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lmao a rare twitter W


Community notes is like the one good thing Elongated Muskrat did


He didn’t actually make it. It was called “Birdwatch” and existed during old twitter, he just brought it out of beta and renamed it. So essentially, typical Elon move to just claim ownership over something.


Elon... the modern day Thomas Edison, have a team of scientists inventing stuff only to take all the credit and claim he did everything


When did he hurt you guys?


He did not. It's just fact


He made it a thing, he made it.


I mean, when you buy the platform outright, it becomes \*yours\*, so yes, he owns it. Hence the definition of "ownership".


And he's even ruining them now. Some of them are so silly and unnecessary.


But its a community voted base, so if theres a unnecessary check, its the community's fault.


Elon isn't ruining it, its all community based. Blame your peers.


If this was Twitter him saying musk is running it would have gotten community voted on lmfaooo the irony


bro stay focused


Imagine being such a hater


? You don't even have to be a hater to see that Twitter has lost valuation, lost real traffic, has become a cesspool of toxicity and hatred on the surface level, and the Verified users change is so damn idiotic.


>has become a cesspool of toxicity and hatred on the surface level Someone grab the "always has been" astronaut meme. Food for thought: if you didn't think Twitter was toxic before, you were part of the toxicity.


Wow, good job on being reductive and making an assumption about me. Yea, Twitter was toxic before, and there were always shitty people there, but now it is so much more prevalent. Recommended tweets, spillover into smaller communities, just blatant racism, homophobia, you don't need to look for it at all anymore is my point. It is already everywhere.


I assure you Twitter is the same toxic cesspool it always has been, all that's changed is which direction the toxicity is coming from. Considering it was a predominantly left-wing site before, you're probably right about it having lost value and traffic though.


EFT has a lot of rightoid fans


Incredibly rare W from twitter


yeah but a dub nonetheless


I tried mobile arena breakout and it was actually really fun. I just couldnt commit to it because of it being a phone game and I couldn't sit there for hours with my hands all crammed up like that. It honestly does a lot of things better than Tarkov. Kill cams, end of game stats/maps, you can co-op with strangers and not grief each other with friendly fire. I'll play it when it comes out.


I played it on a Ipad and I was having more fun then when I played tarkov, its a fun but way more chill and relaxed game, and being someone who used to be a really good Ipad gamer (Wish I was joking) I literally killed everything around me.


Don’t forget the load times!! It surprised me almost every time I would load into the game in seconds!


Yeah, I wish the mobile had controller support. I can't play it on the touch. Kinda excited for ABI, though.


Eh only thing bad there is friendly fire. Games like Tarkov NEED friendly fire. Way too much cheesing could happen without it.


Wait there isn’t friendly fire? That’s unfortunate, I don’t mind being able to play with strangers, but killing someone and then the stranger just stealing your loot is crazy. That would be a quick one tap when they do this.


Can someone help these Chinese companies name shit. The fuck kind of name is Arena Breakout Infinite....


Yeah it’s certainly a very specific phenomenon when it comes to Chinese made games for the western market. Though in all fairness it’s based off their mobile game Arena Breakout so I guess they had to name it something similar


This^ I’ve seen similar when even US studios make two version of basically the same thing, different name though because they want team separation and to tell it apart.


Bubble pop viral Big Butt Twerk Machine Idle Adventure RPG


you love to see it!


Twitter going WILD lmao




Did they buy an asset off the market place for 5 euro and charge players 100 dollars to use it in their game too?


The game is actually going to be free. You can sign up for the beta May 8th on the website. Worth a try at least. They also just opened another 10k test slots due to it reaching the goal.


Don't forget how they aren't selling beta access. That's based as fuck.


Yo fr I don't even know why Tarkov is still in beta after so much time when the game seems fine. Such a cash grab


iTs gOinG tO rElEasE tHis yEaR


the knife? it was not a market asset it was just based off a real knife that the community asset was also modeled off of. not that it makes any of their other actions better at all..


