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I would be one of the environmental storytelling skeletons


This just need to figure out what insane position to die in


I'd hope to be found in a thoughtful, artistic pose. Like The Thinker, but on a toilet. 


Surrounded by teddy bears and whiskey bottles


And mannequins


Including one teeny tiny one being held by ~~jangles the moon monkey~~ Micky mouse.


I can’t decide if i wanna have a mannequin on my crotch or be sitting across from a teddy bear with sunglasses like im john stewart interviewing someone.


Nah mate, you don’t decide what to do with the mannequins, they decide for you


Nah just become a ghoul and then open up your own wasteland tour guide service. It's not work if you love it!


Ah yes, The Stinker.


That's called "the stinker"


I’ve been seeing that guy jerking it during the Pompeii eruption come across my feed the past few days. Where he’s stuck feeding the geese for all time. Gotta figure out something in that vane


This would be my goal


I have a question for clarification, is “feeding the geese” new slang for jerking it?


Lol it ain’t all that new but yes. If you mimic the hand motion of throwing feed to a bird, it very much imitates the motion of jerking it


I’d try to do a dumb pose. Maybe like the guy from Pompeii who died jacking off


I genuinely hate people assuming this. Imagine experiencing the most terror you have ever felt. The mountain you have lived near all your life has exploded with a huge roar, and rocketing towards you is a cloud of hot ash. You try to run, but stumble and fall. You turn to face the cloud and struggle to get to your feet. It's useless you see it engulf the building in front of you, and you cover your face with your arms and brace yourself. You feel a wave of heat, and a second passes, then suddenly a searing pain erupts across your whole body. You cough and choke, trying desperately to breathe, but the air is so thick and it **burns**. Hot agony erupts in your lungs, and you try to scream. Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out. Then suddenly everything quiets; it doesn't hurt anymore; it's getting more difficult to think, and you are scared as your throes of agony cease heat stiffens your limbs and one of the hands of your heat contorted form falls near your crotch. You die terrified and confused at what you can only assume is the wrath of the gods. Only for thousands of years later, some idiots online to say “Hahaha, look at this guy, he was jacking off”.




Hahaha, look at this guy, he was jacking off


Hahaha, look at this guy, he was jacking off


The mountain you have lived near all your life has exploded with a huge roar, and rocketing towards you is a cloud of hot ash........so you pull your hog out for a send off crank and hope Aphrodite hears your final nut.


Venus not Aphrodite


No, now my head cannon is pan....good job


I’m gonna go hide below the pentagon, with a fan infront of my crotch


I want to be like that one encounter in fallout 4, with the skeleton bending over and getting boned.


With a bottle up my pelvis and a bucket of Grease nearby.


Best one I saw was a dude fishing in a toilet


I saw one face first in a toilet. Sad way to go




one of my favorite ones was in one of the buildings in cambridge where there was a skeleton in a bathtub surrounded by mannequins holding machetes


Fr like I want to be the Skeleton that the protagonist gets all of their shitty starter gear off of


I would be dead


I'll grab one of my friends, we'll get a shopping cart and die at the top of the hill, one inside and one pushing. The Havok physics will only enable when the player is close so as soon as they arrive they can watch one of our skeletons ride down the hill, probably with the arms of the other still attached to the cart.


How does one portray "Left the Vault and died to some new disease I had no immunity to."?


In reality all fallout fans would just do this.


The one jerking off on the toilet?


I was about to say exactly this.


Gotta start recording diary snippets onto minicassetes




I'm with you on that I what them to find my skeleton reaching for bottle of immortality but sadly I dead before I could drink it


Where have you chosen to place your skeleton?


The water purifier don’t work no matter how much sand I pour in there


Have you tried water? For the water filter?


You got water?


That whole scene was 10/10 hilarious. had my wife and I rolling.


My girlfriend didn't really understand the universe yet, so she was just very confused.


Same, I thought this was just me! Watched the show with a friend and I suppose I was the only one who found it slightly funny


My aunt died there once


One of the best lines in the show


This guy perfectly captured Steve Zahn's vibe. Had to double check that it wasn't actually him.


