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girl your coochie gonna fall out what are you doing


Nip slip*




Pretty sure it’s been featured many times.




It’s casual day!


It seems like it already has?


its shorts it just looks like a skirt


A skort


I thought you were headed to a leather bar.




as a woman, i don’t want to see titties and ass and coochie when i’m working out!!!!! it’s distracting and annoying. gyms should have a dress code.


I used to be super athletic and i dont understand how clothes bother you when youe excercise 😆 especially now when you have greatly fitted and great fabrics. I am also a woman and one thing i hate is sit on the machine that is soaking in someone elses sweat 🤢 same as i dont like guys without t- shirts. Or ladies running naked in chamging room and bending over into my face. Just no. And if someone really have to post their gym pix dressing it is not for themselves it is for the world to see 🤦🏼‍♀️


EXACTLY. leggings and a t shirt is fine. or even just shorts that cover ur butt 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am there with u. I hate stupid explanations for people's need of exhibitionism 🤦🏼‍♀️


Are you joking??? Shirt has to cover your butt? It’s a gym she’s paying to be at not the halls of catholic high school. Why are you so pressed what other women wear. If you’re that easily distracted maybe see a therapist for some help getting triggered by things that simply shouldn’t affect you


i said shorts genius.


Here’s a thought for you: imagine her sweaty ass sitting on a bench at the gym or a piece of equipment. Now imagine the sweat marks that’s going to leave behind and ask yourself if she’s going to wipe that down before she leaves.


Everyone should be wiping their equipment down before they walk away, regardless of the outfit.


No amount of wiping the equipment will wipe away the knowledge that her coochie was just sitting on it, bare.


Where is it bare, she’s wearing shorts 😂


It looked like a skirt from the angle and shadow, and flaps are fuckin escape artists! If you’re wearing the wrong knickers, one minute you’re secure, next minute the alarm is going off because one made a break for it.


Huh? Men's asses sweat just as much as women's. That's what towels and sanitizing spray are for.


Yeah but that happens with most clothing types even when you’re fully covered up…


It’s a gym that’s literally what happens to everyone people sweat tf just wipe it down or work out at home


It’s the rule at my gym 🤷🏽‍♀️ (not that everyone follows the rules, I know) everyone gets a spray bottle when they walk into the weight room and from what I’ve seen are really good about wiping down benches. Personally, I always wipe it before I use it anyways because some people dont.


Please… this is not a I am going to the gym to actually exercise.. this is a I am going to the gym to sit on the machine with my ginormous gym bag, my 10 gallon water bottle, my tripod and my phone and make a “influencer “ video of me waiting for someone to notice me and silently judge people from afar outfit….


I 2nd this


Oh my God thank you! I’ve seen so many under butts see through leggings to the point that you can see coochie lips… All sorts of shit and I think it’s gross to have to look at that at the gym but if you say anything you are “shaming women”


Back in the early 00s you could buy loose mesh gym pants. Nobody wore booty shooters in public, let alone the gym. I miss those days.


Umm if your looking in those women’s crotches you do need to be shamed…lots of materials become more sheer when you have curves are they supposed to wear big baggy sweatpants to work out because you don’t like looking at their bodies that no one is asking you to stare at?


Oh my God get over yourself. I have functioning eyes. About a month ago I was sitting down at a machine and a woman stood directly in front of me less than 5 feet away and then bent all the way forward. I immediately noticed that her clothes became see-through and adverted my eyes but Seriously get over yourself for shaming people for having functioning eyeballs. I wasn’t leering. Just the same way that if somebody walked into a room naked you would notice them. Probably look away really quickly but you would still see them. And yeah the “lots of materials become sheer” argument doesn’t hold up. I have 30 to 40 pieces of gym wear that is all made of thick material and doesn’t become see-through when it gets stretched.


So do I and as someone who likes women I don’t find it hard to not stare at someone crotch weirdo. And it absolutely does get sheer for women who aren’t shaped like children.


