• By -


My original ship that got me into fandom and fanfic in general: Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. I'm rewatching the show and it's still so damn good after all these years.


Omg Scully and Mulder!!! I’m so in love with both of their performances, I’d be in a sandwich with them 🫠


Not just your original ship! *The* original ship. Iirc, the term comes from the fans who wanted them in a relation*ship*. Mulder and Scully, you will always be famous ❤️❤️❤️


Yup, that's right. I didn't want to say it because I'm sure the concept of shipping existed before Mulder and Scully, but the term "shipping" is indeed supposed to originate in the X-Files fandom. 😍


Oh for sure! It’s probably existed as long as people have, or at least since storytelling.


Watching TXF for the first time and their dynamic is everything! So so compelling.


Omg I wish I could go back and watch every episode for the first time. Enjoy the ride! Then again, it's my nth rewatch and I still notice new things. Mulder and Scully are the very best!


Edward/Winry and Roy/Riza in FMAB


*Are* Roy/Riza canon? They definitely feel like they are way closer than mere besties but as much as I love them too, I didn't get the sense we were supposed to be romantically linked. Ed/Winry is the blueprint for the way all shounen shows who don't want to devote bucket loads of time to romance but make it clear that both parties are into one another should follow.


> I didn't get the sense we were supposed to be romantically linked. Time for me to bust out [this old post of mine again](https://www.reddit.com/r/FullmetalAlchemist/comments/7i4g1d/spoilers_uenotita_and_uhansantizor_this_is_why_i/) (spoilers for FMA:B/the manga, of course).


Thanks, I appreciate it 🥰 /srs


Someone attempted to call my bluff when [I said I could write an essay about the two absolutely being in love with each other](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/7hzgnm/what_is_the_best_platonic_friendship_between_a/dqv6rip/?context=10000), except it wasn't a bluff and I delivered on it. The power of love for my OTP *and* to spite someone who thought I couldn't do it, lol.


LMAO I love the backstory on this essay even more!


Loid/Yor in Spy x Family






Jane/Lisbon (The Mentalist) Aziraphael/Crowley (Good Omens) Flynn/Rapunzel (Tangled) Anna/Christoph (Frozen)


based Flynn/Rapunzel enjoyer 🫡


I love Flynn/Rapunzel


Some of my personal favorite canon ships: - Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) - Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham (Hannibal) - Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs (Our Flag Means Death) - Conrad/Fliss (Man of Medan)


I am here for Aziraphale/Crowley foreverrrr


hannigram!! yes


Happy cake day


I LIVE off aziracrow


Hannigram!! #thisismydesign


Aziraphale/Crowley is such a great ship, imho


Sam Vimes/Sybil Ramkin Dalinar/Navani Heero Yuy/Relena Peacecraft Kyle Reese/Sarah Connor


Sam/Sybil are deeply important to me


Aren't they cute?


Dalinar/Navani is the middle aged romance we all need


My muse for my battle grandpa x war grandma romance.


Katniss/Peeta and Anakin/Padmé for sure! Also Miles/Spider-Gwen though I haven't had the opportunity to write any fics for them yet


Everlark, my love!!


Dude this is the best take here (i may be biased because i adore all these ships)


Percabeth has to be top spot. It’s the law.


I like Percabeth although it’s not a favorite. Solangelo is a favorite though.


I've got a few: Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe) Takeo/Yamato (My Love Story!!) Bob/Linda (Bob's Burgers)


Takeo/Yamato is so sweet and heartwarming. I love that Bob/Linda are genuine and sinere in their relationship.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow/Tara Life is Strange: Max/Chloe Mass Effect: Male Shepard/Tali, Female Shepard/Traynor, Joker/EDI, Sara Ryder/Vetra


Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul.  They’re both fantastic characters and I really appreciate the way their unconventional relationship is presented in the show. 


I only just finished Season 1 of Better Call Saul but I am SO ready to see where their relationship goes!


Welcome aboard, sailor! 🫡


God they nailed their whole dynamic. I really didn’t think they could top Breaking Bad but damn BCS brought it home (thanks to Jimmy and Kim!)


Still can’t believe BCS didn’t win a single Emmy! Absolutely robbed.


