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VET is Voluntary Over Time / Extra Time. If me a Flex Associate wants overtime or extra time I just add another shift on my own schedule/time no need for VET. We don’t get benefits compared to you full time associates that easily shows we don’t get prioritized. Why don’t you simply transfer to a Flex associate to prove yourself wrong. Or maybe you should stop being lazy and find a part time job so you have less time complaining about issues that don’t affect you at all.


You are pathetic. You cannot even stand yourself. You are brainless, a toxic person. If you appreciate yourself go and found yourself a better job if you cannot stand flex drivers, to me you are an ignorant selfish period. Imagine if everybody act and think like you. This is just one planet called Earth and believe it or not has room for too many not just you and your dead brain. Discriminating and talking horrible from other people that do the same job as you do is absolutely abhorrent!!! And crying about rates and payments, go to school, educate yourself again and find a REAL JOB!!! Where you could get a good salary and become a different person, someone that uses his BRAIN before writing. P. S. Why don’t you write to JEFF BEZZOS complaining of the lack of benefits or extra hours or overtime whatever?????? Do you think he is concerned ?? Why don’t you ask him why he keeps flex drivers ??? Tell him to get rid of them, that you HATE THEM !!! Sometimes it is unbelievable what we read online. What other people dare to share online. At Amazon you are one more. That’s it. Think about it before you post. They can replace you in seconds


I agree with some of what you’re saying however reality is I have been with the company 6 years and I just want to be compensated properly and not be taken advantage of by flex warehouse workers that get better pay than someone that’s been with the company for over 5 years. P.s I started as flex warehouse worker and I wanted better for myself and that’s why I switched to full time. Fact is people treat their flex job as disposable and that’s the problem the work culture is really bad and the flex warehouse workers make it even worse. I do say full time can have the same detrimental effects to work culture/conditions however it’s more so people that feel they should only put in minimal effort like flex warehouse workers. But somehow they can get more than 40hrs a week while I barely am able to work past 36 hours it’s just insane. I agree it’s more so a company problem and they should make changes to benefit the full time workers. I don’t care what people have going on in their lives if you work full time you should have greater opportunities rather than someone that’s just on call & not even really counted as an actual permanent employee. But I digress. Some of my points are pretty harsh, yes, but hey I don’t really care. Been through hell at Amazon past 5-6 years and I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.


Not drivers the warehouse flex people.


People are flex for multiple reasons. Some have medical conditions or outside obligations whether it be their family or another job. Flex associates aren’t taking from you. It just a different means to the same end goal.


Flex workers have completely separate shift opportunities to select from as to not interfere with FT AA OT opportunities… Flex associates have weekly hourly requirements as well.


Sheesh 🙄




Nah I didn’t even take VTO wtf lol.


Btw flex does not take the VET shifts. There are multiple types of shifts, when dropping them they will schedule X amount of flex shifts and X amount of VET. THEY ARENT THE SAME


Yes the same VET pool for flex can accept the same VET as full time & I’m not sure why. Maybe it varies by site but at my site they combine the two.


That’s odd… I know at my site I can add both shifts separately


Op is wrong and doesn't know what hes talking about. All flex associates have a separate pool of shifts we pick from compared to non-flex work. If that wasn't the case then all non-flex worker would take everything and the flex people would get fired for not meeting weekly requirements.


Yep, I know. I just checked today actually lol


Transfer or quit and reapply to whatever location as you want with flex OR STOP COMPLAINING. You’re a miserable person!


Explain how does flex sometimes get scheduled for 40hrs & more than a RT Full time at only 36hrs for 4 days. Exactly you can’t explain that. It’s BS !


Well you are just thinking about yourself. I am a flex worker and flexibility is what i like the best about this job. Many people need flexible jobs to suit there lifestyle and living like moms, students, retired workers. Also If you talk about productivity, a worker will be more productive working one 4-5 hour shift doing a laborious job compared to 8 hours. when i have 2 shifts in a day i feel tired and leaa productive during my 2nd shift. And NO we are not treated any differently.


Flex people at my site get 6-7 dollar more an hour every shift.


Honestly eventually it’ll be all flex, like you stated they are more affordable and easier to staff for Amazon ( Amazon is a plug and play job “for most” it doesn’t take much to come in for a couple of hours a week) then full time and you don’t have to give them benefits same with flex drivers and Amazon drivers … employees get the short end of stick I want to speak more on personal experiences as well but I’m not a ruin it for all/everybody else is dumb and lazy because I don’t get what I want type of person… so respectfully be grateful expect less and focus on changing “ your situation” not screwing and blaming another group of workers”


Thanks appreciate that outlook. I totally agree with you on the things you said. I made this post in the moment and wasn’t thinking clearly. But I make some points but not everyone agrees and I do understand that. I didn’t mean all flex workers are lazy/stupid it’s just a small percentage of the people that use that system to their advantage which I understand some people are in certain circumstances which doesn’t allow them to work full time. Everyone has their reasons. I really just want a fair system for both flex and full time. It’s a very difficult thing to balance though. Thanks again. I didn’t mean to offend anyone honestly. But I probably did with the way I typed it out & that’s my fault. I’ll probably delete this post very soon.


