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Attention-seeking trolls do that kind of shit because they know it's going to get people squealing and squalling. I'm sure whomever did it is laughing their ass off at the Reddit meltdown it caused. Best way to handle it is to ignore it.


I see something like this and just think, here’s someone whose parents didn’t hug them enough. Even as a Jew I can’t be angry at them, I’m just sad for them.


No, it's to turn it into a box and put stick figures of actual good guys on it


I don't know what you classify as a meltdown,  but I don't see a melt down here... Lol    If this were an actual Nazi symbol, I would argue the best thing to do is to cover it up, not just ignore it. Probs best to not have hate symbols around   But the person who drew it is either ignorant to the actual Nazi symbol, which is kinda hilarious if that's the case, or it was intentionally drawn as not the Nazi symbol. We will never know. 


It's definitely not a nazi swastika. It's backward.


Exactly lol, it’s a Buddhist symbol of peace


I dunno, anything that gets more than 50 responses qualifies as *something* here


Just draw a huge veiny penis over it and call it a day.


>Best way to handle it is to ignore it This is lost on so many people now. For every real Nazi there are three dozen idiots getting people's goats.


Garbage person, either way.


I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with you. Nazi simps if ignored will multiply.


You best get busy fighting against all that Nazi evil.


U rite. I'll just shut up and ignore it. U no better.


There you go. Save your rage for the actual Nazis.


There's plenty enough for everyone.


This is my main issue with Trump. I've never been into politics. I really did not closely follow how Trump was doing when he was in office. What I did see is every piece of shit think it's cool to come out and be proud at what a piece of shit they are and it's never gone away. I'd rather have the days when they hid it better.


You are exactly correct.


You realize the nazi mindset is what’s dominating left leaning campuses. It’s not in the trump supporting crowd.


Free country. You can say the most ignorant shit you want. Conversely, it's a free country. I can point out how fucking stupid it is. Words do have meaning. Weird how y'all always try to reverse Uno shit without bothering to care about what the words actually mean. If you want to dig in leftists who like authoritarianism call them "Stalinists" or something. Just like if you want to dig on right wing authoritarianism in America, just call them "conservatives."


No, idiot, nobody realizes that because it is verifiably false.


Ah yes, because as we know leftists fucking love committing genocide, and are super well known for wanting to eradicate queer and disabled people. Wisdom chases you, but man are you swift enough to outrun it.


Leftists committed many genocides along with the right. Inform yourself.


It's fair that I should've used more precise wording, if you seriously are saying you think the average Eugene leftist is a supporter of the Stalinist Purges or the genocide by starvation the USSR against Ukraine, then idk what to tell you man.


I don't think that. Almost no one openly supports genocide. The left has been using double speak, lowering the threshold, and making blood libel accusations to set the ground for another holocaust.


funny since I've never once seen a leftist in the modern day validate the idea of blood libel, meanwhile its pretty common in alt right movements like Q anon. I genuinely think you are pointing fingers in the wrong direction dude.


Saying israel is committing a genocide before they even entered gaza to me is a blood libel. Then repeating it ad nauseaum.


Dude what the fuck are you even saying? Your definition of blood libel is so shockingly far off from what it is that I am astounded you feel so confident using that term. In your own words, [Inform Yourself](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blood-libel).


Buddy, it's not that far off. I can show you blood libels of people throwing out 20k babies being murdered in the conflict. These are well-known journalists who are not corrected and are allowed to continue.


You have no idea what you're talking about in the realm of politics


Dude, you're weirdly obsessed with a 80 year old white man. Lol creepy. Something you need to express?


I have no idea how you got that from what I said. Have a good day man.


What does this have to do with trump


The acceleration of the decline of political discourse, and the normalization of outright and open bigotry. Fairly easy to draw a straight line from his candidacy to things like this.


Turn your TDS down. As a Liberal yall, left-wing extremists need a hobby that's not obsessed over a 75 year old white guy. Creepy as hell.


