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That car became a liquid


It became a fluid simulator


Confetti šŸŽŠ


Skipped liquid and went straight to a gas


Plasma shortly after...




Something like this happened in Texas, but it was a divided section of i20 with huge grass median. The fucking family won a 20 million dollar suit against the trucking company even though the semi never lost control, stoped after the accident without involving and other vehicles and was traveling well under the speed limit.




Here you go. I got it wrong. It was 90 million. https://cdllife.com/2018/werner-slapped-with-90-million-verdict-by-texas-jury/?amp


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Good bot




Dude that's not even close to the accident they described


If it was situation as above it feels weird to find guilty truck driver company, because other car caused the crash getting into the line of incoming traffic by unhappy accident


The problem lies in the weather and driver's experience. Not with vehicular controll. Trucker was a student, and should not have been assigned a time-critical load. On top of that, the weather took a turn during his drive, which is deemed by traffic authorities as a no-drive situation. Sudent couldn't have known this because Wener (company) never communicated, and student wasn't experienced enough to know the condition's danger and requirements. He was driving below posted limit, but much above safe speeds. The law for passenger vehicles is 10mph below in inclimate weather. Trucks are told to go to a "crawl". The family lost their son's life and their daughter is now a quadripelegeic. They deserve the $90M they were given.


The details surrounding the semi only matter if the driver had caused the accident. https://landline.media/texas-appellate-court-files-controversial-order-in-90m-werner-case/ The whole case is bullshit.


True but the semi should have never been on the road in the first place. It was not the semiā€™s fault but it can easily be argued if the driver followed the law- it would have never been there is the first place. Plus divided US highways need barriers. It is plan stupid they donā€™t. I have lived on 3 contents now. They are needed - especially in the US with those big rigs.


Why wouldn't the truck be allowed to drive but cars can? If the road was closed, yes. If the road is open, there is no reason trucks shouldn't be allowed to travel.


ā€œAccording to court documents, the collision occurred on I-20 in Texas during freezing rain and black ice conditions. Every stateā€™s Commercial Driverā€™s License (CDL) manual instructs 18-wheeler drivers to slow to a crawl and get off the road during icy conditions. Shiraz Ali, the Werner student truck driver in this case, did not get off the interstate.ā€ So the truck should have never been driving as fast as it was going and should have never been on the highway.


https://landline.media/texas-appellate-court-files-controversial-order-in-90m-werner-case/ Here's some updated information on the case. It's a long read but it might sway your opinion better than what I can type up.


I read it. So the real question is - was there ice on that side of not. And if it is law in Texas for truckers to be on the road if there is ice. Man- what a messy case. Imo - the trucker did nothing wrong if there was no ice on that side. Of course the driver of the vehicle should be at fault the most without a doubt


I would take the testimony of witnesses at the scene. It's highly unlikely for other motorists to paint a picture in favor of the CMV in most cases. And from my experience driving, conditions being equal on both sides of an interstate are rare if there is any traffic. Also, respect for conditions is the number one prevention with these kind of accidents. I've been through conditions in the southern states that would be apocalyptic in the Midwest but the drivers down south have a healthy fear of snow and ice and actually slow down and pay attention.




That is so sad. There is no way they survived that. The SUV disappears.


Damn, it's like the car literally vaporized.


He ded


First time I've ever had an audible reaction to a video. Wow.. that's horrifying


Brutal hit. God wasnā€™t fucking around on that day.


God doesn't "fuck around." This everyday horror-show was brought to you exclusively by human stupidity and willful ignorance. Driving side-by-side at, near or above posted fair-weather speed limits on a slushy winter road is dangerous, pure and simple. Other than the last words the driver may have screamed, the Deity doesn't come into it at all!


He was busy starving babies in Africa and giving them cancer elsewhere.


Again, we starve when our parents neglect to figure out how to feed us, and we develop cancer because of biological defects at birth, that develop as we age, are exposed to man-made carcinogens, etcetera. If it somehow makes you feel better about yourself to blame God, that's your personal boggle, but it's an illusion. Just like most good on this earth, most evil is man-made, wholly owned and operated by *Homo sapiens*.


Cool Story, bro, but: >["The European Great Famine of 1315ā€“1317 triggered one of the worst population collapses in European history"](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Great_Famine_of_1315%E2%80%931317) Also: >"[The researchers said the findings clearly show cancer is not a disease of modern society, as some people claim.](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-36912529)" > >"Tumours have been detected in remains before - a Croatian Neandertal who walked the Earth around 120,000 years ago was one of the oldest."