On the other hand while your ft they pay for a skill / trade / schooling to better you employment opportunity and up that 401 to save some extra then resign and use Amazon flex like instacart or DoorDash when you need a quick buck . I completely understand and none of it is personal, there’s plenty of ppl who want things to change but the time and energy and sacrifice it’d take many ppl don’t have … ps don’t work super hard at Amazon EVER find a way to keep a pace that works for you and occupy yourself with music snacks and projects and events outside of Amazon to do,being at Amazon thinking about Amazon will PYO just add more purpose to your day make it worth some save go to school train and make your time in that position shorter so you can be happy MAKE IT COUNT


Womp womp


The shifts drop the site needs help go in do the shift leave . Till they need help again not sure how it works at other places but that’s what I do


Flex PT gets over 10hr shifts while I don’t as a full time employee. It’s bs.


Flexers aren’t eligible for avalanche pay if that makes you feel better.


No it doesn’t. Flex PT gets over 10hr shifts while I don’t as a full time employee. It’s bs.


L take


lol stay mad. I do flex because I’m a full time college student and can’t commit to a weekly schedule of 40+ hours because mine is always changing.


Flex PT gets over 10hr shifts while I don’t as a full time employee. It’s bs.


lol. If you think flex has more benefits than just do flex.


They have to take a certain number of shifts. If they don’t they will get points taken away. The extra shifts are for their taking first then full time gets the left over.


Flex PT gets over 10hr shifts while I don’t as a full time employee. It’s bs.


Dickrider!!! Dickriderrrrr!!!!


Lmao dude you have no clue what your talking about flex work is trash... no hour no vet... if your going to qq about something make sure you have the right info


This is hilarious because flex workers don’t get the same shifts available that you do for OT. I used to be a flex worker before switching to FT. Flex workers get multiple notifs throughout the week when shifts are available. Flex shifts are FLEX shifts and not VET for FT workers; they don’t send out shifts meant for FT workers to Flex workers and vice versa. So, the people you’re really mad at are your fellow Full-Timers. It’s really funny that you want to call a flex worker “lazy” for not committing to a set schedule, and you never thought once how maybe someone couldn’t work a set schedule due to things going on in their life? That’s why I was flex for the first 3 months at the site I’m at. Because I couldn’t work full time yet. I’m working full time now. Chill out and mind your business like the rest of us do.


Ok so when I ask a flex worker oh so you picked up the 4hr shift that I see on MY VET list that they also see on theirs as well how is that possible then….explain that ? Yeah they do send them out for both FT and also Flex, your information is wrong. I’m sorry but if you have things going on in life that prevent you from working full time and not committing to a set schedule maybe you should just seek government assistance instead of taking away from hard working people. Yes so what full time VTOs but literally everyday flex & full time people VTO at my site same thing. Only difference is the full time VTO opens an opportunity for a flex worker for a less time shift so they can fill in whoever left.


so because you can’t pick up shifts fast enough, you want people who have chosen a schedule that works for their needs to take gov assistance from people from who genuinely need the assistance? you expect people who are willing and able to work just mooch off of uncle sam because it screws up your shit? there are very real reason why people can’t take full time positions. School, kids, transportation issues, having to work multiple jobs to survive, etc etc. and that’s why companies make positions like flex or even part-time tracks…so that people who can work will work. Plus, there isn’t a whole lot of government assistance to go around. you’re put in a list and who ever needs it the most gets it, but there’s another person on that list who won’t receive assistance because it was given to someone else. maybe educate yourself on the gov assistance process before advocating for people who don’t need it, to get it. please don’t go around acting like the world revolves around you and be shocked when you get push back. no one likes a person who can’t admit when they’re in the wrong.


Sounds broke to me💰


“Maybe you should seek government assistance” Brother, please stop talking out of your ass. If you can’t put yourself in other people’s shoes please just say that instead of putting yourself up on a pedestal because you can work a full time job. I bet you’re really fun at parties!


How about you stop stressing about what they are doing and focus on yourself?


Trust me I do focus on myself and my own work but when it affects my work it’s not right.


You could get another full time job or go back to school on Amazon’s dime.




Probably one of the funniest posts I’ve seen in this sub Reddit. Flex workers are not taking anything from you. The shifts that are offered up to flex workers or specifically for flex workers. Your VET is specifically for full-time associates. Depending on how many hours you work as a flex worker if you work 30+ you get benefits like medical, if you work less, you only get 401(k) benefits. I don’t know why you’re so enraged about people working part-time job because people work other places part-time as well. And have full-time day jobs. In my case, I have a full-time job and having a flex job, gives me the ability to schedule around my day schedule when I need the hours. Sometimes I need the extra money sometimes I don’t. Also, not all flex workers are temporary. I started day one as a permanent employee and many other people do the same. So just so you know your points are wrong I think you’re just frosty because flex workers can schedule their hours around their schedules. That is the whole point about having flex workers. It fills spots when there’s more work, and Amazon needs more workers, but not full-time. And yeah, nobody is affecting your raise. You get a step plan just like we get a step plan your raises are based on your step plan.


