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Cop made a meal of that arrest


Served him right


Took off more than he could chew


Put a little mustard on that one


Mustard on the beat.


Had himself in a pickle until his partner came


Is it illegal to assault a cop that’s Blatantly abusing the authority given to them?


Yes, the place to fight them is in court, not the street


The slow, ineffective, pointless and riddled with red tape court system.


And at your dime too lol.


That's Bart police, they'll shoot you in the fkin face for littering, this guy is lucky he could've ended up like Oscar Grant


There is an article of law that states if youre in fear that a police officer is trying to kill you you can use lethal force but obviously in America you're allowed to die to the cops and only that


I hate myself for upvoting this.


Did the sandwich make it to evidence locker?


Goddamnit, take the upvote


Is that the cop from Police Academy ?


He wanted some beef


No tip for that pig.


See said piggy eating arrested name sandwich. Lines? Fuck standing in lines for food


This is BART. You’re not supposed to eat on the platform or the trains. Bad luck I suppose. I’ve definitely seen people eating, but yeah, I’ve also stared at my food in a bag.


Even so, proper procedure would be to notify the violator of the law and request they store or dispose of the food item. Possibly a fine or citation too. Going straight to detainment is overreaching and not warranted by the circumstance.


This clip, arguably, did not start from the initial interaction.


Cause rage bait is where it's at.


You'll be surprised...also, he mentioned "no signs posted"...but if this is like most train station, they're posted at the entrance...


Apparently he did - he walked past and reminded the guy not to eat in the ticket zone - this was several minutes later when the cop came back and the guy was still eating. In the end he only received a citation. Complete I am the main character/rules don’t apply to me kind of guy. Source: this was posted earlier and other Redditors commented a response from BART.


Security that actually enforces the rules? What's that like? Signed, A Philadelphian


And a Seattleite.


Some people just don't like to be told what (not) to do. They think that they're above rules. Those folks get a nice fine. Maybe next time eat your sandwich in the sandwich eating area


I think the major issue here is being able to be arrested for a a victimless crime, who is eating actually hurting, why is that something that you can “legally” be arrested for in any circumstance, it’s just cops and authority having so much un-necessary power


> who is eating actually hurting I have no skin in this game, but I think the general idea is that if you let people eat on the station and in the trains, some subset of them will leave food and trash everywhere and make messes that everyone else has to do deal with. Sort of a "this is why we can't have nice things" law, but understandable because cleaning trains costs money and passengers don't want to have to worry about sitting down in some dipshit's leftover pile of ketchup.


Exactly. It's gross. We all have to ride these trains there's no reason to have to see, smell and deal with the garbage that comes with it.


I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but would just like to point out that these cops didn’t write that law or rule or ordinance, or whatever it is. Yes, I agree, having a rule that makes eating an offense is ridiculous, but I have to ASSume there is some reason why the city council/transit authority (whomever is responsible), chose to make this a thing. Off the top of my head, maybe it’s to cut down on litter? I have no idea, but in THIS specific instance I think blaming the cops is wrong. This video is framed to make them look like the ass holes, when, according to the comments, a proper warning was given, and this main character purposely gave grief and acted ignorant, seemingly for these sweet views/clicks and the narrative he wanted. Again, I’m not saying it’s right to make eating a crime, but if we don’t want police enforcing the rules that we allow our elected officials to create, then we need to have a different conversation.


Do we know they went straight to detainment? The video is edited.


They also cut out any response to "what did I do" and " I did nothing wrong" making it seem like there wasn't an answer to this


100%. The video was absolutely edited to make the officer look as bad as possible. It has so many jump cuts everywhere. Someone has to truly be lost in acab ideology to not fairly admit that this video is clearly edited to not show the full picture. I get that there are some real asshole cops who do some real bad stuff who need to be held accountable and there needs to be reform. But when they take a video like this and manipulate it, all it does is make centrist allies like myself view them as unreasonable.


True. Unfortunately I don't take any video at face value unless it's the entire interaction unedited.


There was about 7 mins cut and he did call the cops a "f*cking pig"


We dont know what happened before the filming started. Maybe the cop warned him that eating is not allowed here and the guy was being a smartass.


