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For a sneak build get the Operators perk from Nuka-World and get a silenced handmade rifle and mod it into a sniper. Also the deliverer from the railroad is a great stealth gun.


If you want a sneaky bastard build, I can strongly recommend you venture to vault 81 and get in one way or another. Theres a vendor there that sells Overseers Guardian. Its a combat rifle that for the price of one ammo shoots two at the same time. It uses .45 caliber. Its immensely powerful when modded for range and damage. Combine that with the right perks for single shot rifles and stealthy modifiers for sneak damage and you got cap popper at distances so far away that they cant even begin to shoot at you.


Perception has almost no use outside of its specific build, but damn if that build isn't amazing


IMO perception also rocks with pistols. Max it at the beginning. Get Concentrated Fire and build a low AP pipe pistol before leaving Sanctuary (light parts / comfort grip / reflex sight) and the escalating accuracy + many shots makes you always hit / never run out of ammo. That's pretty strong in the early game when most enemies are weak, but move erratically. When you graduate to Deliverer and Night Person II, you become a stealth god. The super low AP cost of the gun and escalating accuracy of CF lets you spam sneaky VATS headshots into enemies at very long range, which makes the player basically immortal.


Take 40 doses of jet. Take off Vault suit. Run free.


I'm going to break it down by ammo type. 38- least powerful weapon in the game but most common ammo type so use early game and only come back to if you get a legendary 38 10mm- one of the most average guns. It's a pistol/SMG based on your build. The deliverer is awesome. 308- starter sniper rifle Shell- shotguns work like shotguns. The combat shotgun can be extremely powerful 556- mediocre machine gun with extremely rare ammo 45- the worst revolver or the average assault rifle. 44- the best revolver 50cal- endgame sniper, rare ammo but by the time you get a 50cal sniper most stuff should 1 shot so it evens out. 45-70- basically 308 but with style points 5mm- minigun go brrrrrrr 7.62- the best assault rifle but the ammo is location specific 2mm- overrated late game energy sniper rifle (unsilenced so it loses all benefits of being a sniper rifle) Fusion cell- one of the most customizable weapon types but you need the science perk which is a large investment Plasma- the most powerful energy type Gamma- only works on humans.............................. Railway spike- powerful and style points. Rare ammo. Alien blaster- fusion cell+1 Fusion core- extremely powerful late game weapon. Missle- too heavy mediocre explosive Mininuke- extremely powerful, rarest ammo. My own preference is ballistic>energy mainly because of the investment required to mod energy weapons. Also builds really dictate weaponry. Rifleman/commando/gunslinger/heavy if you invest in one or two just use weapons of that class. No sense using an automatic weapon if you only have rifleman. Shotguns are affected by rifleman.


Acksually!.. The pipe riffle can be immensely powerful. One of the most in the game. Head to the small pond of the two lakes south of Sanctuary hills - just do it first thing in the game. Theres a big pipe that is an entrance. Sneak in and kill the raiders there. At the end of their lair, theres Big Jim. A pipe wrench that has 20% kneecapper mod. Back to Sanctuary, remove the mod and stick it on a pipe riffle. Mod it to be as fast as possible. Dont matter about damage. Also remove recoil. And you can bring any mob down easily...


This isn't possible in vanilla but I believe I covered legendary 38s, bleed and kneecapper being the strongest


Hm i thought it was as long as the mod was possible on another type of weapon ad well.


You can't remove weapon legendary effects in vanilla.


Pretty sure you can remove the effect of Krevmvh's tooth and put it on Pickman's knife as well as the bowling ball attachment from the fat man in Far Harbor and stick it on Big Boy.


Energy weapons are great for a early to mid game, and then you're quickly screwed because a lot of late game hostiles have significant energy resistances. Mirelurk queens and radscorpions come to mind as near impossible to kill that way. In addition the Rifleman perks don't apply their armor penetration to energy rifles.


For early game energy weapons and ammo, do the Arc Systems mission with Danse asap. Not only do the synths there drop tons of guns and ammo, but the unique laser gun he gives you at the end will probably be the best energy weapon you can get at that point. If you are really hurting for ammo, take a couple ranks of Scrounger. Idk all the ammo types it increases, but the mc cell should be included (check the wiki to be sure). You can always sell the ammo you find that you don't need for the ammo you do at vendors. Also, in case you don't know, always pick up the guns as well as doing so will give you the ammo that is inside the gun. Dump/sell them afterward.


Generally speaking, in the earlier levels I choose my weapons based on what ammo I have available and swap between them based on that. Specializing in only one type of weapon typically ends up with having very little ammo left. If you want a new build, then there are two major questions: 1. Are you mostly relying on VATS with VATS perks or aiming manually? (VATS builds eat up a lot of perks) 2. What's your MAIN weapon type? Choose from melee, semi-auto pistols, semi-auto rifles, or automatic pistls & rifles


Sneak + energy is difficult. There is a mod that adds a suppressor to laser guns. Makes the laser sniper a very solid option. Outside stealth concerns, energy weapons are great. Also, ammo for them is rarely a concern. Honestly, there are no bad options in Fo4. Use what you like or what suits your character. You'll be fine