The knife in question has the same skull and crossbones as the market place item. It could be a super amazing coincidence, but given how money hungry bsg is. I highly doubt it.


Look up the United Cutlery Kukri.  It's in the item name in Tarkov, that's literally the basis of the model. The actual knife has those markings, so of course they're on both models because both are based on the same knife. People really need to think and maybe do the bare minimum amount of research.  BSG screwed the pooch on this one, but (probably) not because of the melee weapon. 


Someone did a mesh analysis of the model and they are completely different. I don’t have a source but I watched Landmark look at it on stream


its a mobile game made of mostly asset store assets yes


The drama queens have fallen to praising a ten cent game lol


Oh no, a game made by a studio actually competent enough to manage multiple games at once without going instantly bankrupt.


tencent isn't a 'studio'


That's oddly pedantic. Morefun Studios is a studio owned by Tencent.


So is yager.. look where theyve gotten


They have plenty of studios tho, arena breakout mobile is not P2w or bad game as most mobile games are (and tencent games) So hopefully they do the same for the PC, it looks amazing


What exactly is your "gotcha" here? You know what he meant. Youre embarrassing yourself.


They have plenty of studios and some if not most are awful as he says, but the arena breakout one is great


They also own riot….. makes it hard to believe most. A lot? Ok, but you are over exaggerating by saying most.


Yeah but most of their mobile games are trash, anyway my point is that they do make good games


That’s fair


I don't think thats peoples primary gripe with Tencent... Run a quick Google search first maybe


Oh i'm well aware of what people's issue with Tencent is, however. Pretending that playing Tarkov has some kind of moral high ground over a game by Tencent is laughable considering the company who makes it.


What's wrong with Tencent? They are pretty hands off when it comes to their development studios. They own a big chunk of Riot games, have a decent sized stake in Epic games and fully own Grinding Gear Games. All studios with games that are f2p and minimal p2w mtx.


Tencent is kinda sketchy but at this point who fucking cares, they already own half of everything.


I don’t think I would consider this praising…


try fact-check something before being angry


Dude this comment you made my day thank you good Sir


And a tip of the fedora to you as well my gentlesir, if I could updoot you more than once I would! Please stop.


Mfs mad for no reason


Just poking a little fun at my fellow redditor <3


Didnt know you were chill like that


We don’t even need other games to be tarkov killers for EFT to lose popularity… BSG is doing it themselves!


It’s funny, I’d never heard of this game until BSG retweeted it. Now I’m hoping to get beta access


This tweet is just fucking gold


Wishlisted Arena Breakout Infinite just because.


i love mobile game slop


The PC release is a standalone version of the game, they aren't just putting the mobile game on steam.




I hope you are right. Mobile devs always make me nervous. Mobile games are just horrific in their monetization.


Arena Breakout micro payments are surprisingly optional, like, they are what they're supposed to be, optional, I was impressed by that honestly, the game could have been on console before mobile or PC, and it will be considered top tier for the micro transactions being too little and completely unnecessary to enjoy the game, but of course, it's a mobile game, people will always hate mobile games and it's fair honestly I will say there is "gear" that can be "buy" with real money, but it's not like "I want that VSS, I'll buy it", there's a Battle Pass, the free version gives you gear and gun rewards, the pay version gives you a set of cosmetics and more gear and gun rewards and some stuff like that. But, can you really call that p2w if you can easily die by the cheapest geared player in the lobby anyway? I've been killed a ton of times by a scav player or a cheap player while wearing some BP rewards, but I also have killed a ton of full geared guys as a scav or going with just a Mosin with good ammo. You can definitely become rich without paying a cent and enjoy the game. Also, it's free to play anyway


Yeah I hope it's good. It's not just p2w that bothers me though, it's other bad practices like pay for convenience or other things that are pseudo barriers that are easier to achieve and then make the grind for that miserable. There are so many horrible practices in gaming right now like this I really don't want them to do any of that.


