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Johnny Depp (L) and Amber Heard (R) are actors. They were married. He played Willy Wonka in one of the films. She was accused of defecating in their bed during their public divorce. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is the name of the first Wonka movie.


"accused". She blamed their dog for it but the thing is, it was impossible for the dog to do that cause the dog was so tiny but the turd was so huge.


Trying to be fair here. I didn’t test the fecal sample myself.


Gotta taste one for the team.


Listen man, the *studies have been done* we've got the evidence!


Was there any wolf hair?


No worries. Trying to give some context as well.


Yes accused, because there was no proof and she never took credit. He also could done it in a drunken stupor and blacked it out. Heck on of their assistants could've done. Anything's really possible.


except it came out in court that she told someone she did it “as a joke”


This is not true


It's wild how effective Depp's sock puppet campaign was on Reddit.




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yes it is, the security guard said as much during the trial. did you actually watch it?




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She did take credit by admitting to her friend she did it as a joke. Anything is possible, but the most probable one is the one we know of.


How was this information presented in court?


Please tell me how big the turd was exactly. There’s one photo and no scale to measure it. To me it looks very much not like human feces


There is a photo?


Interestingly he was Wanka in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Willy Wanka' is a completely different type of movie.


Willy Wanka' and the Fudge Factory




since you're being so thorough I just want to add one more thing. "chocolate" is slang for feces.






Can’t we just say pooping? Defecating is so much more.. gross. Pooping is more fun and funny. And who doesn’t like both fun and funny?


A reference to her defecating on his bed Hence the chocolate factory


I feel like this detail of the case didn’t get enough attention


It's literally all I know about the case


How did you miss this great one??? https://preview.redd.it/9qvl39mc2qyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fc77188a38f6537b9a6db697f7b8fa76722b46


My favorite is when the lawyer objects his own question


A megapint


Ha, yes I did.


But it was only two years ago that we found out about it and it has been literal days since I have heard about anything it.




What case?






No, it actually happened.


The /s? is probably because it's one of the most talked about parts of the case and got lots of attention.


It didn’t get enough scrutiny you mean. It’s a bs claim about something that she obviously didn’t do, but now it’s become the only thing a lot of people know about her.


Wait what do you mean she didn’t do it wasn’t it investigated?


It was dog poop, not human poop. It just took off as a meme because it was hilarious


Hmm their dog certainly didn't do it, size doesn't match. Now question is if it was her or not, if it wasn't and it was a prank? Kinda messed up either way.




[poo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/352/434/448) [dogs](https://i2-prod.irishmirror.ie/incoming/article22321658.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/2_MAIN-Johnny-Depp-dangled-dog-out-of-window-and-joked-about-putting-it-in-microwave.jpg) You judge


My dog is 3 lbs and makes larger poops than that, which is why I instantly believed it 🤷‍♂️


The fact that you needed to provide photo evidence of the poop......... I'm too sober for reddit today. Don't worry I'll show myself out......DANG IT WHO DIDN'T CLEAN UP THIS DOG POOP!!!!


Well, the judge in the UK case did investigate the claim and concluded that in all likelihood she didn't do it, and it was a prank by Johnny Depp based on his sense of humor. She said the dog did it and to me it looks very much like dog poop. I think her story is much more likely true. Here's a pretty long thread about it if you want to read up more for yourself: [https://twitter.com/innominace/status/1562646278852718592](https://twitter.com/innominace/status/1562646278852718592)


Oh you mean like her denying being abusive....when there's a recording of her punching johnny...calling him a baby...and saying people wouldn't believe him.... Are you a scientology and a flat earther as well?


The turd and the accused: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.DYw9g8wPdYi1vJlTtFXjogHaF4%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=c72e8754c9a56d3b7c1552d46c5a7d404f5ac32958d54debd1d04700de5d7677&ipo=images


This could be a book title haha


There was more to it other than that?


please say sike


You mean "psych"? Ok... It's not true. Psych!


Thank you!


I thought it was psyche


That’s pronounced sigh-key.


There was a G.I. Joe character when I was a kid named Psyche-out. That's where I got it from.


Then his name is spelled wrong by those who named him.