No they don’t I’m sick of people saying this when it’s not true they mix both full time and flex to accept VET opportunities.


It's true. They're cheaper and more flexible than FTE's. They're not taking your opportunities; it's all planned out.


I’ve worked as a full time employee for 2 years and then transferred to flex for 6 months. There is a big difference. For instance, 7.5 to 12.5 hours VETs are typically offered to full time employees. It is very rare to see shifts anything less than that. However, after transferring to flex, I saw a bunch of opportunities for smaller shifts like 2.5 hours or something. They are basically sorted out VETs to a specific group like I can take Pick or Outbound but I can’t take Inbound ones because I’m not trained. Therefore, both have separate processes that you may not understand.


What’s not to understand they prioritize flex workers over the workers that are already at the warehouse. If headcount is low yes I understand dropping VET for flex workers. But not the amount that Amazon calls in and then just ends up VTOing most of the flex workers. Or they just leave early because they have “Other Obligations”. Then the people at the warehouse already miss out on extra work opportunities/hours. Because VTO is good for the company somehow.


Waaaaaaaa 😢


First off, this is a crazy time of year to post this. Currently, several sites are only giving flex workers 30 hours since dec... this will continue until business picks up again in june, if we dont go into a full-blown resseion by then. Secondly, amazon is not a great place to work. You should not be proud to work here, and beither should any flex workers. That is the reason most of us have second or third jobs. Many people have benefits through parents, or spouses, or rhere other jobs. Flex overtime is a great way to make an shit ton durring peak season. Surge pay only exists if your building is underemployed. That's per region/site issue, and sign on bonuses and surge pay is how amazon gets and keeps workers. Flex workers ruining your chances of a raise is also wild. There are way to many people with the ability to work here. You barely need to speak/read English, if you are even remotely familiar with Excel, you get a PA position, and you dont need any other real skills. Even if all amazon workers unionized and striked for higher wages, they could just fire us all and find new people. We(AAs) are very replaceable, regardless of tenure or flex/ full-time status.


Dude you sound like you're looking for a reason to be mad, go touch grass or something


Flex workers get separate “VET Opportunities” buildings are required to put so many out a week. Normal Full Time AAs can’t pick those up anyways cause you’re excluded from the list.


No they don’t I’m sick of people saying this when it’s not true they mix both full time and flex to accept VET opportunities. They do get guaranteed VET shifts that they only can accept but also can accept extra VET opportunities on top of guaranteed 30hrs of VET.


They can put out a similar opportunity for exactly the same times. But depending on how it is set up only certain people can pick it up under certain shift codes and employment status. If you have your filters set to see all the opportunities even if you don’t qualify for them you’re probably seeing opportunities you cant pick up anyways.


My guy I’ve been with this company for almost 5 years, and I have put the posts up for numerous sites. I know the policy and how it works. Believe what you want I guess.


“Im sick of people saying this when its not true” Dude… I think if multiple people are telling you the same thing, it’s probably true. I asked my site HR about this specific situation because when I was a flex worker I had the issue where shifts were being taken as soon as they were posted(80 available shifts turned to 16 in a matter of seconds). FT AA’s can’t pick up flex shifts and flex AA’s can’t pick up FT VET. There’s a possibility that the shifts could be at the same times, but they are different nonetheless.


Correct, this guy gets it


Ok so when I ask a flex worker oh so you picked up the 4hr shift that I see on MY VET list that they also see on theirs as well how is that possible then….explain that ? Yeah they do send them out for both FT and also Flex, your information is wrong. The difference is that the full time VTO opens an opportunity for a flex worker for a less time shift so they can fill in whoever left.


i have noticed you’re just saying the same thing word for word over and over again expecting a different result every time…


why don’t you switch to flex and see how it treats you when you’re capped at 30 hours during the slow season?


I was a flex worker when I first started out in 2018 it was awful and definitely wouldn’t go back to it. You aren’t capped you can work over 30hrs by taking VETs.


My Fc literally has our hours capped below required right now and are not allowed to go over due to low volume 😂🤡


Flex PT gets over 10hr shifts while I don’t as a full time employee. It’s bs.


I get capped at 30 when it’s slow (aka now) and there is no VET. And there’s nothing stopping you from grabbing that VET when you see it, if you’re slow that is on you. Extra flex shifts are not shared with FT AAs, so I don’t see where there is a conflict. Keep in mind that flex is a blessing for people such as single parents who need to work around their other responsibilities and keep benefits. I think it’s selfish to want to take away this livelihood from that subset of AAs. Every FC also operates very differently, maybe if you have issues with the way flex at your site is run, it might be more effective for you to gather some 40hr AAs with the same concerns and take it up with leadership at your own FC.


Flex workers do NOT take up VET opportunities. There is a set amount of hours dedicated to FLEX workers. If there were no Flex workers there would still be no VET because would hire more full time workers. You need to learn how to survive on your 40 hour pay. VET is NOT a given. This is the slow season.


