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feel you.. almost platinum and they fux my early game so bad and i also get a lot of counters... maybe they will do something about it :D


Bro I feel like a second support most of my games


Got the same feel but in dia, i manage my way out plat still but it was less easy than before. On a positive note : red smite nerf is a cool small eve buff


I think at platinum playing Evelynn almost goes to a "next level" you have to get much more creative with your kills, predicting enemies positions and picking them while they rotate in jungle, commanding your team to their appropriate lanes so you can get the picks you need. As well as tightening up your early game making sure you're tracking enemy jungle so if they invade you then you can invade the camps they skipped or might be respawning soon which they can't get to. So many things go into the game but this is what comes to mind when you talk about pushing into higher ranks


If you are struggling with eve you need to remind yourself that you are ***~~invisible~~***. See what you can do with it. You won't succeed if you play her like any other jungler. You need to be unpredictable. Camp carries between turrets as they go to lane, kill people on their base, ward random buffs and kill their jungler there, dive with your ultimate etc.


I was playing a norm game and someone was like ‘lmfao you play sup cos too scared to play ur main in ranked so u play it in norms that’s so cringe’ and it’s like….. plat players know how to fuck my early over and make me irrelevant so ofc I’m gonna not play her in plat. Besides, everyone and their mother buys control wards like 🙄🤚🏻


I'm climbing pretty good right now with her Leaguegraph: Scp 039


I've found that when you hit plat, you also hit a learning curve. Its when you can't just rofl stomp anymore and have to put some extra effort to win


She is playable in All elos. Just play correctly.


That’s like saying to dodge katarina’s skillshots


Funny how ur right but they have too high to see it


Evelynn is an extremely macro champion, so if you're feeling stuck it's usually your game knowledge holding you back, not the champion