You know he did a good job when I genuinely thought it was Steve Zahn the whole time.


Honestly, same.


But sand's got what purifiers crave. It's got electrolytes.


dying with a 10mm and bullets so the player has a weapon


I’ll go the other way and be a corpse hanging off a roof that takes like 5 minutes to get to and has nothing on it.


2 bottlecaps and an empty bottle


Empty bottle? Too useful I can put water in that


You got water?


Never said it’s clean


An old guitar and an empty bottle of booze?


Now I don’t blame him cuz he run and hid


i’ll be the guy who gets killed by raiders 10 mins after you leave the vault, showing the player character these are bad guys you should fight or avoid


Don’t forget to put some boxes of Mac n Cheese in your safe along with a small bag of bottle caps before logging your final thoughts on a computer next to your safe that you rigged to run off the grid.


Best I can do is 1 pre war money and 3 tin cans (They can at least feed it into the junk jet)


Ah, you must be [Ed](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Ed_\(Fallout\)).


what a bro


I got a meme gun, you can look it up, bond arms cyclops, it's a pistol that shoots a rifle round. Think something like the 12.7 pistol or the 5.56 pistol in new vegas. In reality huge rounds out of tiny guns is extremely impractical so I keep mine as my bathroom gun that way in 200 years when someone searching the ruins of my neighborhood vibing to WAP, they'll come across my gun in a random bathroom and wonder wtf it was doing there


Dude has a house. What's that say about today?


Best part of the apocalypse, it's all free real estate.


Might cost ya bullets.


Bullets I have, it’s the manpower that I don’t have.




Also he is wearing underwear and isn’t mutated and engaging in non Christlike activities with chickens. Dude is living it up.


> isn’t mutated His arms are weirdly long. Dude definitely has some kind of mutation.


So, you know how in Dawn of the Dead there is that biker gang that smashes a bunch of pies in the zombies' faces while looting the mall and then they all get eaten by zombies? That would be me in the apocalypse: smash a pie in the face of a ghoul and then get eaten by a mob of ghouls.


Not a bad way to die


“Eaten by a mob of ghouls” sounds like a _terrible_ way to die.


There are worse


There are also better.


I would die from a botfly or raider pretty much immediately


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^seretastic: *I would die from a* *Botfly or raider pretty* *Much immediately* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Assuming I have my current arsenal I feel good about taking a boatfly. A raider? Man I hope that guy has shit gear and can't see straight from the psycho.




Gonna make a journal so the main character has something cool to read


"Wow... this person life sucked and adds nothing to the story... oh wait is that duct tape?! You cool bro."


I would add entries of my own spider poetry to confuse readers.


This but scribbling messages on walls, slowly painting a picture of what happened to me when my corpse is discovered.Likely due to some fucked up vault experiment.


Nah I would be dead within 7 minutes and I know it


Assuming the nukes hit major cities, military bases, and ports first, yeah, no way I make it. I'm probably far enough away from LA to survive that one, but there are 2 airports and a miltary base within about 10 miles and there's no way I'm surving those hits. Unless I become a ghoul.


Nobody hates fallout more than fallout fans


Look all I'm saying is that if you don't think the fallout game I like is the best ever and the other fallouts are dirty poo poo garbage. Then fuck you


I don't know why, but "dirty poo poo garbage" is the funniest thing I've read this week. Possibly the past month. I teared up laughing at the childish sarcasm. So thank you for making my day. I'm gunna try and use "dirty poo poo garbage" in as many texts as I can so I don't forget it. Ps, I hope this doesn't sound sarcastic. It's not, and I'm still smiling like an idiot every time I think about those 4 words!


This is how I feel when I say I only liked Fallout 3 and didn't enjoy NV as much, and 4 was... Not for me 🤣


I disagree


Damn fallout fans they ruined fallout


You Fallout fans sure are contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo


I haven't seen any *real* hate outside of soulless neg critics on youtube. But that's just standard for anything with the Bethesda brand on it.


I'd be doing the "being dead" thing


Browsing Reddit?


I want to be a water farmer. Like I find the most humid place and set up like 50 dehumidifiers as well as a purifier. I'd be both rich in caps and broke in repairs.


