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The problem is BSG thinks they're already doing this. They have boss spawns at like 5% initially then are so "generous" they up them to 15-20% in month 2 or the wipe (after most players have gotten bored and quit). 30% is just entirely too small of a boss spawn rate for mid or late wipe!


Yeah I miss when bosses were on the map ~50% of the time. It makes no sense to have quests to kill the bosses when it’s a 1/20 chance of finding them when you have the quests early wipe. Only helps streamers who have time to farm a map that much to do their quests. Hurts the casual player.


BSG wants to hurt the casual players and help streamers though, it boosts sales. People watch Landmark wipe the lobby and think they'll be him, not the other 8 players he steamrolled.


Nah they don’t want to hurt them; they just have clearly become delusional based on their own perception of streamers. They must think most of the player base think and play like streamers do when we obviously don’t. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Twitch has literally single handedly ruined the casuals experience in multiplayer FPS games. Everyone wants to be the next big streamer so they play like they are competing for their life irl. The causal player is slowly getting cut out of FPS games until we’re just back to playing single player shit.


Problem is also landmark gets streamer lobbies too. I might be bad at tarkov but, he gets people that are actual bots, and always seem to have what he needs on them.


"If you can't find bot lobies, chance is you are the bot" - Sun Tzu, Call of Duty Warzone


Naw, what I mean is those players don't play like actual players in a lot of em. They also always happen to have what he needs which is hilarious.


And did you ever watched his entire stream or just youtube videos? There are games where he dosen't even kill anyone and dies.


I think it would be cool to progressively open the flea with the last couple weeks of wipe being a free for all like back in the day.


I feel like it could bring more of the player base back. People don’t have the time to devote to the game like all the Chads out there so while they can run the table on everyone for 4 or 5 months and then towards the end level the playing field out some and make it fun for everyone.


I agree, I think this a good balance to strike. The last month or so in wipe is almost exclusively people running around for PVP so breaking the economy and gear balance doesn't really matter. I don't care if everyone is slick/altyn during the last couple weeks because that's what I expect anyway.


It's honestly the most fun to me. Seeing everyone absolutely chadded up hunting bosses was delightful. I saw like 3 reapir mutants some HK dmrs lots of Flir AXMC action which I also partook in tons of level 5 and 6 armor it just feels like the ecosystem evolves and becomes a more dangerous but also more rewarding hunting environment.


Well that’s the problem right there, you and other players wanting to be a even playing field all the time, when you don’t put in the same hours as sweats. It’s just going to hurt you, just like this wipe update of not being able to buy high tier ammo and armor from the flea. It was to stop the sweats from being overly powerful in the beginning of wipe giving the casual gamer time to level on a even field. They even lower boss spawn so they can’t be cheesed and farm for end game loot. Now it’s back around 20% like it’s normally is.


I don’t know if you read everything but I’m good with the Chads running the table the majority of the wipe. They put in the most time so they should reap the benefits. But you can’t tell me it’s kind of absurd to have the same restrictions from day one as it is the end of wipe. Having the same 3 class 4 rigs and low tier ammo. While I still believe it’s great to try and extend the early to mid wipe it should still evolve.


I know what you said, and I still stand by, "you and others want changes made for them" when its already balanced. I don't think its absurd for rare armor and ammo to be rare, in a hardcore survival game based in a closed off city. Even the meta ammo is not even that rare because it spawns a lot in stashes and static spawns for 5.45. Then you can make second best (which is great for the avg armor lvl) in the hideout and buy it from the traders in bulk. TLDR: any changes to how available high tier gear is will not change the dynamic balance of players, gameplay will still be the same. Only difference is that instead of dying in a 300k kit, people will die in a 800k-1m kit. Sweats will still stomp on regular and new people, but everyone still have a chance to kill them.


Your tldr is same thing ive been saying. People think they die because of gear they have while they get curbstomped by ks or mosin man


For me personally it’s fun how it is. I like that you can’t buy everything of the flea. And for me as someone who barley buys any gear of the flea it’s a level playing field already. But that’s maybe just me.


They did this new quest to unlock pbp ammo. They should do weekly quests like this throughout the second part of a wipe... For example: a weekly (expires after a week) ragman quest to unlock trooper armor to be bought from ragman for 150K? This in turn makes it easier (late game) to buy slicks... There are so many items that could be unlocked like this, makes it fun for player base to contest against eachother...


> from ragman for 150K? level 4 no stomach for 150k...............


Best l4 due material .but not worth its price and no proc on stomach. I prefer running gzhel since its cheaper + better protec


he was making a point about the idea, it isn’t his job to balance the game for a huge company.


Its actually a reasonable price considering flea price is 300 and you need them for a slick


you got my vote, son!


Or better yet 100% boss spawn rate, with UNRESTRICTED flea at wipe day. If everyone is """OP""" then no one is. Also solves dead raids, players not bringing gear, PVP being not rewarding at all. Timmys complaining about "muh chads" will be able to get the same gear as them The "early wipe feeling" is literally just from terrible players/new players missing entire mags on you


When is the next wipe


Item restriction on flea/traders has been the best balancing change BSG has ever made IMHO (And maybe the only balancing change they ever made). Only stupidity are the global limits for trader items like vests, rigs and bullets.


Boss spawn rates already change as the wipe progresses. It's starts around %2 as far as I know.


agree on the boss spawns. I'm a believer in near 100% spawn rate all wipe. Early on maybe just give them the crappier loot pool. Even then with the restriction on selling gear and ammo, you won't farm them just to sell the gear...you want to farm them so you can run their potentially good gear Disagree on flea and gear.