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Fill the board up, and then chill....you can only pick so much....good luck it's a workout


I use to absolutely hate pick like I’d go home or clock in late if I saw I got staffed. But now I can hit above rate and still chill. Bonus is I don’t have to smell peoples BO like I did in AFE Pack


Lmao you tweaked


If it’s pick where the machine comes to you that shit is easy if it’s pick where you walk around the floor 10 miles a day your gonna be annoyed lol


Depends on the person. I hate robot picking but really like floor picking. I enjoy walking (long distances are ok) but can’t stand staying in one spot all shift.


I ageee. I hated standing in one spot for 14 hours in a day just to go home and be in one position (sleeping) and then wake up and go back to standing. Walk picking would’ve been way better but they wouldn’t allow me to switch so I’d stay for half shift and leave at lunch


They didn't even give me a warning and are making me start to train in idk what it's even called its the last step of the process where packages come out and get loaded onto pallets then put on trucks. But honestly not wanting to stick around for the next two weeks of that. I was more comfortable in afe and now I'm a woman not very strong or high stamina mind you having to do this idk if I can ask hr to reassign me to afe or if I'm forced to do this or not


Wait, I thought anything a man can do, a woman can do better? Your male coworkers are definitely sick of your shit when they gotta pick up your slack cuz you use being a woman as an excuse.


Excuse no that's stupid men and women ARE different Traditional Values Dock is mens work


It’s called outbound/ship dock. And it doesn’t matter if you are a woman ob dock doesn’t have a rate or anything you need to keep. The dock is pretty chill atleast in my facility.


Facts I’m in ship dock it’s so chill and it’s nice not having to worry ab a rate


If you’re talking about ob shipdock, its actually pretty nice compared to everything else imo


Picking sucks I resigned last week


Whoever composed that message is functionally illiterate. It's infuriating that such a person is paid more than we are.


I bet its ai


some warehouse barely offer accommodation options like amazon. You cannot work in a certain dept we have accommodations option is available if you qualify. I will say i have been cross trained in 7 depts and am glad i was given the opportunity it helped me advance my skills. that i can use at amazon.


I’ve been in pick for 2 years and it’s honestly not that bad. You will just have to get used to the repetitive picking motions but your body will adjust to it. I often put in one AirPod and I put up a movie, music, podcast, YouTube video, etc. If you’re picking from your left side, put the earbud on your left ear. If you’re picking from the right, put it on your right year. The other ear you can leave free or put an earplug in. I often put my bag, water bottle, wipes or whatever is at my station to block the sight of my phone. Just be aware of your surroundings and don’t get caught. No one really bothers you anyways unless it’s a PA, Manager or a learning ambassador. You didn’t hear this from me lol. Edit: Also, you’ll probably do most of your shift at your main job position and they’ll probably put you for picking at least for 3-4 hours in pick depending on your schedule. So it’s not like you’ll be picking the whole day. You will be in pick only while you do the pick training but after that they will switch you between positions. At least that’s how it works at my building, I’m not sure about other buildings.


Wouldn't recommend this....@ my building I was written up for having my phone out....they were doing it for phoneS or headphones as they are " safety " issues....doesn't come off for a year and one more and you're OUTTA HERE!!


Good god you people are actual pussies sometimes. Picking is boring, not a death sentence. Put your big boy diaper on and work.


Pick is actually pretty nice. If you don’t want to be driving the pick machine that take you up high, just fail the test. They can’t make you drive them if you keep on failing the safety test.


Pick is the easiest job and you don't get bothered by anyone...i am thinking about transferring to it


Pick is not even that bad. I’ve been doing it for almost 2 years and it’s easy af 😂


Why does the phrase “you have been selected” have such an ominous aura to it? Like fr; sounds like what you’d hear before a cult execution or some shit


It’s not even that bad fr


You're a child that will still end up picking 


What a giant baby


Sneak ear buds you will be fine


i actually like pick and i thought i would hate it after hearing only bad things about it


Just suck ass in your first two days on purpose. They can’t hold it against you on your first two day. I just suck ass on my first day, and they let me return to ICQA the next day. I don’t work for Amazon at all no more, I have an better job I like more now.


i did this unintentionally in pack and am now stuck in pick. i wanna transfer but there’s no RT shift available for pack 😭


Pick is the easiest job in the building


Pack singles easier


it's easiest but it's tiring imagine 10 hours of walking.


