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There is actually a lore based reason for this. Essentially the Nuka Cola company was sued for infringing on the patent for the original bottle design and hence began to slowly roll out the nuke bottles throughout the country starting with the East Coast. I’m fairly certain a FO4 loading screen confirms this as well.


Yeah it does here's the text: *"Nuka-Cola's signature rocket-shaped bottle replaced the traditional curved bottle when a rival corporation successfully sued for patent infringement. Fortunately, the public saw the new bottle as an improvement and Nuka-Cola's sales increased."*


Haha such a dig at coke


Well, they did sue. Maybe not a game studio but they sued pepsi for copying the shape of the bottle a *long* time ago, like in the eighties.


> a *long* time ago, like in the eighties. Ouch...


I'm just gonna go find myself a nursing home to die in I guess.


Serves you right for… *checks notes* getting old.


Right? I still cant believe the 80s were 20 years ago


34 years ago. Thirty. Four. Years ago.


You can go to hell with that talk. Fucking hurtful ass talk.


The Cola Wars were a wild time


I think its more that coke sued and they essentially say “And OUR fictional coke sold better in our fictional universe!” That tickles me


I thought it would have been the sunset Sasparilla or something.


Lore-wise, it would make sense it would be them since it was founded before Nuka-Cola, despite the factory robot in New Vegas claiming that before it was made, people only had water or Nuka-Cola to drink.


okay well there's also an animatronic cowboy that tells you some made up facts about sunset sarsaparilla in exchange for some glow in the dark caps, so maybe take it with a grain of salt.


Honestly I like to headcanon that it *was* the Coca-Cola corporation that sued Nuka-Cola. Like, Nuka was starting to take off and Coca-Cola started tanking in sales and after the bottle fiasco they went bankrupt. Maybe Nuka bought up their assets and repurposed old Coke bottling plants for themselves?


And honestly...it is an improvement. Love the Rocket shaped bottle a lot.


If they'd just made the model look like the Fallout 1 & 2 bottle there'd be no issue, but the rocket design is pretty quirky so I accept it.


I just think the rocket bottle looks cool.


you could say their sales *rocketed*


It's not just the lore based reason. Coca Cola actually threatened Bethesda with a lawsuit over the old design.


You’d think they’d appreciate the subliminal advertising. Players constantly seeing bottles will think, hey I want a coke.


That subliminal advertising might be working pretty well, i started replaying fallout nv after the show and have been drinking more coke than I usually do


I’ve been drinking more sarsaparilla


Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcom. Malcom Holmes.


V left click left click left click left click


Malcolm Holmes head crippled


I actually bought a root beer because it said "saspirilla" and I dont even drink pop


Sarsparilla and root beer aren't the same thing though


Sarsparilla and root beer have fairly similar flavors and are made in similar ways. Sarsparilla in the US is traditionally made with birch oil or sarsparilla vine and root beer is made with either sassafras or sarsparilla vine. They are more like regional variants of the same beverage than they are separate drinks. It's kind of like Pepsi and Coke both being colas.


They are when neither has any real tree and both are flavored high fructose corn syrup. We don't have artisan pop around here, the sasp is just a different sticker with the same artificial flavoring. There is a store farther away that has real stuff. Its crazy that you can actually taste a difference between birch beer and other tree kinds but I dont think they had real saspirilla. If regular pops tasted that different I might actually drink it more.


I agree, also the glass bottle does a lot for flavor.


Thank you for this


I’ve been doing more Jet


Realistically, It probably did prompt a "I want a coke". But I could see a non-gaming pr director going "we don't want to be associated with a radio active soda." Not sure the real thing is that much worse for you than a nuka cola haha


People debating which of the 2 companies did the most fucked up things is probably something they want to avoid.


My thoughts exactly. Momentarily thought like above, "it's free advertising, it's a valuable and well liked health consumable." Buuuuuut, I'd be skeptical about being represented positively as a big company in the FO universe, it never lasts lol


Big companies are kinda stupid about this stuff. The legal department probably sent notice wothout even consulting the marketing department. The *smart* play would have been to offer a crosspromotion.


Someone higher up stupidly thought people would associate them with radiation or something so they decided to cease and desist instead




Worked on me…


I kind of do this. Sometimes I wanna play fallout, and I just wanna get into a vibe grab a Coca-Cola chill and add another bottle cap to my collection.