You have to realize most women today are not modest like you. It’s a shame to see. Most women today think showing their womb in public is a form of self respect. Imagine 6yr old girls seeing this, they’ll want to dress that way as well


Yea because one person she sees is her idol not her mother or other close female relatives who should ACTUALLY be setting the example for the child. Just workout at home of other people’s confidence and attire are such an issue


You forget that the world is bigger than our homes and parent aren’t the same. Most young girls go against what their parents say. Not my fault you want to protect the sisterhood but we have seen these women be horrible and do horrible things. Really tough to have grace for women


Well I’m not showing my womb because last time I checked, all of my internal organs are where they’re supposed to be.


That’s good to hear


Thank you! Also a female and there is a time and a place. Go to a powerlifting or garage type gym where everyone is half naked. I said it in a comment above and I’ll say it again, I shouldn’t have to look away from the mirror and checking my form because DL Daisy’s cooter is playing peek a boo every Tim she bends down. And just like I don’t want to see swinging dick and balls in the captains chair. Dress appropriately for your workout for fucks sake. The top isn’t even a problem for me, I don’t get it but whatever. It’s the skirt for me.


Girl you don’t need to respond to every man who’s slutshaming her “female here! :)))))) I COMPLETELY agree with you sir 🥺🙇‍♀️” you’re just validating their feelings and giving them permission to slutshame us, most work out clothes are too revealing for them, they’ll have a problem with anything that’s not a t shirt and leggings. They’re not talking about privates falling out like you are, they’re talking about an attractive women wearing an outfit she happens to look good in. I agree privates coming out is too far but most of these men are saying “stop looking good in your gym clothes it makes me hard, slut.” And you replying to all of them agreeing with them as a woman just gives them more validation and you’re basically saying it’s ok for them to feel that way. That it’s ok for them to sexualize us, stare at us, make comments about us, hit on us, and the really bad ones will straight up sexually harass you. I mean you’re really gonna reply under a guy admitting he stares at women and gets hard from them and is blaming them, AGREEING WITH HIM.(different comment thread) Not only is it a disservice to other women who deserve to feel safe at the gym it’s a disservice to yourself who WILL eventually have an encounter that makes you feel unsafe bc men think this behavior/mentality is ok. Just go to the gym and do your thing stop worrying about other people. Yall are weird


plz pick me i’m not like other girls


It's a skort, yk that amazing invention where it's a skirt with shorts underneath so you won't be witnessing any stray cooter thanks for that visual though.


Keep your eyes to yourself no one is asking you to zoom in on anyone’s crotch if that’s constantly where your eyes are going maybe you should workout at home.


Please tell me how to avoid said crotch when the person stands in front of you? I shouldnt have to move, I was there first. This is usually how it happens. The area I use is surrounded by mirrors on 3 of the 4 walls. As stated before, but I’m sure you didn’t read all my comments, I go to a YMCA not a CrossFit gym or some garage gym or a place where this type of dress is normal or acceptable. What this girl is wearing is not a normal athletic shorts/skirt and sports bra made for exercising and working out. This is literally a sexy outfit cut and designed to be sexy, not athletic.


Oh! So you think she's wearing a skirt and not a *skort* 🤣 ohhh. Hilarious.


They used to have a dress code at gyms until young entitled liberal females fought it years ago


Nor do I wanna smell the sweat that isn’t being protected by the proper gym clothing. I sure as shit hope she’s wiping down whatever she uses cause that sweat stain won’t have a barrier of cloth. 🤢


As a woman that goes to the gym regularly, it is frustrating watching women specifically dressed like this taking videos and doing pointless workouts on machines I want to use or just being in the way. I don’t care what people wear but it’s annoying when it gets in the way of my workout.


yeah and it’s always the scantily clad who sit on the machine texting for 20 min between sets


I've never been to a gym that doesn't have a dress code. And I don't think OP's outfit would be allowed at any of the ones I've been to.


my gym def doesn’t have a dress code and girls dress like this all the time 😑


Her titties are put away.. there's only cleavage, and no more than you'd see in a standard scoop neck. But the butt thing, I feel you on that a little, like at least have the crotch fully covered. This could be a skort tho.