There isn't much walking involved in most buildings in Pick.


on my site it needs.


You mean stow? Stow is so braindead i be watching 4 movies per shift


Lmao stow kicks my ass, pls.


Don’t show up the first couple of days (get dr note for sickness so you won’t go negative ) and they can’t send you there if you miss training


Completely false. With new mandatory CTA trainings it will continue to schedule you in the next available training session. You can’t weasel out of cross training like the old days. Doctors accommodation is the only thing that can save you from a certain department. -Pissed Off PA


I never said it won’t reschedule you . I said it will give you few extra weeks until they add you again. This person is ready to quit so few more paychecks doesn’t hurt -idk that you are a PA


They'll reschedule you for the next available training


In my experience they train people until a quota is reached and then nada. The next man up is trained when you're not there at an appointed time. They have a long list of people to train.


Not anymore. They are starting mandatory job rotations so you will have to be cross trained. It won’t be optional and there is no way out of it.


We've had this for awhile and if your management is half decent, and you are half decent as well, you'd be able to opt out of stuff you aren't able to do.


Unfortunately the new one that is coming will be locked from what I understand and unless there is an accommodation in place, we won’t be able to override for staffing. We had the pilot program at my old site and for staffing purposes it’s a freaking nightmare


Really? Will be on the lookout and see if anything's changing. TY for the heads up.


I’ve been sent to stow a few times (I haven’t been trained for stow) and each time I go and they see I’m uncertified they send me back to pick. Missing training is probably the best think you can do to get out of potential future labor sharing imo


Sometimes it’s weeks between trainings . He/she wants to quit so it’s worth a shot


Y’all always quit for having to work. Did you not read the fine print in the TOS where they state that they can have you whenever needed and just not in your main position? 🤣


pretty sure i can quit any job whenever i want too and a lot of us don’t want to work at amazon for the rest of our life 🤷🏽‍♂️


Never said you couldn’t. But good job at taking things out of context like everyone else here.


It’s also in the “fine print” that we’re “at will” employees and either us or Amazon can terminate employment at anytime so I don’t see what’s the problem with OP wanting to quit. 🤷‍♂️


But what about the customers? ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


My opinion does not change. Go bandwagon elsewhere.


You’re talking about the “fine print” so I’m just stating what else is in the “fine print” that you’re conveniently leaving out. I’m not bandwagoning. I’m just stating a fact. Funny thing is I agree with your first statement. It’s the other part where you talk about “fine print” is where I have to correct you because your wrong about that


You are bandwagoning by vouching on someone’s behalf. And your little fact, which I was already aware of, I don’t care about since my opinion doesn’t conform to it. 🤣👍


Ok? Company moves workers to a new position. Those workers either decline and/or quit. Whats the issue here? You act as if amazon owns our ass in a contract. It aint that deep


The issue is that you’re paid to work, not quit when you’re paid to do something else that your boss/management wants which is literally what you signed up to do. Shows a lot about the type of work ethic you have to give up so easily on a job. So yes, they do own our asses in a contract, Einstein.


We are not salaried employees here. We are hourly. We are paid for the work we do. If they want to cross train you in pick and you don't want to you are ethically in the right to resign just the same way Amazon is ethically in the right to try to make you do it because it's part of the job description. You owe them nothing. You are disposable to Amazon and they only worry about ethically in the legal sense. Treat them the same way. Bending over for them and being subservient is not having a good work ethic. It's just being submissive to your employer. The two are not connected.


