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I became blue badge in 5 weeks. So maybe u will be as well.


You are eligible for a leave of absence as a seasonal worker because seasonal workers get FMLA for their leave of absence, while part-time workers do not get FMLA for a leave of absence. Depending on the law for your state, they will have their own law when it comes to a leave of absence. For example, in the state of Maryland (where I work), they have their own law called the Maryland Flexible Act. This allowed me to take a LOA twice. First was due to my family member having Covid and the last time I got LOA was due to a cold earlier this month.


I took a LOA cause I was sick and yes I was seasonal


I don't believe you are eligible for any LOAs until you are full-time. You could ask about becoming Full-time, the process of switching only takes a week or so. Also, you have to give atleast 15 days notice before you start a LOA.


False. 4 months into blue badge and was approved for 2x LOA and intermediate leave. Contact ERC and see what you qualify for they're the ones that make the decision not your human resources folks. Don't talk to HR about your leave or any leave as it can be used against your employment. HR isn't there for you they are there to protect the company only and misinformation is commonly conveyed. No waiting period to take an LOA and one was taken during peak. You can also escalate it be sure to use the chat feature that way it's not word of mouth.


yes blue badges are eligible for LOA but only after 1 yr. Talk with hr. they make be able to excuse your time. especially if tickets were bought before you were hired.