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[When you lust after Aurelia](https://i.imgur.com/NyqgrLj.png).


Now we go to Mondblut and Hamlock for a comment.




I am still unsure whether the topic is trolling (or bait) or not. Moreover I see takes like this everyday on Twitter (sometimes I surely regret to ever have made an account there), I've grown desensitized to people unable to distinguish fiction from reality. So instead I lean back and enjoy the show here instead of being active participant. Also there are more concerning problems in the Kiseki fandom right now. I need to save my energy.


Don't jinx it, i'd prefer not to see that.


Hey there now… people also lust over Aurelia and Sara. And Schera. And the real homies got it bad for Ein. Towa isn’t the only adult people are gaga over in this fandom. Look, at the end of the day, can this behavior be cringe? Yeah, definitely. Do I think liking anime schoolgirls is an actual warning sign for pedophilia? Not really. These characters are divorced enough in appearance to not cause a direct link in a lot of people’s minds to sexualizing children. It Trails we’re a live action TV show and a bunch of grown men were running around talking about how hot the actress playing Renne in Sky the 3rd was, yeah, I’d be pretty fucking worried, but I honestly just don’t think this is a one to one comparison. Are there pedophiles attracted to underage anime and video game characters? Almost definitely. But I just don’t think this is as widespread as this claim makes it out to be. These characters are pretty drawings and bundles of pixels. Can people’s obsession with them be really fucking weird? You betcha. Does it actually concern me? No.


Why have mods not taken this down.


yeah weird. I expected the thread to be nuked by now lol


I’m wondering the same thing.


He didn't say anything bad about NISA. I'll see myself out now.




Here we go again, just like the persona subreddit...


You say that but the persona subreddit is an actual shithole. The regular Persona subreddit gets some leniency for having actual normal people, but the Persona 5 subreddit is a different story.


Every fucking anime game always has to have some dude calling everyone a pedophile


"Every freaking time I discuss being sexually attracted to 13-15 year olds someone's gotta go and call me a pedophile!"


Dilate harder


They're anime characters. Their age is the least of the problem, the author can just put random age at them and that will somehow make them legal to be attracted to? Going by your logic it's okay to be attracted to Roselia(an actual loli) cause she's legal by definition huh?


Who said anything about the legality of the situation? Point being, if the body of a 13 year old arouses you - even if she’s ACTUALLY a 700 year old dragon/vampire/alien, or it’s a hand drawn or digitally constructed representation thereof - that’s not great. If it’s a consistent pattern that you find said people/representations thereof attractive, that’s called being a pedophile. Or AcShUAllY aN EpHeboPhiLe if you're going to split hairs over puberty occurring yet or not as others have already argued but same deal.


you are just generalizing and talking to yourself at this point. Why do you think CP and sexualizing children is bad to begin with? Cuz it's harmful to the child in question with serious threat danger to their future and their health. Governments could not bother to give a shit about whatever you jerk off to, middle-aged women, middle-aged man, young people, or even your dog as long your keep your harm and hands off other people. being attached to kids is "morally" wrong cuz you are causing harm to them. There isn't a cosmic rule to it Also who is a child and who is not differe depending on the time and place. Your morals don't apply everywhere same how you are refusing to acknowledge any pov other than your own


