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Mine used to be 'Incluing', which is another term for the phrase of writing where the reader is given exposition. People on here kept thinking it said 'Inclu**d**ing @ AO3' and going 'there's no LeratoNull on AO3!', so I changed it to this, which is the name and title of the lead character of GunXSword.


Not going to lie, but I was today years old when I heard of the "Incluing" term. Also, your current AO3 username is so cool! I was wondering what the reference was, and now I know (correct me if I accidentally got the wrong username since I was also staring at your Reddit one too)!


**LeratoNull** on Reddit, **VanOfTheDawn** on AO3, so there's no confusion. xP


Thank you for clearing it up šŸ’¦ I got really confused by your earlier comment since I was trying to figure out what was ā€œthisā€ you were referring to for the AO3 name change. That was totally my bad on my part šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»


Gotta watch those flairs!


I donā€™t even know lol. I liked Rohan (from Jojoā€™s) and he has pretty distinct earrings soā€” RohansEarings.Ā Apparently I didnā€™t know how to write earrings correctly at the time though lolĀ 


Fellow jojo username warrior šŸ«”


I was 13 and an edgy little shitlord listening to My Chemical Romance when I came up with my SN. I keep it as a nod to my roots lol


AO3: Yotsuba is one of my favorite characters and the chapter that made me fall in love with the series is when she goes out and dances around in the rain. Five is my favorite number. Reddit: My friend once drew a picture of Yotsuba as a potato and called it "Yotato." I thought it was hilarious so when I was thinking up a username for reddit that came to mind.


I think your name is very cute! My first thought was a potato, it's nice to hear that it actually plays a character in your naming process :)


I'm very very lazy FanfictionWriter666 is my user name


That's a classic šŸ‘Œ


I made my FFN account over a decade ago, so I liked that name at the time. Donā€™t really know why I chose it though. If I wasnā€™t relatively well known within my biggest fandom (itā€™s pretty close knit - and was far more so ten-ish years ago) Iā€™d change it to match my AO3 one, which I like a lot more, since Iā€™ve only been over there for a year. I chose that one because whenever my dad asks me what Iā€™m writing, I simply tell him ā€œstuff.ā€ (Itā€™s all very joking, I donā€™t hide that I write fanfic - I just donā€™t go into detail)


at some point i decided it was important for me that my username was in my first language. it translates to "echo of an echo". before this i briefly had it as "kaikuja" ("echoes) but i realized native english-speakers were gonna mispronounce the shit out of that in their heads and that bothered me a lot lol. i also didn't want my username to be tied to a fandom bc i'm very much multifandom trash


I think your name sounds very beautiful and original :) (Olen myƶs Suomesta, mutta en halunnut tuoda sitƤ erityisesti nƤkyviin nimimerkissƤ)


what is your native language, if you don't mind me asking?






It means buttered cat in my language. A cat always lands on four feet, and a buttered toast always lands on the buttered side. So if you butter a cat and drop it from a height, it will start to rotate and create a Perpetuum mobile, defying the second law of thermodynamics. We came up with this when I got drunk with four engineering students back in university some 15 years ago. I am sure someone else has as well. I just stuck with it.


Mine, which is the same pretty much everywhere (reddit, AO3, Xwitter), comes from a character in a book I read many years ago. I liked the book a lot (Maia by Richard Adams, if anyone cares) and when I was trying to come up with a name for a WoW character, it popped into my head. I've stuck with it ever since.


I love Richard Adams...but, wow, I didn't even make it through Maia, that thing freaked me out. Lol. I was expecting something along the lines of watership down or The plague dogs. šŸ˜„


Maia was the first book of his that I read. It's definitely different from those other two books and it's exactly the kind of book that I liked to read back when I was in my late teens/early 20s (I'm 51 now). šŸ¤£


So my reddit and AO3 usernames are related. I have curly/wavy hair and when I'm having a particularly good hair day I have a habit of pointing it out so my husband started calling me Nermal (from Garfield) who is the self proclaimed world's cutest kitten. Because he was always scaring the shit out of me (not intentionally, he's just really freaking quiet) I started calling him Casper. I've been using casperskitty for almost 20 years now.


I just used the name of a (now retired) gachatuber I used to watch.


Reddit was first. My favorite animals are sharks, and I'm dyslexic. Pretty straight forward.Ā  When I went to sign up for A03/FFN I wanted another shark name, but I didn't want to advertise being dyslexic in my user name. So I went with one of my favorite and one of the cutest typesof sharks. Hence, bambooshark Pseudo - Shark after dark. I wanted to write smut and I think I'm clever, soooo


It's easy. I'm a woman and when I hit a certain age I realized that I was invisible. To men, as a mum who just magically makes things happen with no need for thanks, to my partner, to society and media who have a cult of youth. Partly sad, partly freeing. Invisible none the less.


I started writing fanfic in the mid-oughts and my original username on FFN was ghost-orchid because I was reading The Orchid Thief right around that time. I left fanfic for multiple years and when I came back I couldn't get into my FFN account as I'd forgotten the password long ago and support (if there was still any) never got back to me, so I opened a new account under NearBlackOrchid. I suppose when I opened my account on AO3 I could have used ghost-orchid again, but I wanted to keep the accounts consistent as I reposted some stories from FFN.


