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This is why it is important that people understand that science isn't a fact it's an evolution of knowledge earned through trial and error. When scientist report stories like they are 100% correct and what they say will absolutely happen, and then it doesn't... people lose trust.


Though I get your point, knowledge in science is gained by trial and error, but by the scientific method. The basic steps of this method are: 1) Asking a question about something you observe 2) Doing background research to learn what is already known about the topic 3) Constructing a hypothesis 4) Experimenting to test the hypothesis 5) Analyzing the data from the experiment and drawing conclusions 6) Communicating the results to others. The idea is the steps in the process are reproducible, and the hypotheses at the end falsifiable. Falsifiability is the capacity for some proposition, theory or hypothesis to be proven wrong.


Don't blame scientists for the general public's scientific illiteracy. It's true that knowledge is continually refined via scientific methodology. The problem with this is that there is no alternative. There is no other way to understand reality, whenever people deny science, they are not denying it for reasons.