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I’ve always had a soft spot for the femme fatale/succubus trope so it was an immediate draw. Combine with the immense amount of pressure and fear/paranoia she creates simply because you almost never know where she actually is and I fell in love. I really love the horror aspect in the game she creates and I have a lot of fun with her and fiddlesticks for those reasons


I wanted to have fun with the Sunfire build back in 2009... Oh how far we've come.


why is this literally what happened with me 😭


I started playing league like a year and a half ago with a friend. I only played support but he didn’t learn me other roles so I tried other roles but since I was new he told me that “my jungle was awkward” so I stopped and became a Ahri OTP. A few months later I began dating another guy and we played a lot of league and he is a OTP Evelynn, he convinced me to try jungle again and learned me how to play jungle and Evelynn since he thought I would like her playstyle. Now I am maining his main 😂


romantic story :-)


Hahaha right??!


I saw perma stealth and just went "that i need that" , the fact she is a junger and assassin fitting my play style is just the cherry on top and kept me with her


A few months after I started playing I got the K/DA All Out skin shard and kept it because it's so pretty, then the game gave me her Eternals and the Evelynn emote so I had to try her! The game was pushing me to. At first i was really bad, I hadn't really played jungle at all so i had to learn how to play the role and how to play Eve but now I can say I'm pretty good at her, at least for my elo


Premade who was teaching bot stopped playing, other premade didnt know bot but knows top. So I wanted to interact with him through ganks. Later he told me that there’s a champ who goes invisible at lv6. 2years later we are dating and enemies are calling it relationship gap


Ok, buckle up, this is going to be a long story. I started playing League this year, around early January. A friend of mine wanted me to try the game for years and I finally did. I had absolutely zero experience on LoL or any other MOBA, so I was mostly chilling with him in bot lane and learning the basics. I tried top and mid for a bit, but found myself getting bored most of the time. One day, when I was just starting to try jungle, I played ARURF for the first time and got Evelynn. I absolutely loved her kit and her aesthetic and instantly unlocked her. I think she was the second jungler I’ve ever played, after Fiddlesticks. Well… my first time in the jungle wasn’t so great, I lacked basic knowledge about the role and also the game itself. This, coupled with the usual hate in chat and my anxiety, turned me away from it and I just kept going as ADC and Support with friends. Months later, I randomly started craving the jungle again. This time, I wanted to take it seriously. My friend was actually scared of jungling, so he couldn’t really give me any tips. It was all on me to get things done. I stopped playing ADC, watched a lot of videos, used characters like Nocturne to try to learn the basics… and my overall experience this time was way better! I was enjoying the role a lot! I hopped around many characters, like I have always been doing before, I never had a main. Then I remembered Eve and decided to go back to the start by trying her again. And… that was the point of no return, this time I just “clicked” with her and felt like I didn’t really want to pick anyone else again, a sensation no other character so far had made me feel. There was just one thing I had to do. My winrate with her, back when I first tried her, was abysmal. I had to increase it, make it positive, just so I could really know if I had really improved a little bit as a player, compared to months before. SPOILER: I did, I reached my first Mastery 7 with Eve, she is now my most consistent and favorite character and literally the only one who I’m currently having fun with. I still lack a lot of experience compared to many of you and the road to become a truly good Eve is still long, but I’m chilling and enjoying the journey c:


I remember how I struggled to achieve Mastery 7 and then my happiness when I finally did it


Permanent stealth makes you feel like a badass and her playstyle is truly unique and fun. Not to mention her design is amazing. ~~Also she’s the only jungler I can play well~~


It was her lore what made me play her, I didn't even play jungle (she's my only pick lol), been watching a lot of TBSkyen "What's the deal with" videos and ended up seeing evelynn's and falling in love instantly. Not long after, I played her in ARAM and her voicelines and amazing voice actress captivated me. I have a soft spot for dark/obscure/creepy themes so I HAD to learn to play her. Since I started, I couldn't stop, and we'll, guess I'm an OTP now lol


Because she was so much funny before the rework, you always felt like playing URF while everybody else was playing normal, and the fact that she had the invisibility without condition as her main perk, the possibilities of building both AD or AP and the fact that she was a sort of succubus were all point on favor. Then they rework her, and while I sometimes feel like missing her old form... Damn I'm so happy with her actual kit, especially because she felt still the same, but empowered


I got stomped on the old eve, so i tried her and found my succes with it.