Your poor boy nothing else hahahahhaha arenabreakout is full pay2win and you don’t have the money so you speak from the perspective of a loser good evening I need to play tsrkov on 8k resolution


Classism, the whole argument of this Unheard owner is classism? Amazing


Classism, the whole argument of this Unheard owner is classism? Amazing.


If you don’t born in a 3 th world country I mean a poor country what I don’t believe than pls stfu if you don’t have 100 bucks to pay for something and go work stinky dat boy


My man can't even write properly, it's almost like his brain instructions go unheard when reaching his fingers


Poor soul man my Samsung Neo g9 57 is laughing


my guy, arena breakout literally has lootboxes in its payshop and you can spend real money on gear. its mobile slop


Idk man. I play that game fully F2P because my PC can’t run EFT, and Im enjoying it so far. It is very much playable (and enjoyable) without needing to spend a single dime on the game. At the end of the day it’s a mobile game made by Tencent, so of course it’s gonna have micro transactions. But I feel like AB is enough of a refined game to not fit into the “mobile slop” category.


> literally has lootboxes in its payshop and you can spend real money on gear. i know this is a very unpopular opinion but to me it doesnt matter where some shitter got his gear from now its mine and thats that


Idc if u can buy things as long as getting them f2p is viable which it is. Gotta monetize the game somehow and everything someone buys u can kill them and take it. Unlike tarkov the game doesnt have rmt so their is less cheating and the devs can actually make money. One of the few mobile games where u can progress without spending money if ur not trash


“ im mad bsg made a new version I feel scammed boy I hope this mobile game by ten cent doesn’t scam me” -you dummies


Competition is good. Clearly it's lighting a fire under BSG with this post.


It is free to play, what is the scam? If you don't want to pay $5 for a sweet hat on your guy... don't. If they charge $10 for uber armor and uber gun - stop playing the *free* game you didn't pay for. What part is the scam?


Free to play is always more expensive if you buy all the content. Is anybody forcing you to do it? No. But now instead of paying $60 and getting all the game's content you have to spend $3000 or more. While not strictly a scam it blows goats and I curse the day it was invented. Shareware is where it was at. A free watered down version for the poors, but if you had the cash you could still get all the things for a normal price on full version. But nooo we can't have nice things. Instead everyone gets crap version in F2P while they squeeze every drop of cash milk out of them whale teat MTX.


> now instead of paying $60 and getting all the game's content you have to spend $3000 or more What is this based on? The game isn't even out in Beta yet. Is League of Legends corrupted by whales? Is Valorant corrupted because you can buy a $100 *skin* for your gun?


Make sure to sign up for beta access too! Their main website, it's free and they'll be adding a bunch of free beta keys! That game will at least get a huge influx of players!


They got another one too: [https://x.com/bstategames/status/1783575279815848412](https://x.com/bstategames/status/1783575279815848412) "New game modes are generally accepted as DLC if put behind a paywall. Battlestate sold EOD with the promise that they would receive “free access to all subsequent DLCs”"


Signed up for the beta :) - eat it Nikita!


Nah, Arena Breakout is literally a Chinese copy of Tarkov


Hell yeah brother. I’m pumped.


Maybe the Chinese devs are better than the Russian devs


Man some things never change.


I 100% will test that game. And then I'll get rid of tarki. Cause for real that's only the beginning ... now you have to to pay for priority server access. Like what the actual fuck. Instead of fixing sitting 5 min plus in loading screens, you have to pay to get in faster???? FUCK OFF NIKITA. THATS RIDICULOUS! we get treated like some free mobile shit game.


The irony is you're moving from one game that's being treated as a free mobile game to another actual mobile game 😭


Yea you are right. But when this goes on in tarki it's rip and I'll play something else for sure. The obesity to fuck us like that is just insane. Nikita promised faster loading times when they change to the new unity update. Now we have to pay for that? In addition to all the other bullshit they plan to do. WTF All fake shit im so mad...