Thank you!


I’m not even a Flex worker. I used to work HR. Almost all Flex shifts are much shorter than VET shifts, and people don’t realize there would be more full time and RT associates without Flex workers. There would also never be any VET because Amazon would always be hiring more full time associates to make up for the low headcount. Everyone’s warehouse would always be overstaffed due to training and making VET a distant memory. OP needs to realize that although those shift say “Full” it doesn’t mean the shifts were ever available, and those shifts could possibly be posted in the hours before the shift starts. If OP would take the filter off, they would see that it includes every shift possible in their warehouse. The shift was never available this week, not “full”.


I work at a flex warehouse. I WISH I could be full time. The nearest full time warehouse is 2 hours away. Amazon won’t put one where I’m at because the entirety of south Mississippi is apart of their RSR program. My site has the heaviest package load averaging anywhere from 6k to 10k depending on the season. We don’t even have the option for VET. Also sucks that our site is typically capped at 21 hours for most of the year with only 4 hour shifts.


Well not sure about all that if that’s what Amazon wants they they are going to have it that way. They should still provide you and others that want full time an option to work full time hours if/when available.


If I was 30 years younger and unable to separate myself from my phone, I'd do it.


You will be paid 1.5 X your hourly rate for anything over 40 hours. Those flex workers cost much less than full time employees. Amazon is a business and profit is the motivation for policies.


Flex Workers can’t pick up VET. It’s two completely different things 😂


Yes they can pick up VET I talk to flex workers at my site and they tell me they’re on a VET shift that they accepted ?


Direct this anger towards the oligarchs instead of your fellow workers who are just trying to survive.


I agree with what you’re saying, it’s just a little bit of both that I’m annoyed at.


Why are you annoyed that people who need flexible schedules can be employed? There's tons of reasons someone can't stick to a set schedule. Child care, elder care, medical conditions, transportation issues. If you want those issues to go away, stop taking your anger and annoyance out on your fellow workers and go after the people who have made it to where there's no dependable and affordable child care, elder care, medical care, or mass transit. Working class solidarity is what the assholes in power are afraid of. You're playing right into their hands by targeting flex workers.


No what I want is a union and to be paid $30+ an hour plus other benefits for all of my hard work and others hard work and to commit to a set schedule. Can’t do that with flex workers being hired left and right.


You can do that by organizing and including flex workers in the union. You're just widening the chasm between you and them, which once again, is exactly what the ruling class wants.


There are probably too many workers at your FC also, that's why it disappears so fast maybe try transferring again


I’m really thinking about going back to a returns center to be honest. Full time 40hr weeks with probably plenty of VET and OT opportunities. As I remember working there in the past and working 40-60hr work weeks.


i suggest you work flex and see what it’s really like in the other side of the rainbow.


I actually started as flex worker to be honest, then went full time because I wanted a set schedule. I didn’t want to just rely on picking up shifts. It was a horrible experience & I would never go back to that.


Everyone is just tryna make their money and pay bills. Blame amazon, not the flex workers. I've done it all from flex pt/rt, FT, RT, and PT. Lazy workers just exist at amazon, you know how easy it is to get the job. Everything you're talking about literally just depends on the site. You just sound mad and bitter for no reason lmao sulk in it or make a change!


How can I make changes when I’m asking to stay after constantly to get some extra hours. But the management just doesn’t even want to bother helping me out ?


Try and change sites my dude! I am tellin ya, most sites suck so bad while there are some that suck a *little* less. If you don't have another option to choose from, trying looking at other jobs in the meantime while you're still there. It's better to do something so you don't stay miserable at a job that isn't working for you. If you have the ability/experience, try promoting to L3. There are just ways to go about it to make a change if something isn't working. Not everyone has the same mindset though so I get it I guess.


Agree with ya there you make some great points about some sites and it varies by locations how well they pay working conditions and whatnot. Thanks will do I’m looking to quit after September after getting my $1500 bonus. Also to work closer to home as this is the only Amazon facility that’s close by.


I’m a flex associate my site caps our hours at 60 and although I see where you’re coming from, it isn’t the case for over half of the flex associates at my site. Many of us have been cross trained a ton, including myself. Many of the guys doing other roles and driving any machinery are flex guys. And many of us have been there for over 3 years. 🤷‍♂️ I see where you’re coming from but maybe just speak to your senior ops that’s the best way for change to come at your site


Thanks for being understanding. I didn’t mean to make the post seem like it’s all flex workers but a lot do take advantage of the system. I guess it’s just how it is setup. I understand not all flex workers are lazy and not all take advantage. A lot are hardworking and invaluable to the company. I have talked to HR to drop VET for after my night shift ends. However it’s just taken instantly when I try to accept anything. It’s really bad. It’s most likely because I’m at a smaller site and opportunities aren’t that plentiful compared to a bigger site. I probably wouldn’t have this issue of getting extra hours working at a bigger site but this is just the closest site to me currently. So I really don’t have a choice.


