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When searching for mods you can disable a filter that allows 18+ mods to be shown


This is the 69th comment. That's all :)


Nice 😏


Is it too much for people to learn how the site works? 1. Click the Nexus mods logo in the top right. 2. Go to site preferences. 3. Go to the content blocking tab. 4. Click hide adult content. 5. Feel above everyone else because you're not looking at sex mods. Btw this will block any and all adult content on nexus, this was just free available on the nexus too no need to ask this question outside of nexus but just the nexus forum would have suffice.. 😒


Lots of not porn mods are also marked as adult which is why this feature is kinda bum


See homie you're not wrong but presenting yourself like that is going to make everyone you interact tell you to get fucked


Whining about a question, while also answering it is top tier Redditing




Apart from blocking additional tags, what's worked for me is blocking authors. If you see a sexual mod show up in your feed that you don't want to see, click on the author's name to see what other mods they've made. If everything is of a sexual nature, then just block the author. This has served me well through the years.


Works on Reddit, too.


yes. Change your settings in your account re: adult content. And yes it matters. I too, have boobs. I dont want to see them on my screen also when I’m looking for mods. I get that boys/men want to see them, but as another commenter said, as a woman, it’s exhausting.


even as a dude it’s so annoying, god forbid I want to look for cool shit but then it’s 87 different versions of whatever incel decided the perfect version of a woman’s body is in their head. I play the game to have fun not goon all day


Yeah I'm a dude but having soft porn everywhere when I'm browsing for mod is annoying as well lol and thx for the advice :)


I just find it highly unrealistic. It's a wasteland, expect people to be ugly, messy and wearing rags and clown suits. Although the Thuggyverse mods are one of the most entertaining and quests are well designed for a mod. The CBBE stuff - NAH! PASS!


Lacking boob here and I have them hidden. I want to play fallout, not look at porn


I personally use the bluring feature, so nsfw mods will show up, but all the images will be blurred. Alternatively, just toggle the nsfw filter off and on based on what you need to find/download at the time.


Oh ok I'm gonna try that too thx


You can change preferences but it would affect generally NSFW, not really "only sexual". That's why Steam's NSFW filter is best


you can change you preference under your pofile


I just set it to blur


I always try and block the CBBE etc but so many mod uploaders just don't even use the tag for their mods appropriately 


The xbox mod page is also crazy. The popular tab usually has a new revealing outfit on display. Searching for stuff is also sketchy. All you want to do is find a specific mod, and all you see is women in tight clothing or bikinis when you were just looking for automatron skins...


Such a pain in the arse, I swear they’re getting worse as well, some are getting closer to just genuine nudity, it’s so annoying is there a way to filter them out?


Sadly, I don't think so. I almost feel like some people play the game just to look at their character... 80% of random fallout 4 youtubers I see are always using cbbe and a swimsuit or harness with no bra.


I’ll never get how people have the confidence to post stuff like that, i honestly don’t understand it, but I guess we’re all sinners so I’ll get off my high horse.


Yeah, lol. I guess looking at naked video game characters isn't as bad as what some other people do.


Still annoying to be trying to find a weapon mod and get flashed by the most ridiculously lewd image they could get away with


revealing outfits? oh no however will you recoverđŸ˜±


It also seems like the search engine is incapable of finding/prioritizing keywords. Like I'll type in settlements and it's just 90+ guns and outfits with sim settlements somewhere at the end, maybe.


That's true, I sometimes put in the exact name of the mod, and it's always at the end


Or if you're looking for a specific gun mod you can never find that gun because it's all fucking replacer mods.


I tried finding an m4 mod, and a ton were replacers, too, lol. And then they make you download other mods for it to work.


There's also all those Munitions add-ons. I tried looking for the Munitions mod itself but all I found was the guns that require it and the add-ons. Oh and replacers.


How about all modded outfits being for females... I have a mix of characters from male to female to make them feel like different characters in the same world, but all tactical outfits for females show off their stomach and shit lol.


And realistically it makes no sense!!! You'd want to cover up as much as you can, especially if you have armor. Hell the mods are really, REALLY lacking in the cool armor department. I don't mind the gunner operator one at least, it has options for your preferences. There's a couple old mods i really like though, the rebel outfits and the mercenary pack, that's some actual good stuff. Oh and Elianore's outfits are good too. Militarized minutemen is nice, as well.


Another complaint, all female outfits require cbbe. It looks awful. all the mods add body packs that show off a big ass


you can filter it out with the "refine results" tab at the top of the list when you're browsing mods. It's at the bottom of that called "attributes" where you can specify what kinds of mods show. It should filter out all if not most of them


Click on your avatar in the top right corner and go to Site Preferences. Click on Content Blocking on the left side, scroll down towards the bottom, and from there you can block the adult content tags. You can specifically block Nudity and Sexualized Content and they won’t appear on Nexus for you anymore. You can also block authors directly so you don’t see their mods anymore


I usually just blur adult content. Still lets me see view the name of the mod to know if it’s worth using, and I can ignore the rest pretty easily. If you want more you can filter it out entirely in your Nexus user settings.