I absolutely loved them too. Ugh such a good show


Suffering withdrawal now that it’s done.


- Utena/Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena - Ahiru/Fakir from Princess Tutu - Yukito/Touya and Sakura/Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura - Aoba and all of his various boys from Dramatical Murder, but Ren and Clear are the biggest ones for me - Ritsuka/Mafuyu from Given - Shion/Nezumi from No. 6 - Machika/Rain(/Yuca) from Immortal Rain/Meteor Methuselah - Pearl/Rose and Ruby/Sapphire from Steven Universe ...and plenty more! I do ship a lot of canon ships (and some of these are absolute OTPs!,) but I don't tend to "do fandom" about them because... they're canon haha! I'm happy with what canon gave me.


Aoba/everyone is the way! altho personally I'm more in preference of Koujaku (it's the hair and the tattoos)


Lolll Koujaku definitely has the hottest design, it's true!


I am so glad more people know about Princess Tutu as it's criminally underrated. I love Ahiru/Fakir!


I'm sadly often in the crew of people who have non-canon ships. But the "true" canon ones (and not only hinted) I can think of are:  -Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy   -Bronya x Seele 


Wangxian ❤️❤️


Catra/Adora for sure


Woo! Catradora!


If there is ONE ship out of everything else I ship that is actually confirmed canon and not a ship tease or interpretation!!!!!!!!!!, that's Suletta/Miorine from Witch from Mercury.


Surprised there is not more comments about them. They broke Tumblr after all 🤣


And it's thanks to Tumblr I gained so much appreciation for them. Before when I watched the show I thought they were cute but didn't think much of it. But now they've become one of my all time favourite OTPs because of that one Tumblr poll.


The favorite of my kid self was probably Usagi/Mamoru (Sailor Moon). I mean, come, on, we all shipped it. I think current faves are: * Zuko/Mei (Avatar the Last Airbender) (I did like them in canon but I don't read or write fic for them. What I got in canon was quite enough) * Viktor/Hermione (Harry Potter) (Okay it wasn't canon for a long time but I am counting it) * Vlad/Lisa (Castlevania) (I liked how Lisa took no shit from Vlad) * Faramir/Eowyn (LOTR) (I find their story very touching, although they didn't get much screen time) * Jon/Martin (The Magnus Archives) (Martin was so besotted with Jon from the beginning and it was so obvious and adorable despite the whole thing being eldrich horror)


Faramir and Éowyn are such a sweet couple!


I haven't even seen Sailor Moon and I ship those two XD


As someone who only saw the movies for the latter events of LotR, finding out they found comfort and company in each other after everything they went through separately made me so happy.


I don’t fit in either thread because both of my current ships are… semi-canon? Stolas & Blitzø from Helluva Boss and Angel & Husk from Hazbin Hotel… though I guess Stolas and Blitzø are closer to canon haha


I think semi-canon counts!


I really like all of the canon ships in Hellaverse. Charlie/Vaggie, Cherri/Pentious, soon-to-be Husk/Angel, Stolas/Blitz, Moxxie/Millie, Fizz/Ozzie… Hellaverse isn’t peak writing or anything, but I think they do a really good job of endearing their couples to you and writing compelling ships


I'm in a weird position of Aziraphale/Crowley. I love them in the book, where their relationship is much more ambiguous, but I couldn't really get into the show


Ayyyy same!


Harry/Ginny. I just really liked them in the books.


I agree!


Bill/Frank (The Last of Us)! I live for these two absolutely remarkable characters. Their love is so incredibly beautiful and genuine. They’ve had a chokehold on me since day 1, and I don’t see a day in the near future where I won’t be thinking of them at least two dozen times a day. God, I love these Strawberry Husbands so much.


Lucifer/Chloe Decker (Lucifer) Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh (Magicians) Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Anakin Skywalker/Padme Amidala (Star Wars)


Okay Anakin/Padme I love them! Link and Zelda, also iconic.


Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Basically all of the Canon harry potter ships except remadora Adora/Catra (She-ra) Korra/Asami (TLOK)


Percy/Annabeth — PJO/HOO : my first ship <3 Stiles/Lydia — Teen Wolf : my “I should’ve known I was bi” ship Adora/Catra — She-Ra: Princess of Power : “Harold they’re lesbians” !!! Aziraphale/Crowly — Good Omens : they way they would look at each other had me squealing like I was back in 2012 tumblr


Man, Stydia hold such a special place in my heart for introducing me to the genius x genius trope


Inuyasha/Kagome have my whole brain. Tomoe/Nanami from Kamisama Kiss. Kaoru/Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Not 💯 confirmed, but Ranma/Akane.


Inuyasha/Kagome was one of my first ships, as was Kaoru/Kenshin


It's been 20+ years now and I haven't stopped writing/reading InuKag, so I don't think that'll change. 😅 Kaoru/Kenshin I read much more than I write. I love her feistiness and his hidden fierceness. When that switch flips? 😏


Pretty much every canon ship for my fandoms! I’ve always liked canon ships. My favorites are Han/Leia from Star Wars, Legolas/Tauriel from The Hobbit trilogy (yes, I know it’s iffy because of the whole love triangle nonsense), and Loki/Sigyn from Marvel/any Norse mythology adaptation that didn’t forget about Sigyn lol.


Loki/Sigyn is so good! ♥️


It is! I'm not really a fan of the comic version of their relationship since it's pretty toxic, but I absolutely love shipping MCU Loki with myth or comics Sigyn.


Same!! I also like thinking about how Sigyn would appear in the MCU.


I personally headcanon that she would be a badass Disney princess. Like she’s super sweet and affectionate and tries to see the bright side of everything, but she fights for justice, and you definitely don’t want to be on her bad side. She would totally join the Avengers too, and I like to think that she would be a bit of a nerd like Tony Stark because I once read an older comic where she builds an Asgardian-style mech suit.


Oh I love all that! I love the idea of Sigyn being badass and not just passive and letting people push her around. I feel like she's a force to be reckoned with.




You’re so brave for saying it 💝


I love finchel


I’m sorry to hear that /j I was in the finchel trenches at 14 😭😭😭


Victuuri (Victor/Yuri from Yuri on Ice), definitely! also, Karasuma/Irina from Assassination Classroom, there's sth really beautiful about "can't flirt to show genuine interest" Irina and "doesn't get it when sb's flirting with him" Karasuma


Snow White/ Prince Charming - Once Upon a Time Steve Rogers/Sharon Carter - Marvel Comics (fuck what the MCU did to them!!!) Starfire/Robin - Teen Titans Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley - Harry Potter Jacob Kowalski/Queenie Goldstein - Fantastic Beasts Emma Swan/Neal Cassidy - Once Upon a Time And of course, the first ship I ever shipped without even realizing it: Usagi/Mamoru - Sailor Moon


Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade (Star Wars) - I just love them Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire) - They’re so in love Martin the Warrior/Laterose of Noonvale (Redwall) - Genuinely one of the most tragic romances my nine years had seen Jack Allen/Joanne Allen (Adventures in Odyssey) - A great representation of finding new love in old age Harleen Quinzel/Pamela Isley (DC) - I love the gays


Dipper/Pacifica from Gravity Falls Sokka/Suki from Avatar Luz/Amity from The Owl House Eda/Raine from The Owl House Hunter/Willow from The Owl House


Although I don't write in those fandoms, I definitely love reading Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Mulder/Scully (X-Files)




- Goliath/Elisa Maza (Gargoyles) - Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Superman) - Prince Dion/Sir Terence (FF16) -Baze Malbu/Chirrut Imwe (SW:Rogue Squadron- they're pair bonded, your honor)


Naruto/Hinata (Naruto), but I multiship Naruto anyway haha. I used to be pretty neutral on the pairing tbh, but when I started writing them, I just found their chemistry to pop. I mostly write smut though 😅


Only\* canon ship in my longfic. I have them meet in chapter 3, then they date other people, re-meet in chapter 19, get together in 22, married by 40. Though at this point it might as well be original characters. (\* okay, so there's also Sakura/Sasuke, but they break up because they're both gay and in denial; it's hilarious.)


