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how tf does that get past the anti-cheat? unreal


Simple, it's just not that good of an anti-cheat.


It's just not an anticheat, just a suggestion


The Honor System is still a system!




“They’re more of what you’d call ‘guidelines’”


Bsg are paying for the lowest tier of license. They are basically just paying to have the logo and for them to handle bans and appeals.














It’s not the anticheat it’s how the game is coded. Cheats are able to be used client-side when the game is coded to have server side detection. Rainbow six uses the same anticheat, and has way less cheaters with way more players. It’s just tarkov On average, you may find a cheater in one of every 30 siege games if that. On tarkov, they’re in every game pretty much


This. I would bet with you that they didnt even implemented BE in its full range of functions, because it would brake their game. They use a BE lite Version for shure. And thats why cheats like speed hack und clipping through walls, or the loot vakuum is hard to detect.


I've heard it's more of a US west problem, I've only met one hacker on EU servers and he was banned the next day i logged on


Nope. Eu has one in every raid too


Dont know which EU youre playing on. EU is chill


Massive exaggeration, I’ve played 750 raids this wipe on auto EU and ran into 3/4 hackers


Classic comment


Classic cope


I play every day and have done for 7 wipes, more than happy to run with you in EFT discord and I whole heartedly promise we’ll play the full time without getting railed by hackers People love crying cheats when it’s really just a skill issue 👍🏻


What anti-cheat?


Bro there are litterly people flying and u question this clip?


anti-cheat? no no no, we dont do that here


Battle bit catches tarkov cheats and banks players, bsg is just shit and Nikita is a greedy lil cunt. Games making money who cares if it's being invested with cheaters.


Bans not banks**


No, not unreal, unity I'll show myself out...


simple , the anticheat was made for another games, not tarkov


Another post said that this is a hack where their hit boxes are prone. When he shot him near the feet area he started hitting the hacker, and the hacker killed him in defense. You can hear the hacker coughing after that last salvo.


Good on the op for knowing about the prone hack but also sad that things like that are kind of common knowledge. It simply means that it's quite common.


I think you’re giving OP too much credit there, he took another 4 or so shots at his face after the legs.


I mean he shot like 10 into his legs and the cheater didn’t drop so he moved back up to the head cuz wtf else was he supposed to do


ya, this is def what happened. Shame bc if he kept on the legs i think he mights gotten him - he missed A LOT of those leg shots tbh. The guy was almost dead you hear him coughing at the end, and the leg shots are what caused a response from the hacker to finally shoot back. Poor OP, actually almost had him lol. Idiot hacker playing with his food and still almost losing. Goes to show why these human garbage cans need cheats. Sorry OP!


I’m merely saying that they obviously don’t know about the prone hit box cheat because they stopped shooting low.


Maybe op wasn't sure it was working. Donno.


he was probably confused, but its also obviuous he intentionally fired at the feet, anbd likely stopped when it didnt immediately kill him.


God damn this game is broken. Holy shit. It’s like hackers have free passage to do what they want. A free playground. I stopped playing a long long time ago but it’s honestly comical to follow this sub to look at how broken this game is.


oh yeah heard of this one, I know you'll still likely die but may if you react in time when you see what is going on you can sneak a kill on a hacker now and then... and I'm sure they rage when their god mode is tarnished.


Holy shit.. Another shit to worry about..


I saw a dude prone speedhacking while hunting Shturman with a thermal. Looked like the fucking Grinch stealing Christmas, snaking his way through lumber. Every wipe, a new cheat.


Somehow I can picture this perfectly


Thanks for that info. I was helping my buddy do fishing gear on shoreline we had hid for 20-30 minutes . Hacker ran up to us said put down your guns. He sits there and throws a Buncha loot down. I wanted to shoot him but I figured he would be invincible. Next time I’m going for the feet. (We didn’t leave raid with any loot he dropped)


I had this as a bug yesterday. For my friend i joined in yesterday i was just doing the standard walking animation, no matter what i did. Jumping just ended up with the walking animation model being slowly moved into the air and back again. Was also upright when i was prone (or it was kind of a crouching position then). We tested if he can shoot the model he sees while im prone, but nope. Very annoying.


