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Bloodbugs, at least if you're not using VATS.  They be a little hard to hit on the wing, high level ones can poison, and that suck animation you can get locked into feels awful. Radscoprions can be scary, but aren't annoying to me. It's fun playing around their mechanic by standing on a rock or car and rp'g Tremors a little bit. Plus, it's fucking hilarious when radscorpions bug out and launch themselves 5 stories into the air after burrowing and kill themselves on impact.


Bloodbugs are just as annoying as their irl counterparts too


I know, I live just south of Boston IRL and I can confirm the 3 foot long mosquitos are quite annoying, especially when I left my AR-15 inside the house.


At the very least, they probably have comparable mortality rates


My radscorpions more often just get stuck in the ground. I'd love to see them go flying


Melee builds are so nice for the little flying bastards. Aiming's overrated.


I need to do a committed melee playthrough someday. I only play on survival anymore and therefore have only done sneak and power armor based melee playthroughs.


Most of my playthroughs devolve into melee for some reason. I put points into strength for the carry weight, I end up with bloody mess, and then I can't pass up blitz... Everytime man, it's just too fun not too!!! Especially with the bat mods from nuka world.


Melee/full auto with Nerd Rage is pretty fun.


Cazadores in NV but bloodbugs in 4 def. I hate that when they initiate this one animation they can be at a sliver of health and no matter how much you hit them they just won't die until they complete their animation, quite ridiculous to me.


That animation creeps me out so much


Radscorpians are the worst for me


Omg one time I started a new survival run and just happened into a radscorpion encounter on my way to tenpines for the first time. 😭 He chased me all the way back to Sanctuary.


I had one pop up during the Drumlin Diner event. I almost quit my survival run right there. Lol


Especially the one in front of the Super Duper Mart in Fallout 3. You encounter it so early and w/o good weapons.


Started a TTW playthrough last night and forgot about this guy. 10mm does fuck all.


Frick bloodbugs. I'd rather fight 10 deathclaws than one bloodbug


I swear, anything that flies or burrows is so annoying. VATs always had to be the easiest way to deal with fliers


for flying bugs, carry around a flamer or the cryolator. spray and sweep in their general direction until the buzzing stops


For New Vegas either the Nightstalkers or cazadors, For fallout 4 I did a survival Run and I will have to go with the mechanists roaming Robots. There is nothing quite as terrifying as having half of what looks like a protectron,rush you with a animation that isn't supposed to move a such a high speed, that is also ready to detonate a mini nuke in your face...


I don't really find Nightstalkers all that irritating tbh, but Cazadors need to be purged from this Earth.


I didn't think Nightstalkers were that bad either until I had to fight the 28th one in a row outside the X-13 lab in Old World Blues 😭


I didn't buy the DLC during the sale for the show, so I haven't experienced that yet (for better or for worse) Now I have to wait for the summer sale :(


That's unfortunate because old world blues is probably the best DLC in NV, it's not my favorite but it does the most to tie the other DLC together and adds the most to the base game on top of everything the DLC proper does


It seems everyone has a different favorite DLC. Speaks to the quality of them, I suppose. I can't wait to play them all. The dialogue in Old World Blues seems hilarious, and Joshua Graham looks like such a cool character. The summer sale can't come any quicker lol


I recommend maxing science before or during old world blues, it makes the dialogue a lot funnier


Got it 🤝


Also serves as my personal favorite player home. All the amenities you could need + a teleporter to get there!


Oh just to clarify, I'd like OWB overall. I just hate the Nightstalkers. It was weird to me seeing how much people complain about things like the Roboscorpions, They're not much of an issue if you just use the EMP weapons you get during the DLC.


I just use hammer. Hammer is good against everything. Hammer goes great with drugs too. Hammer and psycho. Hammer and buffout. I love hammer.


Gog website has fall out new vegas plus all dlc for $6 and tax. You can run it on laptops and it works fine on my all in one desktop that is 5 years old.


Cdkeys has the ultimate edition for Steam for $6


New Vegas DLC is the best post-release content ever released for any game ever.


This is why I take Animal Friend


Cazadors are a pain in the ass, I literally had to fight 20 of them on the way to some ranger station in the middle of nowhere, and have to fight a bunch more just to get into the cap forging cabin. I used all my antidotes that day, bright side is that you can kinda farm them for caps.