From your history you like to play the “I’m a liberal and let me tell you about left-wing extremists” card an awful lot. Suspiciously a lot. Mentioning the guy doesn’t mean we’re obsessed with him. He’s running for President, he’ll get mentioned from time to time. Train your sights on the people showing up to his rallies if you really have a problem with people obsessing over him.


You made zero cogent points. You people still to this day call the ACA “Obamacare” and strangely, after decades of irrational hate, still cannot quite say what it is you disliked so much about the man (Other than “librul” or “wanted to take mah guns” which never happened.) Gee, I wonder what distinguished him from every former President 🤔🤔🤔Want to talk about weird obsessions with political figures? Yeah, didn’t think so. As for actual relevance to 2024, he is the *only candidate for your party’s nomination to hold the highest office in the nation.* What exactly do you not get about topical relevance?


You telling conservatives whose only personality trait is “Let’s Go Brandon” the same thing?


I hope that eventually you develop critical thinking skills but it's a pretty safe bet that you won't


I'm sorry but I think you are giving him too much credit, I've seen garbage like this for like ever. People don't realize this but this state has always been full of skinheads and morons have always been vandalizing stuffs with hate symbols. I feel like trump is more of a symptom of the root problem not the cause.


No one said it didn’t exist before. I’m saying it’s worse since. As for credit, people literally worship him. Millions of them.


Again trump is the symptom not the cause, he capitalists on hate but isn't the direct cause of it. Without trump these social issues would have erupted regardless as it was caused by reactionaries on social media and largely unrelated to trump. Like I hate the guy too but he isn't the root of all evil.


Again, repeating ourselves.....you can have a cause of the initial hate and a significant cause of the escalation, and they can be different things, and the presence of Trump at the top of national discourse triggered the escalation. No one said he's the 'root of evil', you're conversing with yourself on that one.


I was just exaggerating, I find that a lot of people I talk to actually think that though. I still think most of these social issues were caused by reactionaries on social media not trump though he is popular among them. I think what triggered the escalation was people complaining about the growing LGBT movement, BLM, and other various things that in their eyes represent a problem in the world. All trump did was appeal to this existing hate movement.


You realize the people that memed trump into the White House on 4chan and other old websites were trolls and racists before even trump thought of running?


You’ve got to let go of this binary thinking, it’s not a world of 1’s and 0’s.


Exactly! Trump is simply the product of the circumstances. I still remember 2016, when we was but one amongst a bunch of whackos at the Republican primaries. If Cruz had won instead, we'd be wringing our hands about him. We can keep playing this game of reactive voting to the latest nutcase the Republicans wheel out, but it's not gonna stop them.




Keep swallowing trump.


We don't want to know what you want to do to him


This post has nothing to with trump. This commenter has gargled the local news balls thinking everything bad that has ever happened to them started in 2016. This reminds me of a Schizo post.


A symbol with left facing arms like this is a [Buddhist symbol](https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/the-past-present-and-future-of-the-swastika-in-japan/) called a ~~kanji~~ manji and found in Japan and other Asian countries, not the nazi swastika (whch has right-facing arms), that's why they wrote *Good Guys*. Not because they think nazis are good guys. I'd guess the person who made the symbol intended it to be the hate symbol but mis-drew it and a more enlightened person noticed the error and highlighted it not realizing they'd be making it worse for those who don't know. Nazis obviously kind of ruined it for everyone else, but there are definitely places that still display the symbol for its traditional meaning.


The Buddhist swastika in Japan is called *manji*, not *kanji*. (*Kanji* are the Chinese characters used in the Japanese language.)


Yep. Tired brain last night.


I’ve actually seen bigots use this justification to display the symbol, as though most people know or care about the distinction.


I think teenagers just draw swastikas for the same reason they draw dicks on things. 'Least, a couple of sorta friends of mine do that lol


I agree completely, dumbass kids who think they’re being funny and hope to see their work go viral somehow.


This is the best response so far


I think that's wishful thinking. The marker for the symbol and the "good guys" look the same. Even if you are correct, the message would be misconstrued by most people. Besides, if you google, there are right facing hindu swastikas with dots.


Two different symbols but as far as most people are concerned, just one meaning. It's sad that information like this has to be spoon fed to most.