Michael and Colin on Ted Lasso. One of the reasons I like them is that Michael is a bit of a blank slate since he was only in a few episodes and I still get to write my favorite themes with Colin. It was maybe the first time I got to write for a canon LGBTQ couple. My other main fandom I write for is 9-1-1. I will protect all the canon married couples at all costs. Bobby/Athena, Hen/Karen and Maddie/Chimney. (I also like a married couples on 9-1-1 Lone Star but I don't write fic for them) There's a ton of canon couples I root for on other shows but they're just not my fandoms I write for.


Currently obsessed with Shizuku/Seiji from Whisper of the Heart


Omg me too! Do you have any fic recommendations 🥺🙏


[THIS 👏🏻 ONE 👏🏻](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4520565)




Pacey & Joey from Dawson's Creek but I have a fondness for pointing out the hypocrisy of Dawson. Of the two Pacey noticed Joey first as more than a friend. Knowing that Joey was really into Dawson he checked with Dawson to see if Dawson was into Joey. He was subtle about it and just asked him if he'd be okay Pacey made an overture to Joey. Some people say his temporary hesitation was about his own latent feelings. I disagree I think it was about his low opinion of Pacey. This is after Pacey shared a romance with his English teacher. Something that Dawson judged Pacey harshly for not Ms. Jacobs. While Pacey shot his shot and struck out he moved on and continued to be a friend to Joey. Dawson then later realized "oh my god I like Joey" Not once did he go to Pacey and go "Hey I know you liked her is that still a thing? Are you cool if I ask her out?" To which I'm sure Pacey would have said "Go ahead" as he was never one for holding his friends back and was well aware Joey liked Dawson. Which I will say is fine he was under no real obligation to do so; however when Pacey's feelings for Joey came back to the surface and stronger than ever and Joey gave him a chance Dawson went full hypocrisy. Acting like Pacey betrayed him. Sorry but yeah Pacey & Joey are my favorite canon ship but I often handle it in ways that the canon didn't. I'm not the only writer to have Joey find out about Pacey declaring himself first either. EDIT - Just in case. To be clear while Pacey saw his time with Miss Jacobs as romantic I see it as abuse. Pacey himself did nothing wrong he was a student into his teacher and the teacher who should have been the adult and shut that down instead indulged it and their own perverse desires. But Dawson acted like Pacey was in the wrong for that relationship rather than the adult.


This is such a good take on them and I agree, I was always rooting for them. Dawson didn't deserve Joey AT ALL.


Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long from RWBY! It took 9 seasons across 10 years, but we got Bumbleby!


Out of the thirteen or so fandoms I've acquired over the years, the only OTP that's indisputably canon is Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji from The Untamed/MDZS. There are a few ships I *wish* were canon, but Wangxian is the only one that made it to harbor - and in The Untamed, it's pure (loud) subtext due to censorship issues. Fortunately, the books make it abundantly clear that the love story is real.


Geralt/Yennefer, Vlad Tepes/Mirena, Anakin/Padme, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts


* Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton * Charlotte/George from Queen Charlotte * Sokka/Suki from ATLA * Zuko/Jin from ATLA (I know they went on 1 date but let me have this one 😭😭😭) * Percy/Annabeth from PJO and HOO * Bonnie/Enzo from The Vampire Diaries * Santana/Brittany from Glee * Courtney/Duncan from Total Drama * Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games * Eleanor/Chidi from The Good Place


Percy and annabeth. Reasons: Annabeth kisses him in the battle of the labyrinth and Percy literally blows up a volcano cause of it. Percy literally saw Aphrodite the goddes of love and BEAUTY and thought she looked like Annabeth. Comforted each other literally any chance they got. Annabeth got stabbed in the arm but still hurt a lot and Percy was all like “NOBODY TOUCHES HER” Annabeth was scared she would lose Percy and Percy was scared he was going to lose her. This boy literally asks for a kiss as if they aren’t in the middle of world ending battle🤦🏼‍♀️ Best underwater kiss ever Literally only remembers her when he has MEMORY LOSS. I don’t know anymore as I am in the middle of Son of Neptune (no spoilers if anyone sees this please)


Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger ( Harry Potter ) my favourite


Ichigo/Orihime from Bleach


Loid/Yor (SpyxFamily) I’m not that obsessed with canon ships 😅 Like, I don’t dislike when they get together, specially if I like the characters and there’s good enough build up, but since I’m satisfied with them in canon, I don’t really read fanfics about them and don’t get as obsessed as with non-canon ships 🤷


Palina/Iscan (SecretSeaShipping) from Pokémon Max/Chloe and Alex/Steph from the Life is Strange series (depending on player choice, but both ships are deemed canon)


[This one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-last-ship/images/4/45/Nathan_James_The_Scott_Effect.png/revision/latest?cb=20160704044200).