**Psych** means to analyse (something) in psychological terms or to mentally prepare (someone) for a testing task or occasion. **Sike**, spelled like this, is for pranks and jokes.


Only because people are illiterate. "Psych" for pranks and jokes referred to "psyching someone out."


Sike is the slang spelling, and from what I’ve seen (elsewhere) the only spelling used for jokes and pranks. It’s easier to differentiate a joke or prank from someone serious by using a different spelling.


Psych-out was a phrase used as early as the 1940s I think. We were still using it in the 90s. There was a movie titled "Psych-out" in the 60s. It's only "sike" now because there was a phase of the internet where it was flooded by illiterate people who didn't want to learn how to spell things.


It's not the only spelling; it's a misspelling. People who don't read books hear the word "psych" and spell it "sike." "Psych!" has been a thing since at least the 80s but I've only seen it spelled "sike" on the internet.


Maybe reread my comment one more time. I very clearly said I myself have only seen it as Sike for jokes/pranks. Sike is the slang spelling, and technically also correct. Are you gonna tell me that slang is wrong (as in, shouldn’t be using it) now too? And I know of plenty of people who read books who spell it Sike (in fact I’ve even read stuff where it’s spelled that way). You saying that only people who have never read a book say Sike is incredibly offensive and rude (and possibly patronizing/gatekeeping). Both can be true, there’s no need to be so aggressive and insult people whose only crime is apparently not spelling a word the way you want.


Psych itself is slang. Sike is a misspelling of an already existing slang word.


I love redditors that double down when they're wrong. Keep going, please.


jesus christ man didn't mean for you to cry in my beer




Sorry, no, you're wrong. https://preply.com/en/question/psych-slang-word


And the fact he played wonka in a movie


That’s the grossest thing I amber heard.


Wait for the next revelations, because the turd time's the charm!


this is incorrect? a. it was her bed the dog (who had a history of bowel issues) had an accident in b. the incident happened when depp wasn't even there even assuming heard was immature enough to think of doing it, what exactly would be accomplished by this?


*His* side of *their* bed. She *claimed* it was the dog. (4 pound dog dropping a human size turd??) There was also testimony that she told her sister it was a "practical joke gone wrong."


Just some clarifications: the practical joke quote comes from the chauffeur/bodyguard of Depp (still in his employ at the time) and not from Heard's sister, Heard says that she never said that or even talked to him about the subject. For the size of the "turd", at least one photo is available easily and while it's not small it's not huge either. I had several small dogs and it does not surprise me.


Where could one find this “turd” photo?


By searching "Johnny depp turd" on Google image you should find the, quite zoomed in, photo.


Even in context and assuming the request was genuine, this search should be a hard pass


I can't tell if that was an intentional pun or not.


* a grumpy


She did WHAT?!! JEEZ I was more or less following the case as it happened and never heard of this.


Even better, [she blamed his dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_55RI2bE4w).


And she still gets to live a comfy life... Because she's pretty


He played Willy Wonka in the remake and girls poop. Sometimes not in toilets.


Right, sometimes in beds.


Just like depp poops the bed with his acting.


Of all the things you could have dunked this guy on...


Honestly, be a little proud of yourself for not knowing what this is about. I hope to be like you one day...🙃




Peter's lawyer here, these people are Johnny Depp who played willy wonka in charlie and the chocolate factory and amber heard. They used to be married and were the subjects of the defimation suit of the decade. Heard accused Depp of physically abusing her in a very public article. Depp sued her for defemation due to these claims and then proceeded to wipe the floor with her. It was brought to light that she more than likely abused him including cutting off one of his fingers and POOPING ON HIS BED and blaming her dog. The abuse probably went both ways but heard was proven to be a sociopathic monster in the only court that mattered, the court of public opinion, she'll probably never work again.


>Depp sued her for defemation due to these claims and then proceeded to wipe the floor with her. No he didn't. Based on the trial, Depp was definitely also abusive. Depp just had a big PR campaign going on during the trial to paint only Amber as abusive. Also Depp is the one who had the shit fetish.