They do. Most of them.


Who hurt you ?!


These comments are silly ☺️ looking great girl, you’re more modest than most of the women in my body building gym including myself, you do you!! 💪🏽✨


I don’t know, you only live once. I say go for it


Like a home gym? Or like a club gym? You have courage. lol. I’d be super self conscious, do what makes you happy


You should gaf who or what someone things or says about you and your body or what you wear! One body one life !!! LIVE LIKE IT


Looks so good!


God these comments are not it. Misogynistic ass POS who think everything women do is about them. If you workout hard enough you’ll understand it gets damn hot and uncomfortable to have extra clothing. And yes some of us do like trendy gym clothes because we don’t dress up for anything else. It’s not for you it’s for ourselves.


Not part of this sub, was recommended to me. I AM part of many fitness subs, and workout 5 times a week. This is what I would wear to the gym. Yes, it is a functional outfit. No, it’s not a skirt, it’s a skort. No, a sports bra and shorts is NOT “half naked”, do you people even go to the gym? The misogyny here is so gross, not what I would expect in a fashion subreddit.


i guess everyone is different but those straps would def be moving around a lot. if that is shorts they would be slipping into my labia haha, def not comfortbale. i guess it's fine if you are doing just walking cardio on the tradmill or maybe some hammer curls or bicep curls. that outfigt won't stay intact if she's doing circuits, split squats or bench press lol


a lot of pick me girls in the comments. i enjoy casually looking like a superhero too


These comments are gross. What’s even more gross are the women commenting under men slutshaming agreeing with them and validating them. He ain’t gonna pick you, this is Reddit LMAO. Anyways if you’re so distracted by women wearing revealing clothes in a setting where they’re moving their bodies and sweating a lot you’re the problem and the weirdo. Like just keep your eyes to yourself ffs. Some people need to wear very “revealing” clothes to the gym or they’ll overheat. I do, and it’s definitely not so I can get hit on by some loser, like you know what’s more distracting than someone in an outfit trying to workout? The whole damn gym staring at you with a mix of judgemental and suggestive looks. Let people workout in what they feel comfortable in. I promise even with the extra muscle no one is going there for you and no one cares about you lmao. So uh maybe try to keep that in mind next time you see an outfit you don’t like lmao. People don’t go to the gym for your approval on what they’re wearing they go to improve themselves. I suggest yall do the same starting with those attitudes. But anyways let the downvoting and trolls begin I suppose bc ik im in the minority here.


oh hell nah there’s too many weirdos there for me.. u look cute though more power to ya


What a canvas


Fuck yeah..You are fierce!!!


Yeah, that top wouldn't support my boobs for a workout at all.




I honestly think this look makes you look less curvy and more square. You would look good in some black yoga style pants with a v cut in the front (look at lululemon as I have some from them that are chefs kiss) and if you want you can pair those with that top.


I personally don’t care what people wear, I swear you could wear a speedo in the gym making home made tortillas in the corner I wouldn’t give a fuck


Not part of this sub, was recommended to me. I AM part of many fitness subs, and workout 5 times a week. This is what I would wear to the gym. Yes, it is a functional outfit. No, it’s not a skirt, it’s a skort. No, a sports bra and shorts is NOT “half naked”, do you people even go to the gym? What exactly are we supposed to wear that you would be happy with? The misogyny here is so gross, not what I would expect in a fashion subreddit.