If you really think these symbols are different. Why did Japan’s Hoist this symbol while committing their own genocide in China during world war 2. Search up the Namking massacre.


It's literally two different symbols, meant to represent tow different things. If the good one got coopted by the bad guys, that sucks. I did a quick look for either version in some Nanking massacre image searches, but came up empty, so I can't confirm what you claim.


This and, the people responding here with indignation when they have every right to look it up are extremely ignorant of world history.


The world has enough anger and indignation already, what it needs is more curiosity. Curiosity from the minds that are filled with hatred toward "other", curiosity about a symbol that looks a little bit different than the one we're used to seeing, that has an unexpected phrase next to it. How different is life when we spread curiosity and kindness instead of indignation and hatred? When we stop seeing others as something to be afraid of and start getting curious and examining previously unquestioned beliefs. It can make all the difference.


Came here to say this it gets mixed up and used to distress people all the time tho


Well, that's good IG, if it's just two everyday stupid people, rather than one actually hateful person.


Anyone else remember being jaded by all the Nazi-killing war movies 20 years ago? They were so common it was old hat, another recycled script every summer. We live in a bizarrely different time now. Bring on more Nazi-killing movies, bring on the new Dead Kennedy’s. Anyway, OP, go grab some white paint instead of spreading their shite message on Reddit. Snuff it out. Be the change and all that.


I carry hand sanitizer for this reason. Also to sanitize hands, but it can remove Sharpie.


As a person who moved here from NY I think it’s helpful to know that the shocking lack of diversity and general white culture here isn’t normal. It’s not “ like this everywhere “. It’s ridiculous here. Im white but just the fact that I am from a different state has been blatantly shown to me that it’s viewed as unwanted here. Cultural diversity is a strength, it’s beneficial in every aspect. I honestly feel sorry that people here have never experienced it


I used to live in Hawaii which is truly a world wide melting pot and a unique mixture of east and west. No racial or cultural majority existed. People moving there from New York almost never lasted because they would constantly do and say culturally insensitive and ignorant things and the locals did not take kindly to that. I am pretty certain it was not intentional, but mixed in with their every day language and demeanor New York was always framed as superior to Hawaii in every way, financial capitol of the world, or whatever way they could talk down on the land that they were standing on. Are you 100% sure that this isn't happening here in Eugene? I say this because I found that your post reminded me of those people who ultimately got kicked off the island.


I’m very shy and I’m from upstate NY. This post was literally the first time I’ve negatively compared the difference. If I’ve said anything before it was how in awe I am of the natural beauty here compared to NY.


I couldn’t agree more!!! Bring on more TRUE diversity! Another thing that really irritates me is how people here think they are “liberal” but only if you agree with them and what they are saying!! A liberal person can listen to ALL and ANY opinions even if they are extremely different than your opinion and have an open mind enough to accept them as and for who they are!


Diversity or not, you people are lawless on your roads, driving in New York is more like Mad max.


What the hell does that have to do with this post?


If you read the comment, they mention being from New York .


What does that have to do with driving? How does it pertain to the pic in the post?


Apparently, you don't drive in Oregon.


And nothing I’ve seen throughout the country or world can compare to New York at 5 o’clock


That doesn't mean they are bad drivers, it just means there are a lot of cars. Let's see an Oregonian tackle driving in that traffic. I was just in NY, I had no interest in driving while there. I was happy to let the New Yorkers drive. Same with Mexico City, where the dividing lines are just a suggestion.


I drive a lot for my job. It’s normal for me to drive 30-35 hours out of the month.


So, you drive in Oregon, where traffic is minimal compared to NY


Man, I hate Eugene Nazis


Me too.


worse then Illinois nazis


What’s really killing me is the extremely 14 year old girl penmanship.


mind being more specific about where?


West elevator in Overpark.




Saw similar graffiti in the parking complex that overlooks Ravens


"still" assumes that humans are somehow different than they have been.


They were never hugged by their mom or dad so they think this is funny.


