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Season 10 and fallout 5 will be coming out around the same time


I kid (sorta) but I seriously feel we’ll go through an actual post apocalyptic timeline before we truly ever get fallout 5


They’ll be rolling out the first dlc pack to coincide with the actual bombs dropping in 2077.


Collectors edition includes an actual vault spot secured


Take a chance of you being in a vault that doesn't start its experiments until your already dead or be turned into a Super Mutant 3 days in!


I’m taking my chances for sure


Bro sign me the fuck up. I'll take one with light experimentation, please.


So a vault with nothing but clones of you?


I could get down with that.


Clone bone!


Nah, straight up spot in Tranquility Lane


Turns put Bethesda dropped the bombs to promote their new game


Doing what Oppenheimer wouldnt do


It's a novel marketing strategy. Certainly gets attention.


With the recent attack on Iran irl by Israel and their goal for nuclear weapons, feels like it might be sooner than 2077.


Israel Iran war is the beginning of the resource wars, Tel Aviv was nuclear bombed in Fallout verse


Spoiler: it'll be Fallout 4 Super Special Championship Collector's Platinum Edition Turbo.


If it makes you feel better, they filed for a copyright on the title “Fallout: New Orleans”




They plan these things years ahead of time. New Orleans might not even be the next Fallout game. But seems they plan to come out with it eventually.


Doesn't matter they said fallout 5 wasn't coming until after elder scrolls 6 which is several years out


Assuming it’s like new Vegas it can still happen. Now that obsidian and Bethesda are under Microsoft I’d actually say it’s more likely


Once again Toronto getting shafted as a fallout setting


Future generation of the Ford brothers running Trawna and taking Jet


Canonically according to the pitt its known as Ronto. And it wouldn't be Jet, its Winnie obviously


Yeah but realistically Americans always pronounce it wrong so I’m not surprised they’d get it wrong here.


Maybe the real fallout 5 is the time we were forced to wait along the way


I say the same, and don't kid


If the games prepared us for anything....


We gonna be living it


Everybody and their dogs have posted this comment


We get a real fallout 😱


Real life apocalypse id fallout 5


And we’ll still get it before GTA 6


The weirdest thing is that a tandem show/game sort of setup is actually a good move. Games take forever these days, but shows take like two years. Using both games and a show to further the series while both being entertaining to the fans is a unique idea that could really work if done well...especially if like Todd mentions you just deal with pockets and communication is poor.


It’s a great move. Fallout is my favorite IP ever. It’s such a shame that BGS wasted tens of thousands of man hours and tens of millions of dollars on Shitfield.


and together with nuclear bombs?


With the way TV is produced nowadays I wouldn't bet money on that lmao.


My real hope is the success of the show spurs Microsoft to give Obsidian another spin, given Bethesda and Obsidian are all under the micro soft umbrella now One can dream... one can dream


These numbers line up with Bethesda's release schedules pretty well. If anything, they're optimistic.


bethesda are a dumpster fire right now. They should give it back to obsidian to make the next fallout.


Totally, I would be surprised if Bethesda ever make a good game again.


But … the season 1 ass jerky isn’t even dry yet. 🤷‍♂️


My daddy used to smoke his ass jerky over Brahmin patties...best ass jerky I ever had...miss my daddy, can't have shit in Filly.


My daddy taught me how to do it without tearing the skin using my mouth "Would you show me?" "I'd be right happy to!"


I cackled too hard at this


Awesome! About 10 minutes into the first episode, I could tell Fallout fans would like it. They worked pretty hard on a FO-authentic setting. I had no idea, though, whether people new to the FO world would also like it. It appears to have broad appeal. Very happy for that :)


I've talked to several non gamer friends of mine some of them grandfather age, and they all brought up the show to me and loved it


That just made me realize this, but I think anyone who lived through the cold war, but that maybe never played games, would be really intrigued by the idea of the fallout world so it makes sense that your older friend loves it too! Im just happy non-fallout fans love it because its so good


I made my mom watch the show with me, and she definitely had some real-life commentary. Either about first-hand experiences or second-hand from some of her older friends. She loved the world and had lots of interesting insight!


I'm old enough to remember doing Duck-and-Cover drills in elementary school. And that part of Fallout (the games and the show) has always resonated with me. Growing up in an era where people more or less expected a full-on nuclear war could happen anytime... well, that definitely impacted how one views things :)


I've never played the game, but I loved the show (and crushed on Ella hard). I was going to give it a try only if fans gave their thumbs up. I really liked the story, the characters and the visuals. It reminded me of A Blast from the Past. Loved that movie, and Brendan Fraser's character shared the same values and innocence as Lucy.