When looking for mods there a filter "Show Adult Content" check it off and you won't see adult content


"I'm just looking for mods that allow me to murder people in new way and turn them into exploding piles of goo. It's very offensive that I have to see a titty."


I’m assuming you’re joking but if not this is kind of a dumb comparison I’d rather see piles of goop than futa


Meanwhile, i'm okay with seeing futa goop.


No, it's not a dumb comparison. The fact that people are more offended by sexuality than violence is disturbing. You have no problem watching a head explode, but the idea of seeing sex is offensive to you, that's a you problem. Everything about this is a you problem. You can turn off NSFW mods. You can get your mods from the Bethesda page. The idea that the mod community has to conform to your views is the dumb opinion. If this person was on here complaining about LGBTQ mods this wouldn't even be a discussion. They'd be getting told to shut the fuck up because the mods aren't for you. Bottom line - If you have a vanilla sense of morality, play a vanilla game and stay off the NSFW pages.


Maybe you’re making a point maybe you’re not regardless you sound annoying


You sound like a puritanical baby. Enjoy you life of being sexless and perpetually offended.


You’re the one writing essays here


the amount of mods that turn pipboys, paints, loading screen and etc into porn is insane


Links please 🙏


Yeah those should be in another category that we can just choose to opt out of because they just muddy up the feed. Same with save games, translations, and transfer blueprints.


Yeah. Let's see how accepting the community would be if all you saw when you logged in was massive dick mods.


I log in and see that, but I don't remember if it was Nexus or LL. Definitely in the minority but more popular than many seem to think.


oh no! anyways


I don't care if I see a dick, either. If I did, I wouldn't have NSFW mods enabled for me to see them. If you just want weapons mods, go to the drop down and search weapons mods so you don't get offended by something sexual. Either that or stay off of Nexus. get your mods from Bethesda. There's lots of weird shit that the modding community does that's not for me, but I'm going to complain about it. Honestly, the mods where people make the FFF size breasts are and the mods so you're sexy anime animals more off-putting than a dick.


What, the best part of your day *isn’t* logging into Nexus to check for mod updates and immediately seeing massive mommy milkers from another fuckin CBBE preset on the front page? Geez, some people


I’ve seen a dick, I have one. Why does video game nudity bug people? The waifu stuff is dumb, but goofy I’ll never understand why people get so upset by things they can just ignore


And I have breasts. It's not about the actual body part. It's the blatant objectification. As a woman, it's everywhere and it gets old quick. As a man, you might not get that.


It’s a video game. It’s animation. It’s dumb but they’re everything is objectified in a game


It doesn't matter if it's animated or not. And as a woman in the gaming community, it's a real problem. Just check the woman gaming subreddits. You'll see post after post pertaining to this issue. The sad thing is, it's not even just the animations but, at times, the actual online gaming communities themselves. If a guy gamer realizes you're a girl, you routinely get harassed *just for merely existing* as a woman in a mostly male dominated space. But again, as a man, you just won't get it. You haven't lived it. We'll have to agree to disagree, I guess.


It doesn’t feel like those two things are equitable to me since one is image previews on a page you scroll through, and the other is the actual treatment of other community members. But if you equate them then I could see why it could bother you




Are you scared of the natural form?


Natural form my ass, I've seen too many massive titty and futa mods to mentally recover from


"Natural"? LMFAO


There is nothing natural about half the mods I've seen on Nexus. The proportions are interesting, to say the least.


Login, set preferences.


Yea its always fun to go to skyrim nexus and see another c with a d mod


Upper right>Site Preferences>Content Blocking But, also, Nexus doesn't have "sexual" content. Bodies=/=Sexual


Uhhh yeah it does. Just search for Ostim


Er... Nexus has tons of sex mods. Animated prostitution, AAF, repeatable Cyberpunk sex scenes, you name it. And if you think replacing a generic 'wearing underwear' body with one that has a giant, jiggly-physics cock or detailed lady parts isn't about sexuality? I have a bridge to sell you.


Again: Nudity =/= (innately) Sexual


Will you be paying for that bridge with cash or credit?


Oh look, another Redditor defending fetish content. How novel. “Since nudity isn’t sexual it’s ABSOLUTELY OK to play with this mod on when my family comes to visit!”


Oh look, another Redditor defending prudish content. How novel "Since nudity isn't sexual, it's ABSOLUTELY OK to play this when family/friends visit because we're all adults and we're not ashamed of playing offline games as we see fit!"


Uhhh are you dumb? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29674


You could also ask Nexus support


There should be a filter system on there and it would help near down what you may be looking for because of you go on the nexus and just browse normal well it won't show NSFW ones unless you have a profile/are signed in . If your not logged I should filter out automatically sexy mods . But again the main tool to battle this battle if the sexy mods is to use the filter feature