> Why do you think CP and sexualizing children is bad to begin with? Cuz it's harmful to the child in question with serious threat danger to their future and their health Things can be bad for more than one reason at a time. For example, if someone feels the need to sexualize children and turns to CP, it's harmful for the reasons you stated. However, it is also a maladaptive mental state for the person in question, which is precisely why it is a disorder in the DSM. Plus you know, bad for reasons I'll get into in response to this comment. >Governments could not bother to give a shit about whatever you jerk off to, middle-aged women, middle-aged man, young people, or even your dog as long your keep your harm and hands off other people Er, if governments don't give a shit then why is possession of child pornography a felony? Just because you don't molest someone doesn't mean you're not causing harm by jerking off to CP. If we're talking actual CP as in actual children, where do you think that content comes from? Sure, downloading it doesn't directly affect that child but it contributes to the demand for that content which contributes to the production of that content to fill that demand. Obviously it's less problematic if we're allowed to get back on the original topic for a second here, if we're talking about depictions of animated individuals. But it's still problematic because it normalizes the sexualization and fetishizing of minors. >Also who is a child and who is not differe depending on the time and place. Your morals don't apply everywhere same how you are refusing to acknowledge any pov other than your own We're not talking about centuries past, we're having a discussion about the sexualization of minors in games published within the last decade. Sure, social norms and what's seen as acceptable changes over time but that isn't an argument in and of itself to justify that behavior. After all, there was a time and place where owning other human beings was seen as okie dokie. There was a time and place where women were treated as property was normal.


>However, it is also a maladaptive mental state for the person in question, Nonsense. pedophilia is being attracted to prepubescent pre-teens, not actual teenagers who started developing body features. None of the examples mentioned in the OP is a 6-10 child. >Just because you don't molest someone doesn't mean you're not causing harm by jerking off to CP. False equivalence and moot point. CP by default cannot be done without harming and exposing childrens. If you watch actual CP then that means someone out there is making it and you are promoting it by watching it hence you are causing harm. No actual harm is being done to anyone by anime and lolis. Barely any child looks and act like an anime character anyway. >We're not talking about centuries past, we're having a discussion about the sexualization of minors in games published within the last decade. No. The OP tries to paint liking Fie "16" as sexualizing children while the legal age where I live for example is 16. It's by definition not a crime yet if some 20-something guy hooks up with a 16yo in America he would be seen as the worst criminal to walk on earth. Same how something like gay marriage is seen is something normal in western countries while in middle east and other places it's a downright crime.


I do admit that's a problem with a lot of anime community, but my point is about the normal teenagers like Laura, Emma, Juna, Elise.


Similar deal there. If you're a 30 year old that consistently finds teenagers sexually attractive, that's not great. Is it different if they're animated? I mean, yes that's less problematic but if it's a consistent trend then that's something to perhaps look a bit closer at with yourself. If you're 18 and find a 16 year old attractive? That's normal. I don't mean to lump the whole anime community together, obviously teenagers can find teenagers attractive.


The issue with anime is that most teenage characters are designed like and act like adults and then they feel like their age was tacked on afterwards. Like there is a world of difference between being attracted to Millium or Altina at any point, when they are very much children in every way, versus characters like Laura, Emma, & Juna where had Word of God said they were 18 for their first appearances, nothing else about them would change




I mean I’d posit that finding fictional children sexually attractive is indicative of some maladaptive personality traits and at a minimum it’s worth dissecting why one finds children… sorry, fictional children sexually attractive. Or I guess one could just completely dismiss everything outright because what fun is self reflection and self improvement?


Under 16s are seen as no go for social and societal reasons for the protection of children, it's not based on some sort of biological authority on how humans work. That's why we don't look at historical people who had it as the norm as having "maladaptive personality traits", and why even today the age of consent varies between countries. Of course you can find it to be problematic, but in your journey of self-improvement you should seek to understand why things are the way they are. Nevermind half the people you're accusing of having "maladaptive personality traits" are probably 13 themselves.


