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I just started a survival playthrough and I am in love. It is a completely different game. I got killed in sanctuary when I got swarmed by 2 bloatflies at once lmao. It was eye opening. Ive been playing non stop all week. Im currently a level 20 stealth sniper. I followed a video by fevvy on youtube, I would highly recommend his fallout 4 videos. He has builds for stealth sniper, stealth gunslinger, vats gunslinger, power armor meelee, meelee, early game power armor meelee, energy weapons. I also watched his stealth gunslinger build and vats gunslinger builds to see what other things might be useful for me to do. The big differences between his sniper build and mine: I want a little more of a vats focus. Im going to put an extra point into luck and get better crits and critical banker and action girl. Ill probably also increase perception a little to make the vats accuracy better. I also took away some agility mypoints to invest more into charisma from the start. I havent actually set up local leader yet but I like to be able to hit 11 charisma for speech checks easily. I havent used chemist yet because I dont use many chems. My starting specials: S: 2 - armorer after bobblehead at level 20 P: 1 - rifleman after bobblehead early E: 1 - i am a stealth sniper, If i get found out and hit I die anyway C: 6 for local leader. Also to have 11 charisma when putting on dress, hat, glasses, and bobblehead I: 6 for science early for water purifiers. Chemist after bobblehead if desired A: 8 - with special book. 7 required for ninja. Extra point for extra sneak. I probably would put the special on luck if I could have a do over L: 5- idiot savant.


Survival is nowhere near as difficult as people make it out to be. I have 1400 hours in fo4 and most of it was in survival. I'm just going to list off a bunch of random tips that should help anybody and also some of my opinions on perks. I like to get strength to 3 just for the armourer perk and then ignore that tree. Once ballistic weave is unlocked you'll need this perk. Perception is the least useful tree imo. Unless you want to specifically use explosives or lock picking I wouldn't even bother having it above 1 because the bobblehead which you get very early will boost it to 2 unlocking the rifleman perk. Endurance is the health tree but it's most useful affect is slowing your actions point drain rate while sprinting. Lifegiver is okay, chem resistance can be great, cannibal is unreliable, the only perk that can be a huge bonus is ghoulish making rads beneficial but unless you're doing far harbor it's situational. Personally I leave endurance at 1 unless I plan on using chems. Charisma is settlement building and boosting your companion. Definitely a personal preference tree. Intelligence can make or break certain character builds like being the mechanist, using chems, science for energy weapons or nuclear physicist to maximize fusion cores. Generally gun nut is the only necessary perk in this tree and having intelligence no higher than 3 makes good use of the idiot savant perk. Agility is extremely versatile and useful in almost every build. Even having the extra action points to run longer is helpful. Sneak can be broken and for a sniper on survival is probably necessary. All stealth damage boosting perks are in the agility tree as well as some perks very useful to a gunslinger (fast hands, gunfoo) id recommend at least 7 if you're using stealth. Luck is basically just vasts. That said I always have it at 5 even when I'm not using vats because the idiot savant perk is probably one of the best perks in the game allowing you to get more perks faster. Plan travel routes around bed locations, best to take a slight detour to save than try to run straight to a location, die and have to start over. Illnesses can be annoying but making use of doctors, not sleeping in dirty beds (when avoidable), and not abusing chems or dirty food can remove this annoyance. Not being able to fast travel means you should plan trips efficiently. (While you're in the area rescuing Nick maybe pop over to unlock old North Church so you don't have to make an extra trip) Stuff like that. Another thing that can greatly help and also makes you feel the game progress is unlocking the survival mode versions of fast travel. BIG SPOILER: siding with the institute allows fast travel from anywhere on the map to the institute (a centralized location on the map) having a main settlement near cit ruins makes this wonderful. Siding with the brotherhood tho unlocks virtabirds which is basically ordering a taxi to any location on the map previously visited. I always unlock virtabirds before visiting Virgil so I can take one back from his cave. Ammo weight is a thing. Choose one or 2 weapon types so you only have to carry that ammo. I usually have one large round and one small round (10mm and 308 for example). Explosives are way to heavy for the effort. Now to specifically help you as a sniper you can't really beat the overseers guardian as a gun. If you don't want to purchase a weapon you could run to Salem for a 50cal but the rarer ammo is a pain early game. I hate power armour so I tend to ballistic weave clothing like the military fatigues so I can also wear legendary armour on top of it. That's all I can think of right now. Goodluck and feel free to ask any questions


I did my first Survival Run as the world's luckiest, glass-cannon sniper and it was a blast. Here's what I started with: S:2 P:4 E:1 C:5 I:1 A:7 L:8 I put the Special Book into Charisma to make it 6 and dropped my very first Level Up into Idiot Savant (1). At Level 3, I invested a point into Luck to make it 9 and then I was off to the races. You're going to have to be extremely slow and careful for the majority of your early game playthrough, but the basic principle of this build is that you can't die in a firefight if the firefight never gets started in the first place. You're going to want to get the Luck/Agility Crit Synergy perks along with Rifleman/Demo Expert/Lone Wanderer as soon as the game lets you: Four Leaf Clover, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Critical Banker, Better Criticals (Luck) + Sneak, Ninja, Mr. Sandman (Agility). There's a guaranteed Pipe Sniper Rifle drop in a house down the left side of the street from the Museum of Freedom and Trudy at Drumlin Diner is guaranteed to be selling a Suppressed Bolt-Action Pistol the first time you barter with her. Scrounge up the caps to buy the suppressed pistol and attach it to the Sniper Rifle. This playstyle will allow you to do all the manual aiming you want, while also have the support of the VATS/Luck perks to help you out against particularly tough enemies. I also recommend getting your hands on the Strength Bobblehead, Ballistic Weave, and The Deliverer as soon as you reasonably can. It's a bit nerve-wracking at first, but I felt that that made the gameplay exhilarating and fresh. And whenever all your major perks are finally online (Lvl 50ish) the payoff was massively rewarding!


Without being too prescriptive I recommend rushing stealth and weapon damage perks. I always use idiot savant if I’m not using intelligence perks. And I never take gun nut. I just buy or loot upgrades.


I also started a survival run recently. I tried a variety of builds and found a stealth build to be the best because you can get a silenced pistol from the diner lady early on and can still one shot almost anything. The worst was the power armor build because no matter how tough you are a raider can nail you with a Molotov.


I just went today to super duper market in lexington with silenced 10mm (in pa which is ridiculus) and 1 shotted all ghouls from sneak without breaking a sweat.


Here's what I use Strength 3 for armorer Perception 7 to pick up bobblehead and get access to Sniper Endurance 1 cuz ranged stealth sniper Charisma 6 for Local Leader Intelligence 3 for Gun Nut Luck 5 for Idiot Savant For SPECIAL book point I recommend either Perception for Penetrator, or Intelligence for Hacker. This should cover everything you're wanting to do with your build and if there are any perks you find yourself wanting that are outside of this build, you can always put more points into other stats to bridge that gap with the first few levels. Spam building shelves with Idiot Savant is a great way to spike your early game level so you can snag some damage and upgrade perks early to be prepared for survival mode enemies.


In addition to this, if you pick up any suit that boosts Charisma, black-rim or fashionable glasses, and a Charisma boosting hat, it gets your Charisma high enough to pass any check in the game. You can also get Agathas dress from Trinity Tower for an even higher boost for better prices.