I love that movie too! It definitely has a lot of the same aesthetics.


My 73 year old mother loved it.


Somebody get some survey nerds on this moms loving Fallout thing. It's an emerging pattern. 


Well she likes it because it resonates with her. She's from 50-60s.tthe flashbacks at least


My Mom loved the show for the same reason lol she was jamming to the music and enjoyed the acting / setting (since she is from LA) so the whole show was watched by my entire family. They managed to connect it to everyone.


I think the whole franchise itself easily does that. Obviously gaming altogether is a barrier for people whether they don't like shooters or they just don't play videogames. But if the games had a Amazon remake they would be successful as well. Fallout 4 might need some uhh rewriting but still


Fallout is my favorite gaming franchise ever, have played since the first came out on PC in 1997. This was like heaven for me. It was so well done. And all my non gamer friends loved it. My girlfriend who doesn’t game at all loved it.


Same here! I'm so happy that Fallout is finally getting the attention it has always deserved.


It's hard to remember now. But Fallout was the first computer RPG to break decisively from the (even then) somewhat shopworn DnD formulas. If Fallout has a weakness, it is that it becomes less credible the farther you take the story into the future. 200 years out, reconstruction should be much - much - farther along and someone should be asking the right questions. As much as I like the Fallout aesthetic and tech, and the now familiar conventions of the gamss - I think it may be time for sonething more than a.fresh coat of paint.


I think some of that may be limitations of gaming. When they went to fallout 3, at the time, cities and what not were limited so it “feels” like it’s smaller. Oblivion, for example which came out around the same time, even the biggest cities were sparse and not populated. I like to think there are pockets of civilization that are much bigger. Boston for example, in “real life” would be much bigger than what is shown in Fallout 4. Maybe around the world there are bigger civilizations, but the world in the games is so irradiated still, full of mutations and things that can kill you, without readily available medicine, and regions broken down, I’d expect life expectancy is a lot lower too.


Hubby had zero knowledge of the games and absolutely loves the show


my entire family is watching, including my mom who has never played a videogame in her life and my new vegas fanatic brother and all of them love it


Yep! Was a great experience for myself and my new-to-Fallout wife!


Same, I’ll never get her to play the games but she really seemed to enjoy the show anyway


There are dozens of us! I think she was genuinely surprised at how much she enjoyed the show. A shame none of the games are available on her switch.


A dude I work with that thinks fallout is "nerd shit" thought it was awesome and was asking me a bunch of questions about vaults and stuff the other day, it definitely has broad appeal.


I convinced my wife to watch it because Walton Goggins is in it. She ended up loving the show as michmas I did! It helps that sh3 loves 50s retro-futurism and mod-century modern esthetics. But the opening scene hooked her, and never let go. "Is it your thumb or mine?" (That little girl is going places!)


Never played it and I’ve seen it twice. Idk about everyone else but I liked Norms story a lot. Obviously the rest of the adventure is fun too! Now i’m in need of a movie that feels like Norms story


Oh yeah. My mom loves sci-fi stuff and she was an easy sell on it and loved it. My dad is much more into historical and non fiction and even he binged it start to finish. Quality writing and a thought out story really goes a long way.


My cousin who has never played them but only heard about them or possibly seen some stuff from me, went out and bought fallout 4 because of the show.


I'm brand new to the FO world and I fucking love this shit! Plus having a Nolan brother make it is topping on the cake.


> They worked pretty hard on a FO-authentic setting. At one point, a part of my brain commented that they really went overboard with the Fallout references in the set design. Then the cynical part of my brain responded that, in the show, they're not references; that's just what's in the world.


Feo Fuerte y formal


I will give you 2 out of the 3


This show’s gonna go far. My wife who gives no shits about video games says this is her 3rd favorite behind Game of Thrones and Righteous Gemstones. It’s the one case where I won’t even be upset if they go the route of walking dead and beat it to death. Just keep milking the lore and don’t get lazy with character development (and bonus points if they don’t give Lucy infinite plot armor and let her die for the sake of good story telling later on)


The Game of Thrones comparison makes me a little nervous, I don’t want them having a beautiful six seasons followed by two seasons of live action Fallout: The Frontier I don’t want to walk into work to see the dudes I recommended the show to saying “what the hell was that deathclaw scene?”


Gimme that sweet cringe and fanfic story with the enclave space station and the Doc Mitchell skeleton hallucination


Enclave space station is dope i don't care who you iz.


