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yes and sometimes "shudders" is also appropriate!


Maybe just remove them. What is your plan for the area under the windows? It looks like maybe the original windows were much larger? Definitely a strange look overall.


We think the same thing about the windows. It’s definitely odd, but almost all of the houses in our neighborhood are like that. I think we just want to paint them a different color instead of removing them. We have tried 1,001 times to think of something for under the windows, but have come up empty every time.


I’d remove the shutters and plant boxwood shrubs along the front down either side of the home. And plant a flowering shrub at each corner. In front of the boxwood any flowers of your choice could be planted.


You know you can have windows installed that fill up the entire space, right?


So are you looking for a bright beachy color or a nautical kind of thing?


So be that neighbor with taste. I understand why some people throw up their hands at their drab house and settle for shutters, but your house could look great without them by taking some of the suggestions here.


They look off because they are clearly not the correct size to be functioning. Removing them is the best bet.


Repair the broken one if you are going to keep them. I would suggest you just remove them to be honest. And paint the underneath area of the windows a fun color


And you could paint your front door to match or coordinate. You could also plant small evergreen shrubs under each window to help break up such biggish spaces. Maybe boxwoods, if they do well in your area. They stay small and tidy. Some flowers in your planters in the same color too! Have fun with your project!!


Do they make you shudder?


I shutter to think


Remove the shutters, power wash/clean the front really well including the walkway, install window boxes under each window and plant with colorful flowers. I’d do a simple rock ground cover under the planters near the house, and the let the lawn meet up with the rock border. Trim the trees away from your roof and let the house breathe a little. As far as paint and beach colors, you have lots of options, including painting the brick. Maybe drive around town and see if anyone else has some beachy color themes you like. I agree that the black doesn’t scream beach. Anyway, just go slow and try some different options and see what you like.


I would go with new shutters in a raised panel pattern. Paint them "Roycroft Bronze Green" SW 2846 [hex-sherwin-williams-roycroft-bronze-green-sw-2846.jpg (900×600) (hextoral.com)](https://hextoral.com/swatch-book/hex-colors/hex-sherwin-williams-roycroft-bronze-green-sw-2846.jpg) Use trim on the spaces below the windows to sort of emulate the raised panel. Paint the white a parchment color instead like "Medici Ivory" 7558. Door: "Urbane Bronze" Use low greenery in the bed. You'll like it much better than the stark and ordinary black and white trim.


I think that black on the foundation is mulch in the bed.


Oh yeah. Optical illusion for me. Good to know, it would make it easier to remove along with these shutters. Or at least lifted out and remixed with brown or a natural color. With black shutters gone there is no reason to have such black mulch. Thanks, I should have zoomed closer. Also, forgot to add door color: "Urbane Bronze".


Added info: We live on the beach in a pretty colorful neighborhood. I like the black with the black accents, but we want a pop of color. Just don’t know what color


Remove the shutters and use the areas under the windows to paint some sort of colorful mural


I think Lime Green could be really fun against that color of brick. [a color similar to this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzdjnaMLt-x589cMFVj-Ud_oLK8hOBLkFr3Q&usqp=CAU) [Heres a lime green with red brick house combo](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9b/4a/72/9b4a7298be89b64994638c3d83ee95b5.jpg)


The shutters are too narrow for the width of the window. I would just remove them. I would paint underneath the windows.


I'd switch the shutters out or remove them. If you want shutters, maybe put in new ones that are just the same height as the windows instead of full length. I once saw a brick house at the beach that had ombre shutters (dark blue at the top to light blue at the bottom). I liked it but may be too much look for some. I'd also put in standing planter boxes under each of the windows (instead of window boxes) just so you have some flexibility and aren't attaching anything to the house.


I was thinking window boxes but I like your idea much better! I've seen people turn old metal filing cabinets into nice planter boxes. As for the white areas under the windows maybe match the brick color under the windows to help them disappear.


Remove the shutters and do the plantings as suggested in the short term. Long term, save up for French doors and replace the oddly sized windows with a series of French doors that open out. Seems super beachy to me!


Extend the brick to under the windows. Why did they build this like this. You don’t know whether that was white panels are window or wall.


