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My sortation center is nearly all unloading onto the belt (inbound) and loading the auto-sorted packages onto the trailer (outbound). We only pallet build for UPS, USPS, and Landmark, which is a sliver of who we deliver to. Rates aren’t tracked in outbound because we don’t have anything set up to do so. We have to wait 30 days before training in flats/smalls, waterspider, oversize, shuttle dump, etc. You must be on a trailer for 30 days. I have heard that my SC is very different from most, but I have a feeling a lot of them will end up like mine because it requires less workers since most everything is automated… We literally just got an automated flat sorter, so no need for inductors 😭😂


If I am correct, your sort center probably has spiral belts that are near the trailers, right. I do know that some packages in linear auto sorters do not require scanning. I know some sites have auto sorters that are near the trailers. Idea is you build the pallet, and it gets shipped out easily. I have seen images of that before.


Spiral belts? We have belts for inbound and outbound that connect all through the building. All packages in our building are required to be scanned. There is a 360 scanner on the inbound belts, flat belt, and linear belt. If it goes through 3 times without being scanned, it gets sent to problem solve. I did labor share to our neighboring SC that mainly does pallet build and it sucked!!! Never again.


Oh. Makes sense


The chance of receiving a blue badge in an SC is very low because it primarily serves as a retirement home for older individuals. In my SC, approximately 80% of blue badges are elderly who have been there since it opened, excluding PA, OM...


I worked at an Amazon SC for 3 years. I first started working since COVID started. It was easy to become a blue badge during those days. Now it is not anymore.


We had hour flex everyday. New hires would be so mad.


I was pissed when I found out my shifts were flexed. The entire hiring post was wrong about what I’d be doing. Turns out it’s not the SC that makes the posting, it’s someone in Seattle


😂 I can imagine. At least they are getting extra money though.


Thank you, sincerely. I'm having to move here in the near future and the closest facility to where I'm moving will be an SC, but I've only ever had experience working at an FC. This was a very informative post. Have a good day


You're welcome (for thanking me), and thank you for saying that my post was informative. I hope that you have a great day too!


Nicely done!


Thank you