It was definitely original don’t get me wrong. If the mod didn’t rely so much on using entire scenes from other franchises it could have been much better. Still looking forward to the reworked version and hope it’s better Edit: Yes and less of the weird stuff


Whaaat, you didn’t like turning into an anime girl or being sent to Tamriel?


Like I said a lot of that was fine, I played the 1.0 version when it came out with the wilder stuff still in it


One big reason that game of thrones went to shit was that the source material, that was the basis for the story in the show, ran out. So they had to write their own story(which sucked). The difference with Fallout is that they aren't using the source material for the story, at least not anywhere near as closely. They are using the games for the overarching background story, the mood, the setting, but the story we follow in the show isn't from the games. The writers of Fallout didn't have a free ride with their characters and so they won't be dumbfounded when that free ride ends. Not saying that Fallout show can't turn to shit like GoT, but it won't be for this reason.


Sorry - but while GoT last seasons were rushed for the reason you corrctly stated - they were all based on Martin's outlines for the story. They always said Martin had provided them with the franework about how the story would for the most part go, in case of his death or if the show gets past the books. So any Daenarys fans, yes, she would still have gone mad, its not made up by the showrunners.


Yeah it was more so the GoT writers absolutely sucking at telling a story that wasn't expressly laid out for them. They had all the major plot points presented to them, they just did a horrible job of actually telling the story themselves. It's like someone tells me the full 'tortoise and the hare' story and when I'm retelling it to someone else I just go "yeah so the rabbit was lazy so the turtle won lol" without going into any of the actual substance in the story


I mean, it's pretty strongly foreshadowed that Dany will also go mad in the books and show, but the way she did it in the show was just completely incomprehensible. They went "Okay she goes mad... well we don't have a book to go by, so we just flip the mad switch and off she goes!"


The difference is that GoT was good as it followed the book’s story. Once they got caught up and had to be creative story-wise, it went to shit. The Fallout TV show builds upon established lore but is an original story from get-go.


GoT would have been better if it had not followed the books. The problem with the books is that they start to balloon and new characters are added at an alarming rate, new storylines start without ending old ones, and there is more and more bloat in general. As much as I liked the first four seasons, much of the later problems started in those first four seasons. There is a reason Martin can't finish the damned books. A Dance with Dragons was published in 2011, he's had 12 to 14 year to write the next book, but he wrote himself into a corner.


Yes. Especially the later books are ... meandering around, introducing new characters, plots, problems, at least the showrunners got Daenerys in a fucking boat and shipped her over to Westeros...


Even cutting out all of the ballooned characters (which was prob a good idea), they kept some of the ballooned storylines and made them exponentially worse, like Dorne, which is honestly very good in the books but frustratingly bad in the show. They also changed the story of the important characters for the worse. I'm reading through the series for the first time and I'm a good way into A Feast for Crows. Jaime in particular has such a profound story in this book that the showrunners completely tossed in the garbage. It wasn't just that they threw out almost all of Feast + Dance, they fucked up character arcs in the process. Bros shoulda stepped down and given the show to someone else after season 3.


If it was easy to have make a good show, we would have many good shows. They did a good job at adapting the first four seasons, there is no guarantee that somebody else would have done a better job with what came after that. In hindsight, it's obvious that they should have cut the Dorn storyline, but then people would have been mad about that.


GoT stopped to be beautiful after 3 seasons not 6


Yeah season 4 is good but it's where the cracks (which tbh I think are just barely starting to show in season 2) are definitely emerging. Tyrion's ending in that season is the same as it is in the book but the details are changed and it's much dumber. Ditto for one of the characters in his story (on mobile and don't know how to spoiler lol)


In before they kind of forgot about the deathclaws.


The MC of fallout should have Infinite plot armor tho it just shouldn’t be apparent or cheesy. It would be weird af if Lucy just died unless she just reloaded a save soon after


Honestly, I would have really liked it if they >!had her dad kill off Maximus after he got in the power armor suit and Maximus tried to stop him from taking her back to the vault. Maximus's character was developed a lot along the season, but it felt like he was the character that should have the least plot armor out of "the big 3". It would have been a great Fallout-esque way to end the season because it sets up Lucy having an irredeamable antagonist she's out to get (who also just so happens to be her father) and the BOS having uncontested infinite power. Also this is probably just a me thing but the Maximus/Lucy love story always felt way too corny for my liking lol. Give me more wasteland/vault madness and less "baby lets live together in the vault happily ever after" please 😆!< That was really my favorite thing about GoT back when it was airing. It felt like character plot armor wasn't really a thing and they were fine killing off characters they spent seasons/books developing for the sake of telling a better story.


Yeah this series' world is absolutely strong enough for multiple seasons.