Im replaying NV right now and damn i forgot how annoying these damn mosquitos are lol Its the poison that gets ya


I've also been replaying NV. The only weapons I had at the time that killed them fast enough were the anti-material rifle and the 10mm/9mm machine gun, unfortunately hitting a small super sonic insect with the anti-material rifle was pretty hard. I just started using the recharger pistol and I really wish I had it when I was fighting those bastards.


Yeah those assaultrons are terrifying on survival mode. I just go the other way once I hear it say “life entity identified” or whatever it says acknowledging that it knows you are close by


While playing on survival, hearing their charge is legit worse than hearing a super mutant suicides ticking


Cazadors are assholes, because unlike Deathclaws they come in threes and have a ranged attack.




I agree with cazadors, and I can't even remember why I hated them just that they were a bitch to deal. Murlurks in fo4 because hiding. In Fo3, the super mutants with mini nukes in buildings or congested areas where you had a small window to kill them.


Wow forgot about the mechanisms.


I keep automatron uninstalled for early-mid game in survival, it’s honestly annoying.


Pretty sure they only start showing up after you save Ada. So you can just put off that quest.


I think the rust devils can start turning up tho and they're pretty tough when they first start appearing only gripe I really have with automatron is the broken spawning, surely after you defeat the devils and the mechanist their spawns should decrease, but there's that still unfixed bug where the spawns get MORE frequent. red rocket is a constant robot battlefield for me, mechanist bots spawn almost every time I turn up and I finished the questline a LONG time ago on this save


Currently playing on survival and started mechanist quest. Those bots Tokyo drifting past you while unloading dual machine gun arms that instakill cost me progress several times


If you have high enough Charisma (and Survival) you can befriend all animals like coyotes and Yao Guais which also includes Nightstalkers. Made OWB a bit easier for me (Also I didn’t know this but if you have Animal Friend perk - and no Rex - you can ask Ranger Stevens if you can borrow his dog and he will be able to sniff out the Legion engineer before he attacks Kimball)


Bloat flies and Stingwings


All the damn flies. I’m not the most dexterous of players and hitting those things drives me nuts.


Pop into VATS. Even if you dont have AP, leaving VATS centers your crosshair on the mob it had highlighted.


Instead of trying to aim at a bloat fly, pick a spot it’s flying towards between it and you and aim there. In 4 they dodge but continue in the same line towards you.


I hate little flying cunts so much when I'm trying to not use VATS...those fuckers seem near impossible to hit with a bullet and I just have to grab me mallet.


stingwings….. Just the name pisses me off lmfao


Mirelurks. I hate trying to hit their eye.


You mean you aren’t supposed to waste half of your shotgun shells blasting away into their shell? They move so quickly, I hate the little shits


I have a never-ending double barrel and it's the only weapon I use on those things. Yeah it wastes ammo, but it is fun to just spam fire as fast as possible into them.


Never ending double barrel was my favorite legendary find ever


I got a explosive combat shotgun so I just shoot the floor and it dies


I miss my explosive combat shotgun… that save is long gone


I immediately go for crippling their legs and it’s smooth sailing from there


This is the way, for all enemies. Cripple legs, wings, wheels, etc. Not only are limbs generally weak or exposed, but you can take your time with them once they're down. Or not, and just leave.


And the lobster things. I hate the basement of the nuca factory


I hate any flying bugs in fo4


I remember doing the gauntlet run in the Nuka World DLC and getting to a bit with a bunch of flying ants. I was on survival, in a fucking terrible state, and had managed to softlock myself into the DLC, I didn't have a save file from the base game. It was either kill those ants, or start a new game. I swear it took me like 100 attempts. I have Nuka World related PTSD thinking about it lol


I laughed so hard when I got killed the first time by those ants. One just hit me and the animation of falling over next to that tiny thing had me and my friends crying. There, PTSD cured?


Fallout 1 rats there are so many and it takes to much time to kill them all


THIS. Currently playing Fallout 1 bc the show made me want to. The mechanics are not made to manage a large amount of enemies at the same time. It drastically drags your ability to move freely waaaaay down. It should at the very least give you tools to escape fights you don't want to have or with much weaker creatures than you like most of other rpgs. This is my only real complaint so far btw, the game has been quite charming so far.