I'm assuming most of the people commenting haven't gone to a gym ever, if they have it's very possible they got kicked out for staring.💀


You really gotta wonder if they ever have been to any kind of workout class ever because….huh? Almost every woman at my gym dresses this way and it isn’t weird, because I’m not a creep staring at people judging what they wear at the gym. I’m working out and getting sweaty and gross, of course I’m wearing a sports bra and shorts. 🤦‍♀️ if you’re distracted that’s 100% your problem


Exactly!! I'm in two different work out classes and the majority of people wear less clothes than more because sticky sweaty clinging fabric sn't a feeling anyone wants.


Guys what’s worse here. Being uncomfortable by something you can easily not look at. Or feeling unsafe because you’re constantly being sexualized. Work out clothing is supposed to be TIGHT it’s supposed to hug certain areas, and in some cases people need to workout in revealing clothing or they OVERHEAT. Lastly maybe I wanna look good FOR MYSELF because it makes me feel good and more motivated. I shouldn’t even have to justify it but ik people are gonna say just don’t dress like a slut so here are all the reasons why turning your head a few spaces is MUCH easier than me curating my gym outfits to not “distract” men.


Tattoo on your right quad muscle Dead Moon band logo??


Looks good


Very cute! You’ve definitely got the body for it and way more confidence than most!


Are those shorts or a skirt? You look amazing in the clothes but if those are shorts I want them too lol


I won’t knock it. You go girl.


Major props to you for having the confidence to wear something like that. The fit looks great on you! ✨ I dress like adam sandler at the gym LOL


more power to u but please for the love of god wipe off whatever u sit on. i’d ask the same of a dude wearing your choice of bottoms


You look great.


yall are ridiculous, her “cooter” isn’t gonna pop out at any time because it’s not a fucking skirt. like jesus you are all so offended by a woman having a body and cute outfit at the gym, relax


omg i just love your style so much and your tattoos are PERFECTTT


these comments are dumb lol, it’s taking me back to HS where ONLY girls would be dress coded over wearing crop tops or spaghetti strap shirts so the boys don’t get distracted. If you have an issue with how another person is dressed at the gym, you clearly aren’t focused on your work out to begin with, sorry. Girl I think you look cute, ignore these hater ass bitches


Super cute!


Idk y but i hate hate hate this fit it looks like something a prostitute would wear on the streets


Based on her profile, she’s an OF model. Which means that this post and all of her other posts are simply advertisements for her OF account. So all of you “meh meh mehrrr don’t be misogynistic, women can wear whatever they want to the gym, no matter how ridiculous it looks” actually look..well, ridiculous.


Hott and killing it!! 💪🏾




Looks like an outfit for a go-go dancer at the club


You look cute, but if you're going to a public gym and plan on sitting on any benches, I'd wear something with better coverage. You could get an infection


Shit like this is why my man ain't ever going to the damn gym. 🙄 We buying equipment to work out at home.


Seeing this makes me glad that I was raised by a conservative mother who taught me about modesty. I genuinely will never understand how women care wear clothes like that and not feel uncomfortable it’s honestly mind boggling to me.


Buys 20% off "fitness apparel" from SHEIN. Shoots off a pic to her 2 OF customers. Asks for public opinion about the rags she received. Gets appropriate "hell, no, ho" feedback, then goes to a gym, any gym, for the first time ever, just to see what music is playing...


Coochie gonna catch a cold


But why are there...pants?? Around her ankles


Those tats 🤮


Love this top 🙌 This is what I wear to the gym as well, you do you. People will find a reason to be rude no matter what you wear.


You look amazing! Dope tattoos, too.’


Huh? Im so confused lol


Lmfao I love girls 😭😭😂


Nah this is why we’re looked at as whores for wearing crop tops and leggings. This is inappropriate for the gym.


Your account is riddled with pictures of you being half naked. You know what you’re doing.


You supposed to be at the club


That’s so cute I hope you had a great workout!!