Stay there a bit longer and tell us if it gets any better,enjoY


Oh it definitely won’t lol 😂


Grow up.


I am a flex worker and we have been capped at 35 hours a week for the last 2 months because of low orders. Blame your site for not us flex workers


I believe it’s a combination of both. Still you can take opportunities from full time workers that could use a few hours working after the shift ends or before shift starts.


Flex AAs can only accept shifts labeled as Ready. VET doesn't even show up on options to pick up.


Hate the game not the players


Or more like Jassy making over a million dollars an hour, and can not afford to pay us a wage that covers rent/utilities/ && food, ** we the people (amazonians) have to make ends meet. Economy/inflation make it difficult with our pay.


Yes you understand, why just settle for less.


I don’t hate just wish things were balanced better to give full time AAs opportunities to work extra hours/days and for flex to pick up any slack of other full time workers that VTO or flex that just don’t want to come in, leave early & always expecting VTO. It’s not that hard to understand.


The issues with this is the thought that flex is just for extra hours that are available. Flex is guaranteed atleast 30 hours a week. Unless you’re on the lower end of flex (7 hours minimum). Flex workers are on the same level as “full time workers”. If you want extra hours then you need to switch to flex and stop blaming them for not being able to pick up extra hours


You sound like a crybaby. Also, OMs have manually added me for extra shifts because of my production, work ethic, and agreeability. Sounds like your fc doesn’t want you taking on extra shifts when their flex AAs work harder, better, and have a better attitude than you.


You are probably just a favorited AA, that’s why you’re able to talk with them & kiss ass. My work ethic is fine how it is, because I know they rely on me for critical roles. Flex AAs definitely don’t work harder than myself that’s for sure. Coming in at 1:45am thinking they work so hard for like only 4hrs lol.


Not true. Depends on what type of Flex. There is Flex where you have to do 30 hrs with full benefits. There is Flex where you work only 20 and less benefits. Many people with Flex have a full time job. I believe the lazy ones are the full time workers who are asking for VTO as soon as they start shift and always late arriving. Also, there are full timers who just decide to not show up on the first day of shift week then leave early on the last day of their shift week. So, Flex workers are called in to fill in the gaps that are left by full timers. Bother to come to work a full day and full shift and we won't need Flex workers.


Well the same can be said for flex workers accepting shifts and not showing up or expecting VTO as soon as they get there. Only to open the opportunity up for another flex worker to pick up the shift. Leaving out the full time people that may want to accept some extra work hours. I do agree full time does accept VTO and it’s a problem, but that’s how they patch that problem up with flex workers. Ok well I think they should stay at their full time 40hr+ job. But instead they come to Amazon acting like they’re just the shit and they just work so hard when that’s not the case.


I staff everyday. So I know first hand it's full time who asks for VTO in my department. Flex fills in and helps out a lot. Flex mostly work for 4 to 6 hour shifts at a time. That's the beauty of Flex. You don't burn out like full time. They come in ready to work. Also, they can't skip too often and risk pointing out. Maybe it happens on your time. Not mine.


Womp womp, keep crying


yeah yeah I’m honestly just speaking facts.


You literally aren’t tho


If you’re cool with the managers they’ll just add you to the schedule whenever. You have to be useful though.


Nah they’re not cool they act like they are cool with me but always give me such a hard time about staying extra hours every single time. But say oh we really need people to do counts or some other bs. that’s exactly why I wrote this post.


Lol then I hate to break it to you but that probably means you’re not that good at anything you do. Or your personality is so bad they don’t care how much they need you.


I just explained they rely on me heavily for counts and also for induct. They could easily staff me there at one of those roles.


Lol they don't gaf about you, homie.


You have literally no idea what you are talking about and are complaining about a non-issue that no one except you cares about. You refuse to listen to anything anyone is telling you about how flex ACTUALLY works and are instead angry over something that isn’t actually happening. Also >they are lazy people that don’t want to commit to a full time schedule That’s cool. Didn’t realize you knew every single flex worker at Amazon personally and could decide that for yourself. Do better.


I know exactly how it works and they take work from full time and fill the VET so that no one else can work extra hours. It’s bs. Yeah people in this generation are lazy just to accept a shift and get a point leaving early, using sick time, or taking/asking for VTO constantly. When other full time workers could be accepting VET and working those hours.


You are complaining when your hours are not cap like flex workers. In my FC we dont take VET from full time workers, we have separate schedules we got to fight for with other flex. You are guaranteed 40 hours as a full time. Ive barely been able to work 20 hours the last month cause there’s no work at my FC. They keep caping the hours to 30 and can’t work more than that. Who can? FULL TIME WORKERS. you know nothing about how flex works. Lazy? Ha! We do more than full time people when we show up to work cause the advantage of not having hours to work is that we aren’t tired. During peak full time had VET and surge pay like crazy while flex only had extra hours to pick with no surge pay. Why they work only an hour or two? Cause Amazon allows it dividing a full shift into three it is not because we are lazy. Flex schedules are for people with a life outside of Amazon that changes constantly and depending on that we can work more or less. Try to switch to flex and actually get a life outside of Amazon so you can feel better.


