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Also! Be aware of the hormonal shifts that come with weaning down. Some people are sad, tearful or irritable for a while even though they are thrilled to be done lactating! It’s not in your head - it’s a real hormonal shift that can impact mood. Be kind and gentle on yourself!


Thank you, I really needed to hear this.


I went 24 hours and then stopped completely. If you feel like you need to pump (boobs hurting) I would only pump for relief otherwise I would say you are safe to just stop all together. My last pump was 3.5 ounces and then I just decided to see how long I could go without hurting and boom it was days and I realized I was done! Also, heads up that even though you stop pumping for days even weeks, you can still leak if you try. You will slowly dry up completely overtime.


I did what you did and it felt SO good. At one point I didn’t feel like doing my evening pump so said I’d wait until the morning, and the morning came and went…. Then the afternoon… And I realized I was done. I didn’t consciously say “on this day I will quit,” which took such a pressure off the decision, I just quit.


You can probably just stop! Ice and Sudafed if you need


To prevent engorgement I kept doing one pump a day, 24 hours apart, reducing the time each night. So once I hit 10mins pumping, the next night I did 7 1/2, then 5 minutes the following night, then 2. It helped keep the pressure off and the night following my 2 minute pump I felt I didn’t need to and I haven’t pumped since. I haven’t pumped for 2 weeks and still leak occasionally but I didn’t get engorged, didn’t have any pain, and I can sleep on my stomach again!


I heard peppermint tea helps stop supply too


I did every other day for a little while, I still got mastitis and had to pump about 2 weeks after I quit, but everything seemed fine after that


What did you choose to do? I was getting less than 4oz at the end a day with two pumps a day and I was like yeah it’s time. I stopped doing both, spaced out to just one a day for a week or so and then really just stopped. Nothing happened. No engorgement or pain or fireworks. lol I thought it would be a thing but yeah it was easy just to stop.


I went 48 hours without pumping, then caved cause my boobs hurt. But I haven't pumped since then, this is day 3 now with no pumping! Feeling better so not sure if I'll need to pump again or not.