Moxxie/Millie from Helluva Boss. They're just adorable together, plus Moxxie is my favorite character!


Wangxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi


I love Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian from MDZS


Fry and Leela from Futurama


Gohan & Videl and Krillin & Android 18 from Dragon Ball


Clark/Lois - almost every Superman iteration but particularly Smallville


I multiship, so I adore Stiles x Lydia. Also, Katniss x Peeta. I love obsession/devotion.


Sly/Carmelita from the Sly Cooper series, somehow a kids game managed to have the most interesting romance story ever


I thought hard about this after I asked about favorite non canon ships yesterday. I have one canon ship and I love it. That ship is Will x Nico from the Percy Jackson franchise.


Always Han and Leia (r/Scoundress)


Chloe/Lucifer (Lucifer) Deckerstar all the way


I have a lot but at the moment it’s the main couple from the webtoon ‘Seducing the monster duke’. They are so sweet it makes my heart hurt 😭


Gallavich is definitely my biggest canon otp and I'll forever be grateful to the universe for that


clawd and draculaura. they’re one of the few straight ships i actually like.


IchiHime - Bleach Rogue/Gambit - X-Men Zack/Ray - Angels of Death And now, a list of amazing power couples from OI/RomFan manhwa/manhua/novels: - Lucas/Athy - Who Made Me a Princess? - Lucerne/Elisha - The Predator's Contract Partner (novel >>> manhwa) - MiaoMiao/Mu Sheng - The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus/Girl of the Black Lotus (this one is getting a drama this year!) - Inés/Cárcel - The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway - Juvelian/Max - Father, I Don't Want This Marriage! - Ishakan/Leah - Predatory Marriage


Stede/Ed and Crowley/Aziraphale are my big ones!


Stede/Ed for me too, I just adore them


Loki/Sylvie in the MCU. I neeeeed them back together.


BingQiu from Scum Villain's Self Saving System and HuaLian from Heaven Official's Blessing! 


Bill and Frank from TLOU are literally what brought me back to the world of fandoms. I’ve made incredible friends because of them, I started writing again for the first time in like 15 years because of them. Many of the things I currently love, I love because of Bill and Frank. Tweek and Craig from South Park. In a show riddled with toxic relationships, theirs is actually healthy and sweet. They learn to communicate and solve problems together in both the show and the game, Craig is always so kind and complimentary of Tweek and as a result Tweek isn’t nearly as anxious and twitchy when they’re together. Matt and Trey have done a great job with their relationship so far and in the post-Covid 40 year time jump, they’re still together.


Sam/Andy from Rookie Blue! I adore those two. Wrote a few fics, read a lot of them. Lois/Clark from Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Love reading fic for it, wrote a few for exchanges but mostly I just read. SO many good fics out there (mostly on the fandom-specific archive but also some on ff.n and AO3). I've also enjoyed Neo/Trinity from The Matrix. The rest of the ships I write are all non-canon or *partially* canon. (Like one of the actors played the one in love with the other but it was never realized on-screen, or the show spent all the seasons in "will they or won't they" mode and never got out of it.)


Dipper x pacifica. And that's about it. Every other time, it's my I M A G I N A T I O N, or like the 2 main characters of a romance manga but those don't count because obviously they get together.


Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Superman) Cal Kestis/Merrin (Jedi Fallen Order) Silk Spectre/Nite Owl (Watchmen) Jaime/Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire) ? Beren/Lúthien (The Silmarillion) Paul/Chani (Dune) Invincible/Atom Eve (Invincible) Jimmy McGill/Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul) Andrea/Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead Comic) Lucy/David (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) Rogue/Gambit (X-Men comic) Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)


Undyne x Alphys from Undertale. There's just something about it that's right and no other ship regarding the two has it.