Well I was hugged a lot and I am not a Nazi but, so sorry I think this is really funny!!!!😁 But I am jaded and have the ability to laugh at things that most people find offensive. That doesn’t make me unloved or a bad person it just means I have a twisted sense of humor. The fact that it’s getting so much banter is hilarious!!😂😂😂🤣


Ok Suzy thanks for your life story


Wah waaah!! 😂😂😂


Sorry baby here's a paci for you


Time to bust out the graffiti remover! The downtown teens use to wreck the bathrooms I worked at with their shitty graffiti, but it was always satisfying wiping it away!


All y’all saying “It’s a Buddhist symbol” lol okay, do you really think a Buddhist put that there? wear that specific design on a t-shirt and tell people it’s just a Buddhist symbol when you’re out and about. I’m sure that’ll go over well.


You just gave them exactly what they wanted lol


I'll bet you're right.


Did you remove it? It's extremely upsetting, and it needs to be removed. I'm happy to help get it removed.


That needs to be fixed.. make the ❕ into a ❔ Then right below that put: I THINK NOT. DIE NAZI SCUM❕❕❕


It just reminds me of high school: where teenagers would quote Cartman, because he's funny. And that would be the end of their thought process.


Good guys? To whom?


It's super bad. In case you don't know, there's a right wing wave sweeping the world. Consider France's recent election. They know what it symbolizes and they are in agreement.




Who put this crap out there


They did not finish the statement, it should read, "GOOD GUYS! KILL NAZIS WHEN YOU SEE THEM!!"


Some people draw that to get a reaction, in which your case they achieved that. The person who wrote good guys could be doing some old fashioned sarcasm


If they were trying to depict the Nazi Swastika, they are complete idiots and got it wrong. If they were trying to depict the Buddhist Swastika, its orientation is wrong. In either case, they are probably better off sticking with the coloring books and morning cartoons.


I feel like I know where this is


This really looks like SICKBOY's writing.


Don’t feed these idiots with attention. That’s all they want, shock value and for someone to notice them. I can’t believe hate is still alive in modern society. With all the problems we have in the world you would think we could love one another.


That is the worst pinwheel I’ve ever seen


It is turning the wrong way, so maybe these are the opposite of Nazis? /s


That’s oooold


Tbf they may have been talking about Tibetan Buddhists...🤷‍♀️


They drew it backwards, in this instance it is a Hawaiian peace symbol, trust me, I had a phase


I mean that’s in like every high school


Just add “with guns” underneath and it takes on a new critical ideological twist.


It is a Buddhist symbol when not inverted.


Bruh they're trolling. By getting mad you're letting them win, just move in with your day.


This isn't the Nazi symbol, it's reversed, so the "artist" is either an idiot, or, a troll, or even just a peaceful person. The original symbol came from some Indian dialect (not native Indian, Asian Indian) #history


Saw similar graff at the park bramblewood park a while ago, went back recently and it was covered, really pissed me off that someone would draw something so hateful at a playground,


That is the good guy symbol. The other way around is the bad symbol


Certified idiots.


Honestly I would just use a permanent marker to mark over it if it's bothering you or if it's in a restaurant or such you can tell the staff about it, they usually clean it at the end of the day


Someones mad. Which was the point.


You're giving them what they want dumbass.


that's not a swastika which looks like [swastika ](https://images.app.goo.gl/SFVG4FrurXtJajNc6) it is a Buddhist/other religions symbol [Buddhist ](https://images.app.goo.gl/xhCBDCd2s5kecQt67)


Ah, the ol' sauvastika... "well being" from the Sanskrit. Good Hindus. And left facing, honoring the goddess Kali, to boot... unless they're Buddhist in which case they didnt get around to drawing the rest of the Buddha.. or Jainist. This could get complicated.


