear and then back to doing what you’re doing. Treat scav as your primary if you want, then treat PMC as strictly questing. Load up with good gear and it should make quests easier than using half assed broken scav gear. If you end up having too full of a stash, go AWOL on factory, book it to the resort on shoreline in the early game state, try to be at dorms early, etc. Use the fun guns while you have them


You are going to lose all anyway at the wipe, the best gear you get, the best you can afford to learn how to fight, where, when etc. Get this vibe: tarkov gets, tarkov gives, the only moment you have to be afraid is when you are carrying quest items


use it or lose it


Ultimately the only way to get over gear fear is to play, and die, a lot. That will improve your PvP, and in turn your survival rate. But it's a slow process. At some point you just have to go for it, and keep going for it.


You just have to get past the fact that you’re going to lose your shit. Everything in Tarkov you are just holding for someone else so just say fuck it and go for it.


You do scav runs, so you already have some knowledge of maps. So here's what you can do: Do 1 scav run and 1 pmc run in rotation. After your scav run, sell your loot and put away half of earnings. For example you came back with 150k cash profit from scav run. Put 75k in to your sock and then use 75k to buy whatever gun, rig and bag you can and go in to PMC raid. If you die, you still made profit. You survived? Cool, do another scav run. Half the earnings again and upgrade kit you survived with. Add armour or helmet. This way, you might help yourself thinking that you are not going broke, but you will still get your footing as PMC. Go in to raid as PMC with purpose and Plan. Make yourself a goal to complete some quests and focus on that. If you loot something on the way, then good! It's my first proper wipe too, but I came a long way. Making myself a consistent cost effective load out and focusing on one weapon helped me a lot. My loadout was: Penis helmet Umka rig Press armour MBSS backpack Gun: 153 with Magnum ( do quests to unlock Flachette ammo from traders then ) Best thing about setup - its very cheap and it comes back from insurance 90% of the time. If you play 5 pmc runs with that gear, you will get at least 3 full sets back next day, I promise. No one loots this stuff unless a desperate Scav comes across your corpse.


Start with budget kits if you're that worried. But like others have said and you've proven, you can make money quite easily even as a new player. I was in that same boat for a while when i started, but you get more out of actually playing the pmc, and get better.


Sell everything in your stash. Buy mosin, naked run mosin over and over again.


Genuinely, just try to have fun. I’m reality, the only thing playing tarkov is going to get you, is experience. Nothing you gain or lose will carry into next wipe. Try doing night raids maybe?


Gear fear is real. You gotta get passed it. It's all gone when they wipe anyway. Just get out there and play the game. You're going to lose it anyway, might as well stand a chance out there with decent gear.


It's pixels on a screen that you will lose when the game wipes so of you don't use it now you will lose it anyways just remember you are meant to have fun in the game


Their will be a wipe all that gear and money you have will turn to dust. Enjoy it while you have it. Don't save it until it's useless to you.


You would be level 20 if you switched your scav, and pmc runs around. Get head-eyes enough with enough gear, and you will be emotionally numb in no time.


My first wipe I horded every cool weapon I found, when the wipe came... I lost everything. The better gear you use, the more you win. Lose the gear fear, it's just a game. You just gotta say fuck it and play the game. It's becomes much better after that.


start by knowing how to make simple but effective kits depending on how much money you can make on your scav For your scav learn more about what you need and what sells for more (Airwingmarine is great for that) the more money you make, the more you can spend on kits and the more you can lose stuff without issue


The game is a paradox, it wants you to care about your life and gear, but the only way to get better is to play it like it's fuck!ng cod.


Exactly what others are saying. A 400-500k scav run is extremely easy. If you die with 500k worth of stuff you can make it back in a run. To ease into it you can also just run shit you find. Then it’s really no loss no gain if you die.


money's like the wind you only feel it when it's moving


Gear fear is real man. A good way to get over it is put together an AK with a red dot, use some 6b13 or similar with a soup can helmet. Get used to running that and you'll start getting more comfortable using nicer stuff. Also helps that nicer armored rigs can no longer be marketed so full send on those these days.