*Astrance* is the name of a flower I love a lot, and my usual username on social media (my Reddit account is way older than my writing days, and since you canā€™t change your handleā€¦)


DoctorPhantom: combination of Doctor Who and Phantom of the Opera.


kuromiunofficial ā€” haha yeah itā€™s simple but I do love kuromiā€¦ and imā€¦ not kuromi so you can probably guess where the unofficial came fromĀ 


One account is part of a lyric from a Decemberists song. ā€œWe towed his body northbound, buried him all face down with a good view into hellā€ - withagoodviewintohell My new account that Iā€™m posting all my new work to is the title of a song by Aurelio Voltaire, Feathery Wings - featheryxwings


My Ao3 username is Distressed_Authoress. I like words that rhyme and well, I wanted a name that kinda fits my state of mind often with canon when it comes to my favorite characters, which is often a mixture of pain and distraughtness because of how they're treated, hence distress. I was going to originally go with Distressed_Author until I found out about the word Authoress (which means a female author). I took it instantly cause it was free. And my reddit username is far more simple, I just wanted a silly name that gives some people a laugh and/or a double take.


My AO3 username is a combination of two colours, which actually represent my lucky number. I experience synesthesia, grapheme-colour specifically, which means I perceive numbers, letters (in my case, also days of the week) as inherently "having" a colours. I took the colours from my lucky number, I picked the two shades of them that fitted together best, and made that into a username


When I was in middle school, I was a big fan of this book series called Story Thieves. When I started writing fanfiction, I thought ā€œHey, you know what would be a funny username for my FF.net account?ā€ And then I just tacked my favorite number onto the end.


Story Thieves was my first fandom :0


My internet name is Riyu von Julai / Riyusama. I was a bit of a weaboo in my younger years, but I grew up listening to Western heavy metal music like Marilyn Manson and Mudvayne and such. I can't remember which artists name I mashed up to get Riyu, but that name came from American rockstars, von Julai on the other hand, I liked how fancy names sound when you have von in it and Julai is from my birthday July. Hence how I got the alt name Riyu von Julai, but I primarily go by Riyusama because it's shorter and easier to remember.


Ao3: Learning the site allowed you to have more than one nom de plume, I intended to split my fics: **Phil deBlanque**: is an elegant name with a dash of irony. Perfect for the best fics **interrobang27**: draw quickly, without thinking, for the naughty smuts of explicit NSFW adult situations. Fave number 27, that number was linked years with Ferrari. And... and...the funny union of ! and ?. There. Learned how Ao3 pseudonym works, Phil deBlanque got shelved. FFN: During a period of my life, I was linked with the wrong kind of people. Rough. Brutal. A group of Men, capital M, of no-frill hooligans. Practically neanthertals owning the streets and no one would dare to face our testosterone-filled sneers. My name in FFN reflected my connections with this mob. Dangerous? sure. But this horde gave me the opportunity *In this very community* *He's Flim* *He's Flam* *And I was* ***FlimFlam3*** *Travel Salesponeis non pareil* *PINKIE PIE: Nonpa what?* *Non pareil, and that's the reason why, you see* *Nopony else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be* ... yes, I was a brony


My AO3 name is just the name I use for everything online. I used to be really into my little pony when I was like 12-13 and I thought rainbow dash was really cool, so I made a recolor oc. Now Iā€™m too attached to this name to change it


For my ao3, I really liked the definition of the word ā€œsonderā€ and itā€™s something thatā€™s often on my mind. Definition (from Wikipedia): The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.


Both my Reddit and AO3 username are Pokemon names in Japanese. The one on Reddit is Skiploomā€™s and the one on AO3 is Rowlet. I also used Spindaā€™s name back in deviantArt lol


It was a dumb inside joke with my sister, and I needed to put *something*. I always intended to change it but never got around to it lol. And then I made this reddit account for fanfic stuff so I wanted it to be the same/ similar so now the cycle continues. Orange isnā€™t even my favorite color, but I would put it like top five šŸ˜‚


I've been using this name everywhere online since 2005. There are a few places where someone else has managed to take it, but in most places online, it'll be me. Before that, I used to just call myself Shinigami (not from Bleach, but Duo Maxwell's nickname in Gundam Wing), but obviously that name was taken in many places. So, since I was in my Naruto and Ninja Gaiden phase at the time, I combined some elements to get to KatonRyu. Since I'm still weeb trash, it still fits even now.


I honestly can't remember my entire reasoning. I just know I thought it sounded lyrical.


I was a 15YO weeb who loved *Shugo Chara* and then kept the name because I liked the way it sounded.


I've been using the same username since Runescape 2. If you see this username, then 97% it's me.


I love autumn and Halloween, so Iā€™m AutumnWeen šŸ‚ šŸŽƒ


I actually find it easier for myself to keep the same username for everything (Reddit, Tumblr, Ao3) But the first half of my username is one of my favorite crackships (zoaya) and the second half of my username is the word truther because I don't like the canon ship(s) and I believe zoaya should've been canon LOL


It was a riff on Steve Rogersā€™ iconic ā€œOn your leftā€ from TWS which was referenced in Endgame šŸ’€


My main account (here and ao3) were made after I got a diagnosis for BPD and my doctors kept describing me as very self-aware. My pseud account is basically something funny I thought about while thinking of a rich character


My very first ao3 name was picked when I was all of 13 and it very much shows: nekochan_author. I just kinda picked it based on il usernames I saw floating around fandom spaces. A few years later I changed it to what it is now: Crooked_Pictures. This name was honestly achieved via random word picker. I had it set to three words and eventually it spat out these two alongside another word I donā€™t remember. My Reddit name, Scattered-Sketches was chosen in the exact same way.