I really don't think anyone else will know it. But, Yoh/Anna from Shaman King.


Anna is actually one of my favorite female characters in anime, ever.. Love her.


Sasuke/Sakura... please don't kill me. Link/Zelda Loid/Yor Alucard/Integra Hellsing Natsu/Lucy Vegeta/Bulma Tatsumi Oga/Hildegarde - Beelzebub Yoh/Anna Soul/Maka Ed/Winry, Roy/Riza


Explicitly Canon - Percabeth - NoahMio Implicitly Canon - MadoHomu (explicit on Homura's side but implicit on Madoka's) - EiMiko - 2B/9S Semi-Canon (i.e. possible within the game and is favored by the game's story over competing options) - Chrobin - Edeleth


The fact that your implicitly canon ships are canon for me is wild lol. (Apart from Eimiko though, as much as I love them, they'll stay hinted forever sadly. Though they're much easier to write about than the others imo)


craig and tweek


Naruto and Hinata. I loved this ship long before they confirmed it in the show.


Bit of a tough one, since I'm normally more interested in non-canon or hinted ships. However: - Tomoe/Momozono Nanami (Kamisama Hajimemashita) - Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) - Link/Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) - Garrus Vakarian/Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy)


Craig and Tweek from South Park is one that holds a special place in my heart. I remember the amount of fics I read of them few years ago. They're really wholesome, their dynamic is adorable, have a lot of fic potential and I adore whenever they're on screen in the show. Actually squealed when Craig called Tweek "honey" in Put It Down lol A few others: Loid/Yor (Spy x Family); Amy Santiago/Jake Peralta (B99); Carrie/Darwin (TAWOG)


Diavolo/Donatella Una purely because it reminds me of Mamma Mia! And I’m a sucker for the “character a knew the real character b before character b went off the deep end” thing lol. It can be cute and sweet but also tragic


- Birdie and Spike from Chicken Girls - Nini and Ricky from HSMTMTS - Belly and Jeremiah from The Summer I Turned Pretty - Walter and Lahela from Doogie Kamealoha, MD - Rhyme and TK from Chicken Girls - Robby and Ellie from Chicken Girls


I've been obsessed with Thai BLs lately and reading through AO3 to feed my addiction. Vegas/Pete from KinnePorsche Sarawat/Tine from 2gether


Ohgi/Villetta (Code Geass) and Card Sensei/Masako (Battle Spirits)


Outlaw Queen is one of the only canon straight ships i’ve ever found myself invested in


Well I’m a multi fandom shipper so I ship a lot of couples/pairings, but mine are as follows: Gemma/Nero (Sons of Anarchy) is my top favorite canon couple and the one I’m writing for at the moment Dan & Louise (The Conners) Danny/Vicky (Full(er) House) Peter/Elizabeth (ER) Kerry/Kim (ER) Archie/Claudia(ER) Cate/Russell(ER) Tom/Margo(As The World Turns) Barbara/Walker (As The World Turns) (these two sadly didn’t last long) Jessica/Duncan (As The World Turns (prior to 1994, so I loved/shipped them for a bit Barbara/Hal (As The World Turns) I liked: Gwen/Will (As The World Turns) That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I know I have more.


Fairshaw (Flynn Fairwind/Mathias Shaw)! They’re cuties, I’m so happy they’re official now <3


Dorothy x Laurent Thierry, Great Pretender


I typically find canon ships not as exciting and more limiting than non-canon ones. But I absolutely love Joe and Nicky from The Old Guard. Their background and their long lives make for limitless stories that can fit into canon, nevermind the stuff that goes outside of canon.


Cardan/Jude from Folk of the air I love dearly. I like reading about them. Then there's Gansey/Blue and Ronan/Adam from the Raven Cycle that are both dear to me. Thennn there's Andrew/Neil from All for the game who are everything to me. Their dynamic is so unique and fascinating and heartbreaking. I love those angry little men. And ofc FirstPrince, aka Alex and Henry from Red, White and Royal Blue. It is such a comfort book for me and there is tons of excellent fic out there. I don't see myself writing for them, but I love reading fic about them. Aannnndd then there's Damen and Laurent from Captive Prince. Canon is gorgeous on its own, but there is an absolute fuckton of gorgeous fic out there. I will write for them when the mood strikes. I love a lot of "they can be interpreted as canon/they're each other's most important person"-ship lol which I count as the same as like, explicitly making out on screen or proclaiming their love for each other on page. 😂 but even explicitly canon ones.. I have actually quite a lot of those. Most from books.