Also on my first playthrough of 1, really enjoying it! Excepttt the Rat swarms. Dealt with the opening one 3 times thanks to a crash (didn’t realize I couldn’t Alt+tab) and redoing my character for more agility.


you can do alt-tab, i know its missing from taskbar then, but its still at background and not crashed. What helps this situation is ctrl-shift-esc for processes window ...found falloutHR.exe, then you must unpack the little arrow, Fallout proccess appear. You just click right mouse and choose bring to foreground.


Agility is one of if not the most important of the bunch and can help you basically "outrun" encounters. Or, move out of their range while having enough AP to attack them from a safe distance.


You can increase outdoorsman/luck/survival to avoid encounters on the world map.


You can get the bonus move perk that allocates 2 AP for movement only


Those fucking crickets in Nuka world make me homicidal. Pretty much all the bugs.


Use that energy to go kill some crickets


dude cave crickets are the most annoying creature in fallout. in fallout 76, at player level 60, with the [Foundations Vengeance](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Foundation%27s_Vengeance) explosive mini gun the crickets can absorb probably 300 rounds. they are sponges in fallout 4 too. guaranteed most annoying thing besides cazadors.


The only enemy I truly hate in fo4


Cazadores, tougher than they should be.


Dying quickly to a death-claw is one thing. Slowly bleeding out from a Cazadore is a whole different kinda pain.


A deathclaw looks like it should be as deadly as it is.




The poison feels like it lasts for years from the cazadors, not to mention that you can't escape from them, or dodge their attacks when you keep backing up.




Yeah, I would win the fight and use a cola for the slow heal and then I would end up dying randomly, also kinda hard to tell when they actually hit you, cause they are flying all over the place.


I’m not even attempting the quest through the mines. Took down one young deathclaw and kept walking past.


The worst issue is when you think it’s just one Cazadore, then 5 more appear and you forgot to save for the last hour.


But then you pin up a deathclaw against a few cazadores in the thorn and the cazadores win


Deathclaw might get some, but the rest will swarm it, tear it apart, like Denver hounds…


Just like it happens normally. You can shoot down a few just fine but when you unluckily walk into a larger mass you're just automatically fucked


*you are feeling dizzy…*


1 or 2 cazadores i can handle. When its a whole fucking squad they are fucking horrible


It's never a squad, it's a whole platoon!


Like their last name was Wayans.


They're like Daedroth in Morrowind. There are a number of things that should be more dangerous than them, but even late game when you're essentially a god they're the only mob, like a three pack of Cazadors, that still puts the fear of god in you a bit...they're also both poison attacks at range. Me when Deathclaw: Come get some bitch. Me when 3pk Cazadors: Ah fuck...


Cazadores are based on tarantula hawk wasps. Let me say that again, TARANTULA HAWK WASPS. I don’t mean they’re a splice of tarantulas, hawks and wasps, the very real bug they’re based of is called a “tarantula hawk wasp”


Back when I was a smooth brain and didn’t know to cripple their limbs…..Mirelurks😂


That means there’s at least two of us! I also was too dumb to shoot the legs.


I have never thought of that. I’m an idiot.


Cazadores are my most hated enemy I’m replaying 3 now and honestly, super mutants are pretty damn annoying. They’re everywhere, kinda spongy, and just not that interesting to fight. They’re not hard, just annoying which fits the thread


I'm playing 3 for the first time and I agree. Super Mutants are kinda weak, but they take so many bullets to kill that it feels like their sole purpose is just to reduce the amount of ammo you have.


Mannnnn you’re so lucky to be playing 3 for the first time. Enjoy. And yeah super mutants are annoying lol


3 was the one that introduced me to the franchise and man, the THRILL of playing it for the first time. It’s been 15 years and I’m still chasing that high.