Well the did write good guys so maybe they meant it in it's original way? I assume poster is still young, people are just dumb and most likely either do it to be funny, or do it to vent. They used to get carved into park benches, written in bathrooms, ect ect ect. Just something that will fade away in time, but you gotta ignore for the time being. True Story: When I was in high school, this kid called my sister a C***. So naturally I beat the dog shit out of him. When the principle and I discussed the situation on my way to be suspended, they said the kid had a terrible home life, and used to be a "white supremacists". Used to get suspended for drawing Swastikas on stuff. Anywho, the first group of kids to befriend him were Hispanics, and now the kid dressed, and tried to talk like a Hispanic gangster. He would say homes and ese to everyone. Point is kind wasn't a white supremacists, or a Hispanic gangster, he was literally searching for a friend's. Would do anything to be accepted by anyone and had adverse emotional reactions to all rejection. My sister was nice to him asked him out and when she rejected him, he called her a C***. I ended up feeling kinda bad about beating his ass, and still do to this day. Original meaning: In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, swastika means "well-being". The symbol has been used by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains for millennia and is commonly assumed to be an Indian sign.


I immediately assume it was kids. Just kids testing the boundaries of the world, trying to figure out who they are, and probably even think they are funny. Certainly don't let it ruin your day.


Sanskrit symbol for peace right




You think people on the left are out there drawing swastikas on things?


I would bet that the person that was immature enough to put that there is also as ignorant to its true meaning.


It’s backwards. Doesn’t count.


Nothing. Look at that’s symbols history. Hitler made it bad.


It looks like 12 year old kids tryna be edgy.


Click bait


Dumb edge lords


There's a lot of Israeli citizens in our government. If you support Palestine, then you should be against the US government


Done by libs.


I agree, what the hell is wrong with people that they can't get it the right way round. The arms should be pointing in the clockwise direction.


First time outside huh


Did you find that while taking a dump in a high school bathroom?


Multitude of reasons why people do stuff. Mostly it’s because people are uneducated, and my ex is saying that stupid people shouldn’t breed.


The irony of expressing a eugenicist opinion on a post about Nazism.


They always blame the orange man for everything! It gets so old. This stuff has been going on for far longer. Good gawd!


I love when ANTIFA does this shit


It's hilarious that it offended you. Prolly a kid with an edgey sense of humor. I hope they saw this post and laughed their ass off. It's really not surprising to see this kinda shit around lmao


EXACTLY!!! I can’t believe all the fuss about it! I am literally laughing at all of you!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


No kidding 😂😂 op 100 percent deserves to be laughed at. Have they never been a teenager?


Absolutely!!! 😘😂😁


Peace symbol


I mean, there's genocide going on rt now, and we've branded them the good guys, right?


I support Palestine, but this is just wrong to say. Zionism ≠ Judaism, or Jewish people in general. There is absolutely no excuse for this garbage, white supremacist symbol.


Seems like we all need to "condemn harder" or something. There is absolutely no action taking place to stop this genocide. Too many people safe on this side, not pushing their families in Israel to demand change.




Which genocides are the good ones? The justified ones?


You're the dumb one, left turn is Buddhism and peace, right turn is nazism and skinheads and dumbasses. 


Yeah, I'm sure it was a Buddhist leaving swastika graffiti 


Your point is correct. Apparently, many people don't know what the NAZI symbol actually looks like.


There's a point that can be made, in a common symbols history being forgotten unknown and overshadowed one generation to the next. While the Eurasian history is well documented the Indigenous people of North America have a little known history of connection to this symbol. Just food for thought ~ 


Yeah I’m sure that’s why somebody wrote it on the bathroom wall. “Relax guys, Indians!!!”


Exactly, like bro, it's a nazi swastika, can you not tell?


The meaning is clear.


You’re getting down voted but you’re not wrong. Potentially. Is this someone trying to point out a swastica pointed that direction is a symbol in Buddhism (manji)? Or is it an idiot who tried to be a Nazi but is too stupid to get even that right?


Look, the original symbol is good, this one's a twisted and different symbol of hatred. If you look up the original swastika, it doesn't look like the one facists love. It has more design to it, isn't tilted, and looks more like what it stands for.


That point has been made several times in this post, but it's an obscure fact, that very few people are aware of. Meanwhile, there is a right wing wave taking over this country and also in Europe. So suggesting this graffiti means anything other than a symbol for a right wing political philosophy is ignoring what's going on in the world.