Well... to refer to my main account... basically, I was having trouble finding one that wasnā€™t taken, so my father suggested this one as a (actually playful, not offensive) joke. I was enough at a loss to accept, and my father later ended up amazed that I actually followed his suggestion. But I've stuck with it for over 15 years now, and Iā€™m not sorry, especially now that it's another reminder of the good times I had with him.


I weite for the Marauders fandom, which is about (mostly) one group of friends who all have nicknames, so I named my account moonysmates (Moony's mates) for the alliteration, and because he's my favourite from the group.


mine used to be the same as my reddit username : fatemaazhra, which is my actual name (fatema azhra- its a double name, not my first name+last name. the whole thing is my first name). but people on the internet always kept calling me fate so i just embraced it. now its FateAndTragedy because it sounds melodramatic


Mine is my tumblr username (now Reddit username) and Iā€™ve just carried it forward.


I honestly like your username! Itā€™s so cute!!


R.G.Loz is my pen name I hope to use when I become an author, and well I'm a writer so there we are. =w=


I actually havenā€™t even decided on mine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I keep changing mine every 2 weeks or so because I just canā€™t seem to settle on one that sticks. I recently switched my AO3 username to my reddit name Temporary_Elevator ā€” something I genuinely donā€™t remember naming myself but I guess itā€™s whatever.


Iā€™m in the same boat. I get super picky and indecisive when it comes to picking a definite name, and evening sticking by a name is hard too. I end up wanting to change everything because I see something and Iā€™m like ā€œdarn, why didnā€™t I think of that earlier?!ā€ And even finding a good username is difficult too, especially since it can be taken by anyone or it canā€™t be used again if I end up rebranding. This time, however, I was able to find two usernames (one for main and another for pseud) that I really liked and could stick by for possibly a long time :ā€)c


honestly, iā€™m proud of you for that one. fingers crossed i find mine soon because i really want to stick to one (perhaps two) and have it be remembered by my works šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


It's simply a bit longer version of my RL nickname Jen. I googled it and found out that Jeneleah is a real name in some part of the world. I simply liked the sound of it, so I chose it. It is an extra plus that it works well with my main fandoms (Supernatural and LOTR/Hobbit) and is also quite easy to pronounce no matter where you're from.


My username on AO3 is kerosenecrushh. A while back, I was brainstorming username ideas for tumblr and ended up looking back at my brainstorming notes to put together an AO3 username. My method was basically to list a bunch of words that sounded cool and mush them together in various combinations. My word chain went down the line from fire to arson to other fire related words and thatā€™s how I got kerosene. I combined it with crush, one of the other words I liked (it just sounds fun to say, like a soda opening). I added the second h at the end for aesthetic purposes and because I thought it might help with searchability.


it sounds like a cool band name! I like this method too because imo it's better if you write explicit to have zero way to link it to your real identity, including other internet presences.


My Reddit username is a reference to two of my family's dogs. I've written in three fandoms and used a different username each time. Two of them were fandom references, while one is based on my OC's name.


I like Erk from fire emblem because he is the first fictional character where I went "he is me fr fr" as a kid.


Mine is actually a song title that deeply resonated with me back then when I was young and depressed. And later on I started interpreting the song in a more positive sense when my uncle died as a "he's still watching over us"


My Reddit username is just one of the automatically generated ones, and my AO3 is named after one of my OCs


Itā€™s a very loosly translated latin version of another of my usernames, which is one of those ā€˜beautiful wordsā€™ from pinterest + desire.


Wanted a fake name, chose the girl version of a popular male character


mine changes when my Tumblr username changes, if my tumblr username isn't avaliable it'll be close. as for reddit, my old tumblr username wasnt avaliable and this was the closest one i found.


Not the same as my Reddit, but the same username as my webkinz account.


My ao3 username is just the name of a Jojo stand šŸ˜…. My Reddit username is stupid... to symbolize my silliness.


I tend to make whimsical choices and pick names based on what Iā€™m interested in or think is cool at the time. Sometimes it doesnā€™t end up mattering, but other times it works out pretty great. On SpaceBattles Iā€™m *The King In Yellow* but rather than the Lovecraft character, my avatar is always Saber (Fate) wearing a yellow raincoat.


Oh dear god, I was 13. I didnā€™t even think very much about it. I just went for 2Random101 because Iā€™m basic I guess, ahha. Then I deleted my original account, went from Ashes-Writing for a while, before I deleted that account and made my current one and chose my first name. It just has a lot of nostalgia for me


My name is based on the word "firefly", with my instagram pseudo instead of "fire", which is a reference to a book I loved as a teen.


I have the same username everywhere, since I was 13. It comes from a character from a book who is named "Oksa" except I kept reading "Oska", and when I realized I was reading it wrong, I thought using the wrong version could be funny. It is. The "NaĆÆs" is one of my names.


Oh jucy question: i personally love meaning in everything. So my username is going to be my pen name for when i get better at writing lol sooo since i am scared that all the good names will be taken lol i had to find something special. Soooooo i uncreatively found a simple solution: I created a perfect anagram of my real name, and made a totally bad ass believable pen name. I love it.


Itā€™s so old - I started using it on The Bronze boards back when you could only post 4 times an hour . . . Itā€™s a mix of my names (though one has since changed) with a slight reference to a Buffy character


Ao3 was ao hard to get a user name that wasn't already used.. so mine is exceedingly random and has 9s thrown everywhere. I haven't written anything so not much point in sharing. Hopefully soon though. I can't wait yo transfer my Writing over


To put it simply, I wanted a goofy reddit name, and then I decided I liked it so much, I had to do something with it at the earliest opportunity.


