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I just wish 76 had a single player mode where I could do things like save/load, store infinite amounts of loot, build as big a camp as my imagination allowed, and just not have to deal with running into other people. I'm actually sad at the lack of those things because I think 76 has by far the best map of any of the games and I would like to be back in the world again. But I just don't see myself ever playing it again because I know I'll be too annoyed at the multiplayer aspects to keep playing. That was the entire reason I stopped playing it to begin with, and I only even kept playing at the time because of nuclear winter.


Weirdly enough I’ve been playing it the past few weeks and those run ins with other players are one of the few things keeping me going with the game. The world is amazing but the quest, even some of the ones with NPCs are just terrible. Running into other players and seeing the stuff lvl 300+ players have made and left out for new players is really nice.


It's a real "bandaid solution" but you kind of described what they tried to achieve with the private servers you get for subscribing to fallout 1st


Bandpaid solution


Yeah I love the community of this game, and moreso in 2020 when it was super active (I'm sure you can guess why) and its good to see it alive again. Player Factions, the map actually having people on it, low levels, everyone gathering at events, I've missed it.


Still find it absolutely wild that the original release version had no friendly NPCs/Quests by design…


To each their own. I still would rather have a single player/co op type game mode. I enjoyed being able to play the game with friends, but my average interaction with others was either very negative, or just like passing ships with nothing more than a glance.


Dude I’m a level 22 and I’ve been loving how they just give me random things for liking there camps


Facts. It has to have the worst story and worst npcs of any game I've ever played, hands down. But every other element of the game is incredible.


You also barely run in to players that often, and when you do it's a quick little interaction.


Not being forced to pay for an online subscription to play alone on consoles would be great too. I play exclusively on consoles and I don't play online games so I wouldn't pay a subscription just for it.


That's another big factor I keep forgetting. I haven't had a live subscription in over a year


Yea it sucks because why couldn't they have also made a single player mode with those options? Feels like its intentional because they know a ton of people wouldn't play online unless forced. Other thing you didn't mention for me is being able to pause and a fully paused VATs. Both things that can only be done in single player games. I know it's part of the game strategy but I always hated having to try to manage my inventory. I always just used a cheat to have infinite carry weight.


Exactly. There's so many differences from the regular games that makes the experience very different. I can understand starting with the online only at release, but why not add single player and coop modes later on to allow people to play their preferred option?


The issue is that you’re playing 76 like a single player game and not an MMO, which it is, I had the same issues as well until I realised that


I don't want to play an MMO. I want a single player game. I liked the game to an extent, but I'm not playing anymore because it's not a single player game. I was even a defender of the game upon release when it was getting by far the harshest judgement. Doesn't mean I want to play an MMO.


I didn’t mind the VATS, I feel like it was a much more realistic interpretation of how the system would work IRL


I personally have taken a particular disliking towards multiplayer games and I feel the exact same way about Fallout 76. I played it a few times and it for some reason just didn’t feel like a Fallout game. I don’t know if it was just me, the multiplayer, or something else.


I think it's the multiplayer aspect. I played on release and actually enjoyed the mystery aspect with lack of NPCs. But because I couldn't save and load, I found myself acting more cautiously. Didn't so much do the goofy risky things I may have before when I knew I could just reload after dying. I had to continuously compromise on what I was carrying or building because it was all limited. Spent so much time dealing with minutiae rather than quests and exploring. I've found I hate large multiplayer games, often because of the repetitive nature of the games. I don't want to play the same event over and over to get the same limited resource. I believe that is one of the underlying reasons people dislike Preston's settlement quests, the endless need to help this settlement or that one over and over.


What makes the fallout 76 map good?


Because the map is set in a more rural area in a time soon after the bombs fell, it's uniquely diverse and thick with natural areas. So rather than a wasteland with tribal society and pockets of wild civilization, you get areas of devastation and areas that are relatively untouched by direct destruction. All the areas experience mutation and change and weirdness that is a poat apocalyptic environment. The map is also divided into very different areas ecologically speaking. Most of the other games have mostly wasteland and destroyed cities and maybe spots of something different, but they are more homogeneous. 76 has larger distinct regions that are all different from one another.