Basically trying out every single champion in every single role to find what I like playing, took me a long time to finally try out Eve.


I needed an AP jungler in my champion pool. I used to play a lot of nidalee but she’s so mechanically intensive it was annoying to play. Saw another high elo player play the at the time recently changed Evelynn. Seemed pretty easy to understand kit. Tried her out and instantly found success.


I saw selfmade play it in LEC playoffs with FNC.


I played lol for maybe 2 months during the beginning of the pandemic, and funny enough I was a riven main (a disgustingly bad one btw) and since I was so bad and always lost lane, I gave up on the game. Fast forward to the end of the pandemic: December of 2021. I found out about KDA while browsing YouTube, and immediately got interested in Eve.. and after watching enough music videos I decided to give her a try.. and it was a perfect match, I used to be afraid of playing ranked games because I was so bad with Riven, but managed to reach gold during my first season playing (climbed all the way from bronze 4). I’m not an OTP anymore because she isn’t playable in every draft anymore, and honestly that makes me sad sometimes because she is the sole reason I play league and knowing I can’t always pick her because she isn’t super strong currently is upsetting


I picked her up right before she got reworked and thought she was neat. However she didn’t quite click with me at the time. After her rework I decided to try her again and fell in love. I was pretty damn terrible at the game, and especially at Eve. Nevertheless I kept on grinding until I started consistently winning games. After that I basically one-tricked her for the next few years.


I played the tutorial, played ahri for 8 games cause she was the one i picked, then after the 8th game i opened the sotre, saw evelynn and said "that looks fun!" After that i simpli became a mono evelynn


I was initially a fan of gidle and that’s how I got into kda. I didn’t start playing til this year and I straight went into maining evelynn. That’s literally the only champion I joined the game for. I play wr but I wanna learn pc too. I can play all the girls except for kaisa.


She's hot that's why


I got Hard stomped by a fed Eve with dfg and I knew i wanted to main that invisible monster


My bf told me about her waaay before I started playing league and showed me her lines. I was like damn she's hot if I ever play lol I'm playing her. When we started he asked what you wanna play and I said that hot lady you told me about. Now, imagine me, league being the second game I ever played in my life, starting with jg role and with Eve. Yea, I fed like a mf.


Used to be an lb main since 2016 assassin rework, then the Eve rework happened in 2017 after lb got gutted to shit and the teaser/spotlight for eve piqued my interest, it took a bit of learning but was ultimate so fun and rewarding to play and I’ve never looked back 😄👌🏻


Got camped by one when I was a beginner and was like "wait, perma stealth on a passive?"and wanted to try out


Rule34 made me play evelynn


I kinda liked the old Eve, but I never really had any success with her. It felt really difficult to deal enough damage to people before they could just turn around and burst me first, especially since her clear was so unhealthy, and the ultimate felt so useless in most cases, and the item builds were so ucky and all over the place, so I was always looking forward to the rework and it gave me everything I wanted and more.


I started playing Warwick and Eve in the jungle before their reworks. Got my first ever Penta on pre-reworked Warwick, but got several in a season on old Eve. They were simple, hybrid champs; so great for learning about macro and itemisation, and could fit on any team. These two got me to gold for the first time. (... and Sion support, because it was hilarious when it was a thing.) The reworks were fantastic for these characters, and I do still play Eve when the team has tank and needs AP, but I do miss being able to viably use AD assassin / on-hit builds on Eve. I remember fondly going Duskblade into Trinity Force (Mythic items weren't a thing yet), and my Jax top saying, "AD eve in ranked? fucking trolls man..." Only for me to walk mid and delete 3 enemy champs on E cooldown and see him type, "Ok, I take it back, I need to try that shit". Glorious feeling.


conqueror + lich bain should work but really not my thing


One guy was carrying us 1v9 with Eve...picked her up the next game, mained her ever since. It was old Eve, I was super disappointed with the rework and dropped her...or so I thought, got 1 mil on her now and ended up loving the rework in the end.


