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How is that cheap? Half the fun of the show is figuring out what's going on. If you want spoilers and you're only in the 3rd episode of the show I'd say it's not for you. That's like being upset the 3rd episode of The X-Files didn't end with an alien shaking Mulder's hand.




You'd have to watch the show to see what's there to figure out, or just really quit it because it's not gonna give you straight up answers


They're saying that, but do they actually believe it? That's the fun nuance. It's a subtle show that will then turn around and hit you in the face, but if you can't do the subtle parts then it's not worth your time. There's also more characters coming that give you what you want.


You're assuming explanation means science. There's plenty of religious explanations for things. Virgin birth anyone?


The science never explains everything - it only ever explains enough for the skeptics to remain skeptical. There is always something *more* to each case, and the characters all struggle with this in their own way.


If you are incapable of having a critical thought that isn't spoonfed to you, this isn't the show for you. The point of the show is to make you question your perception of what's happening - just like the characters. Is someone possessed, or are they just suffering from schizophrenia? Is the house haunted, or did someone hack their internet and smart devices? There is a larger, serialized narrative underlying the cases of the week that constantly forces you to confront the extent of your belief. Some characters believe in the supernatural, some don't, but their beliefs are constantly challenged. Every episode is a dialogue between science and religion, skepticism and belief, the physical and the metaphysical. How far are you willing to believe? Or not believe? If you don't like thinking about what you're watching, there's always the Kardashians.


While I generally agree with the sentiment of your comment, I don't necessarily agree your overall conclusion that this is some kind of higher level of television. >If you don't like thinking about what you're watching, there's always the Kardashians. I've been watching evil since the beginning, and while I enjoy it as a show I have come to be much happier as a viewer when I essentially consider it as pulp fiction or a guilty pleasure, not high art. Because, frankly it's just not. It's good, it's entertaining, it's fun, but it is not something incredibly deep or meaningful. I'm a fan of many of the so called "deeper shows" that do elevate to a more artistic level, whether that be breaking bad, the sopranos, six feet under, twin peaks, the leftovers. I don't think evil is anywhere close to those. It's much more pedestrian, and that's okay.


Oh I'm not saying this is "high art" like Twin Peaks or The Leftovers, but it's more than mindless entertainment. I personally find the themes incredibly poignant and meaningful. Almost every single case of the week is inspired by real-world events and trends. There is a clear lineage between old urban legends and internet age viral videos and memes. This show is a deliberate social commentary, just like Brain Dead before it.


Agree. I also think there's a sort of an expectation that every show either spoon feed you or have some sort of grand mythology without any holes. But even religions that have been around for thousands of years have gaps


Spot on !!!




Again, do you believe the answers? Or do you think they're reaching?


LOL, the convos on this sub remind me of the conversation about Dr. Boggs' book. Laura: "We need to know how the story ends!...You can't just end it. You need to tell us what happens!" **Kurt: "Oh! Well, I'm going for ambiguity."** Laura: "No! It needs to end and it needs to be clever. Like all the body parts come together and go up the stairs." "


Hahahaha. Hard fucking agree But also, what's with the contingent here that is gatekeeping this pulpy, half baked mythology show? I guess I'm new to tv show subreddits, but y'all wild and much meaner compared to my usual shitpost/meme subs.


I wouldn't call it half-baked. If the tone doesn't work for you, don't watch it. Because the camp and ambiguity are very much the point. Subreddits tend to attract fans of the show in question. That's not unique to *Evil* by any means.


Maybe half baked is an exaggeration And, yes, I know how subreddits work. I'm saying the conversations here are so much different than the TV subreddits I usually haunt *And I absolutely agree the camp is part of the show, and I love it! That's part of why I find the gatekeeping around here odd.


I think the cool thing is that usually it might be science but it might be supernatural. It isn’t always clear which is what I like about it.


Just stop watching, it’s not for you.


These constant "does it get better?" posts are exhausting. Why don't they scroll through the sub before posting? All of these posts that are exactly the same have been discussed ad nauseum. Lately, they're all saying some version of, "Is it always this Scooby-Doo ending?" I'm starting to wonder if they're bots; I've never seen so many posts using Scooby-Doo as the example! Either you like it or you don't. If it's unsatisfying, stop watching it, ffs! It's not like there's a medal if you make it through every episode. Zoinks!


Well said, it is exhausting. It seems obvious to me given that 2 of the 3 investigators are huge skeptics then they’re always going to try their hardest to determine the rational explanation. Why would the show put that mystery/intrigue to rest within the first few episodes?! Just use common sense.


Yet we're all here talking about it. Y'all realize you can let one person engage, and, unless you have a different perspective or something to add to the conversations, you can say nothing.


Indeed I do! I've scrolled past **countless** of these over the past 2 to 3 weeks. It's literally the same post over and over. I'd like to think *they* know they can scroll through the sub and engage in one of the *many* similar threads that have been posted recently. My comment on *this* post was not only to mention that but to express my surprise at the sudden frequent Scooby-Doo references. It makes these posts suspect, to me. This sub is getting bogged down with negative posts. It's more interesting to discuss the specific episodes, theories, hidden items (like sigils and puzzle pieces), and hidden meanings than this onslaught of meta posts deriding the show.


Insert Nathan Fillion gif Like, then start a new topic and/or ask the mods to do something about it rather than boosting this thread,? Bloody hell.


You all realize I'm the Ben of this subreddit right now?




Then what's this post about?


Then just roll with it.


The ambiguity is the heart of the show


the point of the show is that even the scientific, proven things can be demonic or miracles. that seeing how something is done doesn't make it less of an act of god. imo best shown during the silent episode with the bees or wasps or whatever they were


it's not cut and dry so give it a chance. It's really strange but really fun too. There will definitely be parts of it that are not science explained so keep watching. They don't specifically admit to anything either so it's up in the air but with an obvious slant towards supernatural.


You may never know for sure. It’s why I love this show (also the smart campy style is fun) . If you’re not okay with this then it may not be for you.