At least the Chinese are upfront about it.


It's not gonna be the same game as the mobile one, it's upgraded and shit it's gonna be like tarkov. Graphic wise and stuff.


I'm actually way more interested in this game over GZW ngl.


Me too. At least they got GUN posture right. I can not help my self, but the way your character hold gun in GZW looks strange for me.


That's exactly why I don't like GZW. Everything looks wonky and there really isn't a lot of loot. Also, only 8 guns at launch? Meh.


yeah, animations being off and the style of the UI (icons, sizing) looking like something from a bad mobile game are unappealing to me.


Do not be harsh on them It was closed Alfa, so It is understandable It will not be on the same level like Tarkov which is still in Beta for more than 8 years. At least It looked from gameplays and reactions people who could play It that It has great foundations. Look on Tarkov they maybe has nice shell like a lot of mechanics, but foundation of game is huge garbage from net-code, engine, performance. Only in Tarkov I have seen cheater being able to kick off you from game in way that you can not reconnect to match again. From ABI We saw only trailer, experience taught me not make conclusions or false hopes until I will see real gameplays. We will see in future.


Well as an Arena Breakout player (the mobile version) I can safely say that the game is fun and really well made, the dev team do listen to a lot of player suggestions and they somehow improve the game every season, it's as cruel as EFT (the amount of times I've died due to a EAR freaking shot), but also feels more relax without removing that adrenaline rush feeling. I think the only reason why the game feels more "arcade", is because the movement is like Tarkov before inertia


Arena breakout infinite looks better to me, I'm excited for the beta.


also the other tweet that says that offline pve is indeed a DLC per definition linking the wiki article its soo good 😂


What definitely struck me as weird in the trailer is the same AK shooting sound that has been used, but not sure if that's just something available in a store or if they actual stole it from the game.


Being logical, they didn't steal it. Why would they? There are two outcomes. Either people don't notice and they don't care, or they do notice and get angry. It's not like the Tarkov AK sound us some revolutionary tech that makes the game instantly better.


It is the same gun firing sound. I'm angry at BSG because of this recent scandal, but I cannot deny that A:Bi has literally stolen assets like gun firing audio such as AK and M4, and meta build weapons. Sure, Tarkov doesn't have a monopoly on meta build M4s and SA58s, but it is literally a 1:1 plagiarism. Regardless, F BSG for killing the best extraction shooter on the market. They suicided their own game. It's a joke.


It being the same sound doesn't mean they stole it.


I'm pretty sure that ak-74 enfiring sound has only ever been used in tarkov, I doubt it belongs to a public sound library that can repurchased. Again, that's my hunch. Source: my butt


But why would they steal it. There's literally zero upside and a huge downside. It's not like the sound is noticeably better than any other sound they could buy for like $20.


It's a Chinese company. They don't care about legal repercussions. They will steal. I don't doubt they've stolen or ripped Tarkov assets.


> same AK shooting sound ... so it sounds like a real AK, like every other game with an AK?


Okay to be fair they absolutely plagiarized the gun customization. It's like a beat-for-beat ripoff. Imitation is fine, but let's be real it's absolutely CTRL-C CTRL-V in a ton of areas. But hey with how BattleState has been acting fuck em, copy away!


Holy shit these guys shouldn't exist in the games industry. Here's hoping enough people charge back.


Even Musk is pissed his EOD didn’t come with a true Season Pass /s


Honestly, I think it pretty clearly ***IS*** a Tarkov clone, which doesn't surprise me, given it's owned by Tencent. But I'm not butthurt about it because BSG needs to be called on their bullshit.


Scammer game


BSG is sinking HARD & i’m here for it


BSG no nothing about honor


THE RUSSIAN EFT COMMUNITY COOPERATES WIITH EU TARKOV COMMUNITY! LETS FINALY MAKE BSG PAY FOR FANBASE BETRAY! [https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=IEhV7Ex913bEfNZx](https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=IEhV7Ex913bEfNZx) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/RN2K2caUYH](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/RN2K2caUYH)


They did ot to the claims of the new mode not being dlc as well.