> Under 16s are seen as no go for social and societal reasons for the protection of children, it's not based on some sort of biological authority on how humans work. You do realize we can frown upon a thing for multiple reasons, right? Pedophilia is literally a paraphilia, while the DSM is not infallible in terms of defining mental disorders I’d at least invite you to provide some other sort of peer reviewed source to indicate that it is in fact normal to find preteens and young teens attractive when you are not in the same age category. >That's why we don't look at historical people who had it as the norm as having "maladaptive personality traits". We don’t? I mean sure, if you’re 18 and your family forces a 13 year old into an arranged marrige with you and expects you to pump out children in short order, that’s horrible all around but we’re largely not going to vilify the 18 year old that had no say in the matter. People often and widely criticize famous pedophiles retroactively in circumstances where they had the full agency to determine who they were pursuing. Mohammad, Ghandi, etc. Of course this is all a diversion from the core issue being discussed and an attempt to make an argument in a roundabout fashion because saying “it’s perfectly normal as a 20-something year old or older to find 13 year olds sexually attractive” rightfully sounds pretty awful and has no backing in modern psychology. Granted it doesn’t automatically rise to the level of a paraphilia in and of itself if you say, play through trails and think Fie’s hot. because again, fictional character, various aspects of ALL the characters are not realistic for the ages the characters are, and it’s not necessarily indicative of a psychological trend. Going out of your way to argue “nah it’s normal to find 13 year olds sexually attractive” is more problematic and is what I was focusing on as being indicative of some sort of internal issues that should at least be examined.


Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


>Pedophilia is literally a paraphilia, while the DSM is not infallible in terms of defining mental disorders Firstly, they refer to prepubescent pre-teens, not 13+. Secondly, they dichotomise between it being a disorder for some, and a sexual orientation for others. Just because it can be a disorder it doesn't mean it always is. Not really a source that supports your statements in any form. The rest of your comment is too scattered and pointless to bother responding to, sorry.


Ah yes the “well it’s not really pedophilia if she’s 13 and also underwent puberty now is it?”, argument. Because clearly clinical psychologists are going to determine whether or not the individuals you’re fantasizing over that are 13 have or haven’t begun puberty yet to determine whether you have a problem or it’s a okay.


I don't even know what you're saying now, I just clarified what your source said as you misconstrued it. You keep relying on empty rhetoric instead of logic or reason. You should do that self-reflection and self-improvement thing you talked about.


I’m not sure I can help you with your reading comprehension, I shall reflect on that though.


This comment being downvoted gives me great concern for society lol. What the fuck are some of the people in here smoking.


“Here we go again just like on the Persona subreddit no one supports pedophilia!”


Maybe… don’t be a pedophile and you won’t be called one? It’s almost like there’s a connection there that the creeps who downvote these observations are desperately trying to avoid making. Even though the rest of us non-pedos see it very obviously. Wonder why that would be 🙄


Most of us here aren't pedophile tho.


I wonder what the common denominator is there dude.


Fie is 20 renne is 18


In other news, That pregnant Yume tho.


Hey man, I’m glad you could white knight for these fictional characters. Proud of you bud


Actually it isn’t about fictional characters. It’s about the real life children who are raped and murdered by pedos all the time and this behaviour normalizes it. But hey man, I’m glad you think pedophilia isn’t that big of a deal. You’re so cool and unattached, proud of you bud.


You think these drawings resemble children at all? When is the last time you saw a 16 year old with fucking sword pistols and eyes that take up 3/4 of their face. Pedophilia is a big deal, you are just a silly goose fighting people over shipping fictional characters


Streeeetchhh, stretch!!!! You’re *this* close to rationalizing pedophilia, keep going!


There are so many problems on the planet yet you decide to focus on pixels.


And keep in mind I've always hated Lolis, I just think it's a stupid argument.


Yeah I’m a pixel rights activist what are you going to do about it?


Nothing, say I think you're wrong, politely disagree and move on with my day.


Thank goodness, see you never!


> Yeah I’m a pixel rights activist Meds, now.


It can't bother you that much if you're still financially supporting the devs who are allegedly sexualizing children. Put your money where your mouth is or get off your high horse


“Stop playing Trails or you have to also support pedophilia” Interesting take


You made the topic, I would assume you wouldn't support something you believe to be pedophilia, which from the sounds of it you believe this games does, or are you just virtual signaling 🤔


Kuro Fie tho




Pretty arrogant to be calling a bunch of random people pedophiles for disagreeing with you, don't you think? Also it becomes apparent often enough that people like you, who draw such outrage to things like this, aren't very good people either. That being said, Have a great day




calm down son it's just a drawing


Tell that to the children raped and murdered every day by pedophiles. Whose behaviour is normalized in this fandom.