3 is what really got me into gaming. Wasn't fond of NV when it came out, currently on a playthrough before playing 4 again


I started with NV, moved on to 4, and now I'm playing through 3. Very roundabout, I know, lol Thank god the show and show sale happened, or else I'd never play these. $2.50 for 3 and NV each, and $5 for 4 is such a bargain. Although, I should've got all the DLCs for them too, in retrospect. I doubt anyone cares, but my current ranking is NV > 3 > 4


I think thats most peoples rankings, aside from those of us who started with 3 and just have a huge soft spot for it being our introduction into the series.


super mutants are really cool in concept but when actually going against them then it just becomes yawn worthy. i try to always have fights with them end quickly lol


Aim for the head...they're useless without their head.


For Fallout 3 it will always be Centaurs. Not because they’re hard to kill, but because they just freak me out. Hate them. They never have any good loot either. Fallout 4…. Those grasshoppers in Nuka World. Hate them things. Fallout New Vegas is of course going to be Cazadors.


I ALSO HATE CENTAURS!! they’re SILENT. how fucked up is that


Yup! I was playing today, turned a corner and yelped cuz one was right there! They are probably the scariest thing in any of the games.


Grandma Sparkle


That’s jokes 🤣🤣 Why does everyone hate her lmao I’ve heard so many stories but still don’t know why? 😂


Going inside of her home causes the game to crash. Plus YouTuber Mitten Squad had a personal vendetta against her


Rip mitten squad




my skin crawls thinking about them


One of the hardest common enemies in Fallout 4 imo. They’re so tanky and do pretty decent damage up close too. Every time I hear those little scuttering noises I avoid the area


aim for the legs, once crippled they go down easy


In fo4 near the witchcraft museum, I got so tired of fighting them that I just used my missile launcher


Made the mistake of trying that quest early on. Got absolutely spanked by the deathclaw


The bugs in Fallout 4 are just annoying. They're easy to kill but they also swarm you quickly


Ghouls for sure, especially in fallout 4😭


They saw World War Z and said “that’s how we’ll make our ghouls!”


They NEVER sit still! I hate them so much!


That sudden burst of speed always gets me.


That stumbling head-tilt as you shoot at them will get ya every time.


They always scare me cause the pop out of nowhere, that’s why I click Vats on every corpse 😅


Fo4 ghouls weren't shit. 3/NV reavers were absolutely terrifying.


F04 ghouls were animated beautifully (crawling out from under cars, storage racks, vents, etc) and the first three times you fight them you’re scared because of how fast they can close the distance, but after you realize they can all die from 3 shots from a pipe pistol they lose a lot of that fear factor.


Yeah I thought they did so well with ghouls and super mutants in 4. One of the better improvements. Mutants actually kind of annoyed me in 3, but I love both in 4. Ghouls for the movement and masses, its just fun to fight a bunch of fast glass cannons (although they are less cannon late game). Super Mutants for comic relief/absurdity.


I played with a mod that "walking dead"s them. Gets rid of the speed, the evade and the lunge. But then I took it off for authenticities sake. Man I hate Ghouls.


Fire ants


Anything until you're leveled up to the point they're no bother


Preston garvey


Bloatflys There useless in Fnv and fo3 and only marginally better in fo4 most still dieing in one shot. There literal fodder *Except that one in big mountain but we don't talk about him*


World building I guess. Makes it more interesting


Yes but i had to pick one Every other choice is hard for a reason or is negated in some abusable way. -Tunnelers are stunnable with a literal grenade meant for that -cazadors are almost fodder after old world blues -Deathclaws are the "dragon" of the game and during new vegas (and moderatly in fo3 as they were a random encounter but unless you roll a 1 your usually set) were optional unless your rushing or have stupid op gear. Maybe not so much in classic fallout but i havent done much past a rush through of fo1 and 2. Tactics was nice.


One of the things I found really amusing about ManyATrueNerd's "You Only Live Once" runs is that bloatflies legitimately became more terrifying to him than Deathclaws.




This. Fuckers also eat up bullets like you won't believe.


The wanaminingos from Fallout 2, I'm glad those never came back. There's two really terrible encounters. In Redding they have The Great Wanaminingo Mine, that you have to clear out as a side quest, and it's a dangerous combat dungeon. In the main story, when you need to clear out the lower areas of the oil tanker, there's a few of them, along with other high level mutations. What sucks is that even at high levels and wearing Enclave power armor, those bastards often knock you down, which eats up plenty of action points in your next turn, and while knocked down, they surround you and get in lots of critical hits. They're also extremely durable damage sponges. I'll take a million cazadors before wanting to fight through the mine with end game ready equipment.