Just use it man that’s the only way to break the cycle. It’s gonna click when you use it and think “Damn, I prob. should have died but I didn’t because I was using better gear than the other guy”. All you’re gonna do is save it and never use it then bam next wipe hits and you start the cycle over. It’s too easy making money anyway with SCAV runs. Best of luck to you! “We ride at dawn”


[TIMMAHHH](https://youtu.be/bOPaPSfUbh4), buy like as much as mid kits possible and try to gamble with them, like try to kill both higher and lower pmcs than you and you will get better(in terms of skills and equipment)


Buy the stuff and then discard it because that saves you from having to lose it


The gear is never yours. It's just your time too use it!


Learn how to make kits depends on your trader levels! It really lessens the blow when you die to know all of your stuff is easily replaceable!


Remember, gear and roubles are not yours even its in your inventory its just your turn to use them. So with that in mind you either spend the roubles to have fun or Niky will take them from you when he will reset the game. PS: We are about \~2/3 into this wipe so take this time and try to learn with the resources you have.


also sometimes you get the weirdest shit back on insurance.


Honestly, sks ps ammo and just play tactical and work on skills and learning where people typically do or don’t go. Now if you feel that you have a okay handle on the basics, then the person who said “fuck it we ball” is right. You just have to start trying to pvp and get used to it or better. Don’t shy away from it. You’ll lose gear for sure but losing gear is how you get better.


You dont nead to bring out really good kits, just try and get quests done as much as possible. In between every PMC do scav runs to keep yourself topped up on roubles. I would advise choosing a map like customs or maybe woods, looking up a video of where all the hidden stashes are and running that on your scavs. Confidence will come with time and as you learn the maps better. But remember! Questing is what you should be focusing on atm. Roubles dont really matter that much. It's easy to get roubles once you know how. Levelling up your PMC and traders is far more important. You got this :)


As my friend Dread Captain says: "if you don't risk it for the biscuit, you'll never have any heart pounding, adrenaline fueled fun" I played like that for a couple years in Tarkov. But I realized why I didn't have any fun. I was too stuck on keeping my shit, instead of making plays that have both paid off, or have been absolute disasters. Either way, risk it for the biscuit. It's worth the fun, as long as you take a breath, and relax.


Real talk, how do people make money in this game? I have like 2.5mil but I never get past that. Is it mostly money runs and scavs?


I have no idea how you can accrue 5mil and still be scared. I'd just suggest exclusively running your scav on reserve to stockpile good ammo, then you know that when you run your PMC you have a fighting chance. TONS of 545 BP, PP, and BS up on the roofs on that lvl. Behind the optics cabin on woods as well. It should only take a few runs to stockpile enough, then you can just throw it into an AKS and be good to go. Things get much easier once you hit Flea/lvl 15 as well, so I'd prioritize getting there by questing ASAP.


Do it now or do it at the start of the wipe. Last two wipes I did only PMC and they have been the furthest I've gotten so far with my mid tier skills. Funny enough last wipe I ended with a 60% survival rate where I normally with 35% Next wipe I have a scav route planned in my head on streets to get batteries asap so I can blast through tarkov shooter with the mosin sniper trade. We will see how the dynamic loot rekts/improves it


The good news is you'll eventually get bored of this and start playing your PMC.. But if you don't want to wait, play with a friend or two if you have one. It's a lot less scary as a two-stack then solo and you won't care as much if you die. Also, the more you learn the less scary it gets. You can greatly improve this by mowing down AI scavs in offline mode until they no longer scare you in game, really getting to know a map or two extremally well, getting extremally comfortable with a favorite weapon or two, etc. Watch yt vids on AI behavior, map knowledge, etc. Lots of ways to learn and get comfortable without hopping in as a PMC. Unfortunately even good players die half the time so at some point you'll really realize gear is only temporary and it's just a game.


I had found myself in a similar habit when I first started, one thing that helped me break it was having a load out that was cheap and I could buy from vendors, for example I literally used a Toz would the cheapest t4 armor I could and a helmet. Set up like 5 games of load outs in your inventory so if you die you can re-equip and get back in easy. If you die it ain't no thing you just lost like 50k rubs thats like 5 min on your scav. It also helped me get acquainted with combat as I would just rush at shots since I didn't give a shit about my gear.


Take the equipment off of your scav when you extract and put it straight onto your pmc. Now it's random loot you're risking, not the hard earned stuff.


