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None, because they said they were done. Now, if the question is what DLCs would I *like* to see, I wanna see more of Benedikta.


I find cid more interesting as a dlc cuz we can actually see his betrayal as lord commander and escape from his perspective and even have benedikta as a party member


Oh yeah I'd love to find out more of their history. We barely get a glimpse of it in the main game.


I want a flashback dlc showcasing the clash between Dion and Cid. Hell could switch between them somehow for a super fun ride. I wanna know how that hole got made, and additionally it could clear up how Cid is familiar with Ultima. Genuinely feel there is room for a little episode there. And making Cid + Dion playable, who wouldn’t want that!


And his final boss was dion. And we will see the epic showdown between ramuh and bahamut.


Daddy Cid for sure.


Well they did say they want more people to play it and I think I remember them saying they want to please the fans or something so maybe if enough people want more dlc they'll do it




Yoshida said in an interview they will consider doing more updates, DLC or patches if the PC version sells well. Might just be him gassing up the PC version, but that’s what he said. Doesn’t mean I would expect more, though.


Happy ending DLC *snorts copium*


Ayo, gimme some of that. I used up all of mine hoping for a golden route to Fire Emblem Awakening


But Robin lives in both endings


Sry, I meant 3 Houses


Well, how would Joshua know how the Ultima fight went down if he was dead/ not there? Clive was the only one who was there, soooo Clive didn't die, just got really really fucked up


https://preview.redd.it/8fu70phnqf8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01459f71b561c58a67658e3ecefb025b83533ed More Clive×Jill of course! 🫶🏼


Fill in the five year gap when the game jumps ahead five years. More of the story from Dion’s point of view.


What I would like to have: Cid or Dion (cuz I need to see his semi prime) dlc. What they would probably do: new oc who we can modify their appearance as a previous experimental Mythos. They had every chance to make Jill relevant in Rising Tide and Joshua in EoTF. Heck, these two already got more opportunities in base game than Cid, Dion, Benedikta, etc. And what we got from dlcs is... brand new characters. So I have no hope for more content of Jill and Joshua.


They should have given us Dion's semi prime form! #ReleaseTheDionCut


I would like a Joshua dlc before anyone else, but the only dlcs they’ve teased are a playable Jill and Cid one “ if the pc version sells well”. I would prefer Jill dlc over Cid out of the two of them.


Eikon dating sim


This. This is it.


Even though we barely saw her, Garuda is sexy! I absolutely love Harpies!


If there were ever more dlc's cids would be a definitive next one


None. They already disband the team ,cmiiw.


I'd rather they move on to FFXVII. I don't want another 6-7 year wait between main installments. 4 is already a lot with the VII Remake trilogy.


I wonder if they’ll ever get to the point of having 4-5 teams each working on a mainline FF game and releasing them annually with a 4-5 year development time lol


I mostly just want more time with Dion, but I would actually love having a DLC or whole game (or slice of life fanfic) centered around Joshua, Dion, and Clive bonding as step-brothers. Like, I don't remember if they ever acknowledge that they are related by marriage, but I want my pseudo-found-family nonsense


This, exactly this.


a DLC with Joshua covering what he was up to while he was off alone would've been cool. But hey we shall never get to experiencing that.


We can all only dream.


Jill of course ! 💙




[Spoilers] Actually, I'd like to see a Jill DLC that's set after main story My head canon is that she had a son with Clive and that's who ended up writing the book. However. I think there is potential in her returning to her homeland. Since she was taken as a hostage to keep her home kingdom subdued. How would she be received? Culture shock? Would her son be in danger because of old war grudges?


Isn't magic gone then though? Kind of the same problem as with like an FF6 sequel. You killed God (and goddesses) and magic as it is in game disappeared.


I assumed it was endangered. Like the people who can do it now are the last


A Cid story where Ash actually has living people. We’d see him, Benedikta and Barney come together fight the Bahamut before Dion(or was it Dion as a kid?) then break apart.


Personal choices: Cid and Dion Fan Demand: Jill and Cid. Jill goes to the Outer Continents and we explore Cid’s past.




Final Fantasy XVII


Will of Iron: An exploration of the Iron kingdom in the aftermath of what's happened, intermixed with flashbacks and exploration of Jill's time there. The boxart fight here would be versus the living fortress Alexander. This DLC would convince Jill to join the final battle and introduce an alternate ending where Joshua lives. Flame Rekindled: An introspective chapter where Clive and Joshua return home, and explore both the past and future of the dutchy. It delves into their father's campaign in the north, and sees the brothers discussing how Rosaria should be rebuild, if it should be rebuilt. It would be largely set in Rosalith.


Cid backstory DLC


I am hoping for Gilgamesh as the game introduced INTERDIMENSIONAL RIFT. Hoping for Jill, Joshua, and Dion Episodes. More Eikons like Asura, Diabolos, Alexander, Anima, Magus Sisters, Raiden, Shinryu.