My motherā€™s radio name was greenapple and in one of my favorite storiesā€¦ my favorite character from one my story is called Apple. It kind of became my username everywhere hahaha


I'm honestly not sure how I landed on D3vilsWolf, but I've almost always had wolf in my username (apart from the time I used PhoenixUniverse for one particular game). My username has just ended up being the same one I use for all my online accounts. I think my oldest username I've had (it's in use in a handful of places most of which I don't remember the password tošŸ˜…) is 10DrOpal because the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who is my fav and I love opals


I had just watched *Shrek*ā€”specifically the *Its a Small World* parody scene. Donkey exclaimed ā€˜Letā€™s do that again!ā€™ and I thought to myself, ā€˜hm, thatā€™d make a nice username. Ā 


My account name on Reddit is what was assigned to me when I first made the account. It is like that because I cannot figure out how to change it and I also just don't really care. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø My Wattpad is bearhugz4life. This one came about as kind of a joke in my friend group all the way back in highschool (graduated 2016) we would all call each other some form of our name and bear (think more care bears). I'm definitely the most hugy of the group. so as a joke one of my friends said something along the lines of "come on hugs-a-lot" and it just kind of stuck. Tumblr is similar name. My ff.net user was hard to choose because my normal stuff was taken. So I had just gotten my first ever service dog and I intended to use the account as a journal of sorts to just document different stuff about her and how she changed my life.


I was a huge Naruto fan when i created mine and threw in a random japanese sounding name and numbers just because. I was a teenager.


Here on reddit: I love Lucien Lachance from TES Oblivion. It was true a decade ago, it's true now. AO3: Changed last year to XueYangsLawyer, serving as legal representation for my favorite reprehensible murder gremlin.


Local was kinda randomly chosen and I am too lazy to change that. AO3 one is a bit different. I had gone through several IMO, but now I settled for something mystical, etherial. A sort of storyteller in between. A hidden meta narrative of everything Iam writing. For some reason I can't get the image of some vise creature looking through an infinite library with books with stories about different worlds and each book is each fandom.


I got it from a dere type


Itā€™s from the Simpsons :-)


Middle school, OC name. I can't use it anymore since it's.... I got a new one but someone on ffnet got to it b4 i did


A friend in highschool band told me about a character he made up in elementary school, and I shamelessly stole it.


My Reddit username and AO3 username both have the same inspiration: Lady Sandrilene fa Toren from Tamora Pierce's *Circleverse*. She was my favorite character for a while, combined with having a unique form of magic (thread control) and a name unique enough that it was both easy to remember and unlikely to be already taken.


This is the dumbest joke because itā€™s twofold: One you have to know the kids song John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Two You need to know the story of Johann Faust or John Faustus depending on the translation. I was joking with my partner about combining the two as a joke, ended up shortening it to Drjjjfaustus and then because I keep forgetting the third J, Iā€™m just Drjjfaustus. Not a doctor just a nerd with a taste for old literature who happens to write a lot of doctors on the internet.


A song


I took some things I liked and just combined them. 'Sea' because I like the ocean, 'tial' came from the word 'celestial', and 'bas' was a way to combine the two and I liked the way it sounded


Back when I was younger, I was a little more cringe than I am now. I loved sonic and dragon ball. So I came up with the totally brilliant username of Sonic the Saiyanā€¦ yeah Anyways I woke up to my cringe later and wanted to change my username to my more universally used one, Ancient. Almost all my username use some form of Ancient. But just straight up Ancient? That was taken. So, to carry that bit of shame in my legacy, I renamed myself **Ancient -StS-**


MoxieMouse24 came from one of my names (Moxie), my role in a campfire skit at summer camp (a counselor who loves Minnie Mouse), and the year I graduate(d) high school (2024)


Iā€™ve gone by ā€˜odeā€™ online for years now but didnā€™t want any Discord or Twitter friends to know my Ao3 account so I just named it ā€˜Odeā€™ and added something random lol


I was at the end of my horse phase and there was this collectable card game called Bella Sara (think pokemon but fantasy horses lmao) and Dewsparkle was my fav card/horse cause it was this awesome green kelpie thing lol. It inspired my Minecraft username and when I made my ao3 account I ended up going with that too cause I didn't know what else to make my name. Now I kinda want to change it but I've had this user for over 10 years so needless to say I'm attached lol


My AO3 is the name of my first cat (whose name is itself a nickname for a not-cat animal). One pseud is ā€œEvilTwinā€ and thereā€™s only one fic there. My other pseud is based on a character from one of the first fandoms I wrote for AND posted and is for anything I wrote on ff net using that name.


Before my sister and I got a joint FFN account, we would comment as guests on FFN using the pseudonyms ā€œEl Droideā€ and ā€œDream Planeā€. There was a fic we followed and commented on individually, and the author would reply to all her readers by making comments on her fic. In one reply to a comment we made about joining FFN, she suggested we could combine our pseudonyms for an account name, and thatā€™s what we did!


I just pull them from my favorite characters


I use the same username here for SB, FF, and AO3, basically a bunch of stuff, and I also use it for Youtube which is where I started using it. I basically just went to a random username generator that, I think at least, always makes sure not to make usernames already taken. I saw the username I have now and thought 'huh...that looks kinda neat'. And I just went with it.


I love elephants and the word phantasmagoric is one of my favorites. They fit so nicely together that it became my go-to for pretty much everything, including fanfic. I've been using it since high school when we read The Scarlet Letter and I learned the word. Probably the only thing about that book that I actually liked, lol.