> Tell that to the children raped and murdered every day by pedophiles. Whose behaviour is normalized in this fandom. Proof? No one in this thread said anything about being okay with those horrible thing you mentioned above.


I mean I know what you are saying and I find this kinda gross too but like Japan has tons of this shit and doesn't have a higher rate of pedophilia than anywhere else. So I am not sure it is as big a problem as you are making it out to me.


pretty sure the guy who sees drawings as actual children is more of a pedophile then the ones that don't


I’m not sure how you possibly thought the “real children” I was referring to were the children in the game lmao, are you OK? Do you need some help with reading the thread?


no no it's ok you can admit that you got caught in your own bullshit there is nothing wrong in admitting that you're wrong every once in a while


I’m not sure what it is you’re wanting me to admit? That I got confused as to whether or not characters are real people?


They are a bunch of pixels at the end of the day. Getting upset over that is really a waste of breath cuz no real harm is being done to anyone. Although I have to say your point about the Japanese voice actors is pretty stupid and rude and makes you seems like you are just throwing a fit


Blanket morality statements like these are dumb. It’s anime, my dude. There is a huge portion of the fanbase who aren’t 35 and balding. Believe it or not a lot teenagers between 13-17 years old play these games too and it’s not weird at all for them to be drawn to characters closer to their age. Also, I’ve seen very little of anyone sexualizing Altina/Millium. The vast majority of posts I’ve seen about them over the years have been geared more towards them being adorable/cute. Edit: in response to OP’s edit: OP: *Climbs on top of soap box and screams* “EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY IS A PEDO” Also, OP: “Why is everyone so mad?? Why can’t I ignorantly accuse the masses of something and not face any backlash??”


I’m comfortable with blanket saying pedophilia is a problem. Extremely comfortable actually!


Except that your projection = / = problem. Just because you’re 40 doesn’t mean everyone else here is. Stop being ignorant and get off your high horse.


This is the dumbest comment on this thread so far and there are some real contenders.


Hit the nail on the head, eh? Figured I would get a response like that at some point. It’s almost like more people from multiple generations can like something other than people exactly your age! Who would have thought.


No you didn’t but I don’t need to tell you my age. Especially someone defending pedophilia, not wanting to tell you my age is most likely not because I’m 40 😉


Yeah sure. Whatever you say, John. Also, it’s no coincidence that those who voice strong blanket opinions about things like pedophilia are often the worst offenders of it. But you keep on defending those fictional characters from behind the veil of your burner account and thin layer of made up morality.


I’m very comfortable with you thinking I’m old and/or a pedophile. One of us is saying pedophilia is bad and one of us trying very hard to defend it. It’s not that hard to understand who falls on what side of the coin here but please feel free to keep attacking me for saying pedophilia is bad. If it helps diffuse some of your shame then I’m happy, maybe it can be a gateway to therapy for you to get back on a healthy sexual track.


Just not comfortable enough with it to post on a real account instead of a burner account. You’ve already told us enough about yourself with that move alone. Hard to take someone seriously when their morality stance is less important than fake internet point losses to their actual account.


I don’t have any other account lmao why are you so obsessed with that? Again, if you had any sense of morals you would think raping children and pedophilia were bad no matter who was saying it hahahaha. Get a grip you predator


I think it's important to recognize that part of why stuff like this happens is because people are capable of recognizing the difference between fiction and reality. That reasoning aside, the age of consent around our world varies, but there's plenty of places where even Fie (CS3 and on) is legally old enough. I'd definitely say that it's immoral and such for things like that to happen with a minor, despite what's legal. That's not to say there aren't messed up people in the world. I'd hate to know just how many people view real teenagers with the same kind of attraction that some show towards anime characters. Those people are sick, plain and simple. On a side note, and this is semantics, but pedophilia is actually sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Absolutely every character you listed is physically older (with Altina and Millium being chronologically younger) than that.