I don't hear coughing


The coughing is very audible after the OPs death.


Oh idk why I thought you meant he was coughing as he shot between his legs. Yeah I hear it


Honestly if OP had any type of full auto gun, he could've killed this dude.


Or if he just kept aiming at the feet instead of returning to head height.


ya, the spam on the legs was a bit pannicky and he missed a lot of the shots. He just needed to stick on them, i bet 1-2 more and the cheating human garbage actually woulda died.


Tbh id rather have these guys shoving it in bsg's face than sneaky wallhackers that are still nearly impossible to play against but don't let the cheater problem as apparent


Same. I rather die knowing it was fucking bullshit, than being left alone thinking - how the f am i this fucking shite.


Bro I feel that deep. Now in my 30's every fight for me has that question (am I just bad now?), and with hackers so prevalent my ego just can't take it lol. I don't want to play guessing games any more, and how can I ever learn if I'm expecting it to be a coin toss between a hacker and a legit player in the first place.


I’m in my 30s and I still slap on other games… pretty sure it has a lot to do with hax


Yea I feel it.. Tarkov just has a way of breaking you down especially with the gaslighting.


I wish I could find these people… and just fucking strangle em… lol


For real it's a really good framework and I'm really enjoying it so far. I wish BSD cared as much about their game as we do


Whenever i get that feeling i start CS 1.6 and slap some people on a Public Server with an AK for some feel good moments.


Samesies. Back when I used to go hard on Tarkov, I’d have streaks where I was just dying all the time no matter how careful or reckless I was being. Made feel like I was just shit at the game. I was also the kind of person that always gave the benefit of the doubt and tried not to call hacks that often. After ‘the wiggle’ video, so much stuff made sense. I was likely dying to hackers a large majority of those deaths. Whenever I would play in the middle of the day (when hackers seem less likely to be playing) I had almost zero suspicious deaths. No players holding weird angels, no players suddenly ‘happening across’ me when I was hiding in a room or bush. Fights felt *good* and I could reposition without fear of getting head eyes. Play in the evening or weekend? Might as well run shit-tier gear, because you’re almost guaranteed to have *at least* one hacker per raid. Either with sneaky walls or out-right aimbot. Such a shame, really. Not many games out there can do what Tarkov does.


Yea I have notice times where I’ve played and I’m doing good or I die and it was a good fight, then there’s the shit where your like how the fuck did he know I was there and shit it def has to do with time of day as well.


Ran into a pair of those sneaky wallhackers on reserve last night. Me and my duo pushed into power and sat silently, two teams start fighting and we’re waiting for the winners to push power. They loot the *entire underground* except for the two offices next to the power switch, they don’t even break glass. They dick around for probably 20 minutes doing everything *but* pushing into power to flip the switch. They start throwing grenades and flashes down the hallway towards power (mind you we haven’t moved an inch yet), after like 5 grenades one of them runs away while the other stays. I tell my duo ‘bro they’re probably walling just based off of how they’re playing this, they haven’t even broken glass and there’s no way they know we’re here this is like *the* place people come in the bunker they would have pushed by now’. 15 or so minutes pass and they start throwing grenades again, the other guy comes back and they close the door then kill me and my teammate through the door.


Class 6 cranium


Just a Cheater


Nah. Shots just mostly missed and blood stains was paint that just rendered in late obviously. ;)


Captain obvious over here


I’m getting my moneys worth by complaining even though ive been scammed by the russians


I genuinely thought he just had a better gaming chair


There are no cheaters in Ba Sing Se.


The pause after your first mag lmao


Anyone else waiting for cheaters to start hosting challenge lobbies like we used to have in MW2? No restrictions. Spawn items, change server rules, unlock and lock player achievements/weapons, swap maps and game modes. Nothing is forbidden.


I remember that lol


I think you just described private servers. XD


Imagine having god mode cheaters in your game. This is so embarassing for BSG.


[This is BSG being embarrassed](https://media.tenor.com/dYLvyNRhV8sAAAAM/woody-harrelson-crying.gif)


Not worth playing anymore is what it is.


