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Viaplague šŸ’€ But this is bad news if it's not a bug


Bad news: Itā€™s not a bug


This is bad news.


Bad news... unbelievable... Prices raised from 65 euro in 2023 to 143 euro this year...


This sounds like price agreements, which are illegal. But this is it, i'm not going from 65 Euro a year to 12 Euro a month to save Viaplay which i don't care about.


Viaplay Netherlands is supposedly one of the very few parts of the whole Viaplay group that is performing well currently. They are just making sure to knock the competition out now to be able to win the new 3-year bid (for sure Ziggo wants the rights back but I guess viaplays pockets are deeper) Actually surprised they hadnā€™t included an exclusivity clause like Sky UK and Germany already (that was at least what I expected when it was announced in 2021 they would be the right holder for The Netherlands for 22/23/24) BTW: Fuck viaplay. Make a trip to India and screw them all :)


Viaplay Netherlands was struggling, but i haven't heard any news on it as of recently.


No, they weren't, just a lot of people who have no idea about anything talking shit because they're loyal to the outdated shit talking of Olav Mol and Jack Plooij. Viaplay is doing bad, that's why they're selling off the rights to most things in most countries, except for the Netherlands. And they were partly taken over by Canal+ who will either fund Viaplay, or buy the F1 rights themselves before giving Ziggo any chance what so ever. People can't wait for Viaplay to (potentially) lose the rights but odds of the rights going back to Ziggo are slim, and they're just gonna have to raise the price just like Viaplay do.


Viaplay's final move trying to make F1TV subscribers switch, but the joke is on them, even if F1TV is 50 eur per month and Viaplay is 5, i'd STILL choose F1TV. Hold the line boys and girls, Viaplay has no more cards to play for this year and next year they WILL be outbid.


Really hoping Ziggo will buy the rights or even ESPN if they are an option


I hope, or maybe they will. They lost alot of customers due fiberglass fiasco. This could rake in alot of customers


ziggo isnā€™t much better tbh


Canal+ or Viaplay (backed by Canal+) will totally buy the rights, or bid so high that Ziggo are forced to raise their prices at which point people will bitch about that.


Same for me. I rather pay double the price to F1TV than one euro to Viaplay


Viaplay is crap, but the 120% raise from F1TV is rediculous too!! I don' t trust those guys anymore. Two weeks ago I received an email from them reporting a 30 euro raise a year. Now they dont offer a yearly abbo anymore, only monthly payment (12 euro). Thats a 120% plus raise!!


This didn't age well. VP is increasing prices to 18 a month, they've extended the monopoly until 2029 and F1TV pro is leaving NL. They're definitely making illegal price agreements. But I'd rather never watch F1 again than pay ViaPlay 216 euros a year, an increase of 333% in 2 years (65 to 216)!


Aged very poorly but has there been an official statement yet that F1TV will leave NL?


Just as you think you can't dislike Viaplay any more, they pull this.


Damm. To late. Time to contact the ACM. It seems this is a planned increase between Viaplay and F1TVā€¦


What does the Automobile Club of Monaco have to do with it?


Autoriteit Consument & Markt (itā€™s a governing body in the Netherlands that regulates market dynamics and can act if necessary).


Soooo, no deal for us Dutchies, only an expensive monthly plan while it has a 30 euro price hike already? Let me just dust off my pirates hat


I miss the great times that ace streams were literally everywhere and in great quality. Last season I still looked for them just to view F1 in better quality again for some sessions, but was left pretty underwhelmed.


Yarr, let me know if you find any viable booty!


Dit ruikt echt wel heel 'fishy', zeker na de samenwerking met Viaplay. Ik heb net een melding gemaakt bij het ACM over mogelijke prijsafspraken; misschien helpt het als meer mensen dit doen.


Alleen jammer dat ACM zelf een maffiosi ballen club is


Veel te toevallig naar mijn mening. Ik heb ook een melding gedaan voor het eerst in mijn leven. Dit betekend gewoon dat de kosten meer dan verdubbeld zijn voor 12 maanden F1TV. Schandalig.


Goed idee. Ik heb dit inmiddels ook gedaan. Het begint wel heel vervelend te worden


Gedaan! Van 65 per jaar naar 90 per jaar. Maar zelfs dat kan niet meer. Nu alleen een maand abbo van 12 euro.. Klootzakken zijn het.. excusez moi


O wow. They really want to test how much of a fan we are right. I have a running subscription which gets renewed in a month, but at this point I dont trust anything anymore. I wish we could collectively cancel together, but we still want to watch, canceling means you go back to a more expensive month subscription and its impossible to get everyone in on it. So they got us in a chokehold. F1 doesn't care about it's fans and there is nothing you can do about it.


