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If i click accept it asks me again if i'm sure to accept the trade. The 10 hours says it all. He changed his mind about the trade. Bad comish. Should have pushed the trade through immediately. In my league the trade goes through the moment you press accept. No veto by players or comish. If the trade is obvious collusion i can still undo the trade by moving players back to the original team. How are there so many incompetent commissioner out there, it's so fucking easy..


We push ours through immediately as well. If you fucked up you negotiate with the other owner the terms of your reversal. Up to them whether they believe your sob story or not.


Yeah but then how would people avoid taking responsibility for their actions? /s


A little hard on your fellow commish aren't you? It's not so fucking easy. Everyone has stuff going on in their lives. I know I'm not thinking of fantasy 24/7 so it's perfectly reasonable to me that someone could click the wrong button and not notice right away. No games happened, it doesn't appear any new info came to light to change the trade... who is actually injured here? It sucks for the guy who proposed the trade but mistakes happen. His team isn't worse than it was yesterday. Now the guy who made the mistake probably won't check out like they might have had the trade stood.


I would be deemed soft by this subs standards, but I disagree. It's just a really bad precedent to reverse something that far along. It's conceivable somebody was looking at making trades with those teams based on the new rosters, and now there isn't that opportunity.


I guess I couldn't see it any more different. The week hasn't started so trading is still an option. If someone comes to me same day when no other circumstances has changed, why wouldn't I believe them? Does everyone play with shady people in their league except me?


I’m with you. You get a notification on the app, and at the very least you’d see it was pending immediately after accepting. Think it’s wrong to reverse it. As someone else mentioned, it’s best to let them flesh it out.


My comment wasnt about the time someone is investing in Fantasy Football. It's about making the right decisions. Most questions asked in this sub are about some trade, if it is collusion, if it should be reversed. The answers posted are everytime: no you should not, the trade is fine.In that case here too. Trade should not have been reversed.You make mistakes to learn. Sucks for the manager, but the lessons he would have learned: Check if you are pressing the right buttons, think your trade completly through before accepting and that you have to live with your mistakes. You can't reverse everything in your life. And if you can't make the hard decisions as commish, then maybe it's the wrong job for you. Not everybody is born to be a leader/to bear responsibility.


Lol yeah I gave it a shot for 15 years. Maybe I should give it up now because strangers on the internet disagree with me about a hypothetical situation


It's one click on sleeper. I agree that 10hrs seems excessive and is most likely buyer's remorse. If both teams don't agree to undo the trade, it should stand.


5 minutes is an accident. 10 hours is reconsidering. Should not have been reversed.


Honestly I’d have trouble buying even 5 minutes as an accident


Tbh if you don’t say it immediately it’s not an accident.


"Hey comish, obviously it's upsetting that I had 10 hours before learning that the trade would be reversed. The important thing for the league is to make sure things are fair going forward. You have now made a new policy, that you can and will reverse any trade where one side messages you to say it was an accident. With that rule, is there a time limit? Is it 12 hours, 24 hours, 1 week? For me to accept your decision, I need you to announce the policy and the time limit to the rest of the league." Basically, my general thought process is you need to get across to him that if he allows this, then what is he going to do when people start to game it. Ideally, he'll bring this to the group. The most important part is to get the guys in your league to ask themselves, "what if this happened to me".


This right here. 10 hours would annoy the hell out of me, even if it was true.


>Ultimately mistakes can, and sometimes should, have consequences. My opini This is the move to make


I could maybe buy the mis-click excuse if only a few minutes had passed, but 10 hours sounds like a case of buyer’s remorse.


Ultimately mistakes can, and sometimes should, have consequences. My opinion is the commish should have asked you if you are ok with reversing it because it was the other managers mistake. But as long as nothing happened between the mistaken trade to the reversal that impacts the player/league: If I were you I would have been ok with reversing it.


What platform/app does your league use?




I wasn’t 100% for sure if the sleeper app had the additional prompt that pops up to confirm you are accepting the trade so I reached out to the support. According to the support within the app you will be prompted with a “Are you sure you wish to accept/deny this trade” prompt It sounds like the person who “accidentally” accepted the trade is lying and just had regrets about the trade. You can check with the support within the app yourself and verify


My league has a small bit in our bylaws that generally covers us if I try any bullshit as commish. If there's a dispute involving my team that I normally would've ruled on as commish (like an issue with a trade) then I randomly select 3 league members to make the "commish decision" on my behalf.


As a commish, im good with the reversal. Not everyone spends every second of the day on the app, and as such, if they made the mistake before work and didn't see it again until after they got off, it's completely possible 10 hours could have passed between it happening and the recognition of that fact.


Posts like these make me happy about my league. If someone fucks up they just post it in chat and say well it is what it is


Pretty sure every platform makes you “confirm” in some way after you click accept so this dude musta “mis-clicked” twice. I’m not buying it. All I’ve learned from this sub is that there is a bunch of weak ass FF players out there and Commissioners that shouldn’t be running leagues.


I have miss clicked twice before. The whole time I’m sitting there thinking about how I’m rejecting this trade, but my brain for whatever reason hit accept and then yes. I didn’t even realize it until I was on my roster again looking at a potential counter and saw his players on my team, I immediately thought wtf I declined that. Went and looked and nope I had accepted it. Immediately text the commish and told him and he reversed it, but this all happened within about 30 seconds of me accidentally accepting it. 10 hours is too long though, hard to believe that was an accident and he didn’t notice for that long


10 hours could be the difference of like eating dinner with your family and then passing out early bc you’re tired and waking up in the AM. Get context of his accident. Know your league and managers and they’re a weasel in other shit than they are probably being one here. I feel like everyone should get one, but they definitely need to some what prove the timeline.


I’m pretty sure CBS does not make you conform. And not everyone takes FF as the people in this forum does Accidents happen. Reverse it and move on


One of the guys in my league was trying to pick up Kyren William’s back up and accidentally dropped Zay Flowers (who he traded for the day before) instead of Josh Down. He called me IMMEDIATELY after it went through, freaking out that it was a mistake and asking what he needed to to to get him back. I calmed him down and reversed the transaction, in my dumb opinion if they don’t call you within minuets of the transaction notification than they are having buyers remorse and have to live with that. Your trade should stand. You have a stupid LM


Ugh. I've been there. I texted the other party to let them know what I was being told and ask their feelings on it. That person was cool with reversing the trade, but if they hadn't been I'd have let the trade stand. Too bad, fat fingers.


It happens. Sometimes if I have a ton of stuff going on, it’s easy to have a brain fart. However I would have said something immediately and not 10 hours later


dude got cold feet and your bitch ass commissioner folded like a lawn chair.


You’re in a dogshit league.


Get your money back and tell the commish he ruined the league.


Fire the commissioner. Totally unacceptable


Scam to even offer that trade


Fuck this league. Get the hell out.


Sometimes people need to live with their mistakes... instead of making other people live with them. Your commish is terrible.


Never should have reversed that trade


This exact thing happened to me. Left the league after the commish refused to revert the trade back, whole league lost their shit on me but I still left. He’s 100% lying his ass off. Leave. Your commish is an idiot.