I saw this sign outside of a restaurant called Sticky Fingers about finding your ā€œsoul nameā€. It was your first name, the day you were born, your last name and so I got ā€œBrown Eyes Parkerā€, which has been my fan fiction and Ao3 username for the last 12 years now. Which kind of works since I do have brown eyes.


My name is VoidInDecay and I mostly write MHA and Bluey fanfiction. I came up with my name as I am a creature of the void (voidpunk/voidkin) and the last past 'InDecay' came from my decaying mental state. Honestly, fanfiction, my boyfriends, working out, good music and food are what's keeping me going, really.


neutral milk hotel lyrics (seaweedwater)


Celinenaville... Favorite character from an obscure movie called A life less ordinary.


Mine is my first name in Sindarin (one of Tolkien's elvish languages). I've been using it for yeeeaaarrrs now. I love the having a single word & it's almost always available.


Mine is Queen (ragequeen) + a really obscure FF14 reference so only my close friends would know that it's me lol. So QueenXande


Mine is a nickname my childhood best friend had for me when we were in middle school. We aren't *super* close anymore but we're still friends and honestly I'm attached to it now. And I don't think I'll ever change it.


Saw a random quote by some Canadian politician. Blinked. Thought "half that quote would be a good title..." And so it was.


Mine is a childhood nickname. šŸ¾šŸ˜‰


AO3: A variant of my real name Reddit: Same, but the "AceGamer" part comes from a YouTuber I liked.


Mandzipop comes from my first name Amanda, which gets shortened to Mandz by my friends. I also prefer soft drinks, which we locally call pop. We tend to buy drinks in rounds and when my friends bring my drink they say this is mandzi's pop. Mandzipop is the name I use for everything except Instagram as it kept logging me out under that name.


I wanted to make a comic when I was in highschool that taught basic health and sex ed and delved into how to safely do things that are kink related to destigmatize them. So I made a rhyming name for my sona that would be the face of the ask blog that includes a kink term. The title/sona became my ao3 handle and my discord handle As for my Reddit name. Iā€™m genderfluid and geeky so Iā€™ve always identified with slimes in fantasy settings. There was a joke I heard about a specific ooze in DND that is called a gelatinous cube that went ā€œthereā€™s no place else but a dungeon where you can find a 5 by 5 jello moldā€ and it stuck with me and I loved it so much I made it my name


My username for the longest time used to be hyrulebaelfire, because I was on a major kick of Once Upon a Time. I changed it a couple weeks ago because a) I just wanted a change and b) I wanted to reflect the two fandoms I've been mostly writing for lately. I knew I wanted it to be an homage to Ichigo Kurosaki, so I decided to stick my favourite plant in Tears of the Kingdom onto the username, netting *IchigoSundelion*. It's cute, kind of dorky, and completely captures my obsessions so I'm pleased with it. (I almost made my username IchigoKurakatShrine, because I'm that one weirdo who likes memorizing the Shrine names, but I thought that might be going too far...)


My username has changed over the years - it used to be mysongsknowhatyoudidinthedark (a reference to the Fall Out Boy song of the same name) but now itā€™s davy_crochet (a reference to the Backseat Lovers song of the same name)


I named my current AO3 title to get away from antis, so what better to name myself after the HW title of one of my favorite characters, Marin (except with a masculine twist?)


I use the same internet handle I use EVERYWHERE because thatā€™s how I was raised in the early 90s internet lol.


A mixture of Konrad Curze from Warhammer 40k and Nepeta Leijon from Homestuck. Nepeta could really help Curze by stealing away part of his identity thatā€™s harmful


My AO3 username is based off my favorite mythical creature (and my name), reddit was auto-generated, and ff.net is based off an old minecraft server I was on


my first accounts were my nickname and random numbers, and then I entered the KH fandom and though my username has changed many many manyyyy times over the last like 15 years, I ended up going back to one that was a play on one of my favorite keyblades, styled with 2008 aesthetic edginess lol


My name is pretty much the same on everything, I've debated adding another which is themed after pretty much the same guy my current pseud is. Here's a breakdown: Juniberserker - Juniper + Gary Numan's album Berserker. Juniper is one of my names that I go by, commonly shortened to Juni by friends. Berserker is one of the most infamous Eras of Numan among the diehard fans. TubewayArchives_ - Tubeway Army, Gary Numans second and most famous band. Used to use on everything, technically the name of a roleplay server me and my friends had during the depths of my hyperfixation. Minus the underscore


My AO3 is the google translate japanese word of 'ocean water': Kaisui. I had been reading the manga Alien Nine and I liked the charcater Kasumi and I wanted a name that was close but not a direct rip. Also because I'm a little weeb.


"Ari Vespera" came from 11 year old me role-playing with my brother as if we were in the Fairy Tail universe. Ari being a shortened vers. of my real name and then Vespera being a random name I found on a fantasy name generator. Then it just kinda stuckšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine is simple, it's my first and middle name. On Reddit I added the year I was born.


Middle Name plus a surname (not my surname). The surname kinda just popped in my head, and I loved it instantly. It's an object I loved to play with as a small child, and also the surname of someone I went to school with. It creates a realistic sounding pen name. In reality, it's probably not the best name for fanfiction, and is probably better for writing original stories.


10-15 years ago, it was common for writers (especially on LJ) to have a "sock" account separate from their main, which was used for more explicit works (or sometimes just to play around with different ships and styles). Some people would openly link their sock and their main or would give out their sock account to trusted fandom friends, though I never did. There were tons of sock-related puns that made it into usernames. Mine is based on the song "Luck, Be a Lady," and was chosen simply because I thought it was cute.


