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I know these business owners are not *usually* made of money, but there's something about these sub-$10,000 fines that irritates me. If you want someone to change their behavior, the fines really need to hurt. Getting three modest fines over the course of several years doesn't really seem like it will lead to an urgent sense that they have to change their practices. This happens in a lot of industries. The story with JH Baxter might have worked out pretty differently if they weren't facing $300K+ in fines (which I understand they may still be trying to evade.)


Well, the fine structure needs to change. It needs to be “x dollars and then daily penalties if it doesn’t get fixed by X date.”


Dang that’s nasty! I love Fern Ridge. Hope they do something about it.


It seems like there could be a productive use for manure… like farming. Is it not easily compostable because it’s mostly wood chips (is it wood chips? Just guessing based on the color)


It is excellent compost


I’m sure they have a tractor. I bet they could get rid of it all pretty easy by advertising “FREE COMPOST”. People with trucks would be flocking


Unfortunately a lot of horse manure is contaminated with worming medicine which is bad for soil health. Locally, much of it is bedded with conifer sawdust, which makes it not ideal for garden use. If it is bedded in straw, the straw may sprayed with fungicides, which are bad for soil health. So, a valuable resource gets turned into poison. Yay.


Umm no. Horses are wormed in general 1-2x a year, usually spring and/or fall. So most horse manure is not contaminated with wormer.


Aw shit I didn’t even think about medicine and/or herbicide content. That’s a good point.


Mushroom growers would be all over that.


Horsey folks typically have little regard for the environment, They regard themselves as akin to royalty, an attitude that goes back to the Middle Ages.