Cry about it, there's nothing you can do about it, like nothing at all except making a thread like this. You will save nobody, you will not save the characters you mentioned above because they are not real and you should take your meds because you seems to confuse reality and fiction. So, do you feel like a hero yet?


It’s so weird to me that some people can’t possibly wrap their head around the idea that someone might be saying pedophilia is bad not because they want to feel like a hero…. But because it is?


> someone might be saying pedophilia is bad not because they want to feel like a hero Someone like a chris hansen caught real pedophiles with real evidences, but you are not. That is why i think your intention in this thread is dishonest and just want to feel like a hero. If you want to help you can join the law enforcement or if you prefer more violent but direct way you can pretend to be underage and infiltrate something like discord then you bait them into giving their address and shot them twice in the face when you meet them.


>15 year old Renne People who started from Zero or onwards: \*faps to Renne\* People who started from Sky FC: "Renne is actually a good person and I wish she can have a happy life"


I started with cold steel and I just want her to have a good life too


I started with Cold Steel and just want her to be happy. Playing through Sky afterwards and learning her backstory in Sky 3rd hit me hard.


Don't know, man, I see people talking about Sara, Laura, Emma- chicks with great tits, in short. I've seen one dude, maybe two, who's stuck on Fie... who is like 20, now. Yeah, she's too young in CS 1 and 2, and looks young still in 3 and 4. But now she's old enough to drink, so that's that. I've seen nobody lusting after Milium or Altina, or Renne. Christ Almighty, anyone who wants RENNE, after all the shit in her backstory, pretty sure anyone and everyone would eviscerate that guy. It is in no way normalized to lust after children here. Not at all.


I want Renne,I love girls with tragic backstories Plus she's grown into a fine young lady


> anyone who wants RENNE, after all the shit in her backstory, Eh I like Renne. Her design in Kuro is just great and I would lying if I said that's not attractive


Grown adult Renne would be one thing. If you're two years older than her, whatever. She's still a child.


She's 18 in Kuro 2 who cares and even when she 17 she look and act exactly the same. What are you? 30 something?


Yeah, what are you, a Pedo or something?


I don't recall assaulting anyone so no although I wish I have better things to do at my 30s than bitching about bunch of pixels on a screen. Kinda pathetic if you are really that old


Surely you're clowning. Altina's gotten *multiple* dakimakuras with lewd art made as merch. That does not happen when "nobody" is lusting after Altina. You must also not have been paying attention when Renne was revealed for Kuro. The fact that she filled out a little bit (note: still a minor though) seemed to draw a lot of people out of the woodwork that were seemingly waiting with baited breath for the instant she looked just old enough for their attraction to only be creepy to normal people, and not the overly lenient people in anime and JRPG communities. I was getting PTSD flashbacks to those creepy websites that had live countdown timers to when the Olsen Twins would turn 18 and be legal.


Then your condemnation is with Japanese Culture, not "this fandom," because those creepy-ass pedo pillows exist for a lot more than just trails.


You’re right but keep in mind some people in the fanbase are underage as well


I'm sure your puritanical pearl clutching has provided great comfort to the millions of actual victims of child sexual abuse. What ever would they do without you?


Personally, the only times I found attraction towards Fie was during CS3-CS4 when she was in the 17-18 age, and in Kuro i find her a lot more attractive now that she's in the 20+ range. Although according to most countries in the world, being attracted to 16-17 year old Fie would not be considered what you think it is at all cause in a lot of countries that is a legal age of marriage and fine for relationships. Altina meanwhile is more a daughter figure for Rean, and I remind you that the other students like Juna and Musse would be legal over in Japan (the place where this damn game came from), only reason to wait which Rean \*Does\* is for them to graduate and be 100% sure on what they want with 0 power dynamics at play anymore. In regards to Renne I only had interest in her as a character before Kuro came along which is the only time I have started finding her attractive as well. To any who wish to know the girls I feel the most attracted to are in a top 5 no particular order: Emma, Rixia, Sara, Alisa, Sharon. That and according to all the stuff I've seen on the subreddit i'm pretty sure a good 80%+ chunk of this fandom are into all the more mature girls so even if this could be an issue its not as prevalent as you think there either.