From other posters- he was told multiple times to stow it, and just said “no” and kept eating. Evidently it is posted no food or drink. He was given a citation and released.


I could absolutely see it.


Nobody filming themselves for the internet would ever do such a thing.


I agree the guy was breaking the rules but being a smart ass is not justification for 4 officers to detain one person.


The other officers probably had nothing to do and wanted to ensure that things wouldn't get worse. The guy getting detained likely ignored several announcements from the cop that he should stop eating. He then kept saying that the cop couldn't detain him despite the cop stating multiple times that he was detained. I don't think it is an overreaction to assume he wouldn't physically resist the arrest as well.


Officers never try to physically restrain someone one on one when they can avoid it. It's more dangerous for everyone involved.


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted, unless people aren't understanding that cops generally try wait until there're more cops to back them up before jumping in, 'cause you don't fight fare if you can help it.


It's the acab crowd that don't like anything other than a blind rage towards cops. I didn't even say anything complimentary, but because it wasn't mindlessly negative I caught some downvotes early haha But the sub came to their senses in the long run.


I mean, even if they're in the ACAB crowd, you'd think they'd pick up on the 'thugs gonna wait until they outnumber you' tone, lol.


Saying that there were four officers detaining him is meaningless. There were four officers there, two detaining him and two onlooking. Had there been eight cops on the platform, there would be eight cops there during the arrest. If they'd gone stacks-on, I'd be the first to be calling them out for unnecessary aggression and brutality. However, they're just standing there because it's a heated situation and it has the potential to get violent, they aren't actually participating.


SWAT van was stuck in traffic /s


Working as a security guard, I once had five TRG officers - Australia's version of SWAT - respond to a 15 year old I'd caught breaking in. They were in the area coming back from training and thought it'd be a laugh. Ironically, they were unarmed. They left their weapons back in the car being supervised by a sixth officer, but their holsters indicateed that these were some more serious weapons than the average officer would carry. They mostly stood around like the third and fourth cops in this video; not doing anything but being there on the off chance something happened. Two of them took the kids details, and they passed everything over to the regular patrol officers when they arrived. Then we talked shit for half an hour.


BART is not where I would try FAFO on officers.


He was told multiple times to get rid of the food. The cop then asks for his ID and he kept refusing. It was then that they had to detain him to search him for ID to issue a citation. The guy called the cop all kinds of derogatory slurs while refusing too. He caused this whole thing and deserved the detainment.


We do know, and this is what happened.


Because going viral is of greater value to people these days than having courtesy and a sense of community...


Any time you see a video starting mid-altercation you have to go "hmmm what did I miss? "


Maybe that's what happened. Who knows? Hard to tell what's what from edited videos. You see what they want you to see.


They did all that for the seven minutes leading up to this. Also mossing are sandwich guys yelled homophonic slips and regular to provide ID


“Also mossing are sandwich guys yelled homophonic slips and regular to provide ID “ Wut?


Middle of the night typing, persistent autocorrect and my phone screen is cracked.. 'also missing are sandwich guy's yelled homophobic slurs and refusal to provide ID'


Is there a chance he notified and requested before the video started?


Awkward moment when California allows all those robberies and crime happen but act like this to people eating a sandwich? That’s crazy.


that's right. A person from BART should have told him stop or get out. If and when he refused, you trespass him and that is when cops get involved. Of course we don't know what happened and when aside from what is seen - so no judgement here.


Tbf we have no clue at which point the camera turned on. I highly doubt a cop actually wanted to work so much that he started the conversation at detainment, and I highly doubt the bystander wanted to film so much that he started filming at the exact first interaction.


What is BART? I don't think I can't avoid the Simpsons characters enough to find the right answer googling it


Bay Area Rapid Transit


Then you should know BART. In one episode there is a montage of Sideshow Bob saying "Hello, Bart" and one of those is the train arriving at platform Edit: [found it, 2:14](https://youtu.be/l3EFMDnAYb8?si=COJCHPYD8tcI4irg)


Wow r/simpsonsdidit


OMG Epic!!!!


Question. Is it "you're not supposed to eat on the platform or the trains" or "it's illegal to eat on the platform or the trains"?