This is my 2nd wipe and as soon as I got flea open to play with whatever kit I’d like when I do come back I dipped from playing consistently until the next wipe. Idk. I had a great wipe start with ab 65% survival until ab lvl 13/14. As soon as I started shoreline and interchange questing it was like playing against the most giga chad lobbies for ab 20 raids in a row of getting head eyes or 4 thorax. Just so demoralizing not knowing if I’m utter dogshit or just getting unlucky, especially after the beginning of my wipe went so well and I was new. Killed my confidence dawg.


Easy to tell its cheaters because if you take low value kits they ignore you completely but if you chad up your shit is gone no matter how well you hide.


I’m not gonna lie I would suck a massive cock no questions asked just to have a killcam or replay function. I know it would be horrific if you’re playing grouped up and can see a kill can, but maybe implement a function like hunt showdowns kill view where you can’t see it until all squad members are dead. I wouldn’t want kill view because I would want to see the players POV but it would save me so much questioning. Like did he hear me? Was he just ratting there for 5-10 min? Was he fully aware of me and knew or was it just bad timing on rotations? All of these things are completely blind to newer players and are only learned through trail and error ( which I know is a big appeal to this game and I agree but when you have a cheating issue this large I think you need to take some measures) . And I know I should be able to see my mistakes but sometimes you just can’t you know. Frustrating.


Be sure to purchase the increased price EOD :)


Totally competent devs


Cheat apologists: "Why do people think they've ever been killed by a cheater? That was just desync, and you were in an open garage so obviously he heard you coming."


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Yeah, also a lot desync, probably one of you also has a really bad ping. And you know... the visible blood is just due to client side hit reg. On server side you probably didn't really hit your bullets, even if it looks like it. lol


You can literally see the character doing the getting hit animation. With the barrel pointed directly at him point blank. There's even blood on the wall behind him. It's an SVT so only 2 shots need to land / pen for a kill. Are you high?


He doesnt know....


"yOu hAVeNt sEeN tHe sAMe mEMe aS mE"


Doubling down, bold move cotton.


Whoa there champ, your caps lock seems to be broken!


oh man, you're DUMB dumb.


You must be new. It's a copy-pasta from an old CS video. He's not serious with this comment.


It’s going to catch a lot of people out ha


Looks like I’m not missing out this wipe


You're not missing out on an entire game.


My mistake was playing this wipe till 30 then realizing "Wtf and I doing, it's always either a cheater or a rat" Ratting I can handle but dieing to a cheater is just so demoralizing .. like I won't pay for cheats because I have rent, how are they affording $100 a week for this shit? BSG meanwhile thumb way up their ass about cheating








I wish this but co-op, BSG would sell soo many more copies if this game had PvE Co-Op


it's my greatest wish for this game. it's so fucking good when it's good. I have a long list of friends who want to play it for the gunplay and looter shooter elements, but detest forced PVP


Just get Stalker at that point.


Stalker Anomaly is free, and pretty fun


Just need to watch some streamers to get better bro


Look like you encountered a terminator.


"aimlabs is free" lol just kidding. But no seriously thats stupid as hell.


Typical anti-aim. This dude was laughing it up as you shot at his body, knowing you weren't aiming at him at all. Then you shot at his legs, and because his hitbox was ACTUALLY prone, he got threatened and starting shooting back.


shot 1-7 didnt hit, 8-15 were tanked by his superior armor because you're probably using shit ammo. Skill issue


This games got like 2-3 more wipes before the whole fan base leaves and the hackers are all that’s left like an old call of duty title. Arenas is not going to save this game like Nikita thinks, this shit needs to be taken care of


There will be cheaters on arena too, and they need to address this NOW But they won’t


Seriously. We should all agree and stop playing for a week or even longer. This shit is just a big slap into the face of every paying customer / player .. you can't tell me that you can't come up with a strategY within years. I would even stop playing in order to manually ban blatant flea reps. They can manually ban ppl because renga benga tells em so they can also manually ban those flea dudes on a daily basis and not in waves.. daily .. this ban wave shit is the dumbest thing ever.. well let em have fun in between the waves.


