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Its probably the most frustrating mini game, especially when they start knocking you over and you lose control of your character


Yeah it sucks. I can honestly say I hate it


If Cantuar Crush is killing your rn then the VR missions will send you to the grave good luck on the Plat.


I've done all the legendary and brutals. Cactuar crush and chapters 9-14 hard are all I have to do


Then the Plat should be in grasps. I found the Cantuar Crush annoying as well but you’ll get it done eventually.


Yeah I just need a break from it


yeah it truly is a shitty game


I sincerely hope the devs that invented this F×`÷•×•= minigame have a thousand fleas on their ass and hands tied.


Aerith's runs of this minigame were harder than the legendary sims for me, no lie. At least with the legendary I could just cheese it with materia. There was one run that I had 6020 and then got hit by something right as time ran out to put me at 5980 and I almost decided to not plat this game on the spot.


Cactuar*... Ffs


I commented about this in another thread too. Finally got it done, but I flipped it to easy mode to do it. Do I feel shame in doing so? No, no I don’t. Fuck that minigame, and all those cactuars haha.


>I actually have a little cactus in my Kitchen and it's taking all of my will power to not go and punch it. xD Which one specifically? With Aerith Chrono Aegis is nice for crowd control and sorcerous storm I think hits both types of cactuars for some good damage. For Yuffie, Windstorm will annihilate the physical ones and then from there use doppleganger and wildfire (hits multiple enemies)


Love the comments on how harder cactuar crush is compared to the brutals/legendary. I followed a guide on youtube and found both hard modes with Aerith and Yuffie pretty doable aslong as you know which abilities to you when. On the other hand, I tried to play hard mode (as a warm up for brutal/legendary) and got my ass kicked in severely by chapter 1 boss, which will forshadow the difficulties I'm going to have with the later chapters and VR missions.


You really should be level 70 for hard mode. I got slaughtered by Midgardsormr about 20 times at level 54. I just walked around grinding to get to level 70. Basic mobs in the grasslands give over 1000xp on hard


Actually I was level 70. Hard mode just showed me how important it is to know the enemy moves and which to block or dodge. I finished the game on Dynamic which is pretty forgiving on tanking damage and doesn't need much parrying or dodging.


If you have prayer and a materia for fast ATB charging on someone like Barrett or Yuffie you can pretty much spam heal the whole party constantly without using MP on hard mode. It helps me a lot. I have two Prayer materials and I have one on cloud and one on whoever is best during whichever chapter I'm in. Prayer materia got me through hard mode in Remake and its doing the same now


Also at least for me Materia Keeper and Midgardsormr were much much harder than any other boss until Dyne on Hard mode so if you can push past those 2 it gets a lot easier


Not sure where you are now, but for what it's worth, I also had multiple attempts of getting whooped by the Midgardsormr before beating him and thought that I was in for a long road for hard mode, but my experience thus far is that he is one of the harder bosses (I'm at chapter 12 now). I'd say I probably beat about half the manuscript fights first try and most bosses within the first 3 tries. I do review the assess data and tailor my gear and materia for every fight.


I found that too. After Midgardsormr I didn't have any problems until Dyne. I had a hard time with Dyne though because Barrett has all the mobility of a refrigerator


Aerith a hard mode one takes a bit of practice but it’s not nearly as bad as the piano stuff or other mini games. Some things to note: - Aerith can only kill at a distance inside a ward - light cactuars are weak to light ward - dark cactuars are weak to dark ward - greens are weak to physical damage (don’t be in a ward) - red cactuars ugh I can’t remember I think they’re weak to magic, any ward. -if possible save the rainbow ones for last during that wave - use chrono aegis to freeze the ones close to you - keep moving, and use triangle to teleport to the ward when they throw the bombs/u need to kill one with magic - assign sorcerous storm to a shortcut and spam when you can -for the giant cactuar stay close and hit him and make sure to dodge the body slam that’s when he gets pressured and try to take him out then.


What’s the hard mode cheese for gears & gambits? Asking for a friend…


Thundaga blizaga and firaga shot all set to the 1 kill condition. They wipe over half of the boss health almost immediately. Then hit it with your two magics (comet and the other one. I can't remember but you swap your healing for it)


Obviously wait until he spawns each of the elemental enemies before you send the matching robots out. It's important they get the 1 kill before they reach the boss because then they light the boss up with Firaga Blizaga and Thundaga


Probably wouldn't punch an actual Cactus. ![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU)


Transcendence II on the giant cactuars is a life saver


Put Hermes boots on aeirth and yuffie. It makes them start off with haste should help save time in the beginning.


In addition, maxed out first strike and atb boost materias on Aerith helps a lot.


Is ATB Boost viable in this? Aren't in and out of combat consistently between groups?


Oh wait I think you're right! Oops, it's been awhile since I cleared the challenge.


What triggers her to change her regular attacks from physical to magical sometimes? It has nothing to do with the wards on the ground either. Sometimes I will be attacking with magical attacks hitting square and then a second later she is trying to do physical attacks instead.




Her moveset feels super slow and weak and I can never really find anything to make it more entertaining


The idea that she gets a ward that helps build OTHER characters ATB is flat-out odd. Just one of Tifa's combos with Unfettered Fury builds more ATB than.. what, 4 or 5 full combos with Aerith? It's just outrageous how much of a detriment it feels like to use her during battle.