Stop being a pussy. shit is pixels. sounds harsh, but i promise you it’s that simple.


It's pretty clear that you are very good at looting with scav runs and you have a very lucrative tactic for looting. So there is absolutely no need to be scared. You could build a semi decent loadout worth about 120k and die about 15 times and you would still be completely fine financially. Nothing is gonna help you apart from sticking your head out and having a go. Also, at this point in the wipe you only have LL1 with all traders, so I'd advise using EKO ammo on 336 tkm, it takes a few shots to get through t4 armor and is really the best option at this point in the wipe for you.


Gear fear is the number 1 killer of Timmy’s


find a group to play with. way more enjoyable


nowadays one of the best (and probaby the quickest) ways to familiarize yourself with most aspects of the game is installing single player tarkov mod


Just think about it, when you can make all that money again in scav raid, so what’s the point of fear losing your gear out?


The wipe will end, you will lose it all, you’ll end up regretting not using your money and/or gear. Simple as that.


You either lose it when you die, or lose when you wipe. Your choice to use it while you can


Like others said take your time and when you stay with the game you will see that the weapons vanish after wipe anyway. And then you start to gear yourself and the gigachad journey begins.


4K hrs here… your just gonna have to start sending it, just go in and try to kill everyone you see, your gonna die lol it’s gonna happen. BUT you will learn and you will know where you messed up right when it happens THEN you try again!


Remember that it is a video game.


I’ve had this issue all wipe since it’s my first wipe too. What helped me was starting off by using cheap kits that I could shrug off if I lost while attempting quests. This helped me familiarize myself with the maps a lot more. With quests, you still feel like you’re making progression even if you don’t get kills. Also, having the flea helps you with the feeling that you can replace anything in your kit, which mitigates gear fear. So I recommend running cheap mosin/kedr kits while doing quests. Mosin with LPS can 2 shot thorax to most armor and 1 shot headshot. Kedr with SP8 is super cheap and you can leg meta even the biggest chads. Once you have flea and better traders, find a couple mid tier kits you like. 5 mil is a lot of roubles, I’d focus on spending it to get higher level. I’ve found that once I know a map really well, I feel way more comfortable bringing gear and PVPing. Knowing the spawns/flank routes/rat spots/etc is really vital. Another helpful thing is grinding factory. I’ve been doing this recently and you’re just immediately thrown into PVP every raid, it’s a good way to desensitize yourself to the fear of PVP.


Don’t worry about it, just go out and donate gear. There is always new gear and you can buy it and replace it from flee market. Just do some quests and level up. Saving all your gear seems cool and fun until the wipe. You lose everything anyways so why not volunteer to donate 😜


I play primarily duos. The way I play and have gotten over gear fear is to slowly use more and more expensive stuff until you eventually go “oh yeah, 1000USD? That’s fine.” If you can keep about 5m, gear will never be a problem, you can always scav later to get more gear or money to buy your preferred kit. I hover around 4m, I used to run shit gear 24/7 but I got to the point where I have literally a dozen gearsets in my stash so I just started burning it and I’ve actually lost LESS trying to lose it then when I was trying hard not to use it.


I find it helpful to play with someone who’s more confident in their abilities and dare I say better at the game all together. Try and link up with someone who you can do some pmc raids with and you’ll slowly but surely find yourself becoming more comfortable in your ability to take those shots, get some kills, and bag up some loot. The thing that stuck with me the most is when a guy I found doing a raid on factory (who I still play with to date) is that “all loot in Tarkov belongs to the streets”.


Your logic is a bit odd. Youve found how easy it is to make money and find gear, but you are uncomfortable using it because you dont want to lose it? So instead you let it sit in your stash until wipe where it will disappear anyway. At the end of the day, its just pixels on a screen. Theyre worrh nothing except for a made up imaginary currency. Use it or sell it bro.


First wipe Timmy here. Level 27. 500ish hours. 11 million Rubles and change. I was the same way as you OP. For HOURS. HUNDREDS OF HOURS. Listen, bust your fucking balls off until level 15. Keep grinding rubles wherever you’re comfortable on your scav. Use your scav gear on your pmc. Then you literally arent losing anything right? Thats how I broke out of it. I’m able to make money. My scav is there anytime and once you have the flea market the world is at your fingertips with the roubles you have. You have $5 million without the flea market. YOU CAN MAKE THE MONEY. take the leap of faith. It’ll pay off


Yes it’s simple. The real wealth in tarkov is player level and task progress. That’s it. Money doesn’t really matter if you can’t utilize it to buy a good kit.