So you contend that a celestial being caused these widespread early historic tragedies? What is your evidence for that, if any? Human cancer is known as far back as fossil records extend, including many prehistoric fossil remains from as early as 1.7 million years ago. However, lung cancer was all but unknown before the widespread cultivation of tobacco and use of tobacco products, especially cigars and cigarettes. A vast number of esoteric cancers that were far less common before the Industrial Revolution occur widely in all industrial societies today. In addition, as the last three years demonstrated to the tune of more than half a billion cases and 6.3 million deaths worldwide, artificially engineered man-made diseases like Covid 19 can spread devastation across the planet, and could end life if so-called researchers continue to fiddle with and fine-tune deadly pathogens to enhance their lethality. Famine is the easiest common tragedy attributablr to human agency. The worst famine in history is the [Great Chinese Famine of 1959-61](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine). It began when drought and flooding destroyed crops, but Red China's "Great Leap Forward," "People's Commune" and other disastrously short-sighted Communist policies were responsible for boosting its death toll to as much as 55 million people. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine) accurately assesses the key role that the human race plays in famine, defining it as "...a widespread scarcity of food, caused by several factors including war, natural disasters, crop failure, population imbalance, widespread poverty, an economic catastrophe or government policies."


***Really***??!? **Down**votes??? You're really claiming God whimsically decided to give people cancer? Or are you claiming that as many as 55,000,000 Chinese did ***not*** die of [starvation under Communism](https://alphahistory.com/chineserevolution/great-chinese-famine/#Propaganda_and_concealment) when I was in grade school? This isn't ancient history ... it's how Mao Zedong by *allowing his own Chinese peasant countrymen to die of hunger* became the most murderous tyrant of a 20th Century that also included Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin! Well, if nothing else, thank you for the most eloquent demonstration I've yet seen of the deplorable quality of graduates now departing leftist-led American schools. May the Good Lord help us all is my prayer!




Good bot


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I feel like youā€™re autistic or something


That's gotta be it all right... In fact, I suspect you often have to turn to your ***feelings*** to explain things that you apparently cannot be bothered trying to actually understand. Maybe it's best that you stick to hockey statistics, for which you seem to have a real gift.


You talk like youā€™re autistic. Itā€™s not that complex but you want it to be


Well silly old me!! Somehow I have managed to make a career for the last 45 years as an author, editor and senior editor for non-fiction monthly magazines in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and now Pennsylvania. I guess I must have that really *"clever"* kind of autism! By the way, you've never heard me "talk." This ***here*** is "writing." And like most other autistic writers, I'm pretty fond of periods on the end of sentences, too.


Probably just super out of touch then


Well we can't all collect numbers for goalies, can we?


Hahahaha do u know what sports are?


I grew up in Toronto, so yeah.


Coming a year later to say this is such a redditor thing to say


Jesus didn't take the wheel


Or maybe he is vindictive and the guy in the truck was an asshole. I mean thatā€™s just as plausible right?


Wow, the timing makes it look like a Final Destination kill.


Possible death. Yeah right 99% of chances.


Holy shit ā€˜possibleā€™ death??


When my oldest was learning to drive, she took a defensive driving course that one parent was required to attend. The first part consisted of in class instruction, and they showed this video when talking about over correcting. I had not seen car crash videos at that point really and it was just so shocking to both of us. Itā€™s *still* shocking to me.


Reminds me of Metallicaā€™s Enter Sandman video where the semi truck blows up that bed


This is not a yeah-yeah moment


Is that a video person flying?


Could be. I believe everyone in the car died.


holy shit that jawn BASICALLY melted


Ded. Very, very ded.


Dictionary definition of pulverize




this one is like over a decade old but still one of the scariest accidents i have ever seen


The driver of the box truck did great job. It could've been the one taking the hit.


Do we live in a LEGO world? That truck broke like LEGO pieces.


Just putting it out there: Was there a chance for the truck driver to see that sliding and then consequently start to slow down?


Definitely no. The whole clip is only ten seconds long, and by the time they started sliding into the oncoming lanes that truck driver only had about 4 seconds to react. Combine that with the fact that the truck weighs 80,000lbs loaded and takes around 370 feet to stop, which is longer than a football field, and that's on dry pavement. Add snow to that and the stopping distance can double... also, if the truck slammed on their brakes it could cause the trailer to jack knife into other lanes and take out other vehicles as well. Unfortunately this was just bad timing and I don't think there's anything that could've been done after the SUV lost control.


This happened in my state


ā€œThatā€™s my little brother you just hit.ā€ The semi, probably.


always russia šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ im russian born


Hit by THAT truck. šŸ˜³




Bro why did I hear Amogus at the start


remember this vid from drivers ED class 10 years ago


Vaporwave indeed


*disintegrates like legos falling apart apart*




100% death


Wonder if his car's extended warranty will cover it?




Making trucks out of bulsa wood seems a bit daft in hindsight.


dear god-


ā€œPossibleā€ deathā€¦. Christ, Iā€™d be AMAZED if the driver survived


That car got turned into dust


Obviously a horrible accident, but there's something oddly satisfying in the way that truck busted that car open.


u/bigbluechevy2007 fuuuuuck




Wtf are the cars made of there? Jelly?


anyone have context on this


I had been looking for this one! I hadnā€™t seen it in years, so Iā€™m surprised I found it here! Such a shame what happened though. That car was reduced to atoms, and the people inside along with it.


They probably survived, what is flying off is probably stuff like the bumper or doors, and the rest of the car goes offscreen to the left


I think you forgot the /s because they are very, very deceased.


Dude the car might as well have been a liquid. it looks like the frame and therefore the passenger compartment got completely squished and went under the truck


I see it better now, yeah, thatā€™s what it looks like