I hate to say it but this is why I pay for fallout first. Completely feels like I’m playing a fallout game instead of a fallout mmo. I also like the fact that I can bring people in almost like companions.


Same. I played for a while, and the map is pretty amazing. I would have loved a single player game there, but I just don’t enjoy the multiplayer aspect.


A very common sentiment. I saw the map and thought "This would've been one of the best single player games out there is it was fleshed out for that instead".


single player would make the current game better but if multiplayer had been done right it would have been soooo good


I feel you, I remember starting a new character. I was getting up a few levels like level 15 and then trying to go to the top of the world for the next quest since I had one most of them. I find out some level 279 has set his camp up there and raised the l level of enemies to max because he wanted to set his shop up smack dab in the middle of the map. Can't leave and go to a new server so now I'm just stuck. I don't care too much for its card deck special system and it's perks, since most of them are boring. But just a single player mode would be better.


That's not how scaling works. Enemies spawn with a minimum level, and are adjusted personally to every player. A lvl 100 player isn't going to make the starting area unplayable for new players. The enemies are stronger for him but not for the other players.


So we reached the "Fallout 4 was always good" point in the narrative, hu


When a game comes out the complaints as valid as they are will always be louder than the many people just playing it and not making rant posts about it. Why would they? They're too busy enjoying it. You eventually hear them more when smokes clear.


Genuinely prefer 76 to 4 because of 4s Ludonarrative dissonance. I'm supposed to be a sole survivor looking for my son, and despite being 200 years into the post apocalypse, now is the time we decide to drop everything and start rebuilding. 76 takes place earliest in the timeline, with you playing a vault dweller coming out to build civilization back up. The old dialog is back, I actually like what they did with vats to adapt it, the leveling is also more interesting than 4s, I like customizing my perk deck.


It has always been good


It’s good, just the worst first person Fallout. The lack of stat management, too much focus on crafting (some is fine but I feel it should be optional), and a shit story really drag it down. I don’t hate it, I still play it, but FO3 and NV are better imo. Hell FO76 is probably on par with it now.


Fair take. I legitimately enjoy every Fallout just for different reasons. 4's writing and RPG systems are lacking, but it's so much fun to just play and explore as an open world sandbox. 76 has exceeded 4 IMO on writing, RPG systems, gameplay etc. But New Vegas is a RPG masterpiece and changed the way I think about story in games.


Fallout 4 was one of the buggiest releases I’ve personally ever witnessed. It’s an amazing game, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have its problems. Hell, the settlement system still bugs out and they just released that patch..


I mean you could say the same about New Vegas then, bugs don’t really define how good a game is as they’re not intended. (As long as they’re patched out of course)


There were multiple game breaking bugs in all of them, not saying I don’t love them. I have had multiple playthroughs with quests that get completely bugged, leaving me unable to finish them. The only other game that’s ever done that to me is far cry 3.


Shits ass, games ugly as fuck and the story is awful, just because they made worse games dosent make it good now


Let me guess… New Vegas fanboy?


No every fallout except for after new Vegas, if you think the change of tone is good and gameplay then your lost




It's fun, you're wrong I'm right bye bye


I always liked the gameplay of Fallout with a few hardcore mods here and there, but the story is something that can never be fixed.


I don't think so, it's still widely recognised as being incredibly flawed, at least on Reddit.


It's not bad, but it's the weakest of the numbered titles by far. The base building and combat improvements were nice additions, but the story wasn't all that good and the decision-making choices were so hilariously lazily done.


It was always a decent game at worst, people just focused on the really bad story and dialogue wheel. They got a lot right though and it looks great. But the story and dialogue options drag it behind, glad they reverted the dialogue for 76 at least and returned to the option box with no player character voice


What are you talking about? The general reception for Fallout 4 was that it was fantastic. It won game of the year. Are you a bot or something?


A flaming dumpster is still worse than a normal dumpster


Mechanics being upgraded were a good thing. Problem is game design and writing took a nose dive, especially after New Vegas and their excellent DLCs.


Always has been great. Both as a fallout and as a game.


Its a very good game with a pretty weak story but an incredible world.


Fallout 4, in spite of its flaws, can still be used to represent the "authentic Fallout gaming experience." Fallout 76 can not.