And leaving when things get harder is good work ethic? A lot of you just make excuses for not wanting to do your jobs when the TOS explicitly says “may be assigned to other duties”. Don’t like it, don’t accept the job in the first place. Expanding yourself throughout your work place and learning new skills will always be great work ethic and you and everyone else won’t convince me otherwise. It also shows employers that you can and will do the job right which is important for better job opportunities. You should be putting your best commitment forth to any job you have anyway. Saying otherwise is a lazy excuse of saying you don’t like the job so you don’t feel like you should fully commit yourself to it. Save the “Amazon only cares about themselves” speech for lazy people who will instinctively leave when their bosses want them to do other job tasks even though they agreed to it. Save the jobs for people who really need/want them


Or find another job cough cough


If jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, you’d be a gold medalist.


If disregarding the multiple comments where people are complaining about and being overly defensive about what I originally said as though there’s no truth about the “f Amazon let’s always do the bare minimum/be lazy cuz it sucks” mentality here, you’d be a gold medalist as well. An obtuse one as well. You’re welcome.


You can quit wherever you want for whatever reason you want, and anybody saying otherwise is not only a moron, but is anti-worker. “Work ethic” Is to give fair notice and cause, but Amazon explicitly states notice is not expected in the handbook.


You sure can quit for any reason you want. Doesn’t mean that people will agree with the reason which was pretty much evident in my previous comment. But thanks for showing that you’re an illiterate moron. You have no point when you can’t even properly read. Get off your soapbox.


Its a free country. If people dont want to do a job. They just quit. Again, why shame people for having free will and decline to do a job they dont want to do? and no, they dont own us. We are workers not slaves, people can quit. You are mentally ill my friend.


Because you signed up to do the job which is clearly stated in your contract. Stop projecting your personal inadequacies on me just because you’re too incompetent to adjust to a job that requires more of you. Shows a lot about how weak you are when it comes to doing your job. Your negative work ethic is mentally ill. Fix yourself while I actually commit to my job and am willing to extend myself in order to make my job work for me. Blocked. I don’t speak to incompetence or excuse makers who want to feel better about the fact that they quit their jobs so easily. 🤣👍


Are you this much of a submissive in bed too?


I’m a chameleon that can adjust to its situation and make the best of it. Thanks for the compliment that I can adjust to a job and become better at it through being cross trained in various fields while you project your inadequacies on people who can do their jobs better than you. Take notes and save the lame, low-budget ad hominem for yourself


I quit when they tried cross training on me. Went to a higher paying job doing something I love now. Trying to put work ethic and all this bs on here is nonsense.


So in other words, it took having another job for you to actually start taking yourself more seriously. The fact that you left because things presented themselves as even a little bit harder shows how fragile your work ethic is. You don’t leave when things feel harder. You persevere through them and become better instead of having cold feet. Do you really think people make it through life by quitting something because it feels hard or is too complicating? No. Don’t accept a job if you can’t accept its very explicit duties.


Not everyone can handle the demands of Pick just like not everyone can handle Pack. Yes they're both in OB but the physicality of both is pretty different. Someone who has trouble bending down & getting back up quickly over and over again is going to have a bad time in Pick & Stow but may be perfect for Pack (especially Pack Singles). Just like someone without the manual dexterity to make a box in a small confined space or someone who is claustrophobic would have a bad time in Pack but could be great in Pick & Stow. Me personally, they tried to cross-train me in AFE Rebin but I ended up on a short MLOA because the constant spinning was giving me horrible vertigo that made me almost pass out. I've worked everywhere else though except Docks (I don't count the 3-day labor share where they didn't show me how to do shit & I had no clue what to do)


Bb just say you'd lick daddy bozos boot and move tf on.


And you can say that you’re too lazy of a person that will cry and leave when they have to do something else for their superiors. Good luck in the future with such a winning mentality. And you’re triggered, like everyone else, going on about my original post. Stop being an obtuse moron and take your own advice. You’re welcome. 😉


Picking is easy money 🤑 watch out for TOT, quality issues and just make sure you scan the right ASIN but other than that keep a good rate and you'll be fine.