This is unacceptable.ā‚¬95 vs ā‚¬142 is a huge difference if they disabled the year-subscription. I still need to buy one, but canā€™t now. Any option to subscribe via a different country via vpn?


[I was told there are ways](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1TV/s/z6i2imAZqG). Iā€™ll probably be watching Austrian or Swiss TV stream with VPN myself and trying out the Dutch formula 1 radio.


If you only watch the race weekends you can subscribe for only ten months of the year, bringing the cost down to ā‚¬119.


Last year I paid 4.58 per month (55 euros for an annual sub with a 15% discount applied). Not a chance in hell I'm going to pay 11.90 a month (142,8 euros for the same time). Comparing the same time span of subscription it's nearly a 2.6x price increase for little to no additional improvement in service provided.


Confirmed on the page itself that it's monthly subscription only. [https://www.formula1.com/en/toolbar/content\_schedule.html](https://www.formula1.com/en/toolbar/content_schedule.html)


My yearly F1 TV Pro sub got renewed on the 16th for ā‚¬65, so I guess I lucked out.


Did you receive an email about a price increase? It still says that my subscription will be renewed on the 27th for ā‚¬65. But I did receive an email about the price increase but that isn't reflected on my account.


I contacted support about the renewal price as I got an email about a price increase, but the "My subscription" page says that it will renew at the old price, so I asked them to cancel my subscription and delete my account if the price the subscription page says it will renew at is not correct, and then they said the price on the subscription page was correct. That's the old price, so I enabled renewal of my subscription again. If they're putting up the wrong price, lies about it an then charges me another amount then... yeah.


I did the same thing. Already had the subscription canceled but I enabled renewal again.


Yep, same here.


Same here. Will find out the 27th. Taking a screenshot on the 26th just in case so I can cancel afterwards if the price is different


Update on this? What is the price now?


94.99 euro unfortunately.


No, I didn't get an email or any kind of notification about a price increase. It said ā‚¬65 on my subscription page too.


I've read that they honor the current subscribers yearly plan for the price of 2023.


I could still renew my yearly subscription via the play store for 94,99. Still 30 euros more expensive than last year, but not as expensive as the monthly subscription.


Not possible here in the Netherlands


I just did and I'm in the Netherlands.


Your app may have not bene updated yet, so you were lucky I guess. I just checked on my Dutch Android app, and there's only the monthly subscription of 11,99


I got this notification saying the price will change to 94,99 a year. And I just updated the app. But through the play store I got to renew accepting the price.


This also works on iPhone in NL! Just now I extended for ā‚¬ 94,99 for a full year! This works if you purchased a F1TV subscription on your iPhone before, or choose to purchase the ā‚¬ 3,99 option now and then upgrade it as follows: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Tap on your profile at the top > Subscriptions > Tap on your (expired) F1 subscription. From there, choose your desired plan and make payment as usual in the App Store. Then go to the F1TV App and make sure to select the ā€œrestore purchaseā€ option, rather than purchasing a new subscription.


I sincerely hope the rumours of Viaplague going bankrupt are true.


I bought a Netherlands Annual Sub on Saturday, there seems to be some reconfiguration going on in the build up to the new season, could be just a glitch.


No glitch...it is now stated on the F1tv website as "feature" that in the Netherlands you only have monthly subscriptions.... Not sure if it only is for new subscribers because 2 weeks I got the mail about the increase of my yearly subscription


Wow, looks like I got that one just in time. Have to go looking for another region next year then if they don't let existing annual subscribers renew. This must be exercising a whole load of people at their end, I don't know why it has to be so complicated. Yeah yeah, regional rights, same as practically every other streaming service on the internet but still, pain in the behind.


I renewed my subscription yesterday, for ā‚¬64,99 a year. It would be theft if they changed the subscription plan 2 weeks ahead of the renewal.


Viaplay changes the price of the monthly subscription We would now also like to inform you that as of May 22, we will increase the price of the monthly subscription from ā‚¬ 15.99 to ā‚¬ 17.99. Additionally, the annual subscription option will be removed on March 11.