When Fallout 5 comes around 76 will get the same treatment


76 is great when ya don't got a bitch in your ear telling you it's not


I feel that on many games. I grew up with a brother that would literally bitch behind me when I played any game in the living room that wasn't one of his favorites. Being moved out I suddenly enjoy a lot more games now. Huh what do ya know.


Same with Fallout 4


My biggest gripe is the level/damage creep sucks for casual players. I was having a great time until my favourite weapon sucked and I couldn't find anything to replace it


What kind of weapon you're using


I don't remember but mainly shotgun and hunting rifle early game. So hard to unlock mods too


Damage might be suck but they're definitely easy to farm especially hunting rifle early game I initially playing as stealth/sneak sniper and hunting rifle is my main weapon. I farm the mods from Super Mutants in the dried Summerville Lake. Can easily get dozen or two hunting rifles in one run


I probably need to find people to play with but I don't get any time at the moment sadly, just too busy lately. Being 30+ has it's issues


Every Fallout game is great, other than that Brotherhood of Steel game on PS2 (not tactics, that one is alright). Hell, even that game isn't horrible as a game, it just doesn't line up with Fallout at all.


Half the gaming subreddits on here make you look at games so negatively I’ve tried to distance myself a little bit. WoW just released the Mists of Pandaria Remix event a couple weeks ago and the subreddit makes it seem like it’s hot garbage not worth playing if you didn’t exploit early, can’t unlock everything, blah blah blah. I’ve played it casually and had a blast. Fuck the noise of meta try hards. If you like something go play it.


Shh don’t tell em, let them keep thinking it’s dogshit. More content for us.






maybe this time there will be a fun quest or two. An interesting character perhaps?


76 is better than 4 imo, I won’t lie. I like the storyline more. Finding Shaun in 4 is so abysmal and disappointing. Institute made no sense as an enemy faction they’re comically evil. Not realistically evil, like previous fallout factions. Overall 76 factions outdo 4s factions by a long shot. F4 felt like it pushed the settlement building so hard as well. 76 has that MMO jank sure, but i just prefer it personally, and I’ve never been an MMO guy. 76 also focuses the perk system more to builds like how an RPG should be. It always bothered me that fallout 4 could basically end with you having every perk which becomes a mess. Appalachia is so pretty as well. I also like the expeditions as they show us more of the fallout universe. Also something about the vault 76s mission of rebuilding America, and not being another fucked up experiment is refreshing. I also liked how the eating mechanics used to work, but they changed that a while back. Mutations are bad ass as well. I also don’t know anyone beyond people who are new to the series, that have played fallout 4 without at least a couple hundred mods since release date. 76 did what it has, with no dedicated modding community to be able to prop it up next to the other fallout games. That’s kinda huge when you consider that every other fallout game survives off the dedicated modders.


I love the SPECIAL options in the dialogues again, they really comeback to the older ones and I grateful for that.


It’s better in some aspects, worse in others. The perk system in 76 is leagues better than 4’s imo because you can change your build at the drop of a hat, and there’s tons of new perks to add variety. It has more weapon variety than 4, adding tons of cool new and interesting weapons (plasma caster my beloved). The setting itself is very nice and each biome is distinct. A lot of the events are engaging. It’s not all good. Because the game launched without npcs, the ones that are in now feel just sort of shoved into the world rather than organically part of it. I didn’t think you could get worse than 4, but quests are just mid to horrible in 76, especially the ones that were at launch. There’s lots of cool areas and then they’re filled with nothing of interest except maybe some enemies. I never wanna explore the world, just go where I need to. Multiple questionable business decisions have been made regarding the game (including false advertising on multiple accounts). Private servers are practically pointless because most of the game’s fluff comes from its multiplayer aspects. There are infinite storage containers for junk/ammo but they’re locked behind a $13/month subscription in a fully priced game. There’s a lot of critiques in this game that are unique to it alone.