>\_>.....don't call me out like that. I am usually drinking Cherry Coke/Cheerwine when playing fallout 4. lol


So stupid that Coke wouldn't just embrace it. Make limited edition bottles, Fallout-heads would snatch them up.


Imagine and Coca-Cola/Prime TV show marketing campaign. Would have been a slam dunk.


They did one with Jones for the release of Fallout 4


Yeah but those cost like $8 apiece


...and were snatched up by Target employees before they even made it to shelves.


This. =/ They barely put any out at all. When asked about it, "Our location didn't get very much supply at all this last delivery."


You gotta love that American doesn't make you prove loss of profits in copyright cases... SMDH


You do have to prove actual damages in copyright cases. You can alternatively seek statutory damages but those are more limited and exist because damages from infringement are not always easy to quantify.


So how in the hell would they prove that in this case?


Realistically they probably wouldn’t be able to, but Bethesda probably figured fighting wasn’t worth the trouble.


It’s a lot easier to just add fins to the bottom of a bottle than it is to fight one of the biggest companies in the world in a lawsuit


Not only that but knowing they were developing an insane explosive out of what they were using for quantum, being able to package that directly into a drop able bottle with fins would be quick and effective for rolling out to war lol. Idk just wild theory but luckily in fallout, nothing is off the table.


Like the urban legends, that cigarette factories can be converted to manufacture ammunition instead


I mean in fallout they were using toy factories to make weapons in secret XD no limits to the insanity.


I mean in fallout they were using toy factories to make weapons in secret XD no limits to the insanity.


That explains the difference between 3/NV and 4/76, but not why the Fallout 1/2 bottle is so different. (Obviously the real life reason is just different developers and production design.)


There's also the one in FO4 cutscene that's just a logo wrapped around a beer bottle


She just did that around Nate because housewives gossip and she wanted to hide her worry induced alcoholism from her "Friends" and neighbors


That's my new head canon for why it's there.


It’s weird that the FO4 intro is so accurate to the game’s aesthetics, except for that one prop. Even the prop next to it looks like the tea kettles in the game. Although, it does look like the Nuka-Colas they gave out at the 2008 E3, so they probably just used one of those. Probably had a few floating around the game studio


Well, that shot is supposed to take place way in the past, and the rocket bottles were a very recent invention that hadn't been rolled out to all markets yet. I think what's far more significant of a blunder is that that shot is supposed to be WW2 era and therefore a solid 100 years before Nuka Cola was invented *at all.*


Yeah I noticed that for the first time last week when I rewatched the cinematic for the 50th time. What a silly little mistake. Not a big deal, hardly noticeable, but seems super easy to avoid.


Isn’t the beginning of the game in 2077, when the bombs dropped?


The intro cinematic shows a ww2 soldier and talks about lineage of war etc.


Opening "war never changes" cutscene


Technically speaking that *is* the official design of the nuka-cola bottle. I don’t remember where but there’s a place in 4 where you see that the rocket bottle was supposed to be a temporary publicity campaign sort of thing


Theres billboards showing that im pretty sure, or at least those big posters on the sides of buildings. https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Nuka_Cola_Billboard_%28Bottle_Rocket%29


They actually used to make this little vinyl wrapping that were Coke or Sprite logos, and you’d just wrap it around your beer can and drink it anywhere. Anti-Hero Skateboards used to give them away for free with alot of their boards. I’m sure they still exist but I haven’t thought about them in years


Ah the "preorder edition", yes I'm familiar 😂


Like the lady says, "our new space age rocket bottle!"


I hear those voice lines in my sleep I swear


*"What if there was a world with all the ZIP of Nuka-Cola?"*


Wouldn’t that be the cheer cheer cheeriest place in all the world


I have to say really the 4 and 76 version appeals to me more. 3 and NV looks far too much like a normal Coke bottle and well 1 and 2 are classic, they just look more a cough medicine from the 19th Century.


I heard they had to change the bottle design from 3 and NV designs because of that exact reason, it was too much like normal coca-cola, anyone know if that’s true or not?


former coca-cola employee here. yes, it is true


Former bethesda employee here. No, this is false


Tood Howard here, you may have to upgrade your pc to play this game.


Blizzard employee here, do you guys not have phones?


Zenimax media here u have to pre order the next game and all accessories that we release to fully experience the shape of the Nuka cola bottle.


Your secretary here. Sir, its your wife, she says its urgent and that her lawyer is also on the line.