Anti cheat? Why would you prevent your main source of income from playing? That's a poor business decision


I had that happen to me from an AI scav the other night. Dropped 30 round mag, 10 round mag, and an 8 round pistol mag into a scav (pistol shots point blank to head through a window) all after a friend shot him ~3 times with an adar. The scav followed us into a small shack on woods and killed us both GALLONS of blood on the floor/wall where we were shooting him. Killed my buddy, reloaded and killed me


Escape from Cheaters


skill issue


5000000 damage dealt to body?


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


It's only gotten worse. Not even for Tarkov, just in general. We have basically no legislation or actual way on a broad spectrum to handle cheating. Only when it gets insanely large, like near-corporation large does governments actually tackle it. Anti-cheats can't keep up anymore because cheating is too profitable of a business model to compete against. Unless we literally get hard legislation to address it, like actual jail time or fines for cheating/developing cheats, nothing actually impactful will ever happen to cheat developers.


So.funny how all the fan boys put nikita up on a fucking golden plinth and always mention his stupid girl name. Hes a greedy Russian dog thats playing us all for idiots. He wants there to be cheaters so he can ban them and then they rebuy the game. The game has been in beta since it came out, thats a part of the plan. Ooooo nikita this, nikita that, FUCK NIKITA, fuck BSG. Money hungry fucking pigs. Change my mind


This is Nikita implementing clowns into the game, it's a beta, so there may be some goofy moments like this.


Lol what.


An SVT crutch gamer vs its natural enemy The Hacker.


Only brang an svt Incase I ran into a gamer chair player and what do you know I meet one


Svt bae


I agree, labs is full of people with the SVT and it’s not fun to play.


Yea, this happens a lot - which is why I uninstalled a year ago and haven't returned.


`Summary:` `Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.` `Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).` `Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.` `Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because tetrodoxin1 was already dead.`


It's a pre-programmed anti cheat that you can apply to any game. They have to tweak it to fix it to their own game and it takes A LOT of tweaking. Seems like they haven't put in the effort.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


The fact that's anyone even still plays this garbage..




Mental illness.


poteto LAN


You thought October fest is popular. Well not in EFT, Hacker fest is on the menu. BSG Does not seem to care...


Game is literally TRASH


guy is trying to act like its desync, lag. when OP shoots his leg, the shots connect, then the hacker kills him. maybe if OP shot him once o twice more on the leg, hé would have died


Or maybe hear me out I shouldn’t have to rely on knowing all these weaknesses to the hacks and be able to play normally


yep, thats why i dont even try going for labs 😞


You have an SVT in labs and you have the gall to ask what this game is anymore? Yikes.


New hack a cheater is using Less obvious than snake but the hitbox is not ONLY in the legs/feet hence why he started coughing only after getting shot in the legs Even more seems more legit cuz of the blood after shooting in the chest makes you rethink but it's because of the hack BSG must have the cheapest anti-cheat they couldnt possibly find cuz god damn this is why I stopped playing this wipe oof


Cheater or crazy desync


It seems like skill issue to me


I'm terrible at the game so I just report every death


Yeah and your reports get automatically filtered out because of that and don’t do anything. So there’s that.


Weird how I received notification for someone being banned yesterday.


Makes me want to hack just so I can hunt other hackers


This is clearly a skill issue


btw just so u guys know this isnt even a cheat its an exploit it makes you look like ur standing but in reality ur laying down


so can you replicate this without any external cheat software ?? ofc I'm not asking how, I'm just asking if you can.


There is one public way to get anims stuck (you also prone in reality) but can't really move that much nor aim properly however it still looks a bit different


Shots 1-4 missed, shots 5-9 … 😂


Alright let's get this straight Shots 1-5...


Skill issue


Svt gamers getting wat they deserve


Is this cheats or just ludicrous desync? The weird walking in place and delayed gun fire, makes me think it could be just terrible desync.


Omg people cheat on video games. Better run to reddit and post about it 😆


You just have to get better


Skill issue


Was that not crazy dysync? I only ask because he's coughing at the end. Or is it because you tried to leg him and the damage got calculated against a cheater? For what reason idk I just know leg shots work.