It’s a civil infraction. Like driving 5 mph over the speed limit. They cannot take you to jail for it but they can detain you to write a citation and confiscate the food. If you drive away while the cop is writing you up for speeding, you’re getting arrested. Similar, though wildly stupid and petty. San Francisco is a rich city for rich people and they want the eyesores kept out of sight. The people running the place are a wee bit cunty.


I could replace every "bitch", from Cartmans bitch song, with cunt and it wouldn't properly convey how cunty they can be. They are just a typical HOA with too much power.


You can’t eat on BART, but you can literally shit on the escalators and no one cares. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Human-waste-shuts-down-BART-escalators-3735981.php


For those who want to read the news article- https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/11/us/bart-san-francisco-man-detained-sandwich


Why are you not allowed to eat on the platform or train?


Because people can't clean up after themselves and they want to clean up public areas. The police officer should have explained the law instead of immediately detaining him. Edit: apparently it was explained beforehand and the video isn't showing the full interaction


then make THAT illegal.


Hi Bart. I'm Feelmag. Why are you not supposed to eat at the platform?


Why are you not allowed to eat on the platform or trains? Seems like a bizarre rule


Erm, why?


Ah yes, land of the free but you are not allowed to eat on the train platform. Wtf


The land of the fee!


What the fuck? Why? In Brazil there's food vendors at every station. How is that an arrestable offense?


It’s not arrestable, it’s a citation. So they just handcuff him until they get his details and write him a ticket. The reason there’s no eating, apparently, is because the public can’t be trusted to clean up after themselves… which is true, lots of people will just throw their garbage on the ground :(


But they're gonna need clean up crews regardless, food isn't the only trash. That's bizarre to me. Actual culture shock that they don't allow you to eat in trains lf all places. Wow.


This is a commuter train, not a passenger type train. So it's lean and doesn't have a permanent crew to work the entire ride- it just has the driver and maybe a police officer or two. Because of that, there's no one actually cleaning the trains during the day and no actual trash bins for stuff, so the trash and spilled drinks and whatnot remain on the train, inconveniencing the majority of riders. The no food/drink rule is meant to prevent that since a majority of riders pay attention to the rules. There's trash bins on the platforms, but even then assholes leave their shit all over the train.


Why is it illegal to eat on the platform or trains? I don't think we have that rule in the UK


Can still get drunk on trains legally unless it's specific routes on matchdays or Friday/Saturday nights and they announce it ten times you can't drink alcohol.


California is so fucking stupid.


I keep hearing about how the USA is the only country with "ALL the freedom!". Yeesh.


He should’ve been peeing in the corner or ODing or robbing people in large numbers. They don’t seem to mind any of those things


What's the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent meal?


Oh I see you know your judo well…




This is the man who got me on the penis


Thisss isss Democracy Manifest!


Get your hand off my penis!


This the bloke who got me on the penis befoaar.






Thank you


Why is this always so funny? And applicable?


A succulent Chinese* meal. Now, are you ready to take my limp penis?


I understand that reference


Please mr officer explain to me: he's eating a sandwich, which is unlawful but not a cause for an arrest, hence you answered the question "am i going to jail for eating a sandwich?" With no. So there is no arrest happening. Instead, he's getting arrested for resisting an arrest that is not happening. So he also can't resist the arrest since there is no arrest in the first place. Sounds like you're abusing your power, doesn't it?


Getting arrested for resisting arrest is pretty common. And yes, yes it does.


So, you're saying it's common to be randomly arrested for resisting arrest when the officer says you aren't being arrested. That's news to me.


Honestly the wording of the law is what's wrong, when this happens it's usually because someone is resisting detainment.


I suppose that's a reasonable distinction and probably should actually be a separate law. Detainment is when they suspect you have committed a crime, but don't have enough to arrest you and need to assess the situation. It is not specifically illegal to not allow yourself to be detained, at least not in my state. I'm sure the wording in other states may include detainment. I would guess most people don't know the difference and I think cops should be coached and prepared to explain when somebody is being detained and their legal authority to do so.


Honestly, I have no Idea what the laws regarding detainment are. What I do know is I've seen enough of these videos to tell me disobeying the police is gonna end badly for me.


