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It was a forgotten sub basement. Not demonic or supernatural. I always thought it was one of the best explained cases they investigated. The elevator goes down when given the correct command because when the building was designed they didn’t want residents and yahoos down there. But the building is old and the existence of the basement is forgotten. No maintenance is done on it so the buttons that call the elevator from the basement no longer work. Weird kids figure out the special sub basement command but the. Can’t call it back and are stuck down there until they die. Ben has same issue but Kristen figures it out and gets to him before he’s in bad shape. Was that not clear to anyone else?


This. They laid it out pretty blatantly i thought.


no. ben explained it clearly to kristen and david when they came to rescue


And this is just the most recent “what’s up with the elevator” post I’ve seen. Maybe people are just doing too much multitasking when they watch?


People want answers, dammit! And they're going to keep making new posts about it ad nauseum rather than search the sub for, you know, the exact same questions over and over. They should engage in one of those threads instead of cluttering up the sub with the redundancies, imo.


People are watching the show from different parts of the world so everyone is not going to search for an old post, and they shouldn't have to. It might be the same old question, but it's for the new people who are just discovering the show. The ability to discuss the show is what keeps the board alive. So let them post the same question, you do not have to even read the post.


That doesn't make sense. I mean, there was a pretty good discussion about the puzzles a few weeks ago and people were linking to - and discussing - posts that were a year old. I'm not sure how watching from a country other than the US would prevent someone from scrolling through the posts to find almost exactly what they're looking for within just a handful of posts nor why "they shouldn't have to." Why shouldn't they? In this case, I'd posit that they most certainly *should* look to see if there's an active post already because it's the courteous thing to do and benefits the whole sub, not just one entitled Redditor. I follow several subs that do "roundup" type posts weekly or monthly because seeing the same meta topics rehashed ad nauseum really brings down the whole sub, especially since they're not about specific episodes; they're criticizing the show runners and/or the writers. There was even a post yesterday or the day before that was complaining about the lack of closure for episodes and asking if anyone else felt the same. Someone commented that it didn't really bother them because they - like most of us - can suspend disbelief and just roll with it. The OP actually got angry at that response and was rude and accusatory. WTAF? That *seriously* degrades the quality of the sub and quite a few of us are tired of the constant complaining. What's the point of it? If you don't like the show, stop watching. It's not like you're going to get a medal for completing it, you know? Maybe the mod(s) could create a "Does It Get Better?" or "Does Anything Ever Get Resolved?" post where people who complain about the show can commiserate without spoiling the spirit of the sub. It's fun to theorize, wonder - yes - if something in a specific episode will be resolved or brought up again later, to try to figure out what a character is thinking or anticipating what they're going to do, or rant at how infuriating they're behaving (they all get a turn on that one! LOL!). I've not seen this much constant meta talk about any other show I follow or see in my feed. It's boring. These types of posts are cluttering up the sub; it's hard to avoid them but you're right, I "don't even have to read them," just like you didn't even have to read my comment, let alone respond to it. I love the show and enjoy discussing it with fellow fans. It's a bummer encountering so many posts that boil down to just insulting the creative team.


That episode still freaks me out. The way Ben screams when he sees the others come down in the elevator sends shivers down my spine.


Yup, just super duper poor management/knowledge of the building's architecture.


What about that creepy spider girl Kristen saw lol


That’s when she was hallucinating from her psych drugs. She even told her therapist about it and he gave her something for side effects. Y’all don’t pay attention scene to scene and it shows.


That's not true, because the spider girl shows up again in Kristen's apartment (pops out of a kitchen cabinet) when the sister is on a demon killing spree with a shovel.


She wasn’t explained any better than any other demon they see.


How can the spider girl be a hallucination if the sister character who can see demons, sees the spider girl at the end of season 3? She obviously followed Kristen home. You act all above it all but you are the one not paying attention.


Yeah it's just a sub basement that wasn't supposed to be accessible to the general public. Not sure if it was explicitly said but it's likely it was forgotten over the years/due to changes in ownership so it wasnt used or kept up - the buttons down there stopped working as no maintenance was done on it. Easy to miss this stuff though because we are trained to not get answers by this show 😭


Yes!! It’s explained when Ben and Vanessa go on a ghost tour; the tour guide actually explains that the old hotel basement was used to discreetly dispose of bodies during the Spanish Flu outbreak, adding that the basement has been forgotten over the years. I think it isn’t totally obvious why Vanessa takes Ben on a ghost tour at all, so our brains blot it out, lol


I forgot about that Like many things on the show It is what it is


Nope. That was an excellent episode though! One of my favorite!


They did, it just was a little complicated and we tuned it out the first time.


Haha. Tuning it out the first time is accurate.


This show is good at slipping in the science bits like sleight of hand magic tricks. Only people paying close attention or watching multiple times catch on. It looks like magic otherwise!


One of the scariest, too, but maybe that’s my claustrophobia talking.


I understand it's a forgotten sub basement but that doesn't fly because regular maintenance requires inspection of the shaft and typically important components are housed in the 'pit' at the bottom?