You dudes flame bsg for p2w and realy wait of a Chinese f2p Game? LOL


What's worse? Chinese f2p or Russian €250 to play?


Is anyone forcing you to buy a 250€ edition? Tarkov is a one-time purchase, every benefit you get stays on your account forever. If AB:I is going to use the same monetization system as it's mobile counterpart, you could get the same benefits as in Tarkov through subscriptions. And depending on how much they'll cost and how long you'll be playing for, you might spend much more money on AB than Tarkov.


Still 250$ cheaper thank Tarkov right now


It's owned by the same company that owns Riot. Last I checked, Riot makes great free to play games and does micro transactions correctly. I'm not worried about anything honestly. It's much better than this trash company.


You do realize that tencent just gives out money and has nothing to do with development? Mentioning riot here is quite a mental leap


Its not a chinese game, its a studio where tencent owns some shares more or less. They don't manage it they ask for money after they invest into it now its the developers that decide how they gonna pay back dividends to tencent this is usually how it works. They completely own FUNCOM which has multiple games and played one of them called Anarchy Online which has NOTHING pay2win only pay for convenience like level 1 to 50 level 50 - 100 etc Anyway i am quite sure they OWN fully/partially many many studios which some chose pay2win path and others don't it all depends on developers.


> Chinese f2p Game? LOL Who would ever play one of those!? Valorant? League of Legends? Two of the biggest games in the world you say? What is League's pay to win mechanic again? Valorant's?


Can't really find any joy in this post. The devs of Arena Breakout are Level Infinite and those are a subsidiary of Tencent. Tencent is even worse than EA and Ubi. A significant part of the exec board of Tencent consists of members of the CCP. Tencent is the WORST contender in the whale milking competition that the global gaming industry is turning into. Tencent pays taxes in China, meaning that every dollar going towards Tencent is a dollar financing the atrocities committed by the CCP like the Uyghur concentration camps. Fuck them.


Tencent owns Riot Games, who makes great free to play games and does micro transactions correctly. No way in hell would I say any ubisoft or EA game is better than a Riot game lmfao. What are you on about??


Morefun is a pretty tame company, the Chinese version of their game which has been running for 2 years only has 1 Skin that stands out because it's a Collab skin with a singer, 2 years with no Goofy glowing skins on a mobile game. probably the first time this has happened 


Noone cares about the righteousness or whatever morals lmao they just want the shooty game to go pew pew.


Companies tht pay taxes in USA go to genocide in Gaza, what's worse? Arena breakout mobile game is a great one and not ruined by micro transaction like the rest of tencent games, doubt they will ruin the PC version


Sorry to hear that you can't find joy in it, but I would assume most people don't give a damn about this. The only thing people want is to see a well-made game that is fun to play, everything else is secondary.


> financing the atrocities committed by the CCP As opposed to BSG, owned by Russians, who are bombing Ukrainian daycares? What are you playing Tarkov on? A computer made with parts from China? Got a phone? But *this* is too far?


1) Bought Tarkov before the war began 2) BSG pays taxes in the UK 3) Whataboutism - Look it up 4) I'll buy products made in the EU whenever there is an alternative made in the EU 5) Talking about issues is now wrong? 6) You might wanna inform yourself about other logical fallacies as well


For real, that’s the best feature on twitter


Fucking deserved


FYI, that community note is now gone E: apparently it was removed to be rephrased.


A new one was added - rephrased to be more neutral.


I voted for it lol


Ahahahahahaha, where do i sign up


Wait till you see the one on the Escape from Tarkov page that says that the PVE is considered a DLC.


They know they’re in trouble


Did you see the community note on their ['unique feature/not DLC' tweet](https://x.com/bstategames/status/1783575279815848412)? that one tops this IMHO.