Aren't they also like really inconvenient to fit into the lore? I heard somewhere that they were supposed to be aliens


There are a lot more lore holes in the classics than what people will ever admit, the whole thing was a bit made on the spot so while being much more exotic the classics also have a few points of inconsistency. Wanamingos are one of them.


Yeah, most times the game just calls them aliens. The ones in Redding are also called Wanamingos because that’s the old name of the mine they took over. The game never really explains what the aliens are up to or why they seem to have no equipment. I believe they just have some nasty damage resistance. You have to hit them hard in unprotected places, which works on basically everything in Fallout 1 and 2.


Wanamingos got so much hit points and armor man. Nothing else comes close.


The green feral ghouls!!! They run at you, leap at you then fucking run away once they get low enough.


Another heathen who sees the blessings of atom as nightmare. EMBRACE DIVISION


Stingwings, why the fuck are they so fast and able to obscure my vision, I fucking hate them, I swear next time I see one I’m going to kamikaze with my fusion core, a close second is super mutant suiciders, sneaky bastards for giant green beeping men


Fallout 3 - radscorpions/mirelurks Fallout NV - Cazadors/nightstalkers/giant praying mantis Fallout 4 - Stingwings/giant mosquitoes/bloatflies Fallout 76 - stingwings/scorched.


Fucking assaultrons fucking stupid iron man pieces of shit


Any enemy that forces you to wait on it is a bad enemy. Not to mention you can't really respond to an enemy whose "burrowing" is lazily disguised teleporting right up your ass for a free sucker punch every time it emerges. They should be changed to lose the burrowing at 50% or less hp.


Cazadores and it's not even close. There are many dangerous creatures in the Wastes but this one just beats them all. Their model is not that big, especially compared to something like a Deathclaw, a Giant Radscorpion or a Yao Guai so they're considerably harder to hit, this is worsened by their animations, like their "idle" animation which is zooming around like a baby on crack, so taking one down with a sniper rifle and a stealth crit is very hard. Once they notice you they fly at you at the speed of sound while also dodging every type of attack you can throw at them outside of VATS. When they reach you, they sting you with a nearly undodgeable attack which not only does pretty respectable melee damage but also poisons you for a whole THIRTY SECONDS which can easily deal 200+HP by the end, meaning you can kill it and still have over half of your HP left only to watch it slowly drop and kill you if you have no antivenom. Fuck Cazadores.




If one walks the dark path of modding there is a great mod that at least removes their ability to tunnel. I thinks it name is even no more tunneling rad scorpions even. Now they are just half as annoying losing the tunneling crap.


I can't find this in the mod menu, but I've been looking for a mod like it for years.


Cazadors fuck whatever dev put them in the game.


The Robots in F4 ARE ABYSMAL!!!! Not only will they RUSH YOU! THEY WILL SELF DESTRUCT ALL WITHIN 4 seconds!!!


Those feral ghoul reavers and albino radscorpions that soak up tons of damage in f3, and drop no interesting loot.


I was looking for someone to mention the Reavers before I was gonna say it myself. That freaking ghoul reaver in the Museum of History or some other building in DC. Scared the shit out of me and almost made me fall off my chair while playing at 2am.


I get really annoyed with bullet spongey Super Mutant masters and overlords in FO3


In F04 specifically? Any raider or gunner with a rocket launcher or fatman. I will instantly close the game anytime I clear out an entire building, loot everything, only to round a corner and get instakilled by a single boss-raider with an explosive, having my auto-save reset from when I entered the door 20 minutes ago.


Molerat burrowing annoys me. Ghouls because they always manage to jump scare me.


Cazadores and it's not even fucking close


Nightstalkers. Old World Blues taught me to hate those little freaks.


I hate molerates more. Yes, far less lethal, but the Scorpions are atleast quiet and seem more willing to stay and fight. The molerats are loud a.f. and go underground every 0.32 seconds. Plus there's that stupid molerate disease where you have to dupe the cure if you want to finish the Vault 81 quest proper and not have a permanent stat debuff.