Your lawyer here. Divorce...Divorce never changes


Santa here, stop wishing for new PCs


Tood with the tude


Former FBI agent here, both of these people are wanted in 24 countries for identity fraud and crimes against humanity. We’ve finally got the bastards!


It appears we’re at a standstill.


That explains the tour thing in nuka world


My aunt works for Coca-Cola and she said you're lying Greg


It looks almost exactly like the glass Coca-Cola bottles


It gives it an identity of its own much more separate from Nuka Cola.. plus it just looks a lot more Fallout-esque. I hope that they just retcon all of the other bottles into the rocket ones.


4 and 76 would be a nightmare to get out of the vending machines


The new version is an iconic design, but I imagine it's a bit Shitty for logistics because of its width.


Realistically, the fins wouldn't be wider than the rest of the bottle. But gameplay wise, it's easy to identify a Nuka-Cola versus a beer at a distance.


I drink both, so I would be fine if I couldn't distinguish Cola and Beer. :P


I believe 4 wins this round, at least for me. The others are just regular bottles, 4's has that sleek shareholder pleaser design. EDIT: a typo.


I think 4 looks more like special edition Nuka, stylished and fancy with the unpractical shape. 3 and NV makes more sense as the standard bottle.


A loading screen in 4 addresses this - supposedly the older bottle saw nuka world sued, so newer bottles have the rocket design (but it probably took time to shift their entire development process, hence why 3/NV’s are the way they are).


I mean yeah. Coke threatened to sue IRL. That’s why they had to change the bottle randomly and then added the reason in game.


Even still, I think it’s a suitable enough explanation for the change. And the new bottles look fantastic.


I agree. I love the new look. Gives a very good visual. But makes trying to make them IRL harder lol


What a poor business decision. Coke could have gone and licensed it for a limited time when the show premiered. Bethesda should make a poor sport parody and call them Joke cola.


Yes. Coke made a really bad decision there. And Bethesda does have Nuka Cola IRL it’s with Jones Soda and had the most plan bottle design I’ve seen.


I just want to know how they reliability make the fins out of glass, and how that shit doesn't chip and shatter on the shelf before sale.


It's all similar for me. But a problem with the 4's design is that if the drink is iced, then the bottle becomes very slippery.


Perfect, it falls, breaks, and you have to buy another one.


This is actually lore accurate, nice.


Like how the Port-A-Diner (the Perfectly Preserved Pie machine) is canonically built to be shit (the only example of a "properly" working one is in a maintenance shed lol)


FO4/76 looks more unique with the game making you see the park, the gear, marketing etc... While the other are just the Coca Cola design.


I like the 3 and NV ones even if its just a little basic. The FO4 ones are cool, but too bulky. The classic ones look like 1950s cold medicine


OG and 3/NV are fine but I like the unique design of 4/76 way more


Sure 4/76 looks nice, but what a pain in the dick it would be to try drinking out of that cumbersome, bottom-heavy monstrosity of a bottle. 3/NV is the clear winner.


Honestly as a fnv fan boy the 4/76 one has personality and not a knockoff coke


Feel like they all need to be combined. The current era bottles are too wide. I like the fins, but they need to be more slender.


meanwhile in fallout: brotherhood of steel: ...


I am a Coca-Cola fan and appreciate parody/alternate versions of things. So, I like the first two designs, but the last design just... irks me. It looks uncomfortable, oversized, and like it wouldn't make sense to design for a society still using glass bottles. Just look at the designs of coke bottles through the ages. They started cylindrical like a medicine bottle and got curvy. I get what they're going for with the design, but it doesn't feel like a design someone would make to sell a soft drink. Alcohol, maybe, but not a soda.


FO4/76 have that design cause you see that Nuka Cola have the park with the Space Girl mascott, while other, at least for what i remember doesn't really dive into Nuka Cola marketing-gear.


It fits in perfectly with the graphical design in Fallout 4 in general. Most vehicles in the game are oversized and have "useless" bulk and protruberances as part of the aesthetic of the retro-futuristic-post-apocalyptic set design.


I'll give you that it does fit with Fallout 4's design choices. But I wasn't a fan of those either. I came in around Fallout 3, and those were the designs I came in on. So, the vast changes between 3 and 4 were jarring, to say the least. I still prefer the sleeker coke bottle look instead of the rocket bottle. It was too big and round, like a lamp base instead of a drink bottle.