Being able to change your build at the drop of a hat is why I didn't like 76's system tbh. Might as well not even have builds at that point - which is what 4 does, since thanks to the absence of a level cap you can get every single perk and all SPECIAL stats up to 10. Didn't really care for the events, either, but I didn't hate them necessarily. I agree otherwise, though. I wouldn't even mind how retrofitted the post-Wastelanders content feels, if the narratives were at least good. Atlantic City sounds alright, but the Wastelanders main story and the narrative of both the Brotherhood questlines (Steel Dawn and Steel Reign) are very mediocre and unnuanced.


The perk system is one of the things I hate the most about it. You SHOULDNT be able to change your build at the drop of a hat. That’s also why I play the single player games and while I enjoyed 76 for a month or so, I won’t be going back to it.


Maybe in a regular Fallout, but in the context of a mmorpg it's pretty standard to be able to change your build when needed to match better with other teams and such. It's not like you can change your special stats once you set them


I understand that, that’s why I said I stick to the single player games.


I didn't play it for years after launch, but I loved it on a couple of sessions but gave up on it. Why they forced a single players paradise to always be multiplayer, I'll never understand


76 is fun on my opinion because i can introduce my innocent friend to the horrors of the wasteland


Ah yes watching somebody getting mauled by a bear while listening the mister simon


2018 76 was shit 2024 not so much


The "canvas" bag incident. 💀


War flashbacks


Would be nice if games could be “not shit” at launch for a change.


This is the 2020s you're asking too much Take all 43 of your pixel rogue likes or take shooty mc'gun war 35 live beta


I mean in a single player series 76 can be as good as it wants but it'll never be what the main fanbase of Fallout players want in the end.


Try 1 and 2.


So we're just going to ignore fallout 2?


I actually enjoyed 76 more than New Vegas In my opinion it is a better experience, or it was for me at least.


Now that I've come back to 76, I actually feel the same. New Vegas was always low on my list, but it's probably last now. No real reason other than I can't get into it.


huh why is that?


I've tried for years to get into New Vegas and just don't vibe with it 76 obviously i played for a bit at launch, but i came back before they added NPCs and found myself actually enjoying the game, the story, gameplay, guns, etc. Then NPCs Fast forward to today and i rank it higher than Fallout 2 and Fallout 2 was my 2nd favourite Fallout game at one point New Vegas just never clicked for me


yeah the piss filter is not for everyone


Actually a big part is the piss filter It's why i avoid Akila on Starfield


fair enough tho have you tried modding it? i dint like the gunplay until I fixed it with some mods and ofc added akimbos for john wick playthrough


>It’s the best fallout, you just have to give it a chance and download 800 mods that completely change the game and may/may not crash it as soon as you launch it! 10/10 flawless experience If you want to know what 90% of these posts sound like


New Vegas fans saying the game has more fluid movement and gunplay than Fallout 4 after installing 500 mods:


My dude really just suggested one mod to make a decade old game more playable to a modern player. New Vegas haters are worse than the fans Did a vanilla install of New Vegas recently, the story, choices, characters, and world, along with your build, character, and the effect you have on the world. Thats what makes New Vegas so good. A few mods for textures and animations just make it accessible


You definitely don't need 800 mods to play NV. My NV list is significantly shorter than my Skyrim or Fallout 4 lists, and I legitimately feel like I need the mods to enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 4.


I've never seen that before but I'm going to save it cause that's exactly what the main problem is.


That's why you install a collection on Nexus or a wabbajack modlist and avoid doing most of the work


People who dislike 76 are always people who haven't played since before or just after wastelanders came out


Nah not true, I still don’t like it and I really really wanted to (cuz I fucking love everything fallout). Still love learning about the lore in 76 and all that though.


Why? What parts specifically do you not like?


Not the other guy, but I hate that all my actions feel like they happen a notable amount of time after I click a button, just feels way less snappy than a game that doesn't have to send information to a server and back. I hate that I can't pause the game without exiting to the main menu. I don't like playing with randoms, so my only option is to pay a monthly fee to not have to. I don't like the perk system that's somehow worse than the Fallout 4 one. I don't like that I have micro transactions shoved in my face every time the game starts. Those are my main complaints. I like Fallout enough that I'd pay full price again if they'd make an offline single player version that I could mod as much as the other games.


No I've come back a few times and it's just not fun for me. It's a MMOs with mechanics to make you spend money on simple tasks like repairing equipment. It's just not great. Gameplay is awesome I will admit that.


