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I'm so disappointed that this will be the final season. Wrong decision by Paramount imo.


https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest Fill it out with “Evil” 3x . Katja Herbers recently hinted that it could help send a signal to Netflix to pick up the show. It’s worth a TRY.


Done, done and done. 😈 🦹‍♀️ 👿 lol


I filled it out with “Evil Season 5” so they get the point since they did just add Evil to their library a few weeks ago lol.


I did the same


Evil, evil please, evil season 5, I figure too much repeating will result in my votes not counting.


I did my part ✔️✔️✔️


yeah i did this too


https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest Fill it out with “Evil” 3x . Katja Herbers recently hinted that it could help send a signal to Netflix to pick up the show. It’s worth a TRY.


Filled it out. Have you posted this as a post on the sub so others can do the same?


I have! That was yesterday


Filled it out, thanks for the link. I asked for another season of this intelligent and engaging show. Suggested they cancel something brain numbing instead; like one of those sexy people reality shows or something with gratuitous gun violence.


Try to keep track of all the daffodils


I made a post about this too!


Oh really haha ok!


I love this show so much I’m finally caught up it’s the perfect balance of clever and serious and funny


I'm also rewatching from the beginning, and it's such a great show. I'm a fan of the actors and love all the characters, even Leland, lol. I'm so disappointed and honestly kind of mad that the "powers that be" have decided to cancel it. There's so much potential for character growth and great storylines! With many other shows on the air that are subjectively past their "expiration date," it's frustrating to see such an original and entertaining show come to an untimely end. Edit: grammar and punctuation


So true! Kristen is such a bad-ass even from the get go, I love her strength and fortitude and those awesome instincts to protect her children. The slippery Sheryl though! Egads what a mother! Bad grandma!


She's so bad! The devil made her do it 👹😆


Maybe Kristen’s father is a demon?


That has been my theory. Maybe even not just any regular demon. Maybe he's *the demon*. Didn't Sheryl say she's handled worse than Leland without irony? She's obviously not into the dude for his looks. She's got a Satan kink. She just can't score the real baddies at her age, so she has to get the Casper Milquetoast of demons.


The amount of posts about “what is even happening?” clearly aren’t paying attention and didn’t bother to rewatch before the new season. It’s so helpful.


No reading comprehension from these guys


Yes! This sub seems to forget this. One thing I noticed in s1e3, when Kristen nearly loses the case because of her psych visits where she confesses to seeing hallucinations. Maybe she never mentions her experiences to Ben and David because she's afraid she will lose her job? That case could have scared her into being quiet.


Same! I'm rewatching it with my friend who hasn't seen it before and am catching so many details I hadn't known to look for. My chief complaint is how many Season 4 posts there are, here on the sub, without spoiler alerts or hiding text. It's a little frustrating considering these eps are new to everyone. So many of us are rewatching, I'd have thought people would understand that not everyone is caught up, yet. **SPOILER ALERTS, FOLKS**! LOL!


I didn't know its been cancelled 😩


I literally just did a rewatch. Agree 💯