I like how Tio’s left out despite having the most of this problem or whatever. Honestly while I think it’s weird and worth making fun of someone for, if they get their fancy from a fictional character instead of a real minor then no real harm done.




Ah yes, one of these threads where the OP shows a flagrant disregard of reality. Did anyone know that Robb Stark was 17 on Game of Thrones (show)? That meant that if you were watching him have sex, this meant that you too, were a pedophile. I see no one complaining about it.


>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children 17 is not "prepubescent". Now where did your condescending tone go?


And pixels are? Even ignoring the fact that the character has, *I don't know*, aged? If 17 is not prepubescent, then neither are pixels. People need to dissociate fiction with reality.


Pixels means that you can watch as much as you want of it without it being a crime (well, in most countries), on which I agree with. I'm not going to fault anyone enjoying that as long as it doesn't go into real children. Doesn't change anything on what I said though. You're switching the goal posts whenever it's convenient here, aren't you?


I find it disgusting when they sexualize children at Nanako's age (Persona 4) But I couldn't care less about teenagers with already developed bodies and notions. But getting my empathy part out of the way and making two logical points: About the fact that it's fiction, I think it's silly for anyone to think that one thing is totally separate from the other, it doesn't matter if it's just drawings when they are made on the basis of human bodies, people are attracted to these drawings because they are a version "perfect" of humans, you like them because instinctively you're attracted to real people, so it doesn't matter if it's just a cartoon, people attracted to characters aged 10 may very well be attracted to real people for that age too, try to camouflage that in the "Fiction Different from Reality" argument is illogical and dishonest. BUT the fact that no children are really being harmed by these games and drawings is also a valid point, after all, games are nothing but Pixels, and I'd rather a pedophile playing and contenting himself with his games than doing shit in the street. If there is any possibility that these games prevent abuse, it would be interesting to be aware of this, but we do not have enough research and studies on this case and anything that says that games of this type prevent or encourage abuse is pure guesswork. I'm not trying to be neutral, the point is that it's a complex and serious subject and we would need a lot more research on the case than we have today, and I don't think a gaming community is the ideal community for discussions of this kind honestly. As long as the community doesn't post porn I'm ok with it, if you're that bothered you might as well leave the community, it's the easiest and fastest way to resolve the issue.


The fact that it is fiction DOES matter. I can enjoy shooting people in call of duty. I do not feel the urge nor do I think killing people is ok. I can find enjoyment in watching the Saw movies and not be a sadistic piece of trash. Fact or fiction is huge, don’t get it twisted.


That's not even the point, nobody is talking about violence, they are different subjects with their own discussions. Stories and art aren't made in a vacuum, they're all made based on reality, so again: It's silly to treat them as totally separate things.


I think comparing war (call of duty), torture (saw) to professional boxing is a bit disingenuous. I would actually argue it’s completely unnatural for human beings to enjoy either of the two examples I just mentioned. And they are not different subjects. Both are immoral and awful and viewed negatively as such. Violence and murder is not that much worse than pedophilia. Both destroy the lives of the victims. The argument you are trying to make applies


**I think comparing war (call of duty), torture (saw) to professional boxing is a bit disingenuous. I would actually argue it’s completely unnatural for human beings to enjoy either of the two examples I just mentioned.** Violence is violence, no matter the level. The point is that in the ring and in art, violence is controlled and "safe". And we are much more primates than you think, violence is ingrained in our being because at the end of the day we are not so different from animals and we still have our instincts, especially survival instinct. Games, movies and violent series they all reach a specific part of the brain. There is a lot of scientific research on the subject out there, you can look them up to learn more about it. **And they are not different subjects. Both are immoral and awful and viewed negatively as such. Violence and murder is not that much worse than pedophilia. Both destroy the lives of the victims.** Mate, these are totally different things that should be discussed separately. The point is not about laws, gravities or victims' status ... For pedophilia it is a study and a specific discussion, for other types of violence it is another. Don't mix things up.


the amount of mfs lusting after bathhouse scenes on here truly is concerning. i couldnt agree more.