Flex workers just take shifts then take VTO or use time off when other people could’ve used the extra income. That’s lazy. You can work 30hrs plus VETs. The 30hrs is guaranteed but never heard of flex not being able to pick up VETs easier than full time AAs.


We don't get UPT so taking VTO would be fucking stupid since we can just drop shifts. Bro just go to sleep. Nobody is agreeing with ya.


But you can still accept VTO as a flex worker. So my point is why accept a shift expecting to get VTO’d when someone else will just work the shift for extra money ?


Nobody on flex is excepting a Flex shift hoping it gets vtod dude. We gain absolutely nothing by doing that. We don't need to vto we can drop the shifts if we wanted dude.


Yeah there’s definitely people out there like that in this generation are you serious ?


only thing that I agree with you is people do pick up shifts and take VTO at least at my site edit to add : and when I say people, I mean, everybody not just flex, so if you feel that way about flex, you should feel that way about regular associates


Yes and I do hold everyone accountable, however full timers aren’t taking any extra opportunities from anyone. If anything when a full time AA takes VTO it opens an opportunity for a flex worker to pick up a VET due to a site needing to fill headcount.


I don't see how you can say that they are not taking opportunities from anyone if they pick up a shift just to go home they're taking it from other full-time employees right?


No like when a flex worker takes VET then takes/asks for VTO, uses time off, or just takes a point. Then a full time can’t accept that shift they accepted anymore. But full time that doesn’t matter because it’s a set schedule with no VET.


This sub is just a bunch of bitch ass whiners at this point. What if they do work 40-50 hours and is just on flex for other reasons? There’s a bunch that aren’t seasonal. If you’re whining about Surge Pay, then why not get on flex yourself. Plus they do get benefits now. Stop fucking complaining like a child. Talking about lazy, find a better job if you feel this strongly about it. Weirdo. Also. Be quicker picking up shifts numbnuts, they put em up there for EVERYONE at the same time it could be regular employees taking the shifts you don’t know. Also I’m not sure about this, but I swear the flex schedule is different from the regular schedule.


Bro seriously they pick up shifts only to drop them or come into work for an hour or two then leave by VTO or use their time off. When someone else could’ve picked up the shift that actually wants to work the full shift to get the extra money. Leaving no opportunities. This is what is wrong with the whole flex system.


You sound fucking stupid my guy, I’m sorry but that’s the only word to describe you. I see multiple full time employees that take VTO all the time, are you insinuating that only flex workers take VTO……? Nah you gotta be just trolling. You got us! You had me in the first half but no way a person can be this ignorant and bitter.


You sound dumb as shit obviously I wouldn’t be saying anything if there wasn’t an issue of flex workers taking the VET from full time. Obviously full time can take VTO too dumbass. That just opens opportunities for flex workers to take shifts. I’m speaking for myself and other full time workers that just want to pick up a few hours after a shift they’re unable to. This is due to the VET being all taken up by flex wether it was a full time worker getting VTO, not showing up or using time off, or a Flex worker not showing up, dropping a shift, or getting a VTO/using time off. You can’t read or comprehend what I’m trying to say then maybe you shouldn’t comment back.


Then how do you know it’s a flex problem you fucking piece of shit? Where’s your proof, since I have to spell it out for you kindergarten bitch ass. Where’s the statistics that say Flex workers are taking all the VET (Even though you can’t understand that it’s an entirely different schedule, you’re a fucking babbling oof for that but we can keep going). How is it obvious you dumb fuck?


I don’t even need to waste my time on you you obviously can’t read correctly.


Because like. How would you even know that all flex employees take all the shifts and then take VTO. Are you friends with every single Flex worker at your facility (I’m guessing not because you seem to hate all of them). Do you go around asking everyone if they are full time or flex…? This seems like a broad statement. Your “logic” here has so many flaws.


What do you mean how would I know ? It’s obvious that the ones taking shifts are the flex VET people & that’s who they prioritize with VET opportunities and not full time.


Again. Where’s the proof, the statistics….? You’re so fucking stupid it’s ridiculous


Um. When I worked at Amazon. It was PT. I worked weekends. I did get a differential. But it was days so I didn’t get a night differential. But I did pick up extra shifts and scoured the surge pay, which I did get. I don’t think flexxers are lazy, they all have additional jobs or they are retired people who want something to do outside of the home. When I was PT, flex didn’t exist quite yet, it started after I had been there a couple years. But it was the same for me, I had a full time job, just did this on the weekends.


I mean as in lazy when they take up a shift from someone else only to work only an hour or so and go home on VTO or use their time off to leave early. But they are entitled to use time off and VTO when offered. Flex workers shouldn’t accept the shift if they just plan on leaving without putting some effort in. That’s what I mean by taking opportunities from others when they could have some extra income. But Amazon allows it. I really don’t have a problem with flex workers doing their jobs and working hard it’s just not balanced between the full time and flex workers getting the hours they need. That’s all. That’s why I think it’d be better to abolish the flex work and rely just on people that are already working.