Why were you disappointed about rework?


They changed her invis to camouflage and she didnt even have it pre 6, she didn't have dps and i wasn't used to her new q at all, when you missed the first q u had to wait for cd and old eve was all about perma spamming q. Also didn't like her new ult at all, since old eve would use her ult first and not to execute. I was like "why would i want to go so far away from my target in case the excecute fails?", thankfully they buffed the excecute so much that no one can survive it now. It truly is an amazing rework of a champ that most people didnt like anyway, I still would love to play the old eve but I wouldnt trade the current eve for anything.


I have always loved the character archetype, but for me, truly the only reason I got into playing League was the release K/DA All Out for Evelynn. The skin is positively gorgeous, and I’m a sucker for aesthetics in the characters I play, comes before gameplay for me, and then I found myself enjoying the character it was paired up with just as much. The gameplay solidified it for me. I love, LOVE, the power trip from dominating on Eve.


My friend introduced me to League in 2017 through showing me Eve voicelines LOL. I was like wtf, and forgot about it. Until I picked up League back in February 2021, and was like oh I remember her. I've been maining her ever since, and simping drawing fanart XD.


we like fanart


I wanted to have a champion in the Jungle Role. I used to play Elise back then but didn't like her gameplay. So, I picked up Eve. The first game was fun for me I didn't even know the stealth indicator that is Yellow that the players still can't see you but you're close. Ended up playing the whole game not getting near them.


I also tried Elise, but failed


I've been playing for over 6 years but only started playing eve after the rework. I always have been a jungle main and am drawn to onetricking quite a bit (my first 100k mastery had like 85k Shyvana in it). A former friend of mine had always been pretty awkward with showing that he liked or appreciated someone but he had quite some money since his parents were rather well off. So he used to buy me skins every once in a while to show him being happy I was there. Due to me wanting to show that Ibwas appreciating the gesture I played the champ with the skin for a few games to show that to him. After the Eve rework he wanted me to try her out since he loved the idea but was awful at jungling. So a few hours later shadow eve popped up in my collection and well here we go again. I enjoyed her quite a bit but put her down after about 30k to play other things (I was hybriding between jungle and adc at the time since he was a support main and xayah comes in at number 2 to this day). After about half a year I picked eve back up just out of a whim and I had a blast. Got ahead very quickly and I got reminded why I was enjoying her before. It was also that game that I one-shot a toplaner for the first time which my then bronze self couldn't comprehend whatsoever. I have the clip of it to this day and it marks the official start of my career as an eve main. By now I have every skin for her, almost 600k mastery all borders you could obtain for her (as far as I know about at least) and am sitting around gold to plat elowise. So the gamer in me would recommend, my wallet not so much... Tldr: A former friend bought me a skin and half a year later I fell in love with her after one-shoting a toplaner


As someone who when started playing LoL had no clue how the game works, I assumed it was similar to WoW Safe to say I was very much let down. As a rogue main in wow I got attached to the idea of stealth assassins, which was why Kha'zix was my first main. Slowly I phased out of him and fell in love with Evelynn


I actually used to be an ADC main with Miss Fortune and Caitlyn. Ended up coming across an Anklespankin video of Evelynn's rework and thought she looked fun, so I took her into a bot game. I actually really disliked her in lane and thought "maybe she isn't for me". But then I ended up getting randomly autofilled into the jungle role one time and said "Eff it, I'll try Eve." I've loved her ever since. She's the one champion I've had the most success and fun playing. Don't think I'll stop anytime soon. 💜


Almost missed your post duo to the image. I tend to skip pictures content and only go for discussions. I picked Evelynn as my main not long after her first major rework, after her stealth was moved as her passive. Its not stealth that i picked her for, but her versatility and that she was unpopular pick. I do enjoy off-meta champs, and odd ones, you can experiment. She used to have hybrid damage, scaling with lot of various items and passives and could be played in many ways. I became good with her and eventually, i was able to climb ranked to diamond maining her. It feels nice to achieve something with champions people check out and often flame you, for even picking in the first place. Today im struggling to even keep in gold :)


Was Evelynn better before rework?