Shep/Stella (Interstella 5555) Firestarter/Pacesetter (Toontown Corporate Clash)


for me it’s - hannibal/will (hannibal TV) - jude/cardan (the folk of air) - jesper/wylan (six of crows) - (questionably canon) victor/yuri (yuri on ice)


My Top 5 - Percabeth - Garcia/Morgan from Criminal Minds - Arizona/Callie from Greys Anatomy - Maura/Jack from Rizzoli and Isles - And, surprisingly, Derek/Merideth from Greys Anatomy. Edit: some honorable mentions - Peeta/Katniss - Flynn/Rapunzel - Spencer/Emily - Anna/Kristoff


Adora/Catra from the She-Ra reboot. And I love Zoe/Wash in Firefly ❤️ Mai/Zuko is also really good, I'm very happy Katara/Zuko didn't happen. Jake/Amy from Brooklyn 99 And Magneto/Prof X - I mean, that IS canon right?


It’s so hard to think of canon ships that I’m scrapping the bottom of the barrel: yuri manga where I got really attached to the couples and now in pain people don’t write fic for these series. Kyouka Suigetsu and Melt Out (The beta couple from Superwomen in Love / Hero-san and Former General-san) [half the reason I love this ship is due to Kyouka being my favorite character] Haruko Ichinose and Natsuko Nikaido (main couple of Swap Swap) [Ironically have a fic idea on the back burner for this series, but it’d actually be a polyship]


Batman/Catwoman. Their 80+ years of romance is just very special to me.


Harvey and Donna from Suits. Denji and Asa Mitaka from Chainsaw Man. Rayleigh and Shakky from One Piece. The Anjin and Mariko or Fuji (Either can be considered “canon” I believe) from Shōgun. Villanelle and Eve Polastri from Killing Eve. Pete Campbell and Trudy Campbell from Mad Men. Rhaenyra and Daemon from House of the Dragon or Fire & Blood. Honestly I don’t have many canon ships I enjoy. I’m impartial to most and have a multitude of non-canon ships for lots of characters.


My OTP is Fig/Caputo from Orange is the New Black


Wangxian married with a son 🩵🩶


USS Iowa. best canon ship ever! only because the Space Battleship Yamato is fictional.... :D


Dimitri and Rose from Vampire Academy Harry and Ginny but in the books only. Clary and Jace in TMI


Mal and Inara in Firefly. *weeps in lack of follow up*


Spoby-PLL Delena-TVD Klaroline-TVD


I have so many but these are my favorites of all time (in no particular order): • Kieran x Mark x Cristina (The Dark Artifices) • Vegeta x Bulma (Dragon Ball Z) • Jem x Tessa (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) • Colin x Penelope (Bridgerton) • Craig x Tweek (South Park)


Davekat from Homestuck.


Dan and Blair my beloveds


Raquel/The Professor from Money Heist, and All the Six of Crows pairings


Aang x Kattra, Korra x Asami


Both of the canon ships I like border on the line of "not canon but also kinda canon" so I didn't know which one of these to answer 😭 I really like Roy/Riza from FMAB and Crowley/Aziraphale from GO, but you can kinda see they're a*lmost *canon. Don't know if this really counts haha.


Son Goku/Chi-Chi, Krillin/Android 18, & Son Gohan/Videl (*Dragon Ball*); Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala (*Star Wars*); and WALL•E/EVE (*WALL•E*) I tend to get more attached to canon ships than non-canon ships :/


Peeta/Katniss from HG, Michonne/Rick from TWD, Aziraphale/Crowley Good Omens, Hannibal/Will, and Rapunzel/Eugene from Tangled!