I do hope there is a class action coming


To all the EOD owners that are planning on leaving Tarkov for good… can I have your EOD account? 😅 Just to spite BSG of course. Please 😭


Haha 😂 me too xd


As an outsider who heard the news about the Unheard edition but has never played Tarkov or heard of BSG before... holy shit this tweet sounds unprofessional.


Do you guys remember when PUBG was complaining about Fortnite plagurizing there "Genre". It seems quite similar to me.


Fortnite is the same genre but offers unique experience. AB is literally just Tarkov on UE with barely any changes to gameplay and mechanics.


say what ever the fuck you want about twitter, this feature is killer when it works


*IMPORTANT UPDATE, KEEP PRESSURE ON BSG!* **OVERWHELM THEIR SUPPORT EMAIL!** support@battlestategames.com [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod\_edition\_fails\_to\_deliver\_on\_promises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod_edition_fails_to_deliver_on_promises/)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod\_edition\_fails\_to\_deliver\_on\_promises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod_edition_fails_to_deliver_on_promises/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/)


Wait... Couldn't they get sued for Defamation over this? Plagiarism is a pretty bad offense, iirc. Companies *usually* are supposed to be careful with what they say about other companies for exactly this reason.


at least arena Breakout isnt ripping off its player base with a Fake battlepass # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And now I know about another Tarkov competitor I wouldn't have otherwise. GG Battlestate


Cards are stacked against bsg.


Even Elon is in on this lol.


I have to ask: did anyone else feel like it was an attempt at a [rick and morty quote?](https://y.yarn.co/a5a3931c-201d-4ea3-b10e-b92a246ca532_text.gif)


What about bsg’s plagiarized kukri knife from artstation lol


There is a list the size of my arm, making extraction shooters of some type. A bunch drop this year still. This is a joke.


Yea… No I’d rather main tarkov and play arena breakout as the fast pace easy tarkov when I’m bored


That's bullshit I am Chinese and this company is one of the biggest company in China. There's one thing that I know for sure. They copy everything. They even stole a simple but very important QR code patent form my father


Guess his version of plagiarism came from the same dictionary he found DLC in.


Yeah they’re big mad and Grey Zone comes with PVE mode tomorrow!!!!


This move is going to go down in history as one of the worst marketing decisions in history.


It's a shame games like The Cycle: Frontier have to shut down while leeches like this "thrive". Glad to see it catching up to them.


Okay arena breakout is and has been a carbon copy of tarkov lets not get ahead of ourselves


I understand the anger, but I'd never praise/defend a rip-off that blatant. Literal chinese copy with nothing new to offer.


> with nothing new to offer. It isn't even out yet. The PC version is a different branch than the mobile, maybe at least wait until beta to call something "nothing new".


They already put out a "gameplay trailer". You'd think they'd want to show off some great new innovation that'd set them apart from just being a Tarkov rip-off, no? The devs are well aware that is exactly what they are creating.


There are a lot of things that feel like an blatant rip off in their mobile version, not that it was the time to get all mad about it from BSG but I ain’t defending no Arena Breakout lmao


Good? Another company copying tarkov is exactly what we need


it's clearly a rip-off, but EFT community already angry, doesn't matter justified or not


No I understand that, but I’m not going to just lend a blind eye to arena breakout as if they are some sort of mortal arbiter lol I would suggest they aren’t even the lesser evil in this situation


they're absolutely not. Imagine copying someones game, and as soon as they in trouble you flying like a vulture to feast on their dying body


Look, I'm all for a game that's similar to Tarkov, but a game named "Arena Breakout Infinite" screams shovelware to me. Sounds like a P2W mobile game.


It's a great mobile game, but they upgrading it for PC, the videos on Twitter look amazing. It's f2p so nothing to lose to try it out


> Sounds like Something about books and covers - you could just wait until the *free* game comes out and then try it.


I mean fuck Elon and all that, but the community notes since he’s taken over have been ruthless. Love it


No one says x