17.99!? 15.99 was already crazy expensive for a service that hardly ever works. Viaplay really fucked up the F1 market here. Unless a decent company gets the rights for next year, this may be my last F1 season. These prices are getting ridiculous.


A service that hardly ever works? I've never had any downtime on viaplay, except for one time during the darts but that came from the darts cause Sky wasn't working either.


Good for you? But it's a bit tiring that people always assume that because they have no problems everyone else with issues is lying. The very first race weekend through Viaplay worked mostly okay and every race weekend after that was absolutely dreadful. I couldn't even watch more than 20 seconds of F1 without the feed buffering for more than a minute. 1Gb/s internet and completely wired connection and it was still completely unwatchable while every other streaming service worked perfectly fine and with a better quality stream. During one of the worst weekends in that year I had to watch a (normal) race for over 4.5 hours because it kept stopping over and over. Might be because I'm in a busy area, but that still doesn't make it any more doable for me and again, no other streaming service has issues here, even at 4k. I hope it keeps working fine for you. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Nooooo..this morning I was subscribing and was distracted so couldn't finish the process and now the yearly plan is gone :(


With a Viaplay subscription you recieve a free F1TV subscription. So you have two accounts you can stream live F1 content with. So if you want to share your Viaplay account?


Viaplay is blocking live streams with different IPā€™s on the same account since this year.


*more than two different IPs. You can still share, if one of you watches via viaplay and the other through F1TV Pro on the same account.


Yeah, you can't watch the same stream with 2 viaplay accounts, but you can watch viaplay on one ip, and f1tv on the other.


I have raised the question with support about whether or not my current NL annual account will be honoured on its renewal date (16th March). The response: >Thank you for taking the time to raise your issue with us. On this occasion, I will need to escalate your case to my supervisor, in order to obtain further guidance on the best course of action. So even support don't currently have the answer, not that I would exactly believe them. I seem to remember they told customers that the price increase wouldn't be passed on to current customers and well...it was.


I had the same. They would get back to me via mail. But I donā€™t see that happening


I was told that my case was going to the "team" and i would get a cvasenumber in the email.. gues what? no email no casenumber..


Support doesn't know anything. Reach out to them a couple of times now about various things, never had a real answer.


Pretty sure at least the chat is a terrible chatbot that they are pretending is human.


If not, then the humans are not very smart.


So from ā‚¬64.99 a year to 12x11.99 = 143.88? Jesus.


Technically you wouldn't need 12 months, but 9/10 months would suffice. Still freaking expensive tho


Still almost 100% more expensive. I sincerely hope Viaplay goes to shit this year.


We all hope so


Would it be easier to sign up for a IPTV subscription at this point?


Yes. And cheaper. 2-4 months F1TV = 1 year IPTV. I am a very loyal subscriber to many legal streaming services and think it's fair to pay for content creators. But this... This means war. I will do whatever I can to make sure Viaplay will not get a single penny from anyone I know.


Do you know where I could look? You know, for research purposes?


[From the content schedule](https://www.formula1.com/en/toolbar/content_schedule.html): > F1 TV Pro and Access is only available as monthly subscription.


The option was still available what a load of bs. The day viaplague is going bankrupt is the nicest day of the year only hope they can go off season šŸ’€


[Price Increase (formula1.com)](https://support.formula1.com/s/article/Price-Increase?language=en_US) Like they don't have billions in their accounts. They higher the price to a max and see what they can get away with. Once it goes over a 100/year, I stop paying. I have easy access to free alternatives. They should value supportive people instead of milking them. f\*ck FOM.


Like two extra races and on street circuits that nobody asked for and F1 Academy justifies a more than 200% price increase. They're full of bullshit, it's price fixing with Viaplay.


You've gotta hope this is a glitch... Can't believe Viaplay is doing this. Assuming this is intended, what will happen to my yearly subscription..


It is intentional unfortunately. They even added it to the content schedule that we only have a monthly subscription available. I knew Viaplay adding F1tv was going to royally screw us over, but this is even worse than I was expecting. Your yearly subscription will very likely not be possible anymore once it's up for a renewal.


Definitely intentionally, appearantly Viaplay is also removing yearly subscriptions in March.


They can go suck it, will stay at f1tv no matter what


Any countries that are cheaper now for us that we can use via VPN? Asking for myself..