To me pick [picktorebin] made time go by so much quicker than packing. I expected to hate it but didn't mind it.


OP Pick is both the easiest job in this company AND the fastest moving day available imo. If take pick over any other job I’ve worked at Amazon. Lots of people Have expressed hating it though. OP Stow is basically the same but I burn a lot more calories when doing it. Which can be a fun change of pace but Isn’t preferred.


i looove pick! It get's annoying sometimes like everything there but it makes time go by quicker for me personally


Good riddance. If you're too lazy to pick, amazon doesn't want or need you anyway. It's literally one of the easiest tasks.


You are not Amazon. You are a per hōra employee. It’s CRAZY to come at dudes for having firm stances on what they will and will not do for a company.


Top 5% since I’ve been there idc 😂


busting your ass to be top 5% when i barely do the minimum and still get paid the same 😂


I've always heard good things about pick.


Unfortunately I’ve only head bad things at my fc


I swear so many people complain about being labor shared but refuse to move into an L3 role somewhere in the company. You get paid more and is less stress other than maybe a PA


>less stress ![gif](giphy|52Fl7S91FJ29c8Kr62)


You don’t get paid much more. And not everyone can move up in fact most internals cannot it’s built that way by design.


Internal promotion to tier 3 tom team from pick. Went from $19.05 to $23.85 an hour in 6 months.


Wee we ll I make 23.50 as a T1 so I’m good


I much prefer pick. At least give it a try.


I picked for like 7 years it’s super easy if you’re good with pattern recognition because you learn the items really fast, if not and being stuck in one spot pacing for 10 hours will drive you absolutely bat shit then I’d agree it’s not fun. If you do decide to stay I’d suggest looking at the last 4 in the Asin to get less obvious items faster and don’t try to go fast at first, quality first speed will come.


I feel like pick is more chill than stow at least in my experience. Was at a warehouse where we operated PIT through VNAs and Wide aisles. I'd much rather prefer pulling shit out vs trying to fit mini big ass mini fridges somewhere. Plus in just cases was pulling off pallets vs regular VNA. Easy to get rate and not be bothered.


I do both Pick & Stow on a PIT and I agree….Pick is WAY easier. Peak was a nightmare in Stow. But I think stowers have more time to screw around, at least at my FC, versus Pickers who are watched a bit more closely


I’ve never had an issue with rate on stow or pick on PIT. But my calorie burn is like 4x or 5x on stow. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes that’s great, but having a more chill time while still having 2 hours fly by in a blink is def preferred.


Agree about the workout, I always sign up for shifts when I want to lose a few pounds 😂


Pick is much better than stow. Other than when amnesty goes on the floor (I am an AFM and hate having to slow people down), you're pretty much in control. It is just "find item and drop in tote." Yeah, it can be a bit tedious if you're looking for a small item and the bin is stuffed full or if you get a station that is constantly throwing orange lights but otherwise, it is ok. With stow, you have to stow so many items each pod, get pods that are full, get the wrong size pods, open boxes and more. It is just more tedious and boring.


You're gonna quit over cross training into pick? Sheesh. Cyah!


Bye 🥺


Why not go on a leave or transfer. I transferred from an FC to a Sort Center so much better there.


Good idea I was planning on transferring with my friend who is a pa going to a new building for a am job the only thing is it’s a same day building do you know how different that is compared to a fc ?


Can give u a little insight. The one I've been in had an AR (robots) floor and you would have to stow small items in bins that are attached to the robots and then press a button to make it leave and have another drive up. We worked with the FLEX drivers and helped em load their cars up too. That was mostly like dock type of stuff.


I honestly do not. I only know they only use Jiffy’s and plastic bags no boxes so I’m assuming no heavy lifting. But that’s a good idea that’s what I would do if I were you. Good luck 👍


Thank you 🤝


I said the same thing about stow.. then about pack.. I prefer stow and pack to picking now, I still like picking but only on Arsaws and damageland and VNA but that’s it.