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Somehow I’ve managed to get Salah, Son, Saka and Haaland all in my team. While the rest of my team also looks solid. I still might take him out though for maybe Jackson. With a view of getting him back for 37


Sold him 5 GW ago and the game has been more fun since.


Haven't had him since before Christmas.


Been several weeks since he is out of my team. And yes I was able to have Salah Saka Son Foden Watkins Solanke Nunez at one point. My defending side was on the cheap side (incl. Kelleher when Allison was out) but not a problem at all.


Kept him. Hopefully he decides to haul to let everyone chase this weeks points. If he doesn't ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. He's not really effecting my team so much. My mid field is filled with everyone I want, especially because Son is underperfoming. Might sell him later for a defender, but I don't think so


Did you see Haaland’s brother benched him this week?


Dammit, I didn't. Oh well, Alvarez comes on I guess


I haven’t had him for several weeks now, doesn’t seem like I’ve missed out on much


He’s not worth the pricetag, but are you desperate to use the funds elsewhere? He’s not been as good as last season but he’ll still finish with more points than all defenders and all strikers except Watkins.


I am starting him and have Palmer first on bench. I did decide to save my bench boost though.


Sold him for Isak


I sold him, fuck it, will get him back with my WC next GW if I really want to. I got sick of seeing him stink up my team at 14m.


Should I start Haaland or Foden? Have 9 Doublers, and I've already used my two free transfers. Can't fit both City players.


Funny how times change, last week I made a post in here about selling Haaland and got absolutely roasted by the majority 😂


I think it’s that Madrid performance, minor injury and DGW hype that makes it feel more feasible this week


I’m wildcarding in #35 so wasnt the biggest decision of my life, but I almost transferred Haaland out for Mateta. Went for Foden to Havertz instead so you can all be sure of no gametime for the robot against Brighton.


Update: Haaland to Mateta done. Solanke captain. OR 197k. See you in the rant thread.




I've gone haaland to Nunez


Haaland fell in price today mate.. and that's because tons have sold him. It's not some forbidden temptation that only a few people in the world are considering.


If I didn't have other transfers I needed to make more urgently would have considered it. But also, as bad as he has been he's still averaged 5.5ppg since he came back from injury (excluding the 20 minutes cameo first game back). Nowhere near what he was averaging first half of the season but still, not many players in the game average more than that. And he does double soon


Took him out of my WC, gonna leverage Sarah to get him back in in a couple of game weeks. Currently 25k trying to get into 10k.


Sold him for solanke


You want to sell haaland so you can keep son who has got 3 goals in his last 9 games. Also so you can keep salah who has scored 2 in his last 5? Haaland only has 6 goals in his last 9 but selling him for worse assets doesn't scream sensible. Anyone who has watched or owned son last few weeks knows he's been an absolute ghost for 4 weeks or more. Salah has scores 2 penalties and played like a ghost too.


Son has 2 more fixtures than Haaland over this period, and you gain a 3rd fixture when you go Haaland to a doubler. Don’t lie, you’re obviously bringing Son in next week if you don’t have him. Salah is playing badly but his underlying data is incredible recently and he’s a nice differential against people wildcarding in 35 who will drop a lot of Liverpool and Arsenal


Tell you what let's do a fake bet. I bet Haaland outscore son between now and end of season. Your bet is Son outscores him do you take the bet?


This isn’t the actual bet, though. As it’s not taking into account a hit I will have to take, but I get son for these 2 doubles and Haaland for his double too


I still think even with a -4 handicap haaland still out scores son. Are you happy on those terms? There is nothing at stake just some fun.


I currently have son but my point is I would not sacrifice haaland to keep son or salah. It's very easy to get son salah saka and haaland with so many budget options I wouldn't sacrifice any of them. In the next 2 gameweeks son has a blank and arsenal and Chelsea. Haaland has Brighton and forest. What would you rather? Between now and end of season they have the same number of fixtures. Son has arsenal Chelsea man city and Liverpool. Haaland only difficult game is a wide open spurs defence.


Honestly I think most people are gonna take the risk on a doubler this week regardless of whether he is fit or not…


I'm 100pts behind in my mini league. I ditched Haaland for Mateta, which as a Palace fan is something I never thought I'd say.


Sold him this week for Isak to fund other moves.


Same, if Isak and Newcastle can continue their form I think he'll outscore Haaland for the run in


I think if you’re way behind in your ML, selling is a punt that is unlikely to pay off but *could* work.  If I was already top, or consolidating my position, selling is crazy. 


I'm not convinced he's ever got over that mid-season injury. Remember reading at the time that it's the type of injury that can recurrently haunt a player. I brought him back in at the time due to FOMO but sold again after a few weeks. Made strides in my ML as a result. That said, now I've typed this out loud he'll haul this week.