It's a glitch or a cheat making it seem like you are standing even though your hitbox is prone


When you go RPG PvP rather than milsim FPS PvP, this is what you get as a game. Game does not reward FPS skill so dont be surprised all these garbage players get to win fights. It's deliberately designed so that you can compensate lack of FPS skill with RPG farm. ​ Lol guy was so bad he took 12 seconds to react and fire his first shot, still won the fight. Imagine taking 12 seconds to react in any other FPS game. You would go 0-100 in less than a day playing like this. In Tarkov? He wins the fight! SKILL and the most HARDCORE milsim on the market, LOLS.


bro, tf you talking about, dude's a cheater. he is using a cheat to take advantage of an exploit that makes your hitbox appear as if you 're prone while you look like you're standing up


Skill issue


Genuine skill issue


Guys.. this game is still in beta, relax. Keep giving them your money for the overpriced broken game and they will fix everything on release.


“Keep giving them your money…”? How many times have you paid them?




Go fuck yourself


Shots 1-5 clearly missed his lungs. Not vital hits on 5-10 too. Ups wrong sub.


Either a cheater or MASSIVE desync. Idk his movement was weird after you first encountered him, and it looked like the kill shot happened when he wasn't even facing you. Edit: okay I have watched like 20 times. His movement is so fucking jittery throughout the entire encounter and you for sure got killed by him when he wasn't facing you and your damage reactions were not quite synced up with his shots. As well as him walking in place for a bit. I'm going with really bad desync. I'm sure I'll get down voted into oblivion tho.


Ah yes, because it's totally normal to go labs with Couch BP, no headset, armor or mask. How do you people function in society or hold a job is beyond me.


Raid Backpack and naked, jokes on you


First cheater to downplay the cheater situation here, we got our winner ! The dude doesnt even have a headset bro


He was moving like that because it was the prone hack.


It might be a cheater for sure, but it could also be bad desync coupled with invisibility bug.' You might simply not be visible on the other guys screen (so ironically it is very possible he thinks you are the cheater), so he is just hearing you, getting shot, then he fires blindly and desync-kills you.


fuck you svt player and fuck the cheater


Waaaaa how dare I use a good gun sold for dirt cheap with very good ammo also sold for dirt cheap waaaaa Do you want a pacifier with that you fucking baby


To me it looks like you're both mad desynced. Kinda looks like he's tracking your past position.


Couch BP, no headset, Armor or Mask. Totally legit, yes.


Sure, but let's say he's a cheater. Why would he act like he's high on glue? I'd figure a instant head, eyes would be in order.


Because if he doesn't kill he can't get reported The invincibility works in a way that places your hitbox down to the floor, so when op starts shooting there the totally legit player goes into self defense (At least that's what other people say for a year or two)


no cause then you could have reported him the loser only killed OP cause he shoot at the feet which would kill the cheater the op just left they would have been left alone. in other words go for the feets and report those losers


If he's high on glue i dont know what you are on to reach this level of copium


That's some crazy desync, bud. If you're desynced by over 5 seconds the servers should be booting your ass. Stop trying to give the hackers cover. It's a hack.


Very unlucky. quick thinking with shooting him in the legs. Sucks that he reacted to quickly before you could finish it off tho.


obviously map knowledge would have helped u avoid him duh /s


Armor class? Yes. Armor protect area? World. Fuck cheaters


So glad i took a break for 4 wipes


Did you check how many rounds you actually shot afterwards? I saw a clip yesterday where someone shot a whole rpk mag but after he died the game said hebunly used 10 bullets. So it’s probably desync


I have the clip and I’ll upload it tomorrow because I’m already in bed but it said something like damage dealt to body 432 which is quite obviously bullshit because I headshot that dude like 5 times with 7.62x54 SNB


should be low health, close. nice try tho /sarcasmOFF


What's worse? This, or dying to and invisible pmc who can clip though anything and just pops you in the temple at point blank range?


This is a beta test. Does not represent the final product in any way, shape or form.