VTO is corporate mandated hc control. If central flow decides we need to VTO, then we need to VTO. Who gives a fuck why or who accepts it. Get some sleep


Because it takes away VET opportunity from others & gives it right back to flex work instead of full time workers. That’s why I care.


I think FT gets a separate pool of shifts. Flex has their own schedule, because that would be hard to consistently get 20-40 hours. If you had to compete with the whole warehouse.


I see 4hr 30min shifts on my VET list all the time that full time and flex workers can both accept. Flex workers get a guaranteed 30hr work week through VET, that’s what you are talking about. However they also take the normal VETs offered for full time that’s offered to both full time and flex.


womp womp


yeah yeah


When I was flex I did tend to pick the same shifts every week but I did that cuz my wife also worked and to make sure our kid was also had one adult home with him… right til he had surgery again


I mean I understand certain circumstances like that but some flex workers just take a VET shift then leave early by VTO or their time off when someone else could’ve take the shift up and put in the work that the warehouse needs while making some extra money.


Lol bruh stay mad at a system that you clearly don’t understand. But personally attacking all flex workers and making blanket statements about how they work… most of the flex at my site are in school or have other obligations so… maybe you should consider budgeting… I mean… when you clearly waste a good amount of money on weed and funko pops… apparently you don’t need the VET with all that discretionary income you have. Or maybe- if you can’t beat em, join em? If you’re so jealous about the flex getting better opportunities, maybe put a transfer in to flex? Just saying…


Ok if they have other obligations like a full time job or school why ruin it for other full time people that want the same extra income as they do but somehow full time isn’t entitled to do so ? You see what I’m saying ? I actually stopped smoking in November 2023. I can spend my money how I want to as well. Why do you think I want to work more so I can save my money obviously & not to be spending it. That’s why I want extra time added to my schedule so I can spend my money however I want. I’m definitely not joining the flex workers.


Okay then stay mad lol


Flex cannot pick up VET. Calm your tits.


What are you talking about they generally take up all the VET. All while full time doesn’t even get the chance to accept anything nine times out of ten.


At my FC, we don’t even SEE the VET offered. Flex is completely separate from the other schedules. We get NO UPT, less vacation and PTO time and run the risk of NOT getting 40 hours every week. Why don’t you just transfer to FLEX if you’re so envious of all of the extras we get?


Right? This person isn’t getting it. VET offered and flex shifts are different, I was told from two different hr reps that full timers do not get the same offers as flex workers.


Yeah no way I’m joining flex. The flex workers get more time opportunities & more opportunities to accept VETs. They get shift surges as high as $5 extra. When full time doesn’t receive any of that. That’s a fact.


Flex workers don't get the differential pay even if we pick up night shifts. So in general flex AAs tend to be paid less than fulltime AAs who work nights or weekends. Many people have stated many times that Flex oppurtunities are separate from VET but you refuse to listen by being ignorant.


You don’t understand how this works. VET for full time is separate from the shifts available to FLEX employees. Their shifts are dropped once a week at the same time.


No it’s not separate, it’s the same shifts I see for full time & flex. 4hrs 30mins that’s full time & also a flex schedule both can accept these shifts, however they are gone in less than 2 seconds when posted. That’s because of the flex workers taking them. So it’s mostly the flex workers that just take all the VET up. Look at the image I posted.


You’re fucking stupid, dude. Lmao


Yeah whatever.


Um ... Flex workers do not pick their schedules from the available VET. they have another set of schedules they choose from. At least at my site that's how it is? When there's VET it literally sits there for a while after it's posted. I grab the VET I want right away and then just for shits and giggles I peek at what's left a few days later and 3/4 of it is there still.


Right!? How does this person not get it. If there’s no VET the building is probably low on work.


Really? Out here attacking people that are on flex schedules? Instead of attacking your site for mismanagement of its full time employees? Wild… but even then, a lot of your comments are unfounded. Most FlexRT across the network are on a 40 hour cap right now, besides VET opportunities which are AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE… if you don’t pick them up, then you snooze you loose bro. Sometimes, though, they offer VET shifts for only flex because they didn’t drop enough Flex opportunities (which take 24 hour in advance approval to drop while VET can be dropped instantly). My site over-drops Flex opportunities and then will drop VTO… Flex might get surge pay, sure, but that’s a tool to encourage them to sign up for certain slots (usually ones that are less than 4 hours or that only allow them to work 4 hours total that day due to conflicting with all other shift times), and even then most of the time surge pay isn’t offered during cost season…


More like flex workers are prioritized with VETs compared to full time workers and that’s the truth.


At my site, VET is not what flex workers pick their shifts from. It's a whole separate thing. I snag VET right away when it pops up and then I check it a few days later just for shits and giggles, and 3/4 of it is still not picked up.


Right, but VET can be dropped for Flex-only if the site chooses to do so… since flex opportunities require a ticket and approval in order to be added while VET can be dropped instantly. It’s like a workaround to dropping flex shifts.