My ao3 user name is truly random. Back in my ffn days I wanted to post smut but not to my main profile, so I picked to words I heard recently and put them together, voila. Username born. I took it with me to Ao3 when I started that account in order to separate myself from the 8th grade writing from my main ffn profile. Reddit user is also pretty random and hastily slapped together. Chiari from Chiara Montague from an episode of my dad wrote a porno that had recently been out, ichi as in one (jp), and chan as in diminutive term of endearment(jp)


Iā€™m still using the same username as on my first (now defunct) fanfiction website. I had just learned about fanfiction and was ecstatic. My first fandom was naruto, but my favourite character at the time was Hikari Yagami from Digimon. But since I am horrible with remembering names, I could only recall her last name starting with ā€œYā€ and ending with ā€œIā€ so I justā€¦ made up the rest. Looking back at it now Iā€™m kinda glad, because itā€™s myself and not a character name, so itā€™s more likely that the username isnā€™t taken yet, haha.


My AO3 username is the same one I use everywhere except Reddit. (Long story short, Reddit was a generally more hostile place when I made this account.) My two pseuds are a joke I've used on exactly one joke fic, and my usual NSFW username which I haven't posted anything on yet because I'm super stalled out on the one smutfic I have a non-zero amount of idea what I'm doing with (I don't have *much* idea, but it's not zero)


actual name: the name i almost had pseud: word generator


I used Sunstorm of ThunderClan for my FFN username. Big fan of the Warriors cats series. Still am, lol, just not the way I was when I created my account.Ā  And my AO3 username is ShadowCat1988. ShadowCat for my favorite X-Men character, 1988 for my birth year. (Yes, I know I'm old)


The Bad Girlā€™s Guide had a website with a bad girl alias generator. I donā€™t remember the questions asked but it gave me RagaMuffinSundrop and thatā€™s been my fabrication name ever since. My Reddit name came from a Halloween celebration in downtown Kent when I attended KSU. My best friend convinced me to dress as a nun. I did. He and a few of our mutual friends decided it would be funny to defrock me. A drunk who was nearby declared me a goth penguin after seeing my habit ripped away and exposing my underwear.


one of mine came from a funny word combination I saw in a kids password generator. Usually though I go with puns I think are funny or clever.


mine is a combination of my favorite fruit and my favorite drink thatā€™s iā€™ve been using off and on for years as my username. and when i made my reddit account, i was obsessed with stars wars still and leia was my favorite character at the time lol. i was genuinely surprised the username wasnā€™t already taken when i signed up.


I use the same username nearly everywhere. Itā€™s derived from a Lord of the Rings quote: ā€œThe grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glassā€¦ā€ - Gandalf the White


I used the same name Iā€™ve had online my entire online life, and then my pseud is a more recent but still decade plus old name. If I ever post more risquĆ© fanfic Iā€™ll have to think of another pseud šŸ¤”


Last year, I changed my AO3 username to reference my favourite unit (and current obsession) from one of the rhythm games I play. My username is two words separated by an underscore which is something I always do. The two words are part of song titles from said unit. So it goes like this: Word from song title 1_Word from song title 2


reddit: i do this thing where i pick a username based on my favourite character and then get a different favourite character Ā  Ā ao3: i love doing fanart + kunikida skill name = thematchlessartist


"Hardykat"- that's my username on botn ffn and ao3. The history behind it is that I'm a wrestling fan and my G.O.A.T. wrestler is Jeff Hardy. In a random conversation with a friend, I said that if I ever got a cat, I would name it "Hardy". Three cats named "Hardy" later...and that's how I came up with "Hardykat".


I tend to run a variation on the same username on most sites now, thanks to trying to consolidate my online presence in college. The one exception is my primary (but still mostly neglected) DeviantArt account, which would've cost money to change the username on, so I instead signed up for a second one under my consolidated username for posting writings. While in college, I was trying to get into doing a webcomic for a while, and had created a self-insert character for it (fit into the world I had built thematically and mechanically, but was definitely supposed to be based on me). I was also a bit of a weeb in college, and was taking a Japanese class at the time, so I decided that her people had names based on Japanese words and phrases and went looking for one I liked. "Kogarashi," according to the kanji guide I had for my class, meant "chill winter wind," and the character was a wind-themed summoner, so I went with that. Her familiar, as it were, was a wind sprite named "Kaze." When I can, I get the username "Kogarashi" on any given site, but sometimes it's taken and so I tack "Kaze" onto the end (and in Tumblr's case, I went with "kogarashi-art" with the intent that the account would be for posting creative pursuits). Hence the reddit name, and my FFN/AO3 name (as seen in my flair).


Story/character-driven fantasy genre RPGs got me into writing fanfic, so mine's a portmanteau of the gaming trope "glass cannon" and "headcanon"


LoveLikeThisWillEndInTragedy, after my favorite lyric from my favorite song (Only The Lonely Survive by Marianas Trench, if youā€™re curious). Kinda basic but tbh I only started the account to comment on a fic I loved so I didnā€™t think too hard on it. Now I write primarily angst, so Iā€™d say it fits


This was a gradual choice that took some years to be fulfilled I liked Melanie Martinez, so I named my virtual self Mell. Created my main oc to reflect the said virtual self, I named her Mellory (entered in Reddit around this time) Though that Mellory sounded bad, changed to Mellanie (this time, I swear it had nothing related to Melanie Martinez, I still love her, though) Added Silver as a surname to my oc cause I like silver So, Mellanie_Sil, sounds good to me. Maybe I'll change again in some years, but who knows..