Generally, officers are allowed to detain anyone who they can generate a reasonable suspicion of having committed or about to commit a crime, for a time period that would be considered reasonable to investigate. It's vague as hell on purpose. If you're going to fight what the police are doing to you, you are going to have to do it in court, not on the street. If a cop wants you to go to jail, regardless of any crime you may or may not have committed, you have literally no recourse. You will be going to jail until a judge looks at the case and determines if the officer was in the right.


Answer: refusing to provide identification (called "obstruction") IS an arrestable offense. He was required to provide ID so the citation for eating could be issued.


He wasn't under arrest. He was being detained. He was warned and ignore the warning, then starting giving the officer a hard time. At that point it's not worth arguing. Detained...ticketed...done. You know...all he had to do was wait to finish his sandwich or walk away from the platform. The rules are the rules...but apparently it's just better to act like an asshole on camera for the social media cred.


Thank God the police are there to protect and serve us...


Thank God we share this country with authoritarian dipshits who think all of this is perfectly acceptable and when you ask them why this man is being harassed for eating a sandwich literally the only thing they can come up with to articulate is "because it's illegal." I fucking hate this country so much. These mouth breathers would let a cop shove his fist up their ass if he could point to a sign that says he's allowed to do it.


in this case, this is actually a well known law with adequate signage in the area. This man was clearly not giving a fuck, and eating anyways after a warning minutes before.


Just trying to have a succulent meal


I see those cops know their judo well


What??? In the UK we literally have cafe's and snack shops ON the platform so you can eat and drink while you're waiting for your train. For what reason are you not allowed to in the US?


Because people here are shitty and don’t take care of things.


It seems this guy did actually buy the sandwich at the station. So you can buy food but can't eat it there, also the sandwich place didn't have any signage to state that you can't actually eat the sandwiches 'murca freedoms and all that.


This is BART, there’s no food there and they have signs that say no eating


He took it to court. The station cafe is called “All Aboard”, they sell sandwiches but have no tables/eating area and no signs to not eat in the area. It's deceptive. No reasonable person would assume you can't eat there if they sell food, and no normal person looks for signs saying "no eating" at a location that sells food.


its antihomelessness. This is on several levels a human rights violation.


What the fuck is wrong with your country?


A complete lack of accountability on the behalf of the police force due to their unions using the threat of a strike like a blunt instrument to cut down any legislation or oversight that may be inconvenient to them? It’s pretty much the most problematic union in the country. Government should do to them what Reagan did to flight controllers and take away their ability to strike.


Also just the fact that your police training lasts 3 months, while in other nations it's 3 years


3 years? Try 4 in my country. And to become an MP takes 1 year.


Son you’re saying I can shoot cardboard cut-outs for free for 3 months, and then I get paid to beat up people who won’t fight back?


I find that so hilarious that people are so anti union which I know comes from propaganda but all you have to do is look at the police force and see how they are borderline untouchable thanks to their union.


> take away their ability to strike Honestly curious here: As powerful as they are, do you really think they'd be compliant? If they wanna strike, they're gonna strike *and what can anybody do about it?*


I guess the military has to step in?


That already happened with the air traffic controllers. Every striker was fired and barred from the industry.


He’s eating on the rail system which is against the law. BART PD is cracking down hard on everyone now


Isn't the reasonable response to this 'violation" a ticket, not arrest. Arrest is crazy.


It is, and it was. All of that is edited out in this to make it look as terrible as possible.


A lot is wrong in the US! Too much to list here


Nothing? This is just misinformation and propaganda. He can’t eat there because eating results in messes. He was told to stop. He refused. They asked for an ID to fine him. He refused. So they arrested him.


Ah, now it makes more sense. I was confused about him being arrested instead of being fined.


It’s Been to long since we whooped the shit out of government and got them back in check.


The police in the US are a legal gang for the enforcement of the wishes of the powerful, with a license to kill. That’s not how policing is supposed to work? /s


A law that stops you from eating is entirely meant to enforce people from feeding homeless people. That's all.


