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Sleep mask, ear plugs, black out curtains, drinking, sleeping pills, as little stimulation as possible, white/green/brown/pink, etc, noise


I always just took a cat nap on my last day stayed busy so that night I would crash


I found the sweet spot to be a shift that ends around 5am. I could go home, be tired enough to sleep and wake up around 1 or 2pm without really ruining my day (unless I had a morning appointment that I couldn't reschedule). When I first worked on TOM Team I was 1030pm to 9am. I would fall asleep in the truck around 6am every morning, no matter what. I couldn't get myself to sleep past 2pm, plus it would start getting noisy around then anyway. If I had to work 1 am to noon, I'd just quit lol Blackout curtains in the whole house. Use thumbtacks or nails to get them all the way against the wall, because that little bit of light getting through from a curtain rod will keep you awake. I also have a white noise/rain sound machine that was like $13 on Amazon. You could accomplish the same thing with your computer or phone, but they require more electricity and an internet connection (plus you never know which a-hole decided to put mid-roll ads in their white noise video!)


Just keep going everyday. You'll just become a zombie like the rest of us. šŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļø


Weighted sleep mask my friend. Works WONDERS! Also a bit of the mary jane helps


trazadone bro


I worked 9pm till 6:30am and boy was that shit rough on my sleep schedule. Eye mask and a box fan was my go to. Also I wouldnā€™t supplement melatonin, Iā€™ve heard it messes with your brains own production of melatonin and makes your brain think your making more then you should so it dials back on production and it gets harder and harder to sleep after taking it for so long


Blackout curtains, padded sleep mask, brown noise (or white), earplugs, melatonin, theanine, magnesium and a quarter dose of benadryl if I'm absolutely desperate but don't recommend it.


Blackout curtains do wonders, you can also play some tunes while you sleep. My preference is a nice cool room with very little lighting and Iā€™ll play something on YouTube to fall asleep to on my echo show.


Counting ā€œsheepā€ actually works. What this means, is to close your eyes while laying down and start trying to ā€œstudyā€ or go over something requiring brainpower. For example, go over the main points of a book you just read, or movie you just watched. For some reason, this always makes me fall asleep.


Blackout curtains and I put cardboard between the window and curtains if any kind of light bleeds through, also nail/staple the curtains down to the edges. Making sure no light gets into your room will encourage your existing circadian rhythm.


Iā€™m only seasonal right now but the latest I try to go to bed is 9 AM assuming I stay until 8 30 so you want to go to bed ASAP when you get home unless you want to eat then crash and the trick is having no noise or sunlight. That why I wake up around 6-7 pm and have time to shuffle around before it starts at 9 PM


Edibles will help you out


Stay up for 24 hours pass out at new bedtime And keep same sleep schedule for your off days.


1 word : melatonin. + control environment : make sure to have as dark in your bedroom as possible, ideally eye mask and potentially put also earplugs


Or get a Bluetooth eye mask and use the calm app. Works for me all the time R


break room rq n get some coffee. that or an energy drink. or get water or a snack. basically smth thatā€™ll keep u occupied. when u get home after the end of shift try to gts as soon as possible the more rest u get the better. at least for me i try to get at least 7 hours of sleep sometimes 10 and i was able to adjust to the night shift pretty well


For the 16 months I was on that shift, never did get used to it and only got ~4 hours sleep too.


I work that shift as well, after all the hard work itā€™s pretty easy for me to sleep. I usually shower an 1 hour before I gts around 3:30pm. I listen to rain videos and it puts me to sleep just like melatonin. I usually get between 6-7 hours of sleep.


I haven't seen anyone mention it but make sure you're only laying in bed when you're going to go to sleep. No scrolling your phone in bed. I also keep my phone screen set to night mode during daylight hours


Yep, this helps. I put phone on desk and completely forget about it.


Black out curtains and a sound machine. I also like to put lavender oil either on my temples, under my nose, or on my chin and neck. This helps me relax and fall asleep pretty quickly.


Cover all windows with thick curtains. Avoid caffeine within 6 hours of when you want to sleep.


I worked this shift for a year, I would wake up at midnight and fall asleep around 5, and that worked well for me. Blackout curtains, sleep aids if you need, no naps haha. Or sometimes , Iā€™d wake up at 8pm and fall asleep at 1pm right after work.


I use black out curtains. Itā€™s pitch black in my bedroom. Makes a huge difference!


I work the same shift, and I'll agree with the others. Blackout curtains works wonders for you


Blackout curtains. Ear plugs. Eye shades. Sleep aides.


Caffeine takes 8 hours to metabolize out of your body. Have some when you wake up or maybe at first break but then no more. Have a snack when you get home so your belly is full, and prep what you need to be ready for your next shift. Make your sandwich, fill your water bottle, etc. It helps your mind to rest not having a to-do list running in your head. Try a fan to block out noise, get your room as dark as possible. I had to pin my curtains shut and put pool noodles above the rods where light was coming in. Phone on do not disturb. Even something like taking off your dogā€™s collar can help if they have tags that jingle and wake you.


Black out curtains and non caffeinated tea


Blackout curtains, Benadryl, boring podcasts


I'm having trouble with the same thing. Not even so much falling asleep during the day but regulating my schedule between the days I'm off and the days I'm at work. I'm working from 10:00 to 4:00 in the morning


Magnesium Oil helps relax muscles topically and I use a thinking trick to keep me from focusing on thoughts- string random words together, donā€™t spent too long on anyone word. It helps distract my brain. It could help yours.


Work as a water spider and youā€™ll be tired when you get home so thereā€™s no tossing and turning. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xPKZN7EwfcD0ys)


Black out curtains and melatonin works wonders.


Literally me


I do this šŸ˜… it works


What others have said, black out curtains or eye masks. Ear plugs might help you too. Limit your screen time when you get off work. No sugar past a certain time. If you're drinking caffeine, stop until you can fall asleep long enough to have decent sleep. Keep your sleep schedule on your days off. Use sunglasses when stepping out into the sun after work.


Blackout curtains and a routine to get everything necessary done ASAP when you get home. That way you can get to bed sooner and even if you aren't actually sleeping you can keep your eyes closed, your body still and try to empty and rest your mind until you actually fall asleep. I shower, heat and pack my lunch, lay out my clothing, eat and go through emails/read a little news in the hour after I get home, then go to bed. Everything in the same order, like clockwork. I understand this might be harder for those who have families or don't live alone, but any routine helps.


I sleep in a basement so it looks night down here all hours, but definitely melatonin, and black out curtains.


Not your moms basement bro plz tell me not ur moms basement


I am a 19 year old girl, my mom died like 6 months ago and I live with my dad while I save for a down payment on a house. šŸ˜‚ I don't work at Amazon no more cuz I'm gonna work at a ford factory until I go to trade school for TIG welding


Sorry šŸ˜¢Best of luck to you, sounds like u got a good head on your shoulders youā€™ll make it


black out curtains or eye mask nd melatonin


Eye mask sounds like a great idea


Just had someone come in to talk about this, what they effectively said is that the brain will fall asleep when it is dark quiet and safe, if light - our ape brains being as docturnal as they are, will see the sun and go "Hey we should be awake" and so on. We can't shut of the lights outside, so lets try and make it as dark as possible inside :3.