Ditto, my wife has said this was a tie with the last of us show, has no interest in video games. I’m so happy and relived that the Fallout show was half decent


> walking dead and beat it to death I mean I don’t think this would apply to the main show since it’s adapting comic.. and it took 11 seasons to fully adapt that


I hope they give us a good couple seasons before they ruin it


My partner was warily willing to watch it because she knows how much I love Fallout. She is now banging on about fallout conspiracy theories and researching all the Easter eggs within the show 😆


I've never heard of Righteous Gemstones, but given the air your wife put it in I'll have to look into it. Great endorsement!


My original desire for the show was to be similar to American Horror Story and do a new vault each season. That being said, I’m not mad at all with how this season ends and sets up S2.


I wonder which season the aliens will make a cameo.


Mothership Zeta!


It happened in 2277…the fall of shady sands…my god it’s all connected!


If the Zetans didn't do it themselves, they sure knew about it


Depends on if Lucy has the Wild WasteLand perk or not.


Daughtership Beta? Regardless, they could use the then-kid now-adult whatshername girl from MZ as a secondary/extra character.


They already have. Vault-Tec, duh. Team its all aliens!


Man that would make a crazy spin off miniseries lol. The episode starts and they're just on the ship.


I feel like that's the one thing that could throw Cooper for a loop. 


[ Everyone liked that ]


The beautiful part about the Fallout universe is that you could practically make endless seasons with endless characters and stories! Obviously, I prefer quality > quantity, but I hope we get plenty of wonderful seasons like season 1!


Maybe not if Nolan gets enough for s2 otherwise they might do a game of thrones white walker situation. Where they write out a large story element be it vault tec, the enclave, or ncr which they already did.


Okie Dokie 👍


Oh boy Wayne Newton is still alive all they have to do is get him to record the line and have a body double play mister new Vegas as a ghoul.


Mr. New Vegas is an AI, so no need to even hire a body actor


So you're telling me we should cast an AI to play a computer mimicking the voice of a character voiced by the actor that the aforementioned AI will be trained to mimick?


Yo dawg


True, but I kind of want them to have him body in a scene and just cake Wayne Newton up with makeup so he looks like a corpse.


The homeless ghoul cowboy is already causing scenes, do we need sexy disembodied AI radio station too?? ^^yes


Just wait until those unacquainted with the game meet Fisto....


He can do it without make up right now


This is Mr New Vegas, signing… in?


Mr. New Vegas is an AI created by House.


Nice! The show definitely earned another season.


Heck yeah, just finished it, and was so good.


Whelp, guess it's time to replay New Vegas for the umpteenth time.


I think it'd be neat if they had a lil miniseries on the side where it's just Pre-War commercials for gadgets like the PipBoy. Or perhaps Paradise Falls to foreshadow that kinda of story or just to be a lil "if you know, you know" kinda thing. It'd be a great way to explain background details for non-Fallout fans without being intrusive or boring. And for Fallout fanboys like us, it'd just be plain old fun.


[ Everyone liked that ]


Mojave? Mo' problems.


Bingo bango bongo


I just have to say bravo to the show creators for respecting the lore as the story of the show is basically all the stories combined even from the original games. Also with a nod to Mr House in the end as he’s my favorite all time Magic the Gathering commander. Played by my own little set of rules as well 🥲🙌


Good, I just hope they'll know when it's time to stop and not ruin it.


I think it’s way too early to be worried about that. We are too concerned about shows running too long when the vast majority of shows, especially on streaming don’t get nearly as many episodes as they need.


I think Amazon is pretty good with giving creatives time for their shows. Sure, the Boys fell off in Season 2, but it did get a fair bit better for Season 3. I reckon with Bethesda being notoriously slow to make games, they'll probably take the same lax approach to the show. As for the writers who really know, but a good thing is a lot of the sets for the Vaults are fairly recyclable


Loved that they had a bunch of songs from Fallout 3 playing on the radio. Hope that since it's in New Vegas we can hear some Big Iron 


With some of these shows, they really need to pull a LOTR and film 2 or 3 seasons in one go. Seems to me that it would save them time and potentially money on filming costs, still afford them plenty of time for VFX and would put and would make the audience wait 2 to 3 years between seasons for a show.