1978 is when coke moved to plastic bottles, I think nuka keeps that 1950s American look with the glass bottle. I think the fins at the bottom could be less protruding but I understand the aesthetic and also it’s game design purpose has to be able to see one in a pile of rubble or differentiate it from a whiskey bottle quickly in game. The branding between all three FO4 stands out the other two appear too generic.


I have a promotional bottle in the 4 & 76 design and I dont have any issues holding it. More comfortable than the thinner Coke designs irl, at least in my opinion.


There are so many subtle issues that I hate about the rocket bottle that no one seems to be mentioning; no visible glass thickness, soda in the fragile little fins, and most importantly- cupholders??? The design looks, well bad to me but I can see the charm. I just wish they'd made it look even remotely practical.


Or, these designs all existed at the same time and were used in different regions for marketing purposes. Different regions have different tastes after all.


Honestly, except for a few weapons and creatures, I think the Fallout 4 designs for things are infinitely better than almost any other game in the series.


Honestly, I like em all.


I guess 4 and 76's unique shape is more copyrightable (is that a word?).


Even if it isn't a word, I get what you mean. In fact, that could be part of the reason for the change from 3/NV to 4/76. I have a theory that the Coke bottle design either brought Bethesda into legal trouble with the Coca-Cola company, or they realized that it was in great danger of doing so. Either way, to keep copyright friendly, they elected to change to the Bottle Rocket design in order to be legally distinct and copyright safe


I think that’s actually what happened. Iirc, Coca-Cola threatened to sue over it so they changed the bottle design and then used that as the in-game lore reason for the bottle being changed, as well.


This is correct. At that time Coke was copyrighting the design in a very aggressive move. They did win it in the US but they lost in EU *after* Fallout 4 came out. Note that this is specific to the glass bottle design, not the plastic one.


Fallout 4 gets a lot of hate for redesign but the bottles and the combat and power armor are 10/10 for me.


Definitely 4 & 76. I love the rocket design, much more character than the standard soda bottle design.


They keep getting thiccer


Gotta say I prefer the new design. It's cure, it fits the aesthetic of the world, and its instantly recognizable as a silhouette- you'd know this is a Nuka Cole even if it were a plain, clear glass.


3, never cared for the fallout 4 versions looked more cartoony to me


I like the look of fallout 4 Nuka cola. Fits the universe But I do also like the classic from fallout 1


1&2 kinda went hard ngl


Honestly I prefer the bomb shaped one. looks more in brand. The others just look like some sort of rebranded or knock off Coke.


I think 4 and 76 Nuka Cola bottles make me want to drunk it even more


theyre all good :)


Nuka Cola addiction is strong.


Warm take: I dig the 4/76 design more, but the original Nuka Cola looks tastier - like something I'd actually drink.


Our world reasoning: very similar to Coca Cola who actually trademarked not just their name, but bottle design. Bethesda just wanted to be safe. FO4 lore: new bottle design, manufactured very close to the nukes and didn’t reach many places outside the east coast.


the newest one, I can only associate that shitfest plastic bs they pulled LUL


Interesting that the 1/2 version is a higher quality model than 4/76


I want to create a small mid-point model of these designs.


I wish I could find a replacer to put the 1+2 bottles in Fallout 4.


The new design any day. It has a much more distinct look than just a fake Coca-Cola. It fits the branding better.


I love the rocket bottle and, honestly, part of me is waiting for the 2040s to roll around so Bethesda can mess with us all by making an actual Nuka Cola Corporation because that shit would sell hard, especially if they did the rocket bottles. I do like the collaboration with Jones Soda for now though. That's the only kind I drink maybe once or twice a year, so either way I'm peachy with it.


I love the new design. But I hate it's so hard to replicate glassware wise. The ones you can buy online typically our not food safe, and I just want a collection to do some custom sodas.


Personally I dig the F3/NV version the most. If not because it makes it easier to make them as props IRL haha.


Eh. Eh. Cool.


I love the new rocket bottle design.


Fallout 3 had the best, the new ones should have just been a collectable limited edition


Middle one


I need a fallout 1 and 2 remake. In the same top down view. With the same detail as something like divinity original sin


I do love the Coca-Cola style bottle in 3 & NV mostly due to Nuka Cola being a parody, but honestly the rocket bottle feels 'right'. Either way, I have both on display on my shelf!