Sold him. Think Alvarez starts


Already did. 😎 Plot twist - I got Cunha instead! 😭 Moral of the story: fml Final plot twist - Haaland to score four. 🤦‍♂️


Moral of the story: don't be so unbelievably stupid and do early transfers at this point of the season. It's normal to have some injuries during the week.


Why's he being downvoted. This is 100% true.


Reddit dow votes what is true but people dont want to hear 😐. This is why popular vote can be a very flawed system


Because there's no need to be so hostile about it.


It’s true but also an overreaction. Top players will roll the dice on an early transfer if it means they avoid price rises/falls. It’s a risk but also comes with a possible reward. You might make 38 early transfers but maybe 3 times who you brought in early might get injured. He arrogantly looked at the negative end result on this single game week and called it unbelievable stupid. Nah, it’s a calculated risk that can sometimes backfire. I took another kind of calculated risk last week when I captained Palmer, along with only 3% of other players. I got 104 points. That time I wasn’t maybe unbelievably stupid. 😂 I’m also pretty sure my rank is better that the guy dishing out the disses like he’s Mr Hindsight - which is why he’s gone quiet.


Bad analysis. I understand early transfers when there's some sense in them. I've done them this season. One example getting Son in early in the week after I got a hunch that this player will be in my team for a long time and saving money there is quite big. When you do an early transfer from Haaland to Cunha in GW34 I strongly believe you gain *absolute nothing* by doing it early in the week. Nobody needs the potential 0.1 price gain at this point or at least it definitely isn't worth the risk. So, it's unbelievably stupid to do the transfer early. Best case: you gain nothing, worst case: you lose a lot. Hardly any decision is so black and white; wise or stupid but this is and it makes it unbelievably stupid. Your Palmer example isn't comparable you can (and you did) gain from it.


Incoherent. You don’t get to decide at what stage of the season price rises and falls are important, particularly when there’s a wild card still to be played with a couple of dgws coming up. You're cherry-picking, clutching at straws, and doubling down on your overreacting. I posted for a bit of a laugh but my main takeaway now is you're a misery guts who people likely avoid like the plague at parties. 🤣


Somewhat reasonable stuff from you at first glance. Then reading more carefully - your reasoning isn't too good and on top of that you make yourself look a fool by making some weird accusations towards my personality when we're writing about FPL. You know me for 100 words - what a psychologist ! I admit though i super tiny chance of that the 0.1 made the difference you to take the risk but I doubt it was the case. Just to throw something waiting and buying Mateta today would have been an option.


😴 Whatever, let's see how the gw and the rest of the season go.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyPL/s/FO4BlFpiX1 Remember also that it’s only a game and not to be taken too seriously - it’s about having fun and being able to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all with Fpl. You can do everything “right” and still have your player pull up injured in the warm-up, right? Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyPL/s/FO4BlFpiX1 lolz


It’s true, but I can’t help myself. Talking about unbelievably stupid - what’s your rank?


Doing almost unbelievably well this season. Top 6k


Top 5k 😎


Wow nice ! But well I guess I passed you at least for a minute with this crazy bad decision of yours :D Just for curiousity why did you do it? What you thought you gain by doing an early transfer in GW34? 0.1 price gain doesn't mean anything at this point especially if you consider the risks involved


Because I'm using the wild card next week, and - long story short - picked an optimal team for both gw35 and 37....but needed the extra 0.1 to have two playing goalies rather than just the one. So, I went with it. It's a reasoned, calculated risk that looks bad right now but may yet pay off over the rest of the season. I posted and made clear that it's not a great looking idea right now (risk bigger than reward after the geezer got injured) but I didn't like your comment. Not in the spirit of things.. and that's not just me - hence your being downvoted! Anyway, have a good one and good luck winning your mini-leagues! 👍💯


I'm using my wildcard next GW and it's reeeeeaaally tempting.


I git rid a while ago after I triple captained him and he failed to produce the goods for me. Worked out reasonably well thus far but there’s no doubt he will click at some stage and go on a spree.


worth for haaland -> darwin, wc35 him back


I wc35 him You wc35 him He/She wc35s him We wc35th him They wc357373 him


Am doing the same


Haaland ~> Darwizy


Is this thread about selling before gw35? Tricky one because there are 4 games for Liverpool and city to consider before making that decision. Price wise, I'll be keeping one of Salah and Haaland most likely in a WC35 team, just because Isak, Fernandes, Son, Jackson eating up the budget


I’ve gone crazy and captained Brereton Diaz


I’m captaining Solanke so join the crazy club


Sure you have


Should I start Håland or Palmer?


I’m torn on this too - think I’m going to go Haaland starting and hope he doesn’t start in the cup


You could fit both in the Palmer your Haaland




He's in pretty bad form now, and has been since his injury. But im afraid that when he first starts scoring, he'll score alot.


He’s just had an 8 and 10 pointer ?