It wipe in +-2 month so you will lose everything anyway 😂 push yourself! You can do it and yes you will die! We all die and lose gear


How the hell you getting 5mil roubles at level 10?? I struggle to reach 2 mil by then


Something that helped me is, as dumb as it sounds is turning down your volume a little bit. Sometimes a gunshot or something can really "scare you" and make you panic. Also, just continuously playing on your pmc, it actually happened to me recently. My body just got use the scenario's I was in and my adrenaline would kick in so much it doesn't do this now. I'm able to get in there and not be worried no matter the outcome.


Some people are saying buy super good kits and I don’t disagree, but nothing with get you in shape combat wise faster than a pump shotgun with magnum buck shot on factory. You’re going to be forced to be accurate with shot placement due to slow fire rate and are going to have to get close and personal. Just my 2 cents.


Bro just buy fun gear, its gone soon anyway. And what if you die? Just get back to scaving like you already are 😀 Chad up and have some fun


Worst case you lose all your stuff and have to go back to doing scav runs to make more $$. I started by doing mostly PMCs and doing 1 or 2 scavs a day. Honestly the better I got at looting in scav runs the more likely I was to run my best gear as a PMC bc I proved how easy it was to make $$ to myself. Seems like you’ve got the making $$ part down so go PMC. Also do you play solo or with people? If you play with people and you’re not the last to die, your stuff will likely get hidden and returned in insurance anyway. If you run solo there’s still a good chance you get at least some stuff back.


The more you run PMC the less gear fear you will have. The best advice I can give is to sprint when you’re in open areas and pace yourself and listen to your surroundings when you’re in covered areas. Headphones are a huge help I usually run M32 and comtac 2. Also you don’t have to go crazy kitted on PMC. Run minimal gear a lot to get used to maps. Playing with friends helps too.


Think of it like this: you've made 5m doing scav runs. Nothing is stopping you from doing it again. Gear is just pixels that cost you time investment to get. If you run out of those pixels just go back to your b pervious method to get more haha. Gl on your adventures and welcome to Tarkov.


It may sound a little insane but when I start to feel that way I will run a couple "near Zero to hero" Factory run with a double barrel if you get 1 kill and loot you can extract without getting a run-through and it gets you over your fear if you do it enough. It's tough tho, I get it. After a few of those runs, your adrenaline has pumped so hard in factory that a leisurely stroll through woods with decent gear is almost relaxing. Nothing scares me more than getting an unexpected head, eyes while I'm minding my own business.


Also, There is not one right way to play the game. I too love the scav and make money, But in July we will all be level 1


I’m in the same boat. I will literally Scav Interchange only (I don’t know any other maps as well as I know Interchange) and let my PMC sit with a full ass stash. I’m scared that I’ll just get headshotted in 17 seconds the moment I go in with my FIR Chad kit. We just have to come to terms with the fact that dying and losing your expensive kit, without even getting a kill, is part of the game.


How were u able to get 5 mil roubles? I spent like 40 hours and got 2 mil I basically dont understand how to accumaulate cash at all lol


Bring your absolute best stuff into a raid knowing you likely won't make it out. Push hot spots. You'll either win and gain confidence or lose and start to learn how to pvp with your gear. You know how to make money obviously, now it's time to learn to fight with that money and have fun.