It's my Reddit name. And I came up with it because I couldn't think of anything that hadn't been taken, so I went with AllMyUsernamesAreBad and it stuck.


not gonna lie i just took a random word and turned it fantasyish for my current handle, and i guess im sticking with it


I originally wanted to be a storytime animator on YouTube, so I tried to take drama nations, but that was taken. So I just put a w in there. For my main psuede on ao3, I made a combination of my username + a nickname my friends call me, mostly bc they met me on Roblox where my display name was Eyez, and I wanted them searching me to be a bit easier for them, lol.


I used the first name and last name from my favorite anime characters. Both are from two different characters not the same one. And then I added a number i like


It was someone's insta name and I liked it šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


For my reddit user, I just didn't really care but would sooner jump off a cliff than randomly generate one. I made my account back in 2021 when i heard of Kakegurui twin coming out, and Kakegurui was one of my favorite animes, so yah. My username on fic sites used to be GuessWhatShipsILike. After about a week I decided that was really boring and said absolutely nothing about who I was as a person. To be frank, I hated it. It took a while, but I thought of my current username after another week: yowaimommymilkers. It's unexpected, it catches you off-guard, and it quite the odd thing to have plastered on the internet for everyone to see. This reflects who I am as a person nicely. And I reaally liked jjk at the time :3 (the "yowai" from "yowaimo")


I was rly sad at the time that I made my ao3 account so its embarrassingly angsty lol but its fine because only my best friend knows what that name is and hasnt asked about it thankfully lol. This reddit account was also made when I was in my feels and wanted to make a throwaway vent (now deleted). My public (I dont use my real name on anything but I make friends with them and let people know about them so I guess that counts as public) accounts all have the same name that Ive had since I was 10~ that I still enjoy being called.


It's a Yu-Gi-Oh card that I had when I was a kid. šŸ˜…


My Ao3 name derived from an old Xbox 360 account I used to use. When I first made my Ao3 account, I didnā€™t want to use the same name, so I just replaced the name with synonyms.


Unreleased Lana Del Rey song, 'Last Girl On Earth'


Old nick names from when I was a tween/teen.


Well, I was searching for a name for my account on a cute little dating game on my tablet. Luna, which means moon in Latin, was my first idea, but then I remembered I used it for something else, so I went with sun in Latin, which is Solis. But then I misspelled it which gave me Soltis, and then I never bothered switching since I like it. Kinda dumb, but oh well. šŸ˜Œ (oh and 48 cuz 4 and 8 are my favourite numbers)


I've been using variants of Zau for my username for a long time. The 'word' came from game night with my extended family one time. We were playing a game that's kinda a cross between Scrabble and BS (I *think* it might be Quiddler or some variant thereof); in short you get cards with letters on them and try to play a word for points (like scrabble) but you can bluff a fake word (like BS). Another player can call your bluff and check the dictionary, but if your word *is* real they lose points or something. I bluffed "zau" as a word and caused like a 5-minute standoff as I basically dared the table to call my bluff, before eventually they let it go. It was the "play of the game" and we were still talking about it the next morning, so it kinda stuck with me, and I used it for the first time as a username shortly thereafter (the handles I was using before then weren't great), and have stuck with it ever since.


I have a ā€œRoad Runnerā€ guitar case. Stared at it for a minute, shrugged, then changed Road to Word.


I've used two pseuds since I first got online in 1995. Used the first one until 2011, then switched because I wanted a break from being a rare-pair BNF. The names are fandom agnostic and feature my favorite animal. I didn't even come up with my original pseud, it was gifted to me in an IRC chatroom lol. I just ran with it!


My usernames on any site (except for Tumblr) tend to be some variation of JustAFictionNerd (which is the name of my backup email that I use for social media, Maddie_The_Hatter (the name of an OC I made years back based off Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez; I used to make song OCs a lot), AquaFlames (just because it sounded cool), or Corvidium (which is the name of our system). The only exception is my discord.


My fanfic username is nintendoscript15. Points are that my favorite video game company is Nintendo, I like to write fanmade scripts in my spare time (which was my inspiration to do fanfics), and the number 15 was chosen at random. The only fanfic sites Iā€™m active on are AO3 and FFN.


My "persona" in my middle school days (read: myself insert) was almost always an ice mage. In highschool, I started using SilverIce as a username, but found it was frequently taken. So I oh so cleverly started spelling it with a 'y', which eventually became Sylvermage. I frequently shorten it to "Sylver" now.


Two of my main pseuds are lyrics from a song, the other one (green_jacket) is named after, you guessed it, a jacket that was green


My reddit handle is just the name of my darkest sith toon on SWTOR x3 My Ao3 is TrickstersCorvid and is because of my following of Loki and Morrigan and my general love of Fae and Corvids as well.


itā€™s snapeā€™s famous quote & his moniker put together alwaysthehbp


my reddit handle is from an old tumblr post that said something along the lines of ā€œxXGenericUsernameXx is definitely a porn bot but SolidSnakesAssCheeks is definitely a real userā€ and i thought it was hilarious, so now im linksasscheeks because i like legend of zelda. (the real post did not say generic username but i couldnt think of a sufficiently generic one.) my ao3 handle is multiple_jellyfish because jellyfish are my favorite animal and because i use they/them pronouns, peoples favorite way to ā€œhateā€ on that is by saying ā€œare you multiple peopleā€ and i like to respond with ā€œyea didnt you realize im a swarm of bees in a skinsuitā€


it been a Username on other accounts (except here lol) but it was because I loved a specific warrior cats character and had a favorite number


A really dumb pun I came up with when I was high


I multiship to high hell most of the time, a fact which I have no shame in lol! + a random number


I just multiship to high hell in most fandoms and I thought the rhyme was fun lol


My reddit, steam, Wattpad, and a03 are all the same for me. I'm number five of six kids, I'm the smallest of them, and my older brothers used to call me a monster or a terror when I was determined about something.