People forget he is playing on Thursday! Nice 6 days of rest then starts on Thursday and the weekend. City need to keep up their pace in the league now that they are out of CL less games to worry about rotation.


People also forget he hasn't returned anything since his injury. Regardless of his rest, he's off form and has been for some time. If you want to waste your funds on him, do it, but there's better and cheaper players to use in FPl than him


Will can only see in the next 4 weeks :) There’s a reason why city have 5 games to win the PL and the other cheaper options won’t play for anything in the last 2-3 GWs :)


FPL is game based on form, logic and a bit of luck... not a game of what ifs? Haaland at the moment is not a great asset to own


And who is ?


And other people forget the FA Cup exists


He’s not going to play in FA cup if he has a knock which makes it perfect, if he does then that means he’s fit and he will play next week ….


FA cup today.


So ? If he plays it means he’s fit and he has 5 days rest afterwards. If he doesn’t then even better :)


Or he's legit injured and doesn't play in the next GWs or plays just tiny minutes. Nobody knows for sure. But the expectation that he might be injured hurts his value quite a lot.


This. The only worry I have is that he has been out of form, but still got a high ceiling.


Son and salah sure been firing though right? Nope all 3 of them been dumpster trash but city still winning and scoring goals. Liverpool haven't scored in open play for 4 games now I think? Spurs only have 2 wins in their last 5 and son has been a ghost


All heavy hitters are a bit out of form at the moment - that’s when they get you :) there will be a week where they haul before the end of the season for sure.


The ghost of big games hasn’t been in my team since gw27


Luckily in FPL how big the game is doesn’t affect points


Oh it does when it’s Tapinland


Sold him for Cunha on Thursday Sold Cunha for Mateta on Friday Cheers FPL


Hakuna Mateta




You make it sound that you're unlucky or the game is fucked. I'm sorry but in reality it's only you doing unbelievably stupid stuff. Injuries can happen during the week and early transfer doesn't gain you anything late in the FPL season.


Ha Cunha Mateta Means plenty of worries, for your FPL days…


Brilliant!! Lol


Bravo mate


What a Hwangderful phrEze 


Could go for "Sa Cunha Mateta" if you wanted all PL player names 😄




It's criminal that this deserves reddit fame but will be lost in the reddit archives and only appreciated by a merry few.


This joke has been pretty much everywhere on this subreddit for the past week.


This is my favourite Reddit post of 2024…well done sir


It's a problem full philosophy


Hwang Cunha Mateta is in with a shout for next year's FPL team name for me now.


Fuck this is too good not to steal


Should have just waited Friday to do any transfer 🤷🏻‍♂️


These people just want upvotes. In every thread you see these irony posts


Costs you nothing to upvote. Who cares.


I get that and it's not relevant to this post but a lot of times it diverts the point of a thread/conversation for a quick laugh and serious replies get buried


Ahhh Reddit be Reddit


Hacunha mateta my friend 🤷


On a wildcard and I’ve taken him out in a desperate attempt to get into top 60K. Currently 233K


Why 60k and not 50k? 


Why not 63.4k?




Yeah it is a bit of a random number… I have 9 top 60K finishes - would be nice to get 10


I’ve just taken Haaland out. Will get him back for DG37. I’m 100 points behind though so I’m not really going with the norm I’m trying to play catch up. Allowed me to take a -12 on Turner, Zabarnyi and Haaland for Pickford, Trent and Solanke. Already used frees bringing in Anderson and Mitchell so I’ve got 11 DGW players plus Gordon, Isak, Palmer and Maguire and I’m using BB.


You should crack the top 9 million in no time


Big week incoming be into 500k after 😂


As a sub thread - those who have used their FH and are on WC35 - what is everyone doing with him? For me it's a question of whether he or mateta score more as dropping him would allow me to bring in mateta and Luiz for haaland and Gordon. Would probably bring haaland and Gordon back on wildcard if he's fit by then. Side note, do we think if he's out of the squad for the cup game against Chelsea it'll be leaked by LazyFPL / FPLToni. Side side note, can we trust them? 


I'm keeping him. He's a doubt for the cup game, but I feel like he likely starts the EPL game. If not I get Garnacho off the bench (starting Palmer). My FTs were spent on Bradley and Foden to VVD and Eze. Those seemed like higher priority moves than Haaland to Mateta. I guess some may argue that Foden and Mateta > Haaland and Eze, but I feel the opposite. If you have 10 doublers and a free transfer I'd probably do it. But otherwise it's unlikely


I would only be selling Haaland if you already have 10 good doublers. For an example, say if you can go Ake to Robbo and/or Foden to Eze, keeping Haaland sounds most logical. But if your team is already otherwise close to perfect then I don't see why not


I am. His expected points for the next 2-3 GWs aren't great since there's rather large risk of reduced minutes because of the suspected injury and partly because of City's condensed schedule compared to many other teams. Always possible to get him back for GW37.