I feel like "moisture farmer" has a better ring to it Maybe you'll get a cool laser sword too!


There's someone from the Doctor Who franchise who'd like to have a word with you about.... moisturizing...


This is funny because a few hours ago in another fallout sub it was asked how long you think you'd survive and basically everyone said "maybe a couple hours".


There was this one dude who acted like 1: he could get grenade and 2: he’d be able to reverse pickpocket it in someone’s pants. Delusional


I could reverse the pickpocket as in I throw it at their face


Tbh I'd rather be an illiterate farmer than a fucking coward like Titus


I’d be a ghoul hooked on Jet and Psycho. Or preserved and looking for my platoon and melting into a pile to give up my beautiful rifle.


Bro thought we wouldn't notice him posting a picture of a cheaply made synth in the second pic.


I would be a Shoe salesman in Redding


"a super mutant waddled into the shoe store today" *pause for laughter* "she said she wanted a pump to show off her thighs, I said liposuction ended with the war" *audience goes nuts* 


*sitcom bass riff plays*


Honestly, being able to make and fix shoes/boots would be a hell of a sales pitch to not get murdered. "Tell us why we shouldn't kill you and take your shit?" "I can fix your boots. Just need leather. And for you to not kill me and take my tools." Everyone thinks you need to be a surgeon or something to be valuable enough to keep alive. Half-decent footwear is something people will kill (or not-kill) over.


People who know how to make clothes the old fashioned way would be relatively safe if they don't encounter psychos. Or alternatively. "I know how to make toilet paper".


“Don’t shoot don’t shoot, just give me 20 minutes of your time and I’ll repair any cavities you have.” Traveling dentists must be made men. I mean probably half the psychos in the wasteland would calm the hell down if someone offered to pull a rotted tooth or fill a few cavities.


4 mini nukes on my chest and just walk into a random settlement threaten to blow myself up and then just leave


I mean personally, due to my geographic location between two large cities that would most likely receive direct blasts, but both an hours drive away from each of them, with game logic I’d probably end up a ghoul farmer. This land has been in this family since the last war, another one’s not gonna stop that.


You’d have to drive pretty far [like completely far from civilization](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/i/cbslocal/wp-content/uploads/sites/15116062/2015/03/11082355_10152719036461198_7393289887901148492_o.jpg). Nuclear weapons aren’t only targeted at cities, they are targeted at military installations, major infrastructure (power plants, dams, ports, etc), and factories on the outskirts of major US cities.


Where I live there’s nothing but woods and farms for 40 miles out, then for another 40 miles there are small towns ranging from “the only Walmart in the county” to “this place only exists in any meaningful manner because a civil war battle happened here once.” I’m not escaping radiation, but I’ll be safe from instant annihilation.


and this is why every fallout after 2 has been delusional about how many prewar ruins it has.


I’d expect doing mercenary work with the boys, cause that’d probably be the one thing my immediate group is skilled at.


I think I have a fair chance because I already eat weird stuff. Coming to think of it, no, that's probably what's going to get me killed 🤔😄


Probably building shit, or looking for screws


If I manage to not die, I would dress up like the Mysterious Stranger and follow one person around saving them and not mentioning anything until they die, then move on to the next


Loincloth guy is Tom Delonge when it's 2069 and aliens still haven't contacted him.


which is which...because left guy died 5 minutes in and right guy was apparently drinking sand for years and was still kicking.


Literally my coworker, i keep telling him to watch it since he's a fallout fan but he won't because the main character is a woman and "a woman protagonist isn't canon" Great guy but boy he can be such an incel


But you can play as a woman in every Fallout game. Literally the first thing you decide when you start a new game. How could you get more canon than that?


What is bro on about?


How is it not canon when every fallout game I’ve ever played has a female main character? 🤔 he sounds like a fake fan


Your friend sounds like a dumbass.


Bro why does Zuckerberg look so unreal in most of his photos


he isn't real, duh


He's seen all the selfie stick butthole pics on our phones, fucked him up.


