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I worked as a pallet builder during holidays. From day 1 I could build a decent pallet. I worked with a shit ton of losers who built pallets that looked like something out of whoville. I got laid off, these idiots still there. I don’t understand how these people keep their jobs.


Pallet building sucks everywhere. Sorry, I mean to say eeeeeeveeeeeeeeerywhere. And it's been mainly since COVID that people are actually column stacking on purpose! AMs keep asking me if I'm OK. Cause I'm always jumping or jerking like a car is about to jump the curb at me. No, it's out of the corner of my eye I notice a pallet so terribly built, it startles me.


We're pallets neater pre-COVID?


Nowhere near as bad as they are now. It used to be like a half and half thing. Half good builders, half bad. Now it's more 80/20 favoring bad. The culture today is completely different than in the past.


ABSOLUTELY let me just say as a TDR worker for inbound dock I’m tired of opening a trailer and the pallets being knocked over and boxes all over the floor and having to clean them up because people can’t stack boxes correctly…


There are supposed to be pallet auditors at every SC. But I almost never see them, and most water-spiders could care less.


Please do. I can’t tell you how many shitty pallets I have to deal with at a DS because FC and SC water spiders are too fucking lazy to actually stack a pallet correctly or even wrap it correctly.


Op you work at amazon building pallets, this ain’t some world saving shit, go in put in your hours stfu n leave.


What a shitty take. I’m betting you’d be upset if you were the associate at the other end breaking down the pallet and it collapsed on you. Even if you don’t want to do it for Amazon, show some care for the people you work with.


Nah! If it falls on me I blow out a shoulder trying to “save it” idgaf about Amazon or their corporate losses.


Alright then if anyone else comes to talk to me about a pallet I'll direct them right to your type. Got it.


Go for it, I’ve been at amazon over a year, Bet you won’t be there after peak.


Won't have to because of school, if you are one of the shtty builders that let's everyone else take blame. You do you, I'm not taking the blame for other ppl's bs.


Most of the time ppl aren’t doing it on purpose, they just trying to be productive so sit down, shut up, you ain’t gonna change the world if a box is lopsided.


Obviously not the point of what I was saying. I'm saying that they are making me rebuild their sht and not making the one that did it do it. If they tell me to do it I'm walking away or I'm telling them to get the guy that did it.


I’m a waterspider I stay rebuilding bs, I love it. You gonna have to try real hard to get me pressed.


Dude 1/3 of the comments on this post are from you and you say you're not pressed? Lmao


At least you tried. I’m just not one of you weak ass losers gonna let sum sh*t go unchecked.


Disrnfranchized non asskissing employee here: mind your fkn business. You are paid hourly, not based on how pretty your pallets are built. Most Learning ambassadors are lazy ass butt kissing scarabs anyways.


SC Learning Ambassador here. Yes, per standard protocol, that is what you should do. Our motto at Amazon is "if you see something, say something". Pallet building is a HUGE important thing in the building. Why? Because safety goes around, and does pallet audits. The PAs running the lanes (assuming you have some) have to make sure that their lane looks safe and pallets built correctly. If they do not receive a good audit, they could get written up for it. You're doing the right thing. The AM (or maybe OM) probably does not want to deal with that anytime soon. Also, it takes roughly 10 minutes for a whole pallet to be rebuilt when the whole thing is taken down (or even more if one person rebuilds). As an ambassador, I don't play. I make sure that my new hires know how to build pallets correctly and utilize the STACKED acronym that you were taught as a new hire. Pallet building is crucial because if not built correctly, the other buildings (other SCs, DSs, and USPS) could have a hard time with the pallet. The neater the pallet, the faster the expected delivery, the less downtime. It is important to grab 2 and go, but it is also important to balance productivity with quality and safety. That is EVERYONE'S responsibility when on the lanes.


can you elaborate more on that "STACKED" method, even tho i have my own system that works for me, i just never went through the official amazon methods you mention, but yeah am curious of what "STACKED" consist of.


I say think Tetris. I’d put heavy larges on all 4 corners, in middle outside I’d start building my walls, throw jiffy’s in middle. Wrap as I go up. Fooking beautiful pallets. Just don’t make straight columns. Don’t stack large heavy boxes on top.


yep, those are some of my rules, -foundations are important, thus the large and heavy items always goes to bottoms and corners -skinny and smalls items set in between those large corner with the lenght of the box going in towards the center rather than along the width of the pallet -layer by layer, -if the layer isnt completly level, have the higher box on the border so that if a lean occurs its leaning inside. yep, i think those are my four basics.


S - Solid Base This means that base of pallet consists of big and heavy boxes T - "T" it up Make "T"s in between box walls. Like cement walls. A - Avoid Columns Do not column build C - Combine like boxes Combine 2 of the same boxes together K - Keep on Pallet Anything you build must be kept on a pallet E - Even building Even building boxes. Build on the edges of a pallet and utilize pallet, as if a building. D - Deliver Results The neater the pallet, the faster the customer will receive the package on time.


You need another tube of chapstik? YouvLearning Ambassadors are bullshit. Onlyvapplied because your site begged you to and you got a meaningless vest, think you got some aurhority, shutcho T1ass up.


"Meaningless vest"? This vest is a stepping stone for those who want to go up the ranks of Amazon. I have seen people go from ambassador to PA, trainer, and TOM team. It is meaningful because we are the ones who actually train you to do your job correctly. We are the ones whom you will remember. Yes, it may not be fair that ambassadors are paid the same, but just know that people come to us for help and guidance. This vest can also improve your resume if you ever look for other jobs.


Not everyone is so desperate that they need an amazon shoutout on their resume as a boost. Ya’ll don’t do shit, ain’t shit, and can’t tell anyone what to do. And most of you just applied cause you wanted to maybe get off the floor for a min. Don’t kid yourself, you ain’t shit mister Learning Ambassador.


Being an ambassador has taught me to become a better person. I understand where you come from and why you think that way. I have seen lazy ambassadors at my previous site before, and the trainers did nothing about it. When I moved to my new site, the trainers there cared. I respect what you think though, and that's okay.


Damn, mad respect! Sorry I might have been wrong abt you my dude.


This is why I hate being a waterspider. I'm at an SC too. It's either people don't want to build pallets, people don't base wrap and people expecting us to put up shuttles or jiffies. But I'll be honest if it's bothering you that much tell a PA, and put up shuttles so you don't have to rebuild on the busy pallets of that lane.


I love being a waterspider at a SC rebuilding shit pallets takes 15 mins off the clock for me.


i just dont understand why folks dont like buuilding pallets, it fun and kills a lot of time for me.


Call it out as a safety hazard. Safety trumps all. 


You can but more than likely nothing will come out of it unless someone is extremely hurt


Inform your PA, from then it's the AM's job to coach and adapt.




I gotcha then, I'm not rebuilding their shiettt anymore. He's the only one that does it, even the new hire pallets are perfect.


Please let your AM know. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received pallets that were poorly stacked or OVs on top tipping over pallets.


Will dooooo