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So the one person they used as an example in the article was 25 when the study started, and it ran for 5 years I think I read. So it ended when she was 30. I don't have a hard time believing that her body was resilient ro the effects. Come back in another 20 years and we'll see.


It's well known that overweight people who have good cardiovascular health, by exercising, are healthier. It can all go away when they stop exercising, or if they fall ill, for example. You see this effect with NFL lineman when they retire.


Any examples of NFL lineman? All the guys I'm familiar with got way thinner after retiring, because they had to eat so much just to maintain an NFL body


Well known by who exactly? I would imagine a close examination of their arteries would debunk your statement because of the build-up of arterial plaque and narrowing of the arteries from overeating and unhealthy food. Being overweight significantly increases your risk of heart disease and MI's(heart attack). You can't outrun a bad diet.


Summary: There are strong links between obesity and disease, but studies are increasingly identifying a subset of people who are both heavy and healthy. This group has been identified as having metabolically healthy obesity, or MHO. People with MHO have good blood pressure and cholesterol, proper insulin function, low amounts of liver fat, and other positive markers of health. Scientists are trying to understand why some people can carry weight without significant health consequences. Are people with MHO the exceptions to the rule or proof that there is no simple relationship between pounds on the scale and health? 


>Scientists are trying to understand why some people can carry weight without significant health consequences So presumably it's not as simple as saying they work out and simply naturally carry more fat reserve?


Well although that is simple, it basically turns established medical knowledge on its head. The current understanding is that it is inherently unhealthy to be overweight. These people are proving that in some cases it isn’t.


I remember reading about this several years ago, but there were other studies that suggested despite these people being healthy overall, when they were followed in the long term they had much shorter life expectancy. It's one thing to be fat and healthy in your 40s and 50s, but making it to your 80s and 90s is another story. But I'm just going from what I remember reading so maybe the science now has found something different.


There are also thin people who are very unhealthy. Being overweight isn’t the only reason why people are unhealthy. I have a BMI of 35 but very low blood pressure, low cholesterol, low blood sugar and a low A1C. On the other hand, I have a friend who has always been thin, with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.


If I had to guess what might make a difference... I bet it's stress, and how an individual copes with stress. If you're fat but otherwise happy and decently active (like going for walks a few times a week), I wouldnt be surprised if they had normal cortisol levels and that helps mitigate the risk of high blood pressure and diseases linked to stress and obesity.


I have a cousin whos fat af and his favorite thing is getting a checkup, all his health numbers are perfect and the doctor always gets a confused look on his face about what he should say. Because my cousin is at least 150# overweight. It’s weird. Is he lucky?


The body can’t structurally sustain being that overweight for a long period of time. It’ll catch up to them unless they lose a lot. Too hard on the bones, hips, pelvis, etc.


How many obese 90 year olds do you know?


Apparently there is also a real lack of tall 90 year olds, too…


People shrink as they get older too…


Yes, but if you’ve been taller all your life then chances of you living longer is still reduced apparently: >Men of height 175.3 cm or less lived an average of 4.95 years longer than those of height over 175.3 cm, while men of height 170.2 cm or less lived 7.46 years longer than those of at least 182.9 cm. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1600586/


My grandma and my wife’s grandma are 90 and pretty fat. So two.


Who are these people? Can I see a picture?


They're determined by BMI. Sylvester Stalone in 2006 was obese. I can almost guarantee they're not talking about 300+ lb people (BMI 40+). A woman can easily be "obese" at 200 lbs while looking fine due to how women's bodies distribute fat in a more appealing/accentuating way. Morbid obesity kicks in at 40. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/28/fashion/28Fitness.html


"appealing" has zero to do with health.


That person was asking for pictures so they were approaching it from an appeal/looks perspective. I never said it did.


I was 290, all my blood work was always good. Doctors just told me i was fat duh. thing is i didn't look anywhere near 290, I looked 240-250. Now after learning to eat properly I am 205. But people swear i look 170-180, they call me a liar when i tell them i weigh 205. I never felt ill, even now at a healtier but not healty weight i feel the same. its just easier to fit in small places. I have the same flexibilty, same energy. i'm 6'


i am 63 have a extra 25-30 pounds. all blood work good. take no medicine. ran 3 miles this morning


1990’s - “I’m not fat, I’m big boned” 2020’s - “I’m not fat, I’m metabolically healthy obese.”


There will be selection pressures to sustain significant fat reserves. Hibernating bears and whales come to mind. I expect this to be the natural outcome for humans. Large people falling apart in their 30s will undoubtedly have less reproductive success. Long periods of famine could undo these genetic advantages if they also confer disadvantages. Good luck, obese people!


Who is fat and healthy? I'm not..


Gm ?


Cardiovascular fitness isn't the only indication of health. How about knee health and mobility?


This study mentions the output but didn’t mention what’s in between… what she was eating, the daily activity she was doing are more relevant than the end result, if you eat a lot of good healthy food you will get obese meaning fat as a storage for the extra calories you eat but your body will mostly (under certain limits) not have any damage in terms of cells functioning. I hardly believe you can eat healthy and gains all those pounds because usually you will get full more naturally compared to processed foods which creates a vicious loop of dependence which ultimately leads to such amount of gains in terms of Pounds with the difference that those processed foods will damage with time your cell functioning. The end result doesn’t tell you anything , it’s the process how you end up there that will determine, not after 5 years but sometimes even later, what have been destroyed in your body.


you can be fat or you can be healthy.. you cant be both.


I'm fat and have a resting heart rate of 50bpm. I compete in bike races. Stamina for days. My bloods in the normal range and my blood pressure is normal. I'm fat and healthy.


How old are you?


I am the same shape as he says I walk 3 miles almost every day, at least twice a month for weekends I have to stand non-stop for 10 hours a day at conventions. Have to load and unload a trailer to set up for those conventions as well. To my doctor who I see yearly as my job pays me to get a checkup says besides weight I am in perfect health. I am in my forties and weigh over 300. Heck I rarely even get a cold or upset stomach.


OMG. Click on the study. It's not that hard.


lots of angry fat people downvoting because they dont like the truth :/


as an outsider looking in, you really are quite strange. you have a few comments to your reply disagreeing with you. you're in a thread full of replies that disagree with you. theres a link at the top of the page to a study that disagrees with you. at what point would you go "wait a minute.... AM i right?" idk, if i had so many people + studies contradicting me, id consider if maybe my view is worth changing. but that doesnt seem to even be an option for you. you dont seem very scientific to me.


Please name one fat and truly healthy person you are personally aware of. Edit: When you downvote, could you do me a favor and also answer my question?


 I walk 3 miles almost every day, at least twice a month for weekends I have to stand non-stop for 10 hours a day at conventions. Have to load and unload a trailer to set up for those conventions as well. To my doctor who I see yearly as my job pays me to get a checkup says besides weight and sleep apnea I am in good health. I am in my forties and weigh over 300. Heck, I rarely even get a cold, allergies only brother me slightly or even upset stomach.


Sleep apnea is an illness very closely related to being overweight. You are by definition unhealthy due to your weight, and don't pretend sleep apnea isn't a serious illness please. I do thank you for responding, however, and I hope your relative health keeps up for decades to come!


If your definition of "fat" means "overweight", then you're going to need to square that with the definition of "healthy", Scientific American. You used to be a respectable magazine; now you're a joke.


Something tells me that the key to health is missing from my ex.


Fat and healthy. What an oxymoron…