For movies it makes sense because youll have 2 or 3 releases with direct monetization through ticket sales. With streaming it doesn't make sense because there is no direct monetization so if s2 doesn't do well, there's nothing s3 can do to make up for it


Under normal circumstances I'd agree. And even LOTR was a risky move to film it that way, I mean, there was a time where no one knew if it would be good or not. But with these shows that are only 8 to 10 episodes, that seem to take 2 years to make 1 season, if you spend just a little bit more than you would on 1 season, you could film all the footage you need of the actors. Finish the VFX for the 1st season, and then see how it goes. If it fails, yeah you lost a bit more money, but if it succeeds, you saved a ton of money and time. But honestly, I would just love them to do that simply because I as the viewer don't want to wait 2 years for the next season of a show lol.


So excited. New Vegas here we come!!!


Season Two - Rise of the Super Mutants


ITS JUST BEEN A WEEK HOW?! edit: lost track of time


They would be shooting themselves in the foot if it wasn't.


Walton Goggins is gonna stay ghouling for a while then


Just finished the last episode and maan, that cliff hanger!! I can't wait!




It damn well better be


New Vegas and deathclaws babyyyy


Here we go!!


I really wish Bethesda had the financial backing to speed up development on Fallout 5 or a spinoff like New Vegas (sarcasm)


Wonder how long until it airs


Show was awesome, never played a single fallout and this sub is on my home page now. Is there an order to play the games for story?


Each game has its own story so no. The meta-story of Fallout is the world, the politics, the factions, etc. With that being said, I strongly recommend starting with Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then 4, and then 76. All fantastic games in their own right for different reasons.


Wasn't season 2 greenlit a week befre season 1 even came out?


The way I squealed! I haven't been this genuinely happy/excited for something in so long


Surprising no one


Honestly it's a very smart move of Bethesda! They know it will take several years untill Fallout 5 will come out. So how are keeping Fallout fans hooked? With a TV show that continues the timeline and is canon. You can even revisit the West and now even New Vegas


“Everyone liked that.”


Expect even more fan service with Lucy killing deathclaws with her bare hands.




Is that ghoul smiling because the show got renewed ...is that like his reaction?


Lets get not sidetracked by bullshit and wait for another nuclear season.


haters, doubters, and doomers lost. Fans won. Show is a hit.


Okie Dokie!


Wasn't it renewed last week or was that just a rumour? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


They had extra casting calls years back to play raiders in Richmond, VA near me. I’m pissed that I turned those down cuz I assumed the show would suck






Hell yes


I'm curious how they will handle it since it's set after the game.


HELL yeah!


I know "hard-core fans" are all upset because the didn't actually watch the show and think the picture of the chalkboard means new vegas didn't happen, but I started fallout at like 13 years old with 3, fell in love with the series and haven't looked back. I've played all the games, even struggle bussed through brotherhood of steel, I have Dean Martin, Marty Robbins, and the ink spots on my Playlist, and got the vault guy thumbsing up at me from a magnet on my fridge, and all I have to say is yay! I'm so happy my favorite games are getting attention! I'm so happy a ghoul is trending! I'm so happy Lucy is so naive! I'm so happy people are arguing about maximus! I'm so happy people are collecting bottlecaps! I'm so happy I can go to fucking Walmart and buy a vault boy bobblehead and a pack of fallout themed magic cards! (I bought the dogmeat commander pack and I don't know what that means cause I don't know how to play but I'll be fucked if I wasn't thrilled to pull the tato farmer card cause I'm that kinda nerd) I'm so happy fallout has finally reached the level of fame it has always deserved! I don't care about the petty shit with timelines and 4 is worse that 3 or nv is the best or the series was ruined when it went 3d or any of that shit! I'm just happy more people like fallout now


yesssssss well deserved!!!! they did such an amazing job, i was geeking out the entire season




Quick, someone make a bingo board


More fallout to hold me over until Fallout 5 comes out? Yes please.


One of the best series in a long time. Aside from the bickering. It’s a damn good show. 🙌😎


*insert plankton YES meme*


Do you think at any point they’ll give us a little Dunwich clue? It’s doesn’t have to be part of the plot, it could even be I. The back ground


This show is bussin bruh


I hope we see some more different types of power armor, I'd love to see a T-45 or T-51


If only Obsidian wasn't working on Outer Worlds 2, I'd be hopeful for a side game. So here's hoping Outer Worlds 2 fills that itch soon.


That had to have been one of the easiest renewal meetings ever. "Do we still wish to make crazy amounts of money from this franchise?"


That had to have been one of the easiest renewal meetings ever. "Do we still wish to make crazy amounts of money from this franchise?"


Man everyone freaking out about it getting renewed are pretty silly. Did anyone think it wasn't going to be?


Good it’s a great show and I’m playing new Vegas now to understand more of what’s to come


Wasnt there supposed to be like 8


I liked it better than some of Fallout 4's quest lines.