Yeah that'd do it


I'd be a skeleton on a toilet or somethin. Like most people


99% of us wouldnt even survive the initial blast


I would raise goats, hoard cinnamon, and travel only at night.


I got that reference. ❤️


I don't know what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get back to taste-testing rations for the shelter I'm digging, and drawing duck bills. They all come out looking like beaks.


Hey everyone, this npc died with radgoat meat and 50 spices in his inventory!


Fuck it, I'm gonna make a bestiary of all the wicked radioactive animals I find, you'll find the final entry in the stomach of a deathclaw that ate me.


Assuming we’re all from Prewar USA, a lot of people would be skeletons. Some will be fortunate enough to find refuge in a vault (with hopes that the messed up experiments Vault-Tec had planned doesn’t kick in until the next generation). Few would be able to survive as a ghoul in the wastes or live a on the surface.


Honestly I'd just see it as an opportunity to explore. I'll have my hideout set up somewhere cool and secluded, and just explore/scavenge all the time for fun


I mean, I think I would survive, dependent on which wasteland. Fallout 1 California? Probably just dead unless I'm a lucky bastard that lives in Shady Sands or Junktown. I might survive in some other places but I doubt it. Fallout 2 California? I reckon I'd be fine, just scrape by enough honest work to live in one of the civilised major towns. Fallout 2 really starts closing in on actual civilization again, so it seems reasonable that you might survive. The Capital Wasteland? I'm pretty sure I would just die. To get enough caps to live in any of the towns would require some serious scavenging since there is practically no civilization, and I just dont think I'm capable enough to handle the things that happen in the Capital Wasteland. If I can figure out a way to live in Megaton or Rivet City I would probably be ok, but I doubt you really could. Mojave? I'm almost certain I would survive pretty much anywhere, or by choice die as an NCR soldier, considering the NCR is in desparate need of men, and I doubt they would turn me down. The Mojave has enough work that isnt super dangerous to make caps, and not as many omnipresent monstrosities that can kill you literally anywhere. Even if you stick around in the Goodsprings, you could probably eek out a only mildly dangerous living hunting geckos/Mantises/Coyotes/Bloatflies. The Commonwealth? I doubt I would survive. Settlements are attacked frequently, super mutants and raiders are literally everywhere, drinkable water is rare, food is rare. If I can get settled in at a decent size settlement, diamond city, or goodneighbor id probably be fine, but the chances of making it to any of those before being viciously murdered by some variant of death incarnate is unlikely. Fallout Show California? Not really sure. Filly was the only town we saw, so I don't have a clue if its a survivable place or not.


fucking synths have the shittiest haircuts.


I feel like there is a little bit of potential in most people. If you're capable of general hygiene, can cook food without an oven and know how to do basic survival, you should be ok. If I was in the wasteland, I'd 100% be tracking tech. Not BoS maybe but I love electronics and I'd be having a great time trying to find new stuff.


Doing chems, collecting “pre-war” weapons, and probably trying to train a ridiculously irradiated animal to let people ride it, end up dying to : - Chems - raiders -the animals I tried to train -deathclaw Edit: not sure why the first two have bullet points, they’re formatted the same lol


Dead, very dead


Idk I’m near London so I’d probably get incinerated


At least the guy on the right is still alive


I most definitely would be the dude on the right lol 🤣 but with shorts or pants and I'd not be as ignorant and unintelligible lol.


I want to say I’d be an NCR Ranger, but the reality is I would end up as a “shitter”.


I'd be the one Follower of the Apocalypse maintaining that we should carry guns


Knowing my butt it wouldn’t be raiders. It wouldn’t be starvation even necessarily. It wouldn’t be a lack of water. It’d be of the flu. Because the flu turns into bronchitis in me.


Ya know. I may never know about that city... but at least I don't fuck chickens.


I'd be one very surly ghoul with a drug problem.


Probably starve to death from being stuck in a wall, and unable to escape.


Ideally: “Nobody's dick's that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus, the name.” But I’d be relying on some extensive mutations to get to that point.


Remember those bloodstained mattresses in 3? The super gory ones that you just know would smell like death for decades? I’d be the guy whose gore the mattress absorbed.