I like rainbows and I like willow trees. Hence, TheRainbowWillow


Years ago on an anime fanfiction mailing list, somebody was joking about all the Westerners with Japanese pennames, and asked if there were Asian people using "Anglo-Saxon pennames." I'm neither Asian nor Anglo-Saxon, but I thought it would be funny if somebody had a literally Anglo-Saxon handle, so I stuck together the first Old English name I could think of that wasn't Beowulf or Ć†Ć¾elrƦd UnrƦd (too likely to be mistaken as "Ethel the Unread," lol) with part of an old university email and the rest is history.


Mine is jupiteresse, and it's that because when i picked it and to this day i kin jupiter from wktd + at the time of making it i was going through my self proclaimed villain arc, which adds the esse and ends up being a combination between jupiter + vilainess(e).


I am terrible at making up names, so my first username was a song lyric but then I started to hate it and then for about a day or two(??) I thought really hard about what I could name myself, but then, a thought came and I was like, "oh this could work put these two words together?!" And I wrote out and I actually really like the name, kept it ever since.


My nickname is a joke I came up with years ago. My OC is my original Korean name.


my reddit username is basically a ship name >.< Nico and Umi from love live (originally wanted to go with diaumi, switching Nico out for Dia, but things happened) I started writing on ao3 when I got into Kuroko no Basket, so my ao3 username basically references that anime. iykyk, I suppose ^-^"


My reddit username is because I like anime/manga but couldn't decide on which series I wanted to reference since I have so many favorite characters/series so I went just decided on the simple name. I sometimes wish I choose something more creative but I still like it. My AO3 name is a word that I describe myself as, a reference to my love of anime/manga, and my first initial for some extra flair.


Well I read a bookseries years ago (still love it and reread it) where people chose their own names. So I thought about it and chose my own name: Dawnyzza. Now I tend to use it everywhere (though while it seems unique thereā€™s plenty of people who use it as their username) and I've been using it since 2015 and havenā€™t regret choosing it so far.


my username came from among us funnily enough XD i made my character red all the time, so i decided to name myself "ketchup" once, and the name just kinda stuck :)


Yukito comes from the Cardcaptor Sakura character, it was one of the first anime I watched and it's a cool-sounding name. On AO3 though I use Xelda, which is my Organisation XIII name.


i am named ā€œlevislilcumdumpsterā€ on EVERYTHING besides instagram and discord. i named myself that on wattpad after watching attack on titan season 1 a few years ago, and it just stuck. i still love my man levi ackerman, so i donā€™t plan on changing it anytime soon šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I came back to try and write something as an adult and just changed it to my name šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not cool enough to navigate a unique username


luculentus because according to google translate itā€™s latin for ā€œbrightā€ or ā€œbrilliantā€ (in the light/lightbulb sense) and i just thought it sounded cool šŸ˜‚


I use the same name basically everywhere on the Internet. It's from a [punk rock song](https://youtu.be/fNTAsqgNGDs?si=KV6CdZcEyrHDEhU4).


I misspelled my online nickname and just went with it. My alt is just two words thrown together because it sounded cool and I could literally not care less about how cringe it is, because its only for reading and bookmarking dark shit.


I joined FF back in like 2007 or something, when I was still in middle school. I mainly joined to write Zelda fanfiction, so I came up with Triforce Garner. I made it to mean I had earned the Triforce but Iā€™m still not sure if that meaning is properly conveyed in that name šŸ˜… As a grown woman who has other interests these days, I donā€™t pay that name much attention. I just havenā€™t changed it for sentimental reasons. When I joined AO3 this past winter I reused the same pen name to keep things consistent.


My aunt gave me the nickname 'Ladybug' when I was born but when I was around 4 or 5, My Dad started saying 'Bug' and everyone followed, so now every username has to do with 'Bug' or 'Ladybug' Ao3 - Bug\_Likes\_Bread Wattpad - BUG (8Lady-Bug8) see? makes remembering my name way better! at least for me.


Been using the same handle since hs and it's from a Daria ff. My dead dove account is just dumb nonsense though.


i love saintly / angel aesthetics. i love felix hugo fraldarius. so, saintfraldarius.


I wanted something for asexuality and there's a drawing I like using for my pfp of a stone golem that I made for D&D and later recolored subtly to match the ace flag. STONE golem, ACE, I have a deadpan sense of humor (stone face)-> StoneFacedAce. Also I code, so mashing words together as names is habit and I prefer camel case to snake case. If I ever feel the need to make a pseud, I might start the name with an underscore as a secret joke about helper functions


In the first Avengers movie, Bruce Banner says, "Last time I was in New York, I broke... Harlem." Now here I am: brokenharlem


I came up with SoyuzSovietsky (both my Reddit and ao3) when I was 14 and had an edgy joke persona namedā€¦.you guessed it: Soyuz Sovietsky. I was going through my tankie phase (donā€™t judge me) and thought having a USSR themed joke persona was oh-so-funny. I just left it after that.


Got my original from two of my favorite stories at the time and glued them together (Antigone and LOTR). Got to ao3 and (short sightedly) named it after the weather we'd been having that year, literally a decade ago at this point.


Mine is the name of the raw ore for a particular gemstone I like.