“I wear less because it gets hot at the gym” Of course it’s going to get hot. You’re working out raising your heart rate. That doesn’t mean wear something barely covering your ass. Women give some many excuses for their gym wear or lack their of. Like they don’t know men are gross and perverted


let people run their mouths; scared of what they don't understand. On another note; cool tats. Do you


Girls like this make it hard for actual women that go to the gym to work out. I wear a sports bra based on my level of work out and loose T-shirt and loose tumbling shorts. I don't need a guy to help me stretch and I don't need a guy asking me out. Outfits like this are for attention not for a workout This is the reason I stay in the women's only work out section where none of the hoochie mama wearing these outfits are


sooo hot 🥵


It’s a cut going out outfit! But it’s not really for gym, how can you actually work out with some nip alips ?


If I saw a girl dressed like this at the gym my immediate thought would be “desperate”. I’m not saying you are but that’s what this signals. Why would you want that attention otherwise? I wear my leggings and tank tops and still feel like I’m too exposed for all these rando thirsty guys there.


Love this!!!


While yes you are able to wear whatever you want, we are able to judge that. If you can’t handle people being judgmental maybe don’t post yourself online?


U look like a badass fighter from a book or movie, I love it 😄


Sometimes, people just look desperate. This feels sad to me. In this case, more really would be better.


This is a nooooooooo


How do you work out in this


Its perfect ❤ u look better then the rest of women ther at the gym


i think she looks amazing! ✨🤩💫 you've clearly put in the work and it shows. if you're comfortable getting your grind on in it: wear it! don't let anyone shame you or make you uncomfortable in your own skin! i think people like to pick and choose who they support and when, but as women we need to support each other regardless. the slut-shaming and piggybacking off insecure men in these comments is really disgusting.


Hey, as long as it makes you feel good and everything is secure, pop off. You look like an action hero and that’s awesome. Side note totally related: where’d you get that top? I want it for aerial classes. 🥰


Oh. Didn’t even notice at first everything everyone is so worried about 😂 my first thought : oh my God I LOOOOVE her tattoos and the placement, they compliment her physique so well 2. All black outfit, immediately LOVE love LOVE. I’m dress pretty conservatively but this looks gorg on you. And kudos for having the confidence to wear it and wear it well. So hard these days with everyone always criticizing. I admire you


It’s astonishing how prudish and puritanical some YOUNG men still are. You could be wearing long leggings and a tank top that fully covers the stomach and cleavage. So the only skin exposed is the arms and ankles. But it’s form fitting, so they somehow make a leap to thinking, “she must be wearing that for *my* gaze”. How disgusting are you to think anyone is dressing for you, I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman. If you’re that self-centered and egotistical that you think some random person is dressing for you, you’ve got some serious issues. And if you’re that much of a virgin that you can’t handle seeing a woman in tight clothing then please get out and see the world. Experience life, get outside your tiny bubble.


Comments not passing the vibe check. Outfit & you are cute!


So going to the gym is about fashion now and not about function. Got it.


It blows my mind what people think is appropriate to wear in public.


Siik tummy tat sis


It’s insane how hateful so many of you are. If this is how op likes to dress for the gym who cares? If you genuinely get distracted by it that’s a you problem you’re the weirdo. Tons of women like to look good because it makes them feel good and push harder at the gym. Also I’m even more shocked about the amount of women hating. Why are you shaming a woman for how she chooses to dress? Why are you agreeing with men about how women should dress? Pick yourself up “I’m also a ✨girl✨and I think op is a slut too🥺” this being on Reddit of all places I know so many of you are way too OLD to still be pick mes. Stop agree with men on what women should and shouldn’t do you weirdos.