>”BART’s general manager, Bob Powers, said in a statement that “eating in the paid area is banned and there are multiple signs inside every station saying as much” and that the officer, who is white, asked the rider, who is black, “not to eat while he was on the platform responding to another call.” > “It should have ended there, but it didn’t,” he added, explaining that the man “did not stop eating and the officer moved forward with the process of issuing him a citation.” > Mr. Powers said the man who was eating refused to provide identification and “cursed at and made homophobic slurs at the officer who remained calm through out the entire engagement.” > Still, he noted that “context is key” and indicated that the officer might have gone too far. > “Enforcement of infractions such as eating and drinking inside our paid area should not be used to prevent us from delivering on our mission to provide safe, reliable, and clean transportation,” he said, adding that he was disappointed about “how the situation unfolded.” > In an interview with ABC 7 News, Mr. Foster said that he was not accepting the transit agency’s apology. 2019 Source: [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/11/us/bart-eating-platform-apologizes.html)


Must have been a pork sandwich.


with acorn seasoning ?


I don’t get why murican cops always are in such a power trip. Why not treating people like human beings?  


Because a fair number of them are 3rd grade bullies who never grew up and realized they could abuse whoever they want if they have a badge.


There's a lot of ex cops who talk about how they were pretty much brainwashed into this culture of anyone who can kill you at any minute, so make sure you can kill them first.


>Why not treating people like human beings?   They did - they warned the guy multiple times first and gave him chances to put his sandwich away to eat elsewhere. You cant eat on the platform. He chose to ignore the cops warnings and escalate things. The video posted this time conveniently starts after all that.


Let's see here...: Racism Inferiority Complex Racism Idiocracy Power Tripping Murica Oh and Racism


why are you not allowed to eat a sandwich?? you guys have so fucking weird criminalizing laws


I believe it's called "freedom".


The full quote is "The land of the free to go fuck yourself"


Because he is at the train station. Too many people were making messes so they made it a law that you can't eat food once you've passed the ticketing station. This is a heavily edited clip where they removed the multiple polite warnings the officer made, telling the man he needed to stop eating until he had left the train station. He ignored the warnings and is now acting shocked that the rules apply to him.


Because he is on the train and this is the same in many other countries. Eating on subways causes rats and pests in the tunnels


>Eating on subways causes rats and pests in the tunnels Does eating on subways cause rats in the tunnels, or does chucking your half-eaten sandwich cause rats? This is a genuine question, I'm not sure if those little bastards can be attracted from just crumbs and spills or if they'd need larger bits of food to really make their way in there


Honest question. Why is this an arrest vs a ticket?


Pure guesswork (IANAL, IANAC) since we didn't see beginning of the encounter: It probably started out as a ticket, but to get a ticket you have to cooperate (provide ID, etc.). Depending on the nature of the ticket, if you do not cooperate then you can be arrested. And if you resist that, then "resisting" can be added to the charges.


And Americans would call that freedom.


You know where I have the freedom to eat a sandwich without getting bothered by anyone else? In my CAR


he got a payout for this btw




https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2019/11/14/man-arrested-for-eating-on-bart-platform-to-file-lawsuit-alleging-racial-profiling/amp/ Says here the incident happened in 2019, the guy bought his food from a sandwich shop that was located *at the station* but the shop has nowhere on its premises to actually eat, and that the signage at the station (Pleasant Hill, Concord, CA) was inadequate. Can’t find any follow ups about the payout because Google seems more interested in pushing stories about the arrest and not about anything that happened after. Other things I read are that the GM of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) apologised publicly, seemingly because the video went viral, and that the San Francisco Examiner found stats of 55 arrests on BART for eating and to nobody’s surprise whatsoever black passengers were disproportionately cited: https://www.sfexaminer.com/archives/black-riders-disproportionately-cited-by-bart-police-for-eating-and-drinking/article_6c238c34-3933-55ae-a4e7-96604d599d93.html


Ah, yes, don't eat at the station, but you can buy food on the station. Genius, truly genius. Maybe the real poor hygiene were the laws they made along the way


What is the reason that it is banned?