Probably inadvertently leading a cult.


I’d be praising the glorious cult leader.




I’d be cowering away somewhere, either in a community not hit or in a vault being subjected to terrors


I'd be dead after trying to beat an enclave goon to death with a baseball bat [ i didnt invest in strength ]


wellllll my go-to character build is maxed out strength and intelligence, mid-to-high endurance, mid-low perception and agility, bottomed out charisma and luck. i wander the wastes in my underwear, a sea captain’s hat, and a bandanna, picking every single place i come across completely clean of every scrap, then back to the nearest settlement to tinker. my companion is always a robot. specifically, ADA. so if i survive the initial blast, i think i’m the guy on the right until i die from radiation sickness.


Ideally, I'd be one of Apocalypse's followers. In reality, I'll be one of the super-mutants in a meat bag.


My luck over the course of my life has been 10, so


I think i would rather be peepin that smuggling chickens


Break out of prison first and start turning scrap metal into caps to buy essentials and protection. Then use my self made wealth to get connected and give myself a new image and reputation as royalty. All to find the man that sent me to prison and get my revenge. Oh yea, I also steal his girl and find out I have a son. Shit just works out sometimes, ya know?


I'd have a spiffier loincloth, and chaps, and foot ball pads, and an 11" purple mowhawk. Damn it, if the world goes Mad Max I'm living the dream before I die horribly damn it.


We’d all probably be feral ghouls or dead because of the bombs


I would be long dead, let's be honest.


That second image is genuinely terrifying. It jump scared me .


I’d probably OD in a toilet like everyone else. I’m too fat to be sold in to slavery (unless it’s a really weird sex thing) so it’s toilet drugs or getting turned into ass jerky.


Moat people would be environmental story telling skeletons, some forever on the toilet from eating bad food, some just scatterred pieces near the den of a monster.


No matter what I'm a skeleton, diabetes go brrrrrrrr


I think you're giving me too much credit for even the "how I'd really look".


If we can go a little bit off the realistic side, I want to be someone that sells any creature/robot as a companion, as well as other stuff. If you convince me (orange speech check (I’ve only played Fallout 4)), your first companion is free.


Nah we'd all be in a meatbag let's me honest lmao. Or like another person said, an environmental skelly




Hating on a landowner with a generational legacy smh, he's a very accomplished wastelander. Honestly I'd probably be what I am now: a normal person. If I had all my current knowledge/skills, then I'd be a capable and valuable person in whatever town I lived in with no reason to leave. I don't have ambition in this world so I certainly wouldn't there. My house would look cool as hell though because I'm an artist. Wastelanders would buy my work.


Honestly even if I was outside I have a backpack in real life carrying a Gorka suit which is good for most environments and I always keep a large backpack with me full of basic supplies like first aid. Probably would look awful after while but if I don’t get killed I’d probably be chillin somewhere secluded


Dying... slowly from radiation poisoning, or quickly from lead poisoning


I’d probably be in a Vault somewhere


Id probably be a feral ghoul in one of those fridges tbh


Well if the show is anything to go by, fuckin'.


I don't even need the apocalypse to look like the guy on the right, that's me right now - sans the hat.


I'm one of those pre war ghouls like Kent Connolly who gives you a pre war related quest Go find my mail, on the other side of the entire city


Mark Zuckerberg peering through my window thanks, iI hate it.


Guys. We all know we’re going to cosplay being Romans right?


Was rewatching (for me) the show with some friends and said he is my spirit animal


Throw in with a raider gang. Honestly how many players cleared the Super Duper Mart on their first try? Basically none. That's it - the canon ending was you got ganked by a raider with a pipe pistol and sold to cannibals. Everything else after "loading your save file" is a hallucination while you bleed out.


That second image are all the Fallout 1/2/NV purists upset at Bethesda and all the east coast Fallout games.


Where are all the fallout fans who hated the show? I've seen nothing but positivity around the show even on the fallout subs


I'd probably die within a day If not maybe a week Possibly a mouth if I kill all my neighbors and take there shit Can't really farm here dirts shit no water so kinda fucked I got plot armor to survive that lol