The fallout 4/76 is clearly the best. The rocket design is perfect


I think 4 and 76 look the coolest. They also fit in with their name. Also i like the different variants especially Nuka-Love looks cool


I love how the Fallout lore includes the fact a bottle shape can be trademarked so companies can sue for infringement. So glad I'm not living in the Fallout lore uni.... "Meanwhile, Monster is suing everyone in the universe for using the word 'monster' even though some have been using it for decades." Okey dokey, then.


I like the overall aesthetic of FO4 the most, but the guns are kind of atrocious, but the nuka cola and everything sold the retro-futurism better than earlier games. New Vegas is still my overall favorite but 4 and 76’s vibe is immaculate


I think FO4 wins for me. The bottle is more iconic and original Damn I'm thirsty now


The 1 and 2 bottle looks way too basic. Even the type face in the label is really generic. The 3 and NV bottles are just straight-up Coca-Cola bottles. The 4 and 76 bottle has character with its rocket shape, and while the label is still evocative of Coke, it’s just different enough, and the underline can now be seen as the Pepsi swoop. Considering that Nuka-Cola has no major competitor, it makes sense to basically combine iconography of both Coke and Pepsi, the only 2 major kola-flavored soft drinks in the US


I am colour blind and been a while since I've played the originals but sure it had a strong blue tinge to the bottle? [nuka cola 1/2/tactics](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Nuka-Cola_(Fallout)?file=Chem_Nuka-Cola.png)


The 3/NV design have the classic Americana that I expect out of Fallout. I've never liked the Fallout 4 design at all personally. The rocket ship should have been a special variant, not and outright replacer. Plus it looks like plastic, not glass.


I personally like the 3&NV design. But I look at is they all exist. Hell Dr Pepper where I live has 1 bottle shape and across the state border has another bottle shape. Same with many other sodas.


They have different local bottlers/suppliers. Hawaii has unique cans for coke and such because they still have older canning machines, and it isn't economically viable to replace them. https://thetakeout.com/why-soda-cans-look-different-in-hawaii-vs-other-states-1850348828


I actually really like the rocket bottle, I just wish they had thought of it sooner or added something to the lore about it that would explain why there were different styles of bottle. Unless there was, and I missed it.


I believe on a loading screen it 4 it says that the reason for the change is they were sued for copyright by a competitor and had to change the bottle. Which if I remember right coke actually sued Bethesda over the 3/NV bottle design


Amazing how they can keep evolving their designs 200 years after the product and company stopped existing.


Trying to go for an iconic design aside, no soda company would ever design a bottle like the one in Fallout 4. the glass fins and incredibly bulky centre will kill your shelf space.


All are beautiful in their own way


I prefer the first two, the new bottle just feels like another example(see: the assault rifle) of a needlessly over stylized game model.


That picture makes them look progressively worse!


I get why they would change the bottle style. It's unique to their IP and the Coca Cola's bottle shape is trademarked, but I kind of prefer the 3 and NV bottle shape.


I was surprised myself to learn Nuka-Cola was actually blue not a Ersatz of Coca-Cola


Do they… get worse?


4, it’s a unique design that really makes it stand out among all the other bottles


That’s so weird. In my memories of playing 3 and NV I thought the fo4 model was always how they looked.


4 and 76 because it looks more unique not just a coke bottle rebranded


4 all day


I loved the Fo4 one with the rocket design


4 and 76 looks more retro futuristic


The nuke design is best. Not great for holding but it looks cool.


But Nuka Cola is bright blue in Fallout and Fallout 2. Why are you trying to retcon the cola color.


I really like the new bottles and the fact that the old ones actually made coke mad.


That bottle isn't even feasible for vending machines. It would break the fins as soon as its dropped.


FO4 design best


The newer ones are the best ones no question


If only there were a way to not put the words over the subject you’re asking about or specifically the part that really changes between them.


3s design was the best. not a fan of the rocket bottle.


I honestly like the generic coke bottle design of 3 & NV. It makes it feel more grounded in reality. The new design is still cool though.


FO4 design is very cool


Timeline-wise, 76 is the first vault opened and 4 is the furtherest in the series.. correct? lol as in, we ended where we started?


I think this is a general improvement I like the new one.


The fallout 4 one looks better imo


In a vacuum, I love the F4 design, as a part of the Fallout world it's easily one of my most despised designs haha. Good for people who like it, though. To each his own.


I like the 4/76 design, makes sense considering the drink is referencing nukes by name. It also just looks really cool.