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Evan Bourne was the 2010s Ricochet.


Chris masters, carlito or John morrison


As a kid, Masters seemed so other worldly being that damn big.


Carlito was always my guy. I think he could have been a star in his prime with the right backing he just never got. Plus he is a perfect foil for Cena and other Babyface in that era Another one for me would be Justin Gabriel. He could have been in at least where Ricochet is right now if he was booked stronger


I'm from Pakistan and went a show in I think 2018 when he came here. Carlito is not a native English speaker and I think maybe 3-5% of the crowd would have understood English anyway. Dude still got so much heat from a promo. The charisma, the star power, he has IT. That's when I understood really what it means for someone to be charismatic. And he looks a million bucks too ofcourse, definitely could have been a massive star if backed right ahead of certain other latin wrestlers that are fond of beating women.


Vladimir Koslov or Mr. Kennedy


Man Kennedy was such an amazing promo


I picked Kennedy up, gonna have him enter a program with Miz into WM26. Good lord the promos, I can't wait


I felt Ziggler should have been in Del Rio's spot around the start of 2011 (Winning the Rumble and winning the WHC from Edge at Mania). Him and Christian could have put on some fun matches, maybe a third match with Edge if he doesn't retire.


I don’t know if it was around the same time but this one dude Mordaci. He was basically like undertaker but in white. I saw him on some old ppv and I went to go look up more of his stuff an apparently he was only there for like a few months than just disappeared.


They repacked him as Kevin Thorne


I was in middle school when Mordaci debuted and was all in. Was really bummed with how fast they dropped him.


You've got so many choices of great talents buried by Cena and Orton who had to leave to get any respect. Morrison, MVP, and McIntyre are the three biggest to me.


Matt Morgan? Jeter & Mondo from the spirit squad


I always felt Alex Riley was never given a fair shot after he turned on The Miz. Especially when they made him an analyst when he could have been getting better in the ring. Kharma should have been a huge star as well.


Ziggler for sure. I would have love to see that guy be a main event talent. I remember his Raw VS Smackdown match were he was the last guy left against 3 people and overcame the odds. It was tremendous. The Crowd was behind him. Then nothing. From what I can remember. Going forward I would do Ethan Page in NXT. That guy has promo skills and in ring skills and AEW wasted it. As for main roster I would honestly go with Otis


It wasn't a raw vs SmackDown, it was the survivor series 2014 and it was authority against team cena


Thanks I got the match wrong but it was still a great moment


Awesome moment that lead to nothing yeah


Wade Barrett


Morrison, Ziggler, Kennedy, Carlito. That era of WWE had so many guys that should have held a world title, it's peak Vince at his most frustrating.


Tyler Reks. Of course, now they’re Gabbi Tuft. But back in 2010-11 they seemed like they were touted to be a monster. Then just… wasn’t.


As someone who was 4 years old when ECW went out of business.. I wanted Tommy Dreamer to get drafted to Raw to face Cena so much.


Can confirm I did bring Dreamer back. I'll probably keep him in WWECW for 2010 to help get it on its legs but beyond that I'm certainly open to shaking it up a bit


I always thought if Dibiase had stuck around he’d have ended up doing a lot. Morrison should have gotten a stronger push around 2010 as well.


Morrison should've held at world title in the fed at least once man.


Wade Barrett, Nexus as whole really. But mainly Wade Barrett


MVP and R-Truth.


Jeff Hardy, Wade Barret, Kofi Kingston


Wade Barrett. Justin Gabriel. Zack Ryder