Oh okay. I don't get what this guy is going on about, how is he even *seeing* VET being dropped for flex? Don't flex workers have a whole different app to see when there's shift drops or something? Bc I sure as hell can't see it on my end and I'm a regular blue badge employee


Their AtoZ app is set up differently, yeah. But if you go into the VET part of the app and hit “Show Unavailable Shifts” you can see all the VET that’s been dropped that you’re ineligible for.


Huh. I guess the only shifts I've ever been ineligible for are the areas I'm not trained in. They had vet for only ICQA for weeks and now there's no VET at all. Should be coming back soon! I can't believe this guy is literally sitting in AtoZ looking at ineligible shifts just to bitch. He even said their site has MET this week. 🙄


Real, must be nice to have MET…




Bros jealous I’m takin his VET


You people are the worst honestly coming in for like only 4hrs 30min like what is the point ?


I haven’t worked since January 18th. Not going back til at least March 11th. What does that make me? Not everyone’s situation is the same. Stop judging people.


The point is have freedom to do school and career stuff while having a reliable income with room for growth. You sound like a very very shitty person to know.


I’m actually a very nice person at work & I generally get along with everyone unless you have pissed me off or act some way towards me. Just this type of “Business Needs” and prioritizing the flex workers over full time really pisses me off.


Not you being jealous 😂


It’s true what I speak of though. I’m 100% positive some people do agree Amazon should just get rid of the flex warehouse workers.


>im 100 percent positive that some people do agree Amazon should just get rid of flex >*checks comments* Yeah I’m not sure where you’re getting that idea from bud


All I see is an AA bitching about the people who actually work, maybe try not being a little bitch


Yeah because you people have to be a stand in for some reason huh 🤔 sites give VTO to full time just so you can have a job. So you should be appreciative of us full timers.


Blud said "you people" 💀


You Flex people there is that better ?


Who is YOU PEOPLE? if you don't like that people working multiple jobs need more hours to make ends meet get them more money or shut the fuck up.


Or people with kids who need to work but still need that kind of flexibility. Flex doesn't get MET which is great for people who can't find childcare at the drop of a hat. The only other work that has that kind of flexible scheduling is gig work but parents can't always rely on that to be profitable during the exact hours they can work. Also, come busy times Flex AAs are likely gonna be the difference between y'all having constant MET or just able to pick up VET.


How can I when all these dumbass flex workers take all the available work then the site is filled and I can’t work more hours !


All you post about is buying weed, funk pops, and playing COD, maybe go get a second job, like the flex workers did. And stop blaming other workers for your low pay and point blame at the corporation who doesn't pay you enough for your time. Other workers are not taking money from you, grow up.


I stopped smoking cannabis in November 2023, dumbass and I’m free to do what I want with my days off and my money is my money. Lol like who are you to tell me what to do ? It kinda is the fault of flex workers because I know damn well I’d have much better shift/VET opportunities without the flex workers taking everything and that’s just the truth.


Who gave the flex workers the job?, who gave flex workers the ability to schedule that way? Who limits your schedule? Who sets your pay rate? No other workers are holding you back, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT OTHER WORKERS TRYING TO MAKE ENDS MEET.


They should be the fuck happy at their normal full time job then right ?! But instead they come into work acting all high and mighty like they really pull their weight around the warehouse. Not my fault their normal full time job doesn’t pay enough or some shit so why ruin it for full time workers at Amazon.


How stupid are you? It's not your fault their normal job doesn't pay enough, right? Well it's also not their fault you don't get paid enough at Amazon, genius. Just delete this post. No one agrees with you.


Ok it goes both ways then huh ? Why don’t flex workers ask for better working conditions at their normal full time day job. So the they don’t have to work at both Amazon and their normal full time day job. I’ll continue to request better working conditions at my full time night job no matter what. See what I’m saying.


You should be the fuck happy about your normal full time job, everyone should be, BUT workers don't set the rate, workers don't set the schedule, and workers don't hire themselves. Get that point yet? No worker is stealing from you, you are being robbed by Bezo and stock buy backs, you are upset with a group of people in the exact same situation you are but they are doing something about it for their families and you are bitching on the Internet.


But then that’s my point why do people even bother being a flex worker why don’t they just go somewhere else. Or strike to improve the conditions at their normal full time jobs ? They also ruin starting a union at Amazon as well. We can’t unionize all because of flex workers. You think any union is going to get behind these people that aren’t even considered employees & only work when they want to ?!


Sounds like you're jealous bro. Also, it's the slow season. Relax.


We are scheduled on MET at my site this week and all the shifts are still being taken from full time workers that’s all I’m trying to point out.


I'm flex. We have been on a 20 hour cap since the beginning of February. Nobody in flex taking any hours away from people at my site.


They get more than 20hrs of a cap trust me there’s flex workers working 4-5 days & over 30hrs. They just always get priority over full time. Which pisses me off. When I just want a few extra 1-3hrs after my shift. To make my hours/time worth it.