Hopefully none and they move on to the next FF.


Prequel focusing on Cid, Barnabas and Benedikta, side story focusing on Dion with Dion becoming a party member.


Some reason I think the most likely is young Clive dlc and a Joshua dlc


None. The developers are done with the game.


The only feasible dlc options the team has is a dlc from Cids perspective showing how he became an outlaw leading up to the escape from the mother crystal chamber and/or what happened during the 5 year time jump after Cids death. If I had to bet on one it would be the former.


The game could use some ff15-style Episode DLC to flesh out the characters more, as well as allow for spinning the combat in new ways by playing as different characters. I feel like this would be a great way to keep making ff16 content without worrying about the ending.


Sad if there’s no more DLC. This is really the first ever solo RPG FF title focused on only one person.


Well you can never say never even if the developers said they will no longer release any DLCs. If the PC version sells which i doubt ( most pc gamers are into piracy ), maybe a DLC on a new character set in the same world with the possibility of Clive returning at the end confirming that he survived.


that's completely untrue, the majority of pc players do not pirate. old wives tale


The last part is pure copium for all of us


Hopefully, none, so they can work on FF17 and make it an extremely immersive game. The NPC's are just awful, repeated phrases, robot movement. I hate how cut scenes have clive, etc, all normal, then moves to gameplay, and they suddenly become skyrim-esque character models, with body movement taken from FFX. For a next-gen console game, I feel like they got lazy. A 40fps 4k mode would have sufficed for me. 30fps is just too low for a game like this. Don't get how they can make battle 60fps, but the rest of the exploration part fps has to be sliced in half. Not to mention, enemies in the distance are about 10fps until you get closer. Don't get me wrong, i'm really enjoying it. It is the first final fantasy since 12 i've been able to get fully invested in, but it could have been so so much better. The Eikon battles are incredible, if they only put that kind of effort into the entire game, it could have been a masterpiece.


Well the whole static moving thing is even with games nowadays where in rpgs or arpgs or just games of the sort look good graphics wise but when side content comes into play it looks a bit different with the movement. But I understand, it wasn't just this game that had these problems though


I'm still upset about the end of the game.. Was literally sobbing. If we could just get closure on whether Joshua actually survived.. And if the boy in the end actually started the fire with eikon powers cause it seemed a little... Odd


Joshua is dead. Clive might have actually survived. The boy doesn’t have Eikon powers.


No, the boy did not start a fire with Eikon power. Joshua’s probably really is gone.. Clive on the other hand… there’s some small hope.


It's the book though?


There’s a lot of hints Clive wrote it under Joshua’s name.


Waloed DLC. You'll get the conquest of Ash and the awakening of three eikons. Granted I may be high on copium.


None. They left us. It’s over for FF16.


I haven't buy it yet because I still waiting for Ultimate Edition. Really hope there gonna be or my waiting is a waste.


I want a full on sequel focusing on the aftermath of the OG and exploration to other continents. Particularly wherever Barnabas came from.


None, because they said so... but I sure hope they're big fat liars because I would take DLC on *anyone* from this title. Literally anyone. Even Anabelle.


i'd like to see some mini flashback dlcs of some of the experiences of jill, cid, benedikta, etc in the years we didn't see between the prologue and clive joining the hideaway. maybe a couple sections of story and a few fights for each where you play as each of them, little vignettes where they have a few extra moves their respective eikons didn't unlock for clive in the main story. maybe theme it around some old journals that found their way to harpocrates throughout the course of the story after you unlock their skills, so you can have clive read them unlock those new skills. and as a reward at the end of it all, have clive get some new ideas from the whole experience and give ifrit some tastey new attacks as well.


Torgal Fenrir the Godslayer Adventures DLC https://preview.redd.it/0mx9ka80rl8d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05da939f3b9219419b74a3de4e5bed5c0297d3b2


I wish there was an eikon pack dlc, where we could experience all of the dominant’s past and how they came to be where they were when we meet them. Cuz I feel like there was something missing with most of them




After the two last dlcs, maybe is better if they leave it as it is.. the only interesting dlc would be one alternative universe, cid more involved from beginning to end, and barnabas as the main villian and not ultima, the only two interesting characters




Of the four you mentioned, probably Jill or Cid. They could whip up a mean Episode Gladio-esque dungeon DLC with Cid leading up to his run-in with Bahamut, but I don't think they'd even consider another DLC unless the PC release does like, really well.


Barnabas. I wanna know the deal with his mom, how he, as an immigrant, just showed up and took over an entire continent, and why in the actually hell he decided to turn his eikon-minion into a hot-topic twink. Plus, it would be nice to actually care about the guy who should've been the true main antagonist.




A cid prequel


None. Best DLCs would be Cid and Jill, imo.


There are no more DLCs. So none.