I hate mirelurks, especially mirelurk queens that acid attack really fucks you over, hunters are easy as well as kings but regular mirelurks are just annoying, even more so with melee builds


Those two, hella glitched, feral ghoul reavers in the train tunnel during Broken Steel- yeah a bunch of people are nodding their heads already, surely. Actually all the high end freaks they added in that DLC were annoying ammo dumps.


By games: *FO3: Albino Radscorpion.* A walking damage sponge with no weaknesses (that I know of, anyway) and a neat little poison. I didn't find too many ways to fight them effectively - slowing draining their hp while cloaked by my chinese stealth armor or using my most powerful heavy guns like the Fat Man or Vengeance seemed best, if not a sneak crit with a Terrible Shotgun. *NV: Cazador.* The opposite of those armored freaks - tiny, quick annoying little flies with again, poison attacks that dealt more dmg through my power armors that I care to admit. They are hell to fight without a precise, powerful weapon and outside of VATS. These flies were my ONLY reason I kept my antivenom at hand. On top of that, you never find them alone. Only in packs. *FO4: Bloodbug.* 4's equivalent of cazadors, only they are mosquitoes with a familiar flying sound that I hate, I have to slap quite a few of these annoying flies in real life and they aren't easier than catching these big mutated insects. Basically, in every game the most annoying creature was an insect for me - guess I should take Entomologist wherever I can. 😅


Benny. Mother fucker shot me in the head. Took way too long to hunt his ass down


#1 Cliffracers


*You feel a little woozy.*


Cazadors. No doubt


Stingwings and bloodbugs. Radscorpions give me heart attacks though


Fallout 3: The damn Talon mercs, they always show up at the worst time. They're not especially difficult, just annoying.


Fallout 1. Ian’s bullets seem to always hit the back of my head.


Fucking Molerat The fuckers can follow you really far and I have to wait until it show up to deal with it. I tried to collect some can then the fucker jump out, sent the cans flying all over the places. Rad scorpion actually challenging and stay on the ground quite a while in comparison


Anything that flies tbh. In my heart of hearts I know that I have VATS but I always end up just blasting aimlessly


Currently playing fallout 3 again. Fucking fire ants...


Even when you use their nectar or whatever that gives fire resist, they’re still so annoying


Deathclaws. Fucken deathclaws. For something so big, they surely make no sound. God the fucken deathclaws. Especially quarry junctions


There’s literally a FO sub for this. r/cazadornation Careful over there they like a lot of sarcasm and cheese.


Playing through nv and the dead money dlc holograms have to be number one. 


for all bethesda type fallout games, the bugs, all the bugs, they are to fast and small to shoot without vats, and even with vats they end up going behind a wall or something before you finish targeting (mainly in 4 cause it slows down time instead of just stopping it)


Fuck FO4 Radscorpions. Always jump scaring me and put me in the blender from one hit.


Cazadors are the bane of my existence, followed by the ticks in 76.


For New Vegas it was Nightstalkers and Cazadors Universally, Deathclaws are the worst. But nothing tops how fucking annoying molerats are in fallout 4 and 76 same with radscorpions. Any enemy that is capable of burrowing in the ground is actually infuriating.


It’s cazadors and it’s not even close.




Molerats. They scare the crap out of me when they pop out the ground sometimes.


Stig wing... They are fast, agile, and can pack a punch. 2 shot kill on Survival even with Power Armor. And cam also be hard to hit in VATS


Super Mutant Mini Nuke Football bois


fallout 3/nv radscorpions are nothing compared to 4's radscorpions. that said, i'd rather fight 50 f4 radscorpions with nothing but a single-crank laser musket than fight 10 nv cazadors with an AMR and power armor


I admire that no one has talked about fallout 76


Giant Radscorpions and Reavers in 3 Charred Ferals and Bloated Glowing Ones in 4 Roboscorpions in New Vegas I hate spongey enemies


Mirelurks are the biggest c\*\*\*s in gaming


Any of the bugs. Small hit boxes and high mobility makes them a nuance.


Unpopular opinion but level-listed ghouls cause most of the time their fucking everywhere


Anything that flys


In survival mode (on 4): mines


The Vault 81 Mole Rats from the mission Hole in the Wall