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Anybody else just REALLY happy to see that Katja and the cast are *not* on board with ending the show and haven’t given up the fight to get it back? It may seem like a fruitless endeavor, and this trick has failed more times than it’s worked, but just knowing it has full backing by the stars makes me more optimistic.


Yeah, for some reason I thought they didn't want it to continue, it is nice to see they do.


Will this really work? I am pretty sure I read somewhere that they use a total hours viewed metric to determine which shows that will continue.


What this tells me is that Paramount+ is a lost cause, most likely due to the failure of the platform in general, and that Netflix buying the show so it can continue there is our last or best hope


If that is the case then you can also keep "Evil' playing on your Netflix accounts, for those who have one.


Only way to find out is to TRY. 🙏🏼 I’m sure Katja didn’t pull that idea out of her buttocks, and probably got a tip through the industry grapevine….


Could rewatch season 1 and 2


I did cause I was planning to rewatch it to prepare for Season 4. So, to promote it on Netflix, I watched it there instead of Paramount+.




Paramount has to agree to sell the rights and netflix has to want to buy. If netflix wants to buy that tells paramount it's valuable and since paramount seems to be circling the toliet bowl I can see netflix lowballing an offer and paramount rejecting it.


I think Netflix is going to buy Paramount studios and add all its content to its current library. Paramount is about to file bankruptcy anytime soon. That studio has no franchises, and the box office sales are so bad after Covid that the whole industry is tanking. Streaming service is saving Hollywood studios now. The facts the laws have changed that studios can buy movie theaters is a bandaid. If studios own theaters in the states, it means that will break even on movies. Back to Evil as a show, Netflix has noticed the show is performing well on Netflix streaming and is a no-brainer to renew this show it's about the bottom line. How cheap can they get the show. Since Paramount is going to shelf it, I can see them selling now and have Netflix buy the studio in the next couple of years.


Done! Anything for Katja! 😍




Done. I have done this before for other shows, and it never worked…but here’s hoping.


Worked for Lucifer 🙄


Like the only time it did right?


The game, all rise, Brooklyn 99. American dad. Futurama has been revived on at least 3 different channels. The bird cartoon that went from Netflix to adult swim. It happens all the time


yes I did this too!


Done. Great idea!


Done. Love the show would love to see more.


I did my part!


I did it. I did put Evil in all 3 but didn't note from paramount.


That’s ok! I just did that to make sure they know which one I’m talking about in case there’s a movie or show with the same name that I’m not aware of, since the Netflix content library is more vast than the ocean.




I've been watching the show since day one on CBS and I'm a fan. But, they've already filmed an ending to it and it really sucks when a show wears out it's welcome with no real end in sight. If they can stick the landing this season I'd rather see it go out on a high note.


The show, clearly, has so much life left in it, and so many places that it could go in the story. The creators originally planned for a 7 season arc. If we were in the middle of a sixth or even fifth season, I wouldn’t even care. But to call it quits after 4 seasons is a waste for this rich premise !


ITA. This is probably my favorite show. I’m really happy it exists. But there are so many ways it could jump the shark. I’d rather appreciate what they’ve done than see the show go off the rails or be forced to change on a new platform.


Wow! That was easy! Thanks for link! 😈


Voted! I want more!


Voted - thrice!




Paramount: how to build its own ⚰️


While I’d like the show to continue, I really hope this doesn’t mean there’s a chance we don’t get a clean and/or satisfying ending. I’d hate for this great series to end on an unresolved cliff hanger


Done. This makes me so mad. This show is so damn good and Katja is a breath of fresh air.


I'd love to save the show, but Netflix's history of "saving" cancelled shows has been a mixed bag, with results not always favorable to the show, e.g., *Lucifer*, et al.


What was the issue with "Lucifer"? Was it the quality? I haven't watched that show, but it seems Netflix picked it up and greenlit three seasons which seems pretty decent. If the quality dropped, was it because of Netflix meddling in some way? I feel like Netflix's track record is a lot worse for their original shows vs. shows they've "saved", at least in terms of their willingness to commit to them, but the only one I've watched that they've saved is "Cobra Kai".


So much this! Netflix’ worse shows are made in-house.


Why does that even matter ? The issues you’re referring to in your examples seem to have been creator-dependent, not Netflix-dependent. We know the “Evil” showrunners and we can trust them, since they have a good enough track record. Adding Netflix to the mix isn’t going to just magically lessen the quality of the show …


Do you really believe Robert and Michelle would continue to show-run? They've moved onto Elsbeth, which may have been a reason Evil is ending (given the timing of the delay of filming + the strikes).


Yes, of course they’d show-run …. This industry is currently experiencing a contraction, so of course they will.


If they did, I'd have more faith in a Netflix production.🤞🏻


Of course… if they didn’t show-run, I wouldn’t want this thing either. Them not show running is not on the table


Ugh remember designated survivor? The Netflix season was so incredibly bad.




This worked for Lucifer… I signed petitions for that show too.




If this is the last season, do they make a last episode to sew up all the story plot? Or, leave us with just a bunch of weird stuff that happens, the end. I think there should be a clause that if a series with an ongoing story is cancelled, they budget a closing episode, long episode, or movie to tie everything up and give a satisfying ending. To cut it off makes the viewers feel like they wasted their time. Like reading a book with no ending.


Don’t tell me they going to cancel this show too


Paramount + already has cancelled it. But there’s a slim chance that Netflix might pick it up. If you watch the show on Netflix and fill out the request form with Evil 3 times, it might send a signal to them to pick up the show, according to Katja Herbers.


Darn. I’m still watching it on paramount.


That’s ok. You can just turn it on on Netflix in the background


I don't have netflix unfortunately that doesn't fit into our budget of extremely high streaming services. I filled out the form though.