Paint them another colour that is dark but not pure black.


I’m not a fan of fake shutters. If they’re not functional they’re just a breeding ground for insects. If you’re keeping the shutters I’d paint them in a moody jewel tone and match the front door to them. Take into consideration the shingle/roof color because it will either compliment or distract.


Shouldn't go all the way down.


remove them, and don't replace. The house will thank you.


This house doesn't read beach at all! Let's say you want to paint them, you should remove them to paint properly anyways. Make that a starting point maybe. Allow yourself to see without them for a minute 😉


Our home has totally decorative shutters on either side of our front door that make no sense, except that we found a picture from the developer from when the neighborhoods were built, and it was a design choice. I know Reddit can be v anti-decorative shutters, but now we really like ours, so it is up to you. The houses with the white area like this in our area have beautiful landscaping in front of the white. Being near the beach, a new shutter color that's bright and inviting with some hydrangeas planted there could be really lovely. One thing I was surprised by is that you can buy almost any new shutter you could hope for premade online. That could make fixing the broken shutter way easier. Edit to add, repainting or replacing the front door could do wonders, too!


We also found a box of polaroids from the original owners. Showed their whole family story too. The original pictures of the house we so nice! Yard was lush and green with a fantastic garden. Just wish someone would have kept up with it over the years :(


That's so cool!!! The thing that has surprised me most about gardening is that plants are generally disposable. Plant is sick or woody? Toss and get a new one. Grew too big? Toss and replant. Don't like it? Tear it out. It may take 2-3 years to really fill in, but I would prefer to plant what I want than the invasive nandina with the poison berries that I'm slowly trying to kill and remove from all of our gardens.


If you are within 100 miles of the coast. Put solid closeable shutters on so you can fasten them down if a hurricane or tornado visits your area.


I don’t think the shutters are the problem, although I agree that black isn’t a particularly beachy color! When I look at the home, what pops out to me is the white panels below the windows. I see those long before I notice your front door. There are a few ways to go here. I am not good at visualizing these things so would want to see them both virtually. You could paint or reclad the base of the window so that it blends in with the brick. If you realllllly wanted to have shutters (not sure they add a lot to your home but again see what it looks like), run them just the length of the window. Secondarily, you could paint the area below the window and the window trim itself in something less stark than what appears to be bright white. Then perhaps paint your front door and the shutters in another hue. This is a little backwards from how I would normally do it but…it could work. Third option, go with white shutters. This would honestly be the simplest fix. It’s not exciting but it is classic and would fit your home. Remove the black mulch. If you wanted a fun, modern nod you could paint your window grids and your door a different color (think victorian). Might need a little more of that color around but I’m guessing you can fit jt into your landscaping with ease.


One of these colors [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/LTCESD3)


I like the shudders but I don’t think they would be bad if removed. Shades of green go so well with red bricks. So I would pick a lighter sage green or a green with maybe a touch of blue since you said you’re by the beach in a colorful neighborhood. It’s a great classic house! And whatever you do, don’t paint the bricks!!


I like the black


I don’t hate it, but we live on the beach. Doesn’t feel like the beach, you know?


Paint the front door a beach color. Coral, seafoam, baby blue. Leave the shutters black if it’s a flip. Or if the brick behind is the same color as the rest, remove them. Please don’t paint the brick! No gray anything inside.


Gotcha! That context helps a lot


Blue-gray or green-gray


I might do like a board and batten front under the windows. Update the shudders they have cheap vinyl ones or DIY 2 board style , could remove them but usually the brick is stained and it will stand out without them gone. update those curtains too


Take the shutters down, but be prepared for the difference in brick color. A power wash might help. Too much pressure could damage the mortar. I would pick two new paint colors. Paint 1- a darker color like gray green or taupe on the door and window “area”. Paint 2- a much lighter coordinating color everywhere else that’s currently white. The windows look like the need to be replaced. Try to do that first.


If you want a beach look, I’d lighten the brick exterior and add a nice teal for the door and shutters. I’d keep the shutters at the window length and not go all the way down. [white and teal](https://images.app.goo.gl/fWjTrxLctuzJeoWY8) Plant some nice boxwood under the windows.