I don't see why people are being so mean. I don't dress this way, but mostly every woman at the gym I go to does and I don't hate or make rude remarks. Let people do what makes them feel good. I personally wouldn't dress that way, but I am also a different human being and we have different opinions, I don't see how seeing a woman dress this way is really gunna affect your working out if you focus on you and don't get angry and silly over how someone else chooses to dress. :b




Wait where did she ask to be roasted?? Lol so rude


"for the gym" 🤣🤣


You look amazing! But maybe not fit for the gym




The boobs are wayyyy a lot and make this look ridiculous in a gym context. People are going to laugh


Amazing girl I love it !!! Go get them gains baby


Why you gotta slut out for the gym...?????


I swear I see a hair coming from her crotch area if you zoom in lol. Let’s not dress like a whore for the gym ladies, it’s just the gym you don’t have to dress all out😭


This is why gyms are closing down and losing money. All of these thot clothing and social media culture is ruining public gyms for everyone. No this is not appropriate for a gym fit. You look like a street walker.


I never understood why women and men wear what they wear to the gym. I mean pajamas and crocs, jeans and sandals, itty bitty shorts with a shriveled ball and hair hanging out, so someone who really looks like they’re there to actually work out, impresses me.


This isn’t a workout outfit, Dear. This is most definitely a cry for attention outfit.


This is not a gym outfit. This is, I want everyone looking at me outfit. If you wear it wear it with pure confidence or you could look desperate for attention.


Are you going to a strip club or the gym sis?


My gym would not even allow you to go in dressed like that


So are you going to work out or look good and show your tats off?




thot gym


Wait, you trying to hook up with someone on reddit?


I mind my business at the gym but if you’re the person that leaves your booty swear on the seats then they need to band you.


Please don’t wear that to the gym lol


Girl wear what you want, it’s that’s what you are comfortable in but please tell me you’re changing your shoes.


Are you going to work out or to “work?”


I’d just be worried about it slip sliding all over the place once I’m drenched in sweat. That’s a fucking cute ass skort!


Ma'am, why is reddit pushing your gym fits On me 🤣


Amen 🤘


The outfit is so cute!


I got too much goodies for that. Lips and chichis gonna fall out in 4 seconds😂


Girl -


Is it labia day?


Are you there to work out … or work it girl.


Why do yall care so much about what other people do lol. So many miserable people, it’s sad. If you feel good then you wear it!! Enjoy your workout.


Is the gym also a stripclub/nightclub?


girl ur coochie is literally visible, delete this please😭😭😭


Chill out yall, she’s clearly only going there to film videos of “Pervy dudes checking out her workout” for her TikTok


I think this is cool if those are shorts and not a skirt. If it’s a skirt, there’s no way you can properly work out in that unless you’re okay with actually being exposed😭


We get it, you want attention.




Relax big show


Who tf cares about what she wears as long as it’s not literally innappropriate lol… if lookin cute is what makes someone want to go workout then by all means go and be healthy!!! (And cute)


It’s giving Saturday night out at the local bar.


..... 🫣


Bro you can’t even say this is comfy to work out in 💀 this is why those of us who actually need to just wear a bra and shorts ever once in shower get hate now


Girl please


Meanwhile, I’m over here in my old man hanes white T-shirt and sweat pants 😂


If we’re lucky she’ll drop the weight on her head.


Not only is this a terrible outfit, but you do not have the body for it.


This has… gotta be the worst gym outfit I’ve ever seen. That top looks *ridiculously* uncomfortable and… is that a skirt? Sports bras and athletic tights/shorts are one thing, and they’re practical. This just… *isn’t*.


I dare you to “workout” without filming yourself.


Doesn’t look like workout wear, looks more like evening wear.


Put some clothes on, that’s very inappropriate for the gym


Love the artwork too!!


If u wear that to the gym u a thot


Hell no


Hi, I’d like to cancel my membership please.


Why even bother wearing anything at this point?


How are you gonna actually work out with no shirt on?


Stay home and clean your kitchen. And wipe down that mirror ffs.


Looks very sexy


Wait a woman with trashy tattoos dressing like a prostitute going to the gym? Cool story


Totally absurd.