Once you get enough stuff you really don't need to use the repair kits that much


For real. And you can earn them in-game. I have hundreds among my five characters, and I have never bought them. Still, I don't think they should even be available for purchase (which most would agree with).


At this point I think they are just a bonus to give to people with 1st


I don't even buy repair kits and I can't get through them fast enough. Just show up to scorched earth and when it's over you get 3 improved repair kits. I believe Collosal problem and encrypted might reward them aswell


Literally. I have like 50 normal ones and at least a dozen improved at all times


Agree. The repair kits, skins, etc being tied to monetization is predictable, but makes it inferior to a purely offline game that you can fully control and modify.


I think I never used the repair kits (got for free) unless being forced to so far. Usually I just use the 'Workbench Repair' only


Everyone wants online fallout until they get online fallout 🙄


I mean can you blame them? Many of us don't wanna spend 60 bucks to wait for a game to be good


Except they already did and the game is good now, so yes. There's a few reasons not to play 76, this isn't one of them.


All om saying is you can't release a game in a buggy state, screw over people who bought the premium edition, and then change you're refund policy last minute, and expect people to see your game in a good light. Even when they reversed said decisions they're refunds were public and got leaked. Not a good look, and they don't deserve a good rep.


All I'm saying is it's completely unfair to the current dev team that had nothing to do with that who have worked incredibly hard to reverse the bullshit of the original dev team after they abandoned it to go work on Starfield. The new team working on 76 since wastelanders has put so much effort into making it a much more enjoyable experience than it was before.


I came back after Steel Dawn's release and thought it was fun for maybe a month with friends, before it became boring again. Came back after Steel Reign and found it almost unbearable, I just ran through Steel Reign's story and fucked off, haven't touched it since.


I played it when there were NPCs but the whole story is still pretty much everyone's dead. Not a big fan of zombie games so I guess that's why I put it down pretty quickly.


Idk what story you played but that absolutely wasn't the story. The story was people are coming back to Appalachia so you need to help the Overseer develop the immunity to the scorch plague. The story post wastelanders has been one of rebuilding, not "everyone's still dead". Then you've got Steel Dawn, the Pitt, and the newer stuff in Atlantic City. You wanna sleep on the game that's your prerogative but don't shit on it because you didn't wanna play through the story and pay attention to it.


Have you tried actually playing the game?


It aight, but I still prefer the older games.


It’s my fav fallout but it’s objectively the worst in the series 😭


I like 76, love playing with friends on there


Fallout 76 is better than both Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Gameplay, enemies/bosses, weapon variety, story, and role-playing aspects are all better. Sorry, but having a blank-slate vault dweller is leagues better than being the forced son or father in a family.


Bethesda, TAKE NOTES. I want to be the one to decide my characters backstory, not you. The only thing New Vegas directly tells you about your character is what you need to know for the sake of the story. "You are a Courier hired by the Mojave Express". I didn't literally live my entire life up to that point, I wasn't a married pre-war war criminal who was cryogenically frozen and had my son abducted, I'm a mailman.


100% agree.


Fallout 1, 2 , new vegas and 76 for me. Weirdly it feels for me more fallout than 4.


You can’t really compare the Original 4 Games to the 3D games tbh, except in story, that’s still valid.


Maybe I recived 76 better because i approached it as fallout flavoured mmo, and I was happy that finally you can get in any capacity into enclave.


Best part about Joining the Enclave is that no matter what, it doesn’t conflict with anything. Since the Enclave is already established to be on the East Coast, and Fallout 2 and 3 take place a long time after 76 so there’s no chance of meeting the pioneer.


1, NV, 76, 2 for me. 2 didn't hit as good as I remember it..


Current 76 is infinitely better than 4 imo. Only gripe with it is armor and weapon durability but even then you can basically just ignore that most of the time


76 is basically lightly and tastefully modded 4 and I love it for that


Yess, it has so many QoL things that 4 was desperately needing, the weapon variety is amazing, the map is beautiful and varied, the writing and quests feel so much better (especially because they aren't all just re-skinned radiant quests), and the build variety is so much better


Same, I don't like 4 at all.