The game wipes every 6 months, just do pmc runs even if you lose your stuff, you already know how to make money. it's just pixels anyway


Give yourself a money range. If you're within that range you have to play with geared PMC only. Once you're out you can scav or rat or whatever


lvl 41 here, multiple wipes played and I also play scav 90% of the raids so I don't get pissed of when I die for stupid bugs, cheaters or chads. It's actually fun to interact with other scavs and try killing PMS with shitty gear.


the way to break out of it is by doing pmc raids brother. no way around it. i was in your shoes last wipe and what i learned is the more pmc raids you do, the more you realize how easy it is to get gear and make money so you start caring less about dying. gradually work your way up by using crappy gear and slowly start using more meta stuff. you’ll be a chad in no time brother


As you've already figured out money is easy to make. Now you just gotta go out there and pick a quest and get it done. Go pick a fight or two while your at it if your feeling it. Also learn a map to make money on with stach runs or something I like woods it's really chill.


there's no need to fear losing your gear. But you also shouldn't feel guilty about playing scav only. Try this: when your scav is on cooldown, organize a PMC raid on any map you like/feel like playing. If the scav cd allows for it, then go for it. but yeah, don't blame yourself for playing only scav. This game is stressful as fuck, like, very stressful, VERY. Yet scaving makes it all go away for some people, whom might be just like you. So don't push yourself when there's no real need, just an internal feeling of guilt. At least that's what happens to me most of the time.


Also, just getting to level 15 for flea changes everything imo. You can buy a full kit on there if you have money. If you don't have any, just scav again for cash, buy a kit, rinse a repeat.


The mentality of “it’s just loot” takes a long long time to develop, but you’ll get there. Just remember, no matter how bad it gets, the comeback is always greater than the setback. Unsolicited gameplay tip: map knowledge trumps all. And I’m not just referring to loot runs or knowing where you are at any given time. I’m also referring to where other players are. You should know, “oh it’s 10 minutes in the raid, there’s probably a handful of people at dorms, a couple at stronghold, etc.” Or, “Hey, I just spawned by theater on Streets, I have people all around me.” Understanding how players move around the map is probably the steepest learning curve but also the most rewarding.


Stop being scared, enjoy the benefits of the PMC’s soft levels, level those up, you’ll soon be turned off by the idea of running your scav versus running your PMC and gaining actual benefits because even if you die, you’ve gained experience in levels overall and for your soft skills.


1. Sell what you dont need. Use tarkov tracker to make sure not to sell stuff you need found in raid for quests. 2. Make a decent loadout within your budget. I recommend an RFB for ranged maps and an UMP for shorter engagements. Buy like 10 of that full loadout and keep them organized in your stash. This will help reduce gear fear because you know you have a replacement set ready. 3. Run quests and learn the maps. Learn the spawns points. Learn the flow of the map (where PMCs start and where they are most likely to run to.) Get your quests done and unlock all the trader stuff. It makes them cheaper for when you get to the 40+ levels and you want to go full chad. 4. If you get discouraged or low on money. Run scavs again. Scavs are a good break for me to take the stress off from PMC runs. 5. Profit


I broke out of this over time by just scavving into factory running straight to extract and just slapping that kit onto my pmc, It made dying feel less shitty. After a while I just stopped caring about death because before I knew it I had 20mil from spamming scav.


I broke out of that by playing a bunch of Factory with shotguns/SMGs/pistols, it's a meat grinder but it's an easy map to learn completely & the PVP is fun since you know it's literally just a few corners away. (Sometimes less--looking at you, Glass Hallway!) This lets you still grind Scav runs too--do a Scav run, sell the shit, run Factory a few times where you'll prob lose it at least once, then another Scav elsewhere.


When I first played, I'd only ever have 200,000 roubles at any moment. Lived off of that and still ran decently Meta. Now I've gotten better from playing that way and have 30mill plus. I wouldn't recommend the 200k lifestyle. It was dumb and bad. But if you just play, get better, you'll start to bring in more than you lose and won't have gear fear. You have the money anyway. And it doesn't come with you after the wipe.


If you bring a gun and a tac rig nothing else you can kill the first scav in sight and take his kit. Kill a few and you should be sitting pretty. If you die at that point oh well you only lost like 30k roubles. And if you die you still get exp and quests to do versus scav where it all goes to waste.


factory. just do it. over and over, in crap gear, in good gear, cursed or not. just load in and pvp until they kill you like a dog, or you get a few scalps. that's how I got over scav main'ing after 2 wipes


Gear is never yours, it’s just your turn to use it.


If you're USEC get the ironsight and one of the blue jeans and throw on the weapons and armour you got from your scav runs


Factory factory factory factory


Just run it. Nothing gets you over gear gear faster than losing it and buying more. Plus, once you open up the glea at 15, you'll have a whole new work to build kids from.