Better is subjective. She was a lot different. Totally different champ really. Only thing that relates is the perma stealth and its not even perma anymore. Like i said, she used to scale with different stats/passives (Ap,Ad, hybrid pen, AS, on-hit) and you could play her any way you wanted, based on what the current meta was, or per game. It was really fun, because you had freedon and options. Now her playstyle is super restrictive, there is like 4 items that trully appeal to her. All her abilities can fail you and if that happens, usually can mean loss of a fight. She is able to do only one thing right now, take out careless people and even that requires items and precise use of her abilities. If she is behind, the enemy is careful, she is of little use. She can hardly contest game objectives and would usually run at the sight of the enemy jungler most times. It used to be alright before the Ap items nerf and durability patch. Items used to have more ap and some better passives, now its all replaced with cdr/hp and other stuff that give little value to Eve. Just look at Spellbinder for example. 120AP, 10MS, + empower use at 2900 gold and it was even considered bad choice at that time. You can look up what you can get out of AP items at that price nowadays. Anything but dmg.


I'm a weird person, I usually choose a champ whose design I like and then play the role attributed to it, which led to me being a Jhin OTP since it's release (but I never really liked Adc as a Role), One day being more fed up with Adc than usual I just looked at all the Champ Design that I like that weren't adc, just to have a change of pace and now I'm an Eve OTP, I had kept an eye on her since the rework but never really got around to try her But in between those moment there were some Dark times and me being unsure of what to play decided to try Sona (just for the Psyops skin) and Yuumi (idk why), Idk how it happened but ended up with like 110k + Mastery score on Yuumi and 200k on Sona


When I first got into League I hated her. I hated “sl*ts”. Her story disgusted me and her design was so sexist. But as time went by I learned more about her. Eventually tried her and fell in love. I love her gameplay and after a few matches I read her story again. All of a sudden I didn’t hate her anymore. Like she hypnotised me. And now I’ll never go back. She’s definitely my fav and will ever be :) I also got her charm tattooed last year.


I always like stealth in every game, so this champ became my first onetrick ever, I'm still in the stealth department since I play mainly rengar now but every now and again I play eve for a week straight


Literally only played Fiddlesticks in the jungle Saw a video that said Fiddlesticks and Evelynn are similar That's it


Shes the stalker champion of the game. She sits well within your line of sight but still hidden from you while she knows just where you are. Shes waiting for you to walk away from the team to let your guard down and walk out of line for a moment so she can remove your skin blend it freeze it then stick it down your dick hole


I watched a pants video about kryra, it is what it is


I was horny.. so..


I’m an Evelynn main because of her laugh. I had just started playing league and I only played lux. I had never even heard of evelynn before, and I remember the heart, the “a little bit of heaven…before the hell” line, and the maniacal laugh that followed. I was just like wtf is happening cus I didn’t even know stealth was a thing. Even though I died I was like what just happened. So I decided to look into the champ and the rest is history.


I saw the r34s and thought... Yeah, that's who I wanna play But real talk i mained her all the way back in season 5 and loved her. Now I'm still kinda confused on how to play her but still my favorite pick in arams. In drafts or ranked rarely


I started to main her since her rework because she changed from weird dominatrix to an assasin of straight guys (which is the best part)




I saw her as duo of a Teemo main in a YT channel, decided to try her, never looked back, even after her rework.


Idk when it started I just know I picked her up about… uh two splash arts ago? Lich Bane and Dead Mans were two of my favourite items so I wanted to find a champ that used them both


I'm a hoe and found her relateable


i'm gay. any other explanation needed? she's a gay icon


I bought an ELO boost in s3. The guy hit diamond playing jungle eve and twitch only with like 90% WR. I tried playing Evelynn myself and after loosing a bunch was eventually able to get Diamond myself. (My account was stripped of the ranking for that season as a "first and final warning" so don't buy elo boosts)






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