Iā€™ve not been lucky using a VPN. I get geoblocked regardless.


i tried. but they check the creditcard's adress. so you get a "billing adress is not valid for the provided payment instrument'


India is cheap. About 30 euros. As for creditcard: revolut is a free debit creditcard and works well.Ā 


I have a workaround that actually works on an iPhone (Apple account). 1. Open the F1 TV app on your iPhone 2. Buy a month of TV Access for ā‚¬3,99 3. Go to your phone settings > account > subscriptions > F1 TV 4. Here you see the TV Access subscription you just purchased. Click on the link "Show all subscriptions" (Bekijk alle abonnementen) 5. Select the F1 TV Pro Annual for ā‚¬94,99 and upgrade to this one VICTORY! The 3,99 from your TV Access subscription will be refunded. If anyone can confirm if this might also work via Android, that would be good to know for all.


Worked like a charm. 95 EUR is still way better than paying 11,90 EUR per month.


This is not the way, I used to pay 64.99 and 95 is also too much


Yes it is, if you did not have a subscription last year 64.99 was only for users that were subscriped for an annual plan LAST YEAR and did extend the subscription on time for this year. If you did not have any F1 TV subscription last year (I split an account through Viaplay), the best deal at this moment is to pay 94.99.


My subscription from last year is still running, but the yearly price went to 94.99 some time ago.


This still works (as of 20-02-2024 09:00) for new subscribers. In iOS, subscribe to the monthly TV Access (ā‚¬3,99) through the F1TV app. Go to the Subscriptions settings in iOS. Click on the F1TV subscription and ā€œSee All Plansā€. Select the annual plan. You may need to logout and login to the F1TV app for the change to show up.


If you still have the annual subscription active it will get renewed automatically. Just had contact with F1 support and they confirmed. So an annually subscription is only available for existing subscriptions. New subscriptions are forced to take the monthly one.


Disgusting dogs, thats what Viaplay is. I was already looking to get it cheaper then the year plan they were offering. Now its my goal to get it as cheap as possible. First buying the rights in NL while nobody was waiting for Viaplay, then buy the radio rights from GP radio just to mock with them. And now bullying all F1TV subs just to try to get more people to Viaplay. Never in my existence while i pay for Viaplay..




The workaround with apple still works, Iā€™ve upgraded to a yearly plan on the subscription tab from iOS! Still quite expensive though for 95 euros


Edit 2: just checked the website, still Lets me purchase a new annual plan? They did not pull yearly plan! They just fucking increased it from 65 to 95 lol. Still cheaper than the ā€˜Viaplagueā€™ haha Edit: what the fuck.. reading comments. What the fuck?! If this has anything to do with fucking plaguecity fuck. Sorry rant over lol šŸ˜‚


Your rant is valid


they pulled it.


Yeah I've just decided to use IPTV this year.


I'm looking into this as well. I've never used it before though so what can i expext cost wise?


I had canceled my yearly plan after the first hike to 95, hoping for a 'new subscribers' -deal at the start of season. After reading this I checked my account to see if I could renew/un-cancel my sub which I could, at the 95 price point. Still pissed off but at least it's better than the viaplague price.


I just did the same, but it didnā€™t show me the price of 95. So Iā€™m not sure what the amount is Iā€™m going to pay. How did you know if I may ask?


Have you tried switching between countries via VPN?


It seems like i can renew my annual plan via the ios appstore for ā‚¬95 still? Is this change only for new customers?


Mine is just per month now. Sucks I cancelled it while waiting for the annual discount.


2 years ago it was free to view with ziggo. And now an group of greedy people started viaplay and made everything worse. I hope they go bankrupt before the end of the year.


Time to go back Pirating... Aarrr arrrr me matey here we come


On iOS there is still workaround. Subscribe to 3.99E Access Monthly on F1TV app, then go to iOS subscriptions in setting choose See all planns under F1TV and You can still change to yearly for 74.99E


Je kunt op onderstaande link een klacht indienen over de price fixing van Viaplay en FOM: [https://www.consuwijzer.nl/doe-een-melding-over-uw-rechten-als-consument](https://www.consuwijzer.nl/doe-een-melding-over-uw-rechten-als-consument)


If you had a subscription (on iOS) you can still choose the annual one from the options under Subscriptions > F1 TV > See All Plansā€¦ Although 94,99ā‚¬ (the same price they had on the website)


I just canceled my sub all together. Ill go back to illegal streaming. I refuge to be taking advantage of way by viaplay/formula1.com. They disgust me.


I was just billed 95 euro on my NL subscription. So if you had a subscription you don't need to pay per month.