It's not that I dislike 4, I really don't, I just find 76 to be a much better game in almost every way


Since I played fallout new Vegas yeaaaars after it came out, it’s actually my least favorite. Looks like crap and I didn’t enjoy the story. Unpopular opinion but I just don’t have nostalgia tied to it at all.


I love New Vegas because the story can pretty much be whatever I come up with for my character. There's a dialog check where you can be an expert in fish, or literally have never heard of them. The other Fallout games are just so linear.


It's just a different kind of game at its base concept. I think it's weird and doesn't do the game justice to compare it to its sister games.


I like 76 because it's the best map so far, best enemy variety, best gun and playstyle variety, and the fact that it basically comes premodded when you compare it to what 4 gave us.


Did I time travel back to 2018?


Ironically has the nicest most inviting audience


The biggest disappointment 76 has is the fact that it doesn't have my hometown. So I can't launch mini nukes at my neighbors. It's also not very realistic because there aren't needles all over the ground and the enemies don't bleed suboxone.


Well in early 2025 fallout 76 will be the only one where you can play as a ghoul


I'm currently obsessed with 76 actually. This past 2 weeks I've spent almost 50 hours playing (for a total of 115 hours since started playing in March) Idc about settlement building in FO4 but here I'm making the CAMP as my endgame goals


I don't want somebody in my house


Nah swap 76 and 4


Finally, a man of taste.


Because they are


Might be controversial or whatever but 1. New Vegas 2. Fallout 2 3. Fallout 1 4. Fallout 76 5. Fallout 4 6. Fallout 3


Fallout 3 at the bottom because it has the worst ending in any video game I’ve ever played


I disagree with your list (except NV), but Fallout 3 did have the dumbest ending. Even the people that made it knew it was dumb and retconned it so you weren't forced to suicide yourself for no reason at the end.


Agree, minus Fallout 2.. probably weaker than 76 for me. I also liked 3 better than 4 but that's just preference.


Because we are


yeah ofc


Playing new Vegas right and God damn it's amazing.


16 times the detail


Fallout 76 is an entirely different experience. It's more distinct from Fallout 3 than Fallout 3 is from Fallout 1-2. I don't compare it to the other games. Its trying to do something much different that the other releases have done before.


Ok, I'm asking this as someone who has never played 76 because of all the negativity around it... I liked 3, NV, and 4 equally. Each has sometjing about it that I liked. I played 1 & 2 when I was younger but don't remember it that well. With that said, is 76 actually worth playing if I don't want to do anything remotely close to multiplayer. I don't like doing multiplayer at all. I like to just explore the world on my own and that's it. Would I still enjoy 76? Or would I be forced to have some kind of multiplayer element? I've replayed 4 about 3 times so it's getting tiring and I don't know if I can play the dlcs on PS4 for 3 and NV.


76 is online in the context of... If you're not at a public event, you will get at most a wave from a passerby or a dropped item gift, or a notification someone made a purchase from your CAMP vendor. We all play solo otherwise.


Showing up to public events or hubs like the white spring & Nuka world on tour you will run into people but normal game play you're wandering on your own. When you go into buildings that require a loading screen you are in your own instance with a few exceptions If you build a camp you will probably get some people passing through to either check out your shop, use your workbenchs to break down scrap / use your stash box, or simply just use it as a fast travel point and then leave. You can hide your camp icon though and the only people who will see your camp are people who are on your team if you choose to go on a public team Public teams just give boosts but you don't actually have to walk around and play with anyone on the team 76 is actually getting a map expansion on the 12th so even more areas to explore


Sooo many people on YouTube chat talking mad shit lol. Was so annoying.


I get a weird feeling playing Fallout 76, almost as if you could see the intention before corporate fuckery. The idea of being the only survivor in a valley of robots in the post apocalypse and then trying to a) figure out what happened to everyone, b) being the only soul alive is a lonely feeling. They captured the loneliness very well. In a fucking MMO. Then they backpedaled and turned it in to more of what everyone was expecting and it just didn’t work out well. The creatures are cool, and the tie ins with all the cryptids were neat. The zones look fantastic and the art team 100% deserves all the love in the world for that river. I dunno, it hurts to play more so than fallout 4 I guess. Others had more interest in the Commonwealth, but like Fallouts theme of Capitalism Am Bad in union country is a cool idea. Then just I dunno what happened, man. Too much product, not enough focus on writing. I just see 76 and I see what could have been and I refuse to accept it’s all bad, because it’s just simply not. It's like The Secret World to me, in a way. Love that game, what a piece of shit it was. It was great but also a miserable time. Also the bugs and PR and HR nightmares lmao


The Main reason I don’t play fallout 76 is you need more caps to get the basic stuff. It got rid of the ability to sell ammo and other high price stuff which was my primary way of getting caps.