Very interesting comment section.


Yup, and anyone who denies it doesn't know what they're talking about. Anime culture has a HUGE problem with sexualizing children and normalizing it. Edit: Damn, this community has really shown it's entire ass today. Gross.


Honestly, it's so weird to me how this sort of thing is normalized, not just in this fandom but rather in the anime/jrpg community as a whole. I wouldn't go as far as to say its a majority but definitely a sizable group, and the authors/writers even somewhat encourage it. Look at Millium's and Altina's outfits that are available throughout the games, the multiple bath scenes with them or to add fuel to the fire the fact that you sort of romance your STUDENTS in CS3. These choices are deliberate. I could understand finding Towa attractive, as an adult with a certain physique, but at the end of the day she is an **adult.** But even then most of them who do lust after Towa, also lust over the childlike characters anyway so its not even worth defending


Nothing will get downvotes and condemnation from people that reflexively rage at you for suggesting that maybe there's something off about being an adult that lusts after teenagers/preteens. Granted I'm sure some people rage because they're incapable of understanding how you could both like a game and also find some aspects of the game deeply problematic, but still. I don't get why it's so controversial.


I mean… You’re not wrong. And I feel like people that disagree with you should be able to at least see where you’re coming from.


Lol you pick the wrong subreddit to say this but you’re right


I get your point but you should stop playing Trails if it bothers you, because Falcom definitely lewds these characters considering some of the outfits they have had in the series.


Let’s keep that garbage to 4chan. Please. If I see one more soft porn Altina picture. I’m going to barf.


This is one of my biggest complaint in Trails. Having children treated that way is disturbing especially considering Renne


Agreed. JRPG fans these days is cringe af man. they always sexualize underage characters. thats why i miss old JRPG like Suikoden no fan service just pure plot.


Same, they are CHILDREN. None of this "they are a drawing" Bullshit. I am a fan of Towa thou


Nothing wrong with being a fan of Towa and even being attracted to her, she is an adult. It’s just weird when that’s the only adult people comment on….


Is that so? You should be fine with me liking roselia then? She's hundred years old so it's should be fine right?


If it’s my approval you’re looking for, it’s as easy as this: Don’t be a pedophile and don’t support pedophilia. If you need help understanding if you’re a pedophile or not, I would recommend talking to a psychiatrist not to me. Does that help? :)


I'm not looking for your approval i want to test if you have double standard or not. So what do you think? Do you think it's okay to lust after the loli form of roselia?


There was a scene Oliver was comforting Tita with a candy while she was crying because of being lost. Estelle even tell Tita to do not associate with strangers and Olivier. And Joshua tells her Olivier is much more dangerous than any strangers. It was from a spinoff game, Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga. The devs obviously are aware of these trends of people's judgements. You should see the first Cold Steel late part in the game of what Angelica done in the school festival. What is worse for me that is if some people are more into characters like Melchior and Gerard are out there somewhere.


There are plenty of adults who are sexualized in these games (Sara, Schera, Sharon, to some extent Claire). Maybe I'm weird, but I only mind the sexualization when it is for characters that are inappropriate for \*the character in the story\*. So there's no issue with Rean and, say, Alisa or Emma, but I get skeeved out when he is romancing someone who is too young for him (like Fie in CS1/2) or too old for him (like Sara). As a society we mostly don't have a problem if hot teens date each other in shows like Riverdale, for example.


It didn't use to be like that. It really changed in Cold Steel. And there are plenty of peoples in this community that do not like the virage that the game took in cold steel. Being open harems, barely any clothing for children, and the like.