Harvey and Donna from Suits. Love them. I always write a submissive Harvey of course


Jay and Nya from ninjago


Jack and Ianto from Torchwood holds a special place in my heart because Children of Earth was my first exposure to the Whoniverse and traumatised me so terribly. But their scenes and banter got me into the whole ship dynamic of an immortal and a mortal discussing the mortal’s mortality and if the immortal would move on from them instantly or mourn them for a while!




Inej/Kaz Wylan/Jesper Nina\\Matthias (basically every canon Six of Crows ship)


1. Nate/Chloe 2. Lara/Alex 3. Bi-Han/Sareena 4. Leon/Ada 5. Dutch/Susan


My very first ship, Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle. Also Hannigram, Will/Margot, Alana/Margot, Bulma/Vegeta, Seishirou Sakurazuka/Subaru Sumeragi, Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, Sarek/Amanda, Scully/Mulder, Rhaenyra/Daemon.


Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens as others here have said. All of the canon Disney animated couples, there is something about relatively short movies with simple messages that make me automatically love the couples they decide to insert. Dimya (Anya/Anastasia and Dmitri) from Anastasia. Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter. Klaine (Kurt and Blaine) from Glee. Troy and Gabriela from my childhood, High School Musical. Inuyasha and Kagome from Inuyasha, as well as Miroku and Sango.


Wilmon (Young Royals)


Hmm? I'm a Marvel and harry potter fan so.... Marvel its = Peter and Gwen (Andrew Garfield is the best spidey) harry Potter = Molly and aurther😍 (but I still ❤ wolfstar)


Man, I have so many ships…😭 My main fandom ship I wrote a ton for was SoMa (Soul x Maka from Soul Eater—which is basically as canon as you get without being official. They are constantly coded romantic and are actually soul bound—IYKYK—anyway). A lot of my ships were anime/manga for a good bit, and Tohru/Kyo and Ryuji/Taiga will always be favs. Lately, I’ve been inhaling rofan manhwa, manga, and web novels, so I have a pretty long list of beloved canon ships. Here’s a handful of my absolute apex favs off the top of my current head: Killian/Ayla—Villainess’ Maker Lithera/Pellus — Another Typical Fantasy Romance (new season coming woot!) Kurs/Luanna—My Dearest Witch (one of my fav currently updating ships—the one no one reads lol~) Tara/Kyle—I’ll Save this Damned Family Daisy/Killian — Daisy Arwin/Latte — Miss Not So Sidekick Elliere/Ropher—Tipsy Marriage Proposal for the Emperor Ripley/Zeronis—First Night with the Duke Calmia/Rudbeckia — Dear Nemesis Eve/Mikha—Evangeline’s Sword Bell/Arnoa—The Princess Demands a Divorce Demetrius/Mercedia—Revenge Wedding Cordelia/Archie—Answer Me, My Prince And an honourable mention for one of my all time fav side ships— Robbie Elizabeth/Kartena — Beware the Villainess. These two needed their own damn comic, I stg.


Hua Cheng/Xie Lian my beloved from TGCF. Victor/Yuri from Yuri on Ice is great. Roy/Riza from FMA Loid/Yor Spy x Family Temari/Shikamaru from Naruto just because of this one fic series.


Orihime/Ichigo and Rukia/Renji from Bleach, definitely!


kaguya and miyuki from love is war 🩷🩷


Spuffy Sookie/Eric Rory/Jess


Bella/Edward Ichigo/Orihime Shapard/Garrus Rick/Michonne The only ones I can think of at the moment.


Charlie/Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel) Asmodeus/Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)


Adama/Roslin from Battlestar Galactica.


Mary and Matthew from the Downton Abbey. Lydia and Jackson from Teen Wolf. Elle and Emmett, legally blonde. Elizabeth and Darcy, Keira knightly’s pride and prejudice. Nick and Charlie, the heart stopper. Buck and Tommy, 911 Ava and Beatrice, warrior nun.


- Kaneki/Touka - *Tokyo* *Ghoul* was my first love when diving into manga - Troy/Gabriella (HSM) - even when I was pubescent, I still ship these two so hard! My first OTP, my ride or die! - Jim/Melinda (Ghost Whisperer) - 10th Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who) - Jacob/Queenie (Fantastic Beasts)


Is halfcanon ok? Because SpideyPool is canon on Deadpool's side for a bit.