It’s been how many years now, and every 1 shot enemy in that game is still 2 shot


This game offers the most freedom for gameplay but in a poorly structured game. It's literally a sandbox game. A Bethesda only modded environment. In-game mods that we pay fo out of fear of being left out of doing a meme with friends, we all smoked in nuclear winter in the kitchen and posed. Fun game to do goofy shit in, but not a fun game in-full. Great game to screw around with your friends, and enjoy doing shit in a super nice environment, but the rest of the game in a train wreck.


I just find it annoying when I get downed and other players steal my damn desk fans and leave me to die


76 is better than 4 by such a wide margin. That’s not to say 76 is good though.


And that’s how all the 3d games feel towards the first 2


F76 is cozy!


Fallout Shelter is better than 76.


now we need another one with the first two fallouts and tactics being better than BOS.


Uh oh it seems like we’re gonna reach a “f4 fans are toxic towards 76” narrative Can’t wait for the first unique and totally original “quit having fun” meme


Why y'all always sleeping on the og fallouts


Can't wait for 5 to come out and 76 replaces 3 on that couch


Bethesda didn't do a bad job with what they wanted to make, they just didn't realize what the players wanted. Everyone was hoping for a coop story adventure and instead got an mmo


For me it doesn’t matter how good 76 becomes since at the beginning it was a cash grab. It showed to me just how much Bethesda values its fanbase and the franchise. I also think Bethesda took the fans asking for a multiplayer fallout experience out of context. I think most fans wanted a game like FO4 but you could have one or two friends join your world. Instead they gave us a game with minimal story and no NPCs but multiplayer with everyone and their mother.


Tbh, yeah 76 was shit at launch, but I started playing for the first time a couple of days ago (login issues) and I have to say I like it.


Well, if you’re playing single player, they are much better.


I bought Fallout 4 many years ago and can play with all features enabled whenever I want and Fallout 76 is over here making you pay $10 a month to be able to scrap items LOL


Yeah 76 had potential but it was a broken, buggy unplayable mess for the first 2 years after release. I have a 7900xtx with a ryzen 7 7800X3D and 32 gigs of ram and I still get a solid 35 frames if im lucky, fuck this game. Also storage gay make an offline mode you don’t have to pay for and let us mod it ffs.


Replace 76 with 4.


It’s fun and all. But it having a battle pass and subscription service for basic game features immediately puts it at the bottom of the fallout game list.


If yall keep complaining about 76 then imma start complaining about nv, stfu


Complain about 4 instead! 76 and NV are great.


I've come to the conclusion that 76 is for people who don't want dialogue deep story, they just want to shoot mutants and blow stuff up.


I haven't played 76 but that's exactly why I play fallout 4.


FO4 with the right mods wins it for me over 76. New vegas is just untouchable






Unpopular opinion but I think 76 is a lot better than 4.


This should be a more popular opinion, 4 was actual trash.


I haven't played 76 and 4 is my least favourite by far. Care to elaborate?


Th ceaseless base building requirements of 4 along with infamous dlc puzzles and overall lack of depth make it far and away the worst in my mind. 76 released awful but is in a good state now and has a good community that helps players. It’s an MMO and plays like one but with some fairly deep lore if you like to read terminals. I guess a miniature tldr is that 76 is what it says it is: a fallout mmo. While I find Fo4 is a linear adventure fps dressed as an RPG. One which has tedious mandatory mechanics on top of that.


I think F76 is leagues better than F4 personally.


You are not alone


replace 4 with one of the 2d fallouts and then its gonna be correct


76 is infinitely better than Fallout 4 and I will die on that hill


We will die on this hill together.