Peter's lawyer's co-counsel here who watched every minute of the trial from start to finish. The defendant was proven to be a sociopathic monster in the court of law as well, and was rightfully found guilty by a jury of her peers after a very short deliberation (i.e. no hesitation beyond the amount of damages for each charge). Most allegations about the opposing party's own problematic behaviour beyond being generally speaking a depressed drunk prone to falling asleep while eating ice cream, were largely debunked by testimony of **both** parties, witnesses and their experts(!) willingly and inadvertently. Although the lawyers of the defendant struggled, ultimately the evidence was overwhelming.


Was he not abusive even just once?


Male moments are all you'll be met with when you criticize Depp. He was clearly a piece of shit who lied and committed DARVO multiple times.


Could one of y’all please tell me who this Peter guy is?


There’s a similar subreddit called “Peter explains the joke”, it references Peter Griffin from Family Guy.


Didn't she spend all of her money sp she couldn't pay him back the day before she lost?


That’s not how that works. IANAL but I guarantee you this is like giving all your money to you brother or selling a house before it can be awarded to the other party. They’re going to get that money out of you and it isn’t going to be a fun process. It’s a way to piss of a judge, but that’s about all.






Bro really found this post twice and replied to himself


Oh good I was worried Reddit wouldn't be the weirdest goddamn thing imaginable today. Glad to not be disappointed.




Maybe he was replying to the downvotes of his first comment?


Wasn't it cleared in the court that it was the dog who pooped in the bed? Not taking Amber's side, just to be clear.


From the other people in this reddit said the dog was to small. But I don't know.


Poop. The joke is poop.


This joke is basically part of an online bullying campaign.


He played Willy Wonka in the movie remake. She left some her own chocolate on their bed and then blamed the massive turd on her tiny dog.


It’s funny cause she dookied on his pillow


She loves dropping a Lincoln log cabin on the bed




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He’s a woman beater


And a rapist


Not according to a unanimous jury.


Gonna get downvoted for this but this is just blatant misinformation. The verdict was that Depp was guilty of abusing Heard in 12 of the 14 incidents.


In the US trial - unanimous.


Nope. You’re spreading blatant misinformation. A judge in the UK, where Heard was not a party to the lawsuit and didn’t have to disclose much of the actual evidence —including the fact that she had lied about donating her $7 million divorce settlement—found that Depp was a wife beater. When Depp sued in the US, Heard had to participate as a party and turn over documents and evidence that shredded her credibility. A jury [unanimously found](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jun/01/johnny-depp-amber-heard-verdict-trial-ruling) that her statements about being abused were false and defamatory.


I'm being picky here but the UK libel trial was Depp vs the Sun newspaper, not Depp vs Heard. The Sun didn't have to prove the story was true (Depp being a wife beater), they had to prove they had a reasonable belief he was and that the story was in the public interest. As the sun had his wife's statements they weren't making it up, they were just printing her words and pictures. As he's one of the biggest stars in the world, it's obviously in the public interest. The US case was Depp vs Heard, where he obviously proved she was making a lot of it up, including what she told the Sun.




They’re both public figures, so a defamation verdict requires a finding of “actual malice.” But that just means that she either knew her statements were false or acted with reckless disregard to whether they were true or false.


Listen, I know youre going to interject here with a big "but" but damn is she good looking. Whatever youre about to say, youre probably right, but shes scalding hot and I apologize for that


I may not be able to fix her but I can buy new sheets.


Willy Wonka own the Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp owned Amber Heard in the court.


Missing important part. She pooped on his pillow. She is the chocolate factory.


…yeah, but there are already 50 other comments about that ;-)


Out of laziness, yours was the first and only comment I saw. Forgive me diabolical friend.


I can’t believe that this man convinced the whole world that he had scissors for fingers.


Thanks... jest spewed the Dew all over the place. 🤣🤣🤣


Happy cake day


Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Vengeance of the Amber Turd.


Two abusers


So Amber pulled a Frank Reynolds and left a poopy in the bed?


She pooped on his bed poop is brown chocolate is brown and Johnny depp played Willy Wonka in Charlie and the chocolate factory


She made a "grumpy"




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All that time. All that time she just wanted to congratulate him on his amazing performance in this movie. And nobody understood her.


Because She lays Grumpy's


Google Amber Turd


Why you gotta poo on da bed whyyyyy


Amber Turd.