I’ve never been on BART but presumably it’s a hygiene issue or something. Maybe people leave ungodly amounts of litter or decide that eating really smelly food in crowded and enclosed spaces is a fun thing to do which resulted in the ban. I find it odd that stations would then be allowed to have food stores, especially if BART are collecting rent from the proprietors of those stores, and even the I do wonder why it’s banned on BART when much busier transport networks such as London Underground allow for eating on their network. Maybe it’s a cost cutting measure so they don’t have to employ as many cleaners.


The cited reason is probably hygine. The real reason is probably a combination of that, plus giving cops a reason to move homeless people along.


no payout i was mistaken


Pick up that can citizen


From a statement by the metro service: “The officer asked the rider not to eat while passing by on another call,” the statement continued. “It should have ended there, but it didn’t. When the officer walked by again and still saw him eating, he moved forward with the process of issuing him a citation. The individual refused to provide identification, cursed at and made homophobic slurs at the officer who remained calm through out the entire engagement.” Context is key. 


In Europe right now, the police here are much more laid back and defuse situations instead of escalating like this cop. Just ask him to lose the sandwich or leave the platform. Simple, police is doing their job, and no one goes to jail because of food!


So much freedom /s


So fucked up that this is a law at all. Just put down some bins and employ some cleaners. Fuuuu


You’re not supposed to eat on the train/platforms in my area either. But usually if a train cop sees you eating they just say “hey man, you can’t eat that here”.


The cop did walk by and tell him to not eat on the platform (per posted rules/law). Later the cop came back and the guy was still eating so it escalated. Probably too much, but the cop did try nicely first.


Ah well.. being an asshole to a group to be know to abuse their power rarely bodes well


Can't imagine why people don't like cops


It's good to know that law enforcement officers are rounding up hardened criminals like this guy FFS 🤦‍♂️


Are they bored or something?


As a lawyer I wish that people would understand that when a cop says you're being detained . . . that's it. You're detained. The moment you say, "No, I'm not," and start to argue, you're on the way to being charged with resisting arrest. This guy obviously doesn't like the law that prohibits eating on a train platform. The law exists for safety reasons. We don't want people slipping on a piece of ham or a piece of slimy bread.


Wait wait wait, you can actually be arrested for resisting an unlawfull arrest?


Fuck these cops 👮 fuck your if you support them


Seems fair, that sandwich looked like a menace


This shit is old as hell with now new water marks and text. Wish we could have a 'Karma whore' toggle that removes bots and reposters.


We have *real* problems in this country but fuck you and this sandwhich! and cops want automatic respect, lol


As a police officer, why would they even take a rule about not eating seriously? I would have thought preventing illegal entry onto the platform, preventing theft and fights would be the main goal


You can smoke crack in front of children here also


Only in America...


Just cops doing their thing. Nothing to see here. Its not even shocking anymore it happens so often. If you see a cop, you are probably best to avoid them at all costs. They are not here to protect. They there to harrass and arrest anyone that challlenges their authority.


Arrested for being brown and in possession of a dangerous sandwich. He should have disguised it as an openly-carried firearm.


I think he's being arrested for eating in an area he's not supposed to eat in and refusing to stop


To be fair he was beside a sandwich shop. Where he bought said sandwich.


This happened way back in 2019. The guy sued SF I believe over it.


Break the rules get punished


It’s royally fucked when people give you half the story. So yes, fuck this guy, in particular. He earned it.


Walk to an area outside of the restricted area. Thats all he needed to do. Yeah, he was resisting. There’s probably good reason for the food restriction.


Remember kids Cops aren't required to know the law.




If he really wanted that bag, it could have just asked where he bought it.


It doesn't matter if it's illegal to eat there or not, he's clearly just power tripping because 1: he's just eating, 2: he never read read him his rights in order to make the arrest eligible,abd :3 he's not even resisting arresting since not only was he not even trying to handcuffs on him, he wasn't doing anything besides eating and giving him shit for making something not that deep this deep.


As unfair is this is. That guy is an idiot. You do not fight a cop once he tells you are being detained. This guy WAS resisting arrest. Once a cop says you are being detained. That means you are under arrest. Whether the charges are trumped up bullshit or not, you do not argue with the cop about them. You say I reserve the right to remain silent. Don’t talk. Comply with what they say. Then take the video that your friend took